
Flowers and Ink

Seokjin's P.O.V.

Seokjin pulled into his driveway that led behind the house, feeling a little self-conscious over how small and quaint his house looked compared to how cool Yoongi's apartment looked the times that he got to visit it. His own house could barely be seen over plain concrete fence, but Yoongi still gave him a happy and loving smile despite that fact. He hoped that Yoongi knew just how important this was to him.

"It's not much, but it's home." Seokjin said as he turned off the car and smiled at Yoongi to get his attention from the house. He was trying his best to seem cool about this when in fact, he was dying on the inside hoping that Yoongi wouldn't think it's as lame as it really is. "I'm sure Jjanggyu's gonna love you." He leaned over and gave his boyfriend a kiss on the cheek.

"Of course he's gonna love me, I'm Min Yoongi. Who doesn't?" Yoongi said while getting out of the car. Seokjin did the same, but lovingly rolled his eyes at Yoongi. Seokjin waited for him to come around the car to hold his hand.

Seokjin tried to talk about his house, apologizing about the size and how dirty the yard was, but he could tell Yoongi wasn't paying attention. It's okay, Seokjin told himself, it's his first time here and he's going to be curious about what everything looks like, it's okay. He let go of Yoongi's hand to open his door and he could already hear Jjanggyu getting ready to run out and trip them. "Why are you like this? Can you not behave like a normal dog?" He whispered to his dog through the door and sighed knowing that Jjanggyu couldn't hear him.

"Jin hyung," He started but was cut off by Seokjin yelling when Jjanggyu did exactly as he thought he would.

"Ah! Jjanggyu, don't run out like that!" Seokjin stood at the open door, looking annoyed while watching a little white dog ran around the yard at a speed neither of them could have caught. What a first impression to give Yoongi, 'Oh, yeah, I have a dog that I can't control very well, sorry.' Seokjin only sighed angrily and shook his head in disappointment. "He'll come in when he wants. I'm sorry." Seokjin concluded (but not without swearing under his breath), letting Yoongi follow him inside. He flicked the lightswitch on so they wouldn't be in the dark. "You were saying something, right? Sorry for cutting you off."

"Oh, I was just going to ask how big Jjanggyu is and then I saw him." Seokjin tried not to laugh when Yoongi jumped when the little white dog ran into the house past them with a bone in his mouth. He tripped over Yoongi's shoes and sending one flying into the middle of the kitchen. Seokjin sighed and grabbed it from under the table for Yoongi while he couldn't help but laugh. "Fast lil' , isn't he?"

"Sorry, my dog's an ." Seokjin said with a self-depricating laugh. "I can't do anything to control him. He never really liked me as much as he liked my brother..." Seokjin stopped when Yoongi grabbed his shoulders and dropped his shoe next to them. "What?" He asked before getting a kiss on the lips from Yoongi. It took Seokjin's breath away and he couldn't help but smile against Yoongi's lips. "Oh..." A blush dusted Seokjin's cheeks and he covered his mouth with his hand.

"At least I like you more than Jjanggyu does." As much as it touched him that Yoongi would say this despite Jjanggyu already ruined their night, Seokjin's face dropped. It made Yoongi look concerned and he pouted to try to make Seokjin smile. Seokjin really wanted to, because damn, his boyfriend is the cutest man alive, but there was something more pressing. "What? What's wrong?"

"My bedroom door has been open all day." Seokjin turned around with furrowed brows and walked further into his house, and Yoongi closely followed behind him. The bedroom door was opened into the hallway, and Seokjin sighed loudly. 'Why does he have to ruin my night whenever I bring people home?' On his bed were more toys and the bone that was brought from the backyard, with a happy Jjanggyu on top of the rumpled sheets. "Christ, is nothing sacred with you, dog?" Seokjin sounded completely exasperated from the little white dog, whose tail was only wagging.

"Yah, Jjanggyu, you never said hi to me." Yoongi said as he walked up to the bed, past the boyfriend who was having a minor breakdown. Jjanggyu stood up and walked over to Yoongi as he sat down on the corner of the bed. Jjanggyu stood on his thigh and sniffed at Yoongi's face, making Yoongi scrunch up his nose and look adorable. Even his own dog likes his boyfriend more than he likes his owner! What is it about him that makes Jjanggyu like this? "Why do you insist on giving your daddy such a hard time, huh?" Yoongi glanced at Seokjin when he said 'daddy' and Seokjin felt really embarrassed and felt his cheeks heat up entirely. Did he really have to call him 'daddy' while looking him in the face? Of course Yoongi means that Seokjin is Jjannggyu's daddy but it's still weird to hear it come out of his mouth like that. "Can't you be a good boy while I'm here, at least?"

Jjanggyu's response to that was a sneeze directly to his face. Seokjin jumped from surprise when Yoongi fake screamed because the dog started his face and pushed him onto the bed to stand on his chest to do it. Seokjin yelled at Jjanggyu to stop, and Jjanggyu just laid on Yoongi's chest. Yoongi playfully started groaning like the weight of the little white dog was killing him.

"Everything's... Fading. I can see the light..." Yoongi decided to make a joke of it before Seokjin picked Jjanggyu up and off of his chest. He put the dog on the floor and pushed the pup out the bedroom door before he had a chance to come back inside. "Before I go... I just want you to know..." Yoongi reached up like he was dying and Seokjin raised an eyebrow at his antics and Yoongi couldn't keep a straight face anymore and smiled at him. "I thought you had a really nice ."

"Those are your last words, really?" Seokjin asked while he pulled Yoongi up from his bed. Yoongi just nodded, with a cheesy grin on his face. Seokjin smiled while his boyfriend wrapped his arms around his shoulders and tilted his head to the side. A hand the nape of his neck and Seokjin was surprised that Yoongi was being so forward tonight.

"You do have a really cute though." Yoongi winked and Seokjin rolled his eyes, still happy that Yoongi thought he was attractive.Yoongi trailed kisses up his neck and stopped just short of his earlobe, his hot breath still wafting on his neck. "What did I do to deserve someone like you? What did I do to start dating an angel?" His soft voice turned raspy before biting Seokjin's earlobe and making him whine. He gasped when he felt Yoongi's teeth drag along his neck and did nothing to stop Yoongi's roaming hands. Yoongi's hands went down his back and held onto his waist tightly, making Seokjin lean into the touch. "You're so handsome," Yoongi said between breaths, leaving a mark high on his neck that Seokjin would need to cover with makeup, "you're everything I've ever wanted and more."

"Yah, Yoongi-" He had started to say when Yoongi bit the same spot. It's really sweet that he's saying these things, but it makes Seokjin scared. His entire life he has been told empty compliments and now someone's here telling him these things so truly to his heart. It made Seokjin scared because he doesn't want Yoongi to fall for him and be disappointed. "Yoongi!" He grabbed the younger's hands before they could reach his like they were about to and intertwined their fingers so Yoongi couldn't get away. Yoongi pulled away with a sultry look on his face, but lost it when their eyes met. "Babe... What are you doing?"

"I thought we came home for this?" Yoongi stepped back with a flustered look on his face and looked away from Seokjin's body. His blush looked absolutely adorable, but the reason he was blushing made Seokjin's heart hurt. He's disappointed Yoongi just like he didn't want to... "Was this not the plan? I-I don't wanna force you into anything, I'm sorry!"

Seokjin was flustered too, and gave Yoongi a hug so he wouldn't see his face. "It's alright..." He bit his lip and pulled away to look his shorter boyfriend in the eyes. "We'll get there, I promise. Can we just... Cuddle and watch a movie together?"

Yoongi hummed, and then nodded. He got a gentle smile on his face and it calmed Seokjin down. "Of course." Yoongi gave him a quick peck on the lips. "It's your house, we can do whatever you want... You can tell me anything, don't worry so much."

Seokjin's thoughts made him blush again, but maybe Yoongi woudn't judge him for it. He's seemed to be really tolerant of what Seokjin wants before, so he'll be fine with asking this. "Can we kiss more before we go out and deal with Jjanggyu?"

"I will never tell you no to that question, baby." Yoongi said before peppering Seokjin's face with kisses and making him giggle. Seokjin tried to push him away when it was getting too ticklish, but Yoongi gave him a couple kisses on his lips before he let go. "Man, you are so adorable. I love you."

Yoongi looked nervous when Seokjin didn't say anything, and he felt himself flush from embarrassment from the sudden confession. Seokjin gave him a loving smile, but he's not ready to tell him that yet. It really makes him happy though. To prove his affection, he gave Yoongi a slow and gentle kiss, making Yoongi hum and get breathless when he pulled away. "Let's go watch a movie. You can choose whatever you want."

"Okay. I'll get us something good." Yoongi left the bedroom first with a wink and Seokjin followed as soon as he kicked Jjanggyu out again, and grabbed a blanket from the bed so they could cuddle under it. He sighed when dog toys fell off his bed from when he took the blanket, and decided he was going to clean up tomorrow. Seokjin came out after giving Yoongi enough time to find Jjanggyu crowding around Yoongi's feet with a wagging tail. He watched them together while Yoongi smiled at the dog. "Yah, why are you like this? You silly dog... God, you're adorable." Yoongi kneeled on the ground and scratched behind Jjanggyu's ear with a fond smile on his face. Yoongi looked up and smiled at Seokjin too. "You're almost as adorable as your owner."

Seokjin smiled and walked over to him. "You chose something good?" Seokjin helped him up and led him to the couch. Yoongi nodded and sat so close to Seokjin that he was practically in his lap. He covered both of them and Jjanggyu joined them on Yoongi's side. Yoongi shifted until he was comfortable and put his head on Seokjin's shoulder when he was done.

"I found Mad Max... Hope you don't mind." Yoongi started it and pulled the blanket up to his chin, pulling it up a little higher for Seokjin as he did so. He looked up and Seokjin chose to kiss the corner of his lips, making Yoongi smile and look back at the screen as the title started to pop up.

"I've wanted to see it again, don't worry about it." Seokjin wrapped an arm around his waist and cuddled with him underneath the blanket. He is so glad that Yoongi is okay with just cuddling despite what Yoongi expected them to do. He's going to need to think of a way to make it up to Yoongi just so the younger man isn't disappointed in him...


They ended up watched most of Mad Max together, but Yoongi ended up falling asleep halfway through. Yoongi's head kept dipping as he until he gave up and leaned it back on Seokjin's shoulder and used it as a pillow. Yoongi fell asleep soon after. Seokjin was surprised at how quiet Yoongi was and his quiet and even breathing made Seokjin start getting tired. Seokjin didn't last much longer until he fell asleep too.

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Natashabird #1
Chapter 12: Awwwwwwwwwww. I'm lovin The story. Yoonjin for life!!!!!!! Every couple is so cute ;) I can't. Good job author. Keep going. Can't wait for the next update
afbahrah #2
Chapter 12: Awww~ jungkook really adorable and yoonjin! Gosh why so sweet :3 you're not alon Jin, I also curious what the old woman mean.
Chapter 1: Yoongi's tattoo parlor x Jin's flower shop.
Cold x Warm. Hard x Soft. Tattoo artist x florist. Hmmm,
Okay,it's great combination!!!
Miiis-Sweet78 #4
Chapter 11: Yoonjin is so sweet <3
loveforsin #5
Chapter 11: Wahh.. this story is so sweet.. those two is adorable plus jjanggyu.. I hope you update soon..
julianatomo #6
Chapter 11: I love it! Please update soon!! I really love it!
afbahrah #7
Chapter 11: I miss you and your update! Yoongi is a gentleman, and Jin awwww this man :3
Chapter 9: TAEHYUNG YOU LITTLE ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Vanilla_Llama #9
I'm really happy you updated! Looking forward to the next update as well :)
yukkikano #10