Regret & Hope

Flowers and Ink

"I ed up everything."

"How can you be so sure?" Namjoon asked, staring at Yoongi with a confused look on his face. There have to be times that Yoongi is thankful for his friends. He hates telling them that he appreciates them, but now is a time that he is rather appreciative of them. Yoongi called Namjoon right after Seokjin left and his best friend was in his apartment in less than 15 minutes. That's not the best part about it though, he even brought Hoseok and Jimin with him and Namjoon lives all the way across town from him. In one of his few times of need, Yoongi is quite thankful for his supportive friends.

"He kissed me and ran, that's how. He probably realized I got because of him and ran because he didn't mean it or something..." Yoongi was really on the verge of tears for once. He was just so sure that he ruined everything that it shattered his fragile sense of mind. He hated being this weak, but this is the effect that Seokjin had on him. In all definitions of the word, Yoongi feels rejected for something that wasn't even in his control.

"Oh my god, Yoongi, you're being a complete idiot." Hoseok said before flopping on the couch right next to Yoongi. Their eyes met and it was obvious that Hoseok was being serious, despite his casual tone of voice. If there's only one thing Yoongi hates about Hoseok, it's that he may seem like one of the most casual people anyone could meet but he's secretly very serious about a lot of things. "You're such a pessimist that you can't even process what you just said. You overthink absolutely everything and it's going to be your downfall."

"Yeah, sure, tell me what I should be thinking of then." Yoongi glared at Hoseok while he waited for an answer. His attention was diverted by Jimin coming back into the room with four bottles of beer for them. Namjoon got one, then Hoseok did, and lastly Yoongi recieved one. "Thanks." Yoongi said quietly before drinking a little more than half without taking a breath. Jimin sat on his other side and now Yoongi was cornered. Namjoon was sitting on the coffee table, and now tweedle dee and tweedle dumb were on either side of him. He was stuck.

"Hyung, Seokjin kissed you!" Hoseok said after putting the beer down on the table that Jimin handed him without drinking any of it. The two shared a look across Yoongi for a moment, but Yoongi couldn't read it. He was too busy dying on the inside to try to figure what was going on between them. "We didn't even have to... Um. Well, I didn't have to force this to happen, it happened all on it's own!"

"He has a point." Namjoon said, making Yoongi roll his eyes. It was clear to Yoongi what happened between them, but he just doesn't understand why he feels so guilty. Seokjin running had to be his fault, right? Though his mind realizes that his friends are right, he can't let himself admit it because of the conflicting ideas in his head. "Do you know how many times Hobi hyung has tried to set you up? "

"32 times." Yoongi replied, getting surprised looks from the trio. Apparently it was the right answer, thanks to Jimin's suprised clapping giving that away. The only thing that this is telling about his trio is that they are desperate for Yoongi to get laid if they've tried that many times to get him to actually date someone. It's quite pathetic really, that they're more interested in Yoongi's love life than Yoongi is. Sure, there were interesting people they attempted to set him up with, but Yoongi just wasn't interested in anyone on any level close to his interest level in Seokjin. He really is a first for Yoongi. Seokjin is his first legitimate crush, and his first major mistake.

"Have you been keeping count or something?" Hoseok asked, looking the most shocked out the three around him. Yoongi shrugged and drank more of his beer. This isn't what matters right now. "Well, anyway, it's obvious that Seokjin really likes you if he's going to kiss you like that."

"Hyung talks about you all the time to me." Jimin said before giggling. Wow, Yoongi has really forgotten how horrible Jimin's alcohol tolerance is since this is the first time that the four of them have been drinking together in months. As long as he doesn't actually get drunk here, everyone will be fine. "I don't think he realizes that we know each other yet."

"I've talked about you to him before, I just haven't said your name." Yoongi said, suddenly feeling more than the rest of the people in his tiny apartment. He put his beer on the table next to Namjoon and stood up, looking for where Seokjin put his shirt after it was taken off. He was too busy focusing on how electrifying Seokjin's fingertips felt on his skin than to pay attention to where his shirt went.

"But anyway, Yoongi, Seokjin does actually like you whether you can admit it to yourself or not!" Hoseok said as Yoongi reclaimed his seat, now wearing his shirt after finding it on the ground behind his other couch. He found this hard to believe, but he knows that Hoseok doesn't joke around about people's feelings like this. "If your crush on him was obvious, then his is tenfold!"

"Sure." The sarcasm in Yoongi's voice was the clearest thing that had come out of his mouth other than his profanity. Yoongi grabbed and finished drinking his bottle of beer and sighed. He's going to need another one to cloud his feelings enough that maybe he can understand the whole situation how it should be.

"At least you could hide your crush well." Namjoon said with a dimpled smile. "I've seen people ask Seokjin about your friendship in the flower store and he's always gotten flustered talking about you. It's really kind of cute. You're a lucky bastard, Yoongi. I wish someone liked me that much..."

"That's the problem... I think I'm in love with him." Yoongi regretably admitted, pouting. There was no way he was going to win this! He can't make his friends do anything different than what they're doing now and he can't win against his own feelings. He always knew his friends were smart but he didn't think it would actually be used against him for something so important to him. Worse yet, his mind knew that they were right and he couldn't do anything about it. "I'm such an idiot. I can't believe I let myself fall for someone..."

"Why?" Jimin asked, probably faking his confusion. "Because you have the hots for someone and it's never happened before?"

"Yah, I've liked people before." Yoongi pointed at Jimin's face and glared at him. It's been a very long time since the last time Yoongi actually liked someone, but that was still child's play compared to how hard he's fallen for Seokjin. He hates having to admit his feelings, but there was no way he could hide this from his friends anymore...

"Yeah, but hyung, you're in love! For the first time ever, you're in love!" Hoseok said before a very soft, but sobering slap came to his face from Yoongi. "Yah! I am trying to help you here, what was that for?"

"Shut up." Yoongi said before Namjoon stood up suddenly. He flinched when Namjoon lifted his hand and his friends had to surpress smiles, and it was obvious that they were. Yoongi hates them so much right now, but that might just be the alcohol talking. "I'm not in that much love with Seokjin. It's probably just a fling or something. I'll get over it in a week, I'm sure."

"If there's anything you're not good at, it's lying." Hoseok said, getting nods from Namjoon and Jimin. "In my experience, it's only people who are in love that would freak out this badly because something great happened, and then even try to deny it even happening because they can't believe it. You're even blaming yourself for something you couldn't have controlled. Face it hyung, you're in love. It's probably not even your fault that Seokjin left, I'm sure he had a reason that wasn't about you getting a ."

"You guys are the worst and I hate you all." Yoongi said before all was cut off by Jimin's phone going off, playing Barbie Girl. Out of all the songs that could have went off, this is probably one of the least surprising ones. Jimin may want to seem cool, but there are some things that will never change from when they all first met. One of those things is probably going to be his secret love of the song Barbie Girl.

"Oh, it's Seokjin hyung." Jimin answered it while everyone's interests were piqued. Why would Seokjin call Jimin? Was it going to be about the kiss and run like they've all been talking about? There was no way to know unless they allowed them to keep talking. "Hey, hyung. You're calling late, what's up?"

All was quiet now that the one person who had been causing Yoongi to freak out so badly was calling one of them.

"Oh, Yoongi hyung? Yeah, what about him?" Jimin nodded a couple times and gasped. Yoongi died on the inside hearing his name be mentioned and hoped to god or whatever is listening that it was going to be positive and not a worst case scenario, like he never wants to see or talk to him ever again. "Really? Oh my god!"

"What? What?" Hoseok was asking, damn near crawling over Yoongi to get closer to the phone so he could hear too. Jimin pushed him away and continued nodding. Hoseok laid across Yoongi's lap so he could still be close enough to hear parts of the phone call but not close enough for Seokjin to hear him talking to find out what he's saying. Yoongi wanted to push him off, but listening to their call was more important than any discomfort Hoseok could give him.

"Hyung, you're missing a couple of his tattoos." Jimin said plainly, recieving a gasp on the other end of the line that all three of the others could hear without having to get close to it. "Yeah, he has three more on his back and one on his right thigh." Jimin paused for a second while the three of them could hear incoherent yelling on the other side of the phone. "How would I know? Hyung, I have known him longer than I've known you! I was the guy who tattooed his newest piece! Of course I would know where his others are!"

Hoseok looked at Yoongi and put his hand on his left thigh after he pushed himself up so he wouldn't be on top of Yoongi's tattoo that apparently he hasn't seen. It was awkward to Yoongi that Hoseok wouldn't know about this one, since he was the one who took him out drinking after he got it. "You have one on your thigh?" Hoseok asked in a hushed voice so Seokjin wouldn't hear it on the phone. Yoongi nodded and Hoseok was unnecessarily shocked.

"It's big. At least 20 stars in a swirly pattern all over my thigh." Yoongi whispered before pulling open one of the slits on his jeans, revealing a couple stars like he said there would be. Hoseok pulled open some of the other slits and found even more stars on other parts of his thigh and Yoongi just shook his head because of how awkward this must have looked. Namjoon only gave Yoongi a shrug, since it was obvious to both of them that Hoseok should have known.

"Wait, what?" Jimin was the one who sounded shocked now. "Hyung, oh my god. Seriously? And you left after that?" Now all three of them were interested in trying to hear what he was saying. What was the reason? Yoongi needed to know so maybe he won't avoid Seokjin for a week while thinking it was him. "It wasn't because of Yoongi? Then why?"

For once during this call everyone could hear Seokjin clearly since Jimin pulled the phone from his ear and Seokjin was yelling, probably from freaking out on his own. "No! I didn't want to have a one night stand with him! I don't even know if he's gay or not! I've ruined everything, I'm sure of it! Why do I always do this to myself?" Yoongi didn't realize that Seokjin would react like this about him! How was he to know? Yoongi never thought the feeling would be mutual- One night stand? What?

"You were going to Yoongi?" Jimin asked while all of the others were in a shocked silence looking at Yoongi and the phone. Yoongi shook his head and shrugged, he was just as shocked as Hoseok and Namjoon were. Yoongi still couldn't believe what he heard. Seokjin wanted to have with him? Did Seokjin touching his tattoos effect him as much as it effected Yoongi? "I thought you hated one night stands!" Everyone was on edge while they waited for the answer. Jimin put him on speakerphone so everyone could hear now.

"It's just- I do." Seokjin said before sounding like he was sighing. "I really don't know what came over me... I guess I've been wanting to him since I saw his tattoos for the first time yesterday- Hey, I'm on speakerphone! Why?"

"My friends Namjoon and Hoseok are with me, we were going to go to Yoongi's house since he called too." Jimin lied, and it was obvious from Seokjin not yelling at him that it was more believable than Yoongi's earlier. Yoongi was freaking out even worse on the inside now. So not only did Seokjin almost have with him tonight, but it could have happened yesterday if Yoongi wasn't tattooing Namjoon? What was this? Yoongi couldn't believe his ears.

"Yeah, he's kind of freaking out." Hoseok said with a giggle that wasn't unlike him but still was surprising. "He thinks it was his fault you left. He sounded devastated too.."

"It's not! I mean, it is a little bit, but I didn't want to do anything that he wouldn't have liked." Seokjin said, sounding more and more timid as this went on. "When you go see him, can you tell him that I want to see him again? I have something I want to ask him... In person."

"Okay." Namjoon said, trying to make it seem that they weren't with Yoongi right now. "I'm pretty sure that his schedule is full tomorrow, but the next day is one of his off days."

"Tell him that I'll come over after work then, please. I don't think I can face him tomorrow." Seokjin sighed. "I need to apologize to him, don't I?"

Yoongi shook his head while the trio looked at him. He didn't need an apology from Seokjin. It makes him feel better just to know that Seokjin didn't think it was his fault for running. "Nah, I think the most he needs to hear is that it wasn't his fault that you left after the kiss." Jimin said before patting Yoongi's hair. "Hey, umm, you don't regret it, do you?"

"No, I just regret what I was going to do after it..." Seokjin paused and it made all of them hold their breath. "You guys know Yoongi, right?" All of them agreed and it seemed to help Seokjin with the next thing he was going to say. "Is he straight? I mean, he hasn't said anything about it to me, but it doesn't seem like he's seeing anyone right now, let alone a girl."

"Hmm. I don't think he is, but you'll get a better answer if you ask him yourself." Jimin said, getting approving nods from Namjoon and Hoseok. "The most I know is that he's not seeing anyone right now."

"Is he interested in anyone? Do you know?" Seokjin asked, making Yoongi's heart do a flip for no reason. It made him feel bad that Seokjin thought he would be interested anyone but him.

"Hmm. I wouldn't know for sure, but it seems like he likes you a lot, hyung." Hoseok piped up, getting a glare from Yoongi. Yeah thanks for outing my crush, Hoseok, Yoongi thought, getting a confused head shake from Hoseok. Hoseok seemed to think that he was doing nothing wrong, but he had to remember that he was a little intoxicated so that might cloud his judgement.

"Yeah! He does talk about you a lot, so if he was interested in anyone, it could be you." Jimin said with a smile. "Well, I'll be sure to tell Yoongi that you'll come to see him on Tuesday after work. Okay?"

"Thank you guys, you're the best." Jimin was about to hang up, but Seokjin spoke up again. "Hey, umm... Should I bring him something? Like a 'sorry I wanted to bang you' present or something?"

"No! Just bring yourself, I'm sure Yoongi would rather just have you tell him these things yourself." Namjoon said. "He would rather be told the truth than have something that will remind him of what happened."

"Oh, okay. I might bring some food anyway, but thank you guys. I'll talk to you later, bye."

"Bye hyung!" "Bye Seokjin." "Good luck with Yoongi!" The trio said at the same time before Jimin hung up and looked at Yoongi. They all looked at him and it was obvious that he was embarrassed. He doesn't get embarrassed by a lot of things, but being talked about right in front of him is one of the few things that does make him get red in the face.

"So hyung, Seokjin will come over after work on Tuesday. Do you think you'll be ready to face him then?" Hoseok asked, getting a head shake from Yoongi.

"Absolutely not." Yoongi said, but he swallowed the lump in his throat that been there since Seokjin left him there. He had to admit that he wanted to see Seokjin again. Maybe he can get all of his insecurities off his chest and maybe Seokjin can do that too. It could go well? Yoongi had to feel a little hopeful about this, since he's mostly been self-conscious about anything to do with Seokjin. Maybe he won't be stupid for once... "It's for the best, right?"

"I think so." Namjoon smiled his dimpled smile again, obviously hiding a naughty smile. "Maybe you'll this out of your systems-"

"Ugh, don't say that!" Jimin hit Namjoon's thigh and couldn't help but smile too.

"Guys, let's just wait and see. This is between Yoongi and Seokjin now, I don't think Yoongi needs us here to keep making him feel weird." Hoseok said before standing up and pulling Namjoon up as well. Hoseok looked at Yoongi with an adoration he gets in his eyes rarely, making Yoongi feel embarrassed that it was at him. "I believe in you hyung, even if you don't. Who knows, you may actually have the one thing that has eluded you ever since before we met, a relationship with someone that you like just as much as they like you."

"Now you're making this sappy." Yoongi couldn't help but smile for the first time since everything happened. He really does appreciate his friends, and they've actually given him a reason to. Now it's time for him to be just as sappy as Hoseok sounded. He doesn't do much to prove that he loves them, but hopefully this will be enough for a while. He pulled the three into a hug despite two of them being bigger than him and gave them one nice squeeze. "There, I hope that's enough to prove that I appreciate your help with this."

"Wow, Yoongi actually hugged his friends and meant it!" Namjoon said as soon as they were let go, making Yoongi glare at him.

"Actually, I take that back. Get out of my apartment. You guys are the worst." Yoongi said with a smile on his face. He couldn't hide the fact that they helped him and he could tell that the others knew that he still meant his one compliment to them even after Namjoon . They all said their goodbyes and were on their way out of Yoongi's apartment when he pulled Hoseok back in. "Please just walk home, you guys drank today."

"Yah, I didn't even drink my beer, I can drive them home." Hoseok said with a loving smile. "You don't have to worry about us."

"Thank you for coming when I needed you guys." Yoongi said before hugging Hoseok tightly. It was easier only giving one of his friends affection than all of them. This way it seemed more like he meant it too.

"Ah, it's the least we can do." Hoseok hugged him back and wiggled them side to side. "You've helped us with stuff like this before, so I guess it's time to pay back the favor."

"Thanks." Yoongi let him go and they looked at each other with smiles. He felt proud of Hoseok the most, since it was him that helped him through his meltdown more than the others did. Jimin and Namjoon helped a lot, but Hoseok helped the most. "I'll see you whenever, okay?"

"Of course." Hoseok ruffled Yoongi's hair. "Have a nice night and a nice date, hyung."

"Bye." Yoongi said as Hoseok started walking away. Hoseok looked back and waved at him and rejoined Namjoon and Jimin while they were trying to work the elevator. Yoongi closed the door and couldn't help but lean against it and smile.

If there's any time that he really appreciates his friends, it's now more than ever. They're the best friends that Yoongi could have ever asked for. Not only did they help him see that Seokjin kissed him and helped him find out that it wasn't his fault he ran, but also kind of secured them a date on Tuesday. Now Yoongi's freak out is going to be about what he's going to do while he's talking to Seokjin.

He hopes it will all go well.


(A/N: tl;dr: No it wasn't Yoongi's fault Seokjin ran (he probably didn't even realize that Yoongi had a since he was just as conflicted as Yoongi was after he left), his friends are the gREATEST, and Seokjin was going to him but now they're going to talk it all out on Tuesday. Man!! A lot went on in this chapter. We finally met Hoseok and Jimin as actual characters and they were great at helping Yoongi realize that it wasn't all his fault and helped him feel better. This is a little more on the serious/angsty side, but the next one won't be so ???. This is the story I'm most proud of and I hope you guys look forward to the next update! I love all of you~)

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Natashabird #1
Chapter 12: Awwwwwwwwwww. I'm lovin The story. Yoonjin for life!!!!!!! Every couple is so cute ;) I can't. Good job author. Keep going. Can't wait for the next update
afbahrah #2
Chapter 12: Awww~ jungkook really adorable and yoonjin! Gosh why so sweet :3 you're not alon Jin, I also curious what the old woman mean.
Chapter 1: Yoongi's tattoo parlor x Jin's flower shop.
Cold x Warm. Hard x Soft. Tattoo artist x florist. Hmmm,
Okay,it's great combination!!!
Miiis-Sweet78 #4
Chapter 11: Yoonjin is so sweet <3
loveforsin #5
Chapter 11: Wahh.. this story is so sweet.. those two is adorable plus jjanggyu.. I hope you update soon..
julianatomo #6
Chapter 11: I love it! Please update soon!! I really love it!
afbahrah #7
Chapter 11: I miss you and your update! Yoongi is a gentleman, and Jin awwww this man :3
Chapter 9: TAEHYUNG YOU LITTLE ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Vanilla_Llama #9
I'm really happy you updated! Looking forward to the next update as well :)
yukkikano #10