Tattoos & Touching

Flowers and Ink

It had taken a couple days before Yoongi finally calmed down and really thought of his feelings for Seokjin. He wanted to learn more about his older friend and get closer to him. They may have been confirmed to be friends, but Yoongi wanted to know more intimate things about him. What is he afraid of? What does he dream about? What does he stay up thinking about at night? Does he have a specific type? Is Yoongi his ideal type? Yoongi wants to know as much as Seokjin's willing to tell him, and maybe even more. He's never felt this way about another person before and it's tearing him apart.

It was a hot night, so instead of his normal long sleeved shirts that he normally wears while tattooing clients, Yoongi had to forgo the heavy shirt and just worked in his tank top. He was tattooing Namjoon during one of their regular appointments. Yoongi was finishing the chest tattoo they had been trying to finish for nearly half a year, and this was the only time Namjoon's schedule matched with Yoongi's. All that was left was finishing touches, and he was nearly done. Yoongi was happy to see that the lines on Namjoon's neck had been fixed since they last time they saw each other, but didn't mention it. Since he was busy with their on/off conversation and tattooing him, he didn't even notice someone go by outside. He didn't realize they stopped at the window and stared at his back and shoulders and arms while he worked. It was only when Namjoon pointed the would-be stalker out that Yoongi even realized something had happened, but they left before he could see him. Yoongi decided to pay it no mind, but Namjoon brought it up since it seemed to surprise him. "There was a guy out there who stared at you, hyung." Namjoon said before wincing from the pain. He normally holds up pretty well during their appointments, so this was nothing new.

"Hmm. Really? Are you sure that it wasn't at your chest tat or something?" Yoongi didn't care if some random stranger stared at him or Namjoon through the window while he was working. That's sort of the reason he has the tattooing station right in front of the window, so people would see his tattoos and possibly want to get one from him later.

"No, it was definitely at you." Namjoon looked out the window again and sighed. "Y'know, it kinda looked like the florist guy next door." He paused and snapped his fingers to jog his memory. "Ah! Seokjin! That's his name. I wonder why he'd stare at you, I don't think he's the type of guy to get tattoos."

Well, that piqued Yoongi's interest. It mattered much more to him than some random stranger did. Yoongi felt himself flush from the realization that suddenly hit. He's always been covered up around Seokjin. He's never shown Seokjin any bit of skin higher than his hands before, so it would be quite surprising to Seokjin that he would also be covered in tattoos. He's such an idiot for not showing him before. They've known each other for weeks, and yet Yoongi hasn't shown him something so important, how dumb of him.

"I guess I'll have to talk to him tomorrow." Yoongi said, finishing the conversation about Seokjin so he wouldn't have to deal with Namjoon giving him for his school boy crush he has on the handsome florist next door. He was pretty sure from their brief conversations about him that Namjoon might already know, but there was no way Yoongi was actually going to admit it.

The next day was particularly slow day in the tattoo parlor, so Yoongi put up a sign that he would be out and will not be back for a while, lying and saying that he was going out to lunch. With that sign being made out of various paper that Yoongi had around the shop and hung up, he went next door to the flower shop. It was his first time inside since the grand opening last week, and it was still as beautiful as ever. Apparently it was a slow day for his florist friend as well, whom was messing with the placement of the flowers on the main display. Their eyes met as soon as the door closed and he saw Seokjin blush. Yoongi just smiled and walked over to him. "Hey, hyung." He hoped it sounded casual.

"Hi." Seokjin seemed more awkward than he was the last time they saw each other. Yoongi purposely wore a blue t-shirt with the design from one of Epik High's old albums on it today and it was obvious that Seokjin was staring at the tattoos on his arms. He wasn't mad about it, just pleasantly surprised, that's all. He's never seen someone look at him like they were entranced, since normally he gets dirty looks from older people for them and others seem to ignore them or purposely avoid looking at them.

Yoongi thought it would be better to get right down to business before he was going chat with him normally. "So, one of my clients said that you walked by and stared at me while I was working last night. I wanted to know if it was true or if he was lying to me because I will kick his if he lied to me again."

Seokjin bashfully nodded and reached out like he was going to touch his arms, but pulled away before laughing awkwardly. "I... I did." He looked up at Yoongi's eyes for a split second and it was obvious that his curiousity was getting the most of him and it made him feel embarrassed. Yoongi had to admit that he thought Seokjin's nervousness made him cuter. He was knocked out of his thoughts when Seokjin randomly blurt out, "Can I touch your tattoos?"

Yoongi was surprised he would be so blunt, but nodded. There was nothing Seokjin could do that hasn't happened to him before. "Yeah, of course." His breath hitched when he felt Seokjin ghost a touch his arms. Once Seokjin seemed to deem it okay in his mind or something, he touched his arms with the most gentle touch Yoongi's felt for years. His fingers ran over raised lines in his skin and Seokjin was completely in a trance. To keep from going into a trance of his own, Yoongi decided to describe them as Seokjin touched specific ones. He had a couple for his parents and brother, and one for his grandmother, and others were just for fun because they looked good and even better on his arms. His right arm had a now complete sleeve and the other had small, unconnected tattoos that Seokjin seemed to ignore for now.

Yoongi winced once Seokjin rolled his sleeve up and touched one on his right shoulder that was raised higher than others. "Oh, sorry." Seokjin pulled his hands away and smiled awkwardly, probably thinking that it really hurt Yoongi. Yoongi's honestly felt worse before, he was just surprised that Seokjin would let his curiousity get the best of him, when he seemed so nervous before.

Yoongi waved it off to let him know it was fine. "That's the one I got a couple days ago, so it's still a little sore, don't worry about it." In fact, Yoongi went back to visit the tattoing academy the other day to see Jimin. He was only going to talk to him and ask about his progress, but Jimin insisted that he should stay long enough for a tattoo. Yoongi's always been a er for his dongsaengs, so he obliged. He let Jimin put a spider web, complete with scary spider, on his shoulder to finish out the sleeve after minimal pleads. Yoongi just smiled and got a matching one from his hyung. He could tell that Seokjin was still overly curious, so he decided to ask something that he's never asked someone before. "Y'know, if you want to see my other ones, you can come over tonight and I'd be willing to show you if you'd like."

Seokjin nodded enthusiastically and held his hands happily. "Really? Oh my god, text me the address!" Seokjin pulled out a pretty pink iphone and Yoongi couldn't help but smile. His hyung was so cute when he was excited. He was cute most of the time too, but right now was a little different than normal. Not that Yoongi would ever tell him so, he's way too nervous to do anything like that.

He pulled out his own phone and pulled up his contacts and laughed a little. "That would require having your number in the first place." He handed the phone to Seokjin and urged him to put it in while he did the same for him. Yoongi put his contact name as just 'Yoongi' but when he got his own phone back Seokjin put his as 'super cool Jin hyung.' Yoongi texted him his address to make sure that they put their numbers in correctly, which they did, luckily. There have been times Yoongi has given the wrong number because he wasn't being careful. "I close up at 10 tonight, so I could walk you home then."

Seokjin nodded excitedly, and then suddenly initiated skin-ship by hugging him around his neck, rather than what he normally does by wrapping his arms around his shoulders. Yoongi took it as being considerate of his new tattoo and hugged him back around the waist. "I'll be there! I'm so excited!" Then Seokjin did the unthinkable and kissed him on the cheek again. Yoongi felt his skin heat up where his lips touched his cheek and he saw Seokjin blush too. Seokjin let go and looked at his plants and started messing with them awkwardly. "Well, umm... I'll be there later, okay? I'm sure you have work to do, Yoongi-ah."

"Probably." Now it's Yoongi's turn to do the unthinkable despite his mind's better intentions. He pulled Seokjin back to him and pulled him down by the collar of his shirt and pressed a kiss to his cheek too. He saw Seokjin get a light dusting of pale carmine on his cheeks and the tips of his ears and smiled at him. "See you later, super cool Jin hyung." Yoongi winked at the end just in case it would make Seokjin blush more.

With that, he took his leave and went back to his own shop and freaked out there. He just kissed Seokjin on the cheek right after Seokjin did the same. Did Seokjin like him? Yoongi hoped so or else he just ruined their fragile friendship. Stupid Yoongi, what are you thinking? He seemed to be really interested Yoongi's tattoos and those gentle touches all over his arms must have done something dumb to his head. Yoongi just hoped that that whatever was going to happen tonight wasn't going to ruin their relationship.


(A/N: Back after a short break trying to edit this and get motivated to do this again. Thank you for the subscribers and the lovely comments!~ I will try my best to keep updating at a regular pace. I hope you all like where this is going, I know I do, heheh)

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Natashabird #1
Chapter 12: Awwwwwwwwwww. I'm lovin The story. Yoonjin for life!!!!!!! Every couple is so cute ;) I can't. Good job author. Keep going. Can't wait for the next update
afbahrah #2
Chapter 12: Awww~ jungkook really adorable and yoonjin! Gosh why so sweet :3 you're not alon Jin, I also curious what the old woman mean.
Chapter 1: Yoongi's tattoo parlor x Jin's flower shop.
Cold x Warm. Hard x Soft. Tattoo artist x florist. Hmmm,
Okay,it's great combination!!!
Miiis-Sweet78 #4
Chapter 11: Yoonjin is so sweet <3
loveforsin #5
Chapter 11: Wahh.. this story is so sweet.. those two is adorable plus jjanggyu.. I hope you update soon..
julianatomo #6
Chapter 11: I love it! Please update soon!! I really love it!
afbahrah #7
Chapter 11: I miss you and your update! Yoongi is a gentleman, and Jin awwww this man :3
Chapter 9: TAEHYUNG YOU LITTLE ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Vanilla_Llama #9
I'm really happy you updated! Looking forward to the next update as well :)
yukkikano #10