Accidental Help

Flowers and Ink

Yoongi managed to not think about the guy who's moving a store in next door for nearly an entire week before it all came down and was ruined within an hour. Yoongi opened up his tattoo parlor for the day despite not having any appointments, and within an hour a giant truck pulled up in front of his storefront and people began unloading things for next door. Now no one is going to see the parlor and no one will come in to make any appointments unless it gets moved! He was not having it today, and was going to complain to the guy next door.

He walked out of the parlor and went right next door to complain when the hot guy caught his eye again, helping move a large table into his tiny shop. He was only in a white tank top and tight acid washed jeans and Yoongi froze in place. He watched as he disappeared into the building and reappeared all while Yoongi was stuck in a feeling that wasn't fear. Sweat dripped off the florist's brow and he stopped once he saw Yoongi staring at him. He smiled and waved again and this time Yoongi couldn't run away. "Hey, you're the tattoo artist from next door, right?" His voice was so gentle and melodic that it almost gave Yoongi chills. He could only nod in response since he felt he lost his own voice staring at the perfection that was the florist next door. "It's nice to finally meet you! I'm Kim Seokjin, and I'm going to be opening a flower store next door to your parlor." Yoongi's body moved on it's own accord and took Seokjin's outstretched hand to shake it. He couldn't help but notice that Seokjin was a couple centimeters taller than him and he just looked much bigger than him proportionally. His hand was soft and his fingers were nearly the same length as Yoongi's own. Ah, he feels so weird! Why did he have to notice things like that? He's such a creep!

"Nice to meet you." Yoongi hoped his voice came out louder than a mumble. "I'm Min Yoongi, and, yes, Eternal Tattoos is my parlor."

Seokjin looked at his building that was devoid of any decoration on the outside and smiled proudly. "This is where my shop is going to open! The guy I bought this from was selling it really cheap because he said the neighboring tattoo parlor was being run by someone scary." Seokjin looked down at him and Yoongi felt self-conscious of the tight outfit he was wearing suddenly. Unlike Seokjin, who was dressed for the hot weather, Yoongi was in a tight black turtleneck sweater (this is why his parlor has air conditioning) and leather skinny jeans and boots that added at least a centimeter to his height. "You're not gonna scare me away, are you?" He asked, raising one of his eyebrows with a cute smile that was probably supposed to be a smirk.

"It really depends on if you're an or not." Yoongi spoke without a second thought or a filter on his mouth. The shocked look on the handsome florist's face said it all. He said something idiotic and rude. However, that shock turned into an awkward smile and Yoongi lost some of the tension he got when he said something dumb.

"Well, I'll try not to be an then. I really like this shop and I feel like it's gonna be the best thing that's happened in my life." Seokjin looked through the windows of his shop and suddenly looked enraged. "Sorry, I need to yell at these guys. I'll see you sometime, okay?" Seokjin almost ran into the shop to yell at them, but Yoongi grabbed his wrist and pulled him back from the door. "What?" He spat out, surprising Yoongi with as fast as his mood shifted.

"Do you need any more help?" Yoongi asked sheepishly. He's not normally this nervous about anything or anyone, why is it changing now?

Seokjin visibly calmed down and smiled again. "Nope! We'll be just fine." He looked into the shop and it was obvious he was still angry at the two idiot who were playing in the store rather than actually working. "Right as soon as I knock some sense into them, we'll be able to finish up just fine." He reached up with the hand that Yoongi grabbed and pat his hair gently. "I'm gonna have them paint after this, and you're wearing black so I'm not going to ruin your outfit just because you want to help. Let's talk some other time. Okay, Min Yoongi?"

Yoongi nodded and watched as he went inside the nearly empty shop and flip another 180 yell at the two young-ish kids who couldn't be more than 20 years old. He walked away as soon as he heard Seokjin yelling and closed himself up in his shop to get over the surprise of actually having a conversation with the hot florist. This was going to be be something that doesn't think he'll get over anytime soon.


The next time Yoongi saw the florist was the next day. Namjoon called said that the florist was painting the building around his shop and was nervous for the safety of the florist just in case paint got on Yoongi's shop. Though today was one of his days off, Yoongi had to come and make sure Namjoon wasn't lying to him. When he came around the corner, he saw the florist putting up painters tape on the edge of Yoongi's part of the building in little more than what he was wearing when they moved the tables and coolers into the building. Yoongi almost retreated back into his (closed) shop to calm down about how good the florist looked and then remembered that he came here to talk to him so he had to grow a pair and actually do it. He leaned on his building and watched the blond florist silently until he was noticed. Seokjin jumped back in surprise and clutched his chest through the slightly baggier tank top that put his distractingly sharp cheekbones on display. "Ah, you snuck up on me!" He said with a happy smile and he reached over and pushed Yoongi's shoulder. Yoongi felt weird and the touch twisted his insides in weird ways. What a friendly thing to do, though this is only their second meeting.

"What are you doing?" Yoongi asked coldly, though he didn't mean it to come out that way. Yoongi really needs to work on interacting with people he doesn't know as well as he does Namjoon and Hoseok. He still does this with Jimin from time to time, but he's finding ways to turn it down.

"I'm gonna paint the outside here before my sign comes in." Seokjin responded warmly, basically sounding the complete opposite of what Yoongi sounded. "My friends and I already painted the inside's base, so I just have the outside left."

Yoongi noticed that Seokjin was alone and sighed to himself. He was going to try to make friends with the florist, which is against everything Yoongi's head was telling him to do. "Well, it's a pretty big store front and those kids aren't here today, so do you need some help? I don't have anything to do today." Seokjin's face lit up with the brightest smile Yoongi has seen in a while and it made him flush with embarrassment.

"You'd help me? Like, really?" Yoongi nodded in response to Seokjin's question, which resulted in being pulled into a tight hug. Yoongi stood awkwardly and pat his back before Seokjin pulled away. Yoongi doesn't get hugs? He's made sure to train all of his friends that he isn't comfortable with skinship like this... But, it did feel kind of nice when Seokjin hugged him, but that is not what matters right now! Seokjin grabbed a big paintbrush and handed it to Yoongi with a big smile on his face. "As you've noticed, my friends, Tae and Kookie, aren't here because of something going on at their college and they were roped into participating in it. Anyway! Can you paint the door frame and the window frames brown while I paint the rest of this white? I'll be careful not to get any paint on your shop!"

"Sure." He paused for a second and looked the florist over with a smile. "I'm sure you won't get any paint on my shop, don't worry about it." Yoongi winked and walked over to the door and started working. While they painted the storefront, they chatted and Yoongi learned a lot about his new neighbor. It turns out that Seokjin is only a couple months older than Yoongi and has been looking forward to getting his own store for a while. He learned that his parents wanted Seokjin to become a doctor or an actor, but he chose to be a florist without their consent. Seokjin's favorite color was pink and he has a pet dog named Jjanggyu who he loves more than life itself. He even stopped in the middle of painting to show off pictures of the little white dog, and Yoongi felt himself smiling not because it was polite but because he was truly enjoying Seokjin's company. Yoongi felt his heart flutter a couple times when Seokjin would come right next to him to chat and paint and he knew that he was already falling fast.

Min Yoongi doesn't like people like this, never in the history of his life has he ever felt this way about another person. He's made sure of it! He didn't even mean to stay and help him paint his shop! Yet here he is, falling for the handsome florist without a care in the world.

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Natashabird #1
Chapter 12: Awwwwwwwwwww. I'm lovin The story. Yoonjin for life!!!!!!! Every couple is so cute ;) I can't. Good job author. Keep going. Can't wait for the next update
afbahrah #2
Chapter 12: Awww~ jungkook really adorable and yoonjin! Gosh why so sweet :3 you're not alon Jin, I also curious what the old woman mean.
Chapter 1: Yoongi's tattoo parlor x Jin's flower shop.
Cold x Warm. Hard x Soft. Tattoo artist x florist. Hmmm,
Okay,it's great combination!!!
Miiis-Sweet78 #4
Chapter 11: Yoonjin is so sweet <3
loveforsin #5
Chapter 11: Wahh.. this story is so sweet.. those two is adorable plus jjanggyu.. I hope you update soon..
julianatomo #6
Chapter 11: I love it! Please update soon!! I really love it!
afbahrah #7
Chapter 11: I miss you and your update! Yoongi is a gentleman, and Jin awwww this man :3
Chapter 9: TAEHYUNG YOU LITTLE ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Vanilla_Llama #9
I'm really happy you updated! Looking forward to the next update as well :)
yukkikano #10