You, Me and Him?

Boku No Hime

A/N: Just like last chapter's. The conversation in italics is in Japanese and the ones in normal fonts is in English. And there is some conversation in Japanese as well < as in romanji >

"Ne, ne Hikaru-kun~ you free tomorrow? Want to go out?"

"Gomen Kei-chan. I got other plans."

"What plan?"

"A plan with someone.."

"Is it with a girl?"

"Etto.. I.."

"It's a girl?? Why didn't you tell me??"

"Hai~ Hai~ Listen, I'm going to tell you this once. Promise me that you won't tell anyone. Be it the JUMPers or whoever. Got it?"

"Hai. Yaksouku."

"Tomorrow I'm going over to her house to help her re-decorate her house. She seems too cute and helpless that's why I'm helping her. So there you have it."

"Can I come with?'


"Oh come on Hikaru-kun. Onegai~ I want to meet her too!"

"Oh alright.."

I hope Nazuna would not mind me bringing Kei-chan over. What if she toss me on the floor like Dai-chan? Kowaii~ Should I ask her if she is okay with it? I think I should, wait, it's 11 now. What if she is already asleep? I think I should leave a text.

Hi Nazuna, 
Regarding tomorrow, can I bring a friend along?
He seems to be happy helping us to paint the house.
Sorry if I bother you late at night.

Hello Hikaru,
Sure, why not. 
That way we can finish the work faster.
It's okay, you're not bothering me at all.
Well then. See you tomorrow.
Nazuna ^^

She is not asleep yet??
Never the less, she sent me a smiley!!
I should be getting some shut eye for today. I would not want to upset Nazuna if I arrive late. I also have to meet Kei-chan for breakfast. Ahh~ 
What if she likes Kei-chan? No!!!!! I must out shine Kei-chan tomorrow!

I told Kei-chan to be here at 9. Why has he not arrive yet? If he is late then I am going to leave him. I wonder what is Nazuna is doing right now? Should I send her a text? Or should I just wait until I get to see her later? Kei -chan, doko ni? I should have just leave him. 


"You're late. Do you know that?"

"Ah~ Gomen, gomen."

"Let's just grab breakfast and go to Nazuna's place."

We stopped by a small cafe for a light breakfast. There, I told Kei-chan about Nazuna. For every minute that pass, Kei-chan seems to be interested in her. I hope I won't have a competitor today. Sigh. 

After breakfast, we made our way to Nazuna's house. At first, Kei-chan was bugging me with all sorts of question about Nazuna. Before I could finish answering, we had already reached Nazuna's house. Kei-chan wanted to reach out for the doorbell, but we heard a loud noise coming from the the left side of her house. Panicked, the both of us ran to the side of the house to noticed a girl in pink lay flat on the ground. 


I shouted from the side of the gates towards her .

"Hai! Hikaru?? Hikaru!! You've arrived! Matte ne, I'll go open the front door."

I was kind of shocked when I heard Nazuna call out my name but at the same time I was quite happy for some reason or another. Kei-chan and I then went over the front gate so that she could welcome us in. 

"Oh..Ohayou Hikaru-kun.. etto...."

"Kei.. Inoo Kei desu."

"Ohayou Hikaru-kun to Inoo-kun"

"Nani? I already told you just call me Hikaru."

"Ah~ Hai~ Gomen~"

"EHHHH?? Hikaru Eigo hanashimasu?? Shocking!!"

"Shh.. Don't let anyone know about this ne?"

"Hai, hai."

"Pink gi?"

"Hai! It was custom made. After I got my black belt, I couldn't stand having a white gi so I ask them for a custom made gi."

"You are wearing a pink gi in the morning. Which means..."

"Hai, I just got back from my morning training but I forgotten to bring my keys so I had to climb from the side gates."


"Baka janai!"

"Hai, hai~"

"Inoo-kun, yoroshiku onegai shimasu"

"Yoroshiku Nazuna-chan"

After the introduction, all of us went in. While waiting for Nazuna to wash up, Kei-chan and I were given permission to look around the first floor. There was not much items laying around. I guess she must have thrown some away. There were four rooms on the first floor. The living room, the kitchen, the study as well as the storage room. I was looking around the storage room when I heard Kei-chan calling for me.

"Hikaru-kun~ Kocchi, kocchi"


"Kite mite.."

Kei-chan was in the study when he called. He seems to be holding on a piece of paper from a far. As I come closer, I realized that it was a photo. A photo from long ago. There were two of them. Both have the same person in it. A girl in pink dress and a brat. Did I called Dai-chan a brat? I guess I was kind of upset when I saw a picture of them together when they were sitting on a bench holding hands.  I could not believe that I am jealous because of two little children holding hands. Why am I jealous again? 

Before I could look through the other photo, I heard Nazuna's footstep coming down. Kei-chan and I panicked about the photos. Not knowing where to place it, I quickly hid it in my pocket. As she walked down, we try to get our composure right and smiled at her. 

"O..Omatase shimaa."

Nazuna looked so adorable in the huge dry fit that she was wearing. 

"Hikaru, Inoo-kun, let's start working ne?"



Throughout that morning , we all had fun covering the kitchen with decals and have the kitchen walls as well as half of the hallway wall covered in blue. Kei-chan and Nazuna was so excited about the colour blue that the ice around them melted   within a few minutes. Not only that, soon, they were both covered in blue paint.

"Ne, ne let's all take a picture together. Every time we cover a section, we'll take a picture. How is that?"



Nazuna had a camera laying around the living room so we decided to use her camera instead. Guess what? It was blue!     Kei-chan and Nazuna did a very weird pose together while I was at the back smiling. After the shot, Kei-chan wanted to have a look at the picture we took. I admit, we do look stupid in the picture but it was kind of fun.

"Nazuna-chan, where did you get the camera?"

"Inoo-kun, kore?"

"Uhmm.. Ano... Etto.."

"Nazuna, try saying it in English.."

"Ah! I bought it at a IT fair when I was still in Singapore."

"Kei-chan, wakarimasu ka?'

"Hai, wakarimaa."


"Frog orchestra."


"Hikaru is hungry."

"Ahahaha.. Gomen ne. That was my stomach"

"Let's clean up and then I'll fix lunch. Is that okay?"


"Hikaru, I'll go prepare the bath on the first floor and get some of my dad's old clothes for you to wear ne? Inoo-kun too. But you'll use the one on the second floor." 

While Kei-chan and I were busy washing up, Nazuna had already prepare some of the ingredient to cook lunch. When we walked into the kitchen, all that was left was to cut and cook. What a fast worker she is. 

"Ne, Hikaru, Inoo-kun, I've prepared drinks on the table in the living room. Etto.. You can watch the television if you like. Feel free to make yourselves at home."

I was quietly watching the afternoon weather forecast when Kei-chan suddenly had the idea of spamming Nazuna's camera. At first I was kind of against it but after Kei-chan's irresistible plea, I decided to give in. We really had a fun time taking a picture of each other playing around until Kei-chan wanted to look at the picture we had taken so far.

Kei-chan played the playback button and pressed the left button. Both of us were quite surprised that most of the ious picture were taken was too cute, scenic and violent?? There were picture which Nazuna had taken by herself as well as taking a picture of scenic background in Singapore. After which was a picture taken by someone else of Nazuna flipping her friend during Judo practice."

"Ne, ne Hikaru, I wouldn't want to anger her. Let's just turn the camera off and watch the afternoon show."

Nazuna's father clothes seems comfortable. It still has that fresh out of the oven feeling when your clothes is dried under the sun. Hikaru!! What are you thinking? Enough said. Go over the rice cooker and see if the rice has already been cooked. 

After Nazuna had washed up, Kei-chan and I help her prepare the rest of lunch. We did not exactly do much but just help to set up the table as well as the drinks. Dessert as well as lunch itself was made by Nazuna. Nazuna had supervise us when making dessert. After a while, Kei-chan and I was chased out of the kitchen. Something about letting her do the rest by herself. 

"Guys, it's done. Today, we have my special sweet and sour fish and stir-fried vegetable."

"Ne, it looks very inviting. Let's eat~"

"Dame! Go wash your hands first Hikaru."


Nazuna sure knows how to cook. I was looking at her looking at him. Never have I met someone like her and my whole life. Hikaru must have been lucky to have known her before I do. We had our conversation in English. Nazuna had also thought us a few new words today.

In Singapore, Nazuna had friends of different races such as Chinese and Malay mostly. She told us that kami, which means hair in Japanese means us in Malay. Sama, an affix to use to someone in due of respect means same in Malay. It was quite interesting to have known this. 

After lunch was dessert. Hikaru was quite excited to taste his masterpiece. Haha~ Nazuna and I decided to make a no bake cheese cake since the other recipe that we wanted to try was either too troublesome or that we did not have the ingredient for it. Hikaru agreed on it and she had supervise us on it.

"Hai! Hikaru, Inoo-kun say cheese~'


Hikaru had blocked my peace sign with his head. But it turn out great. 

"Kei-chan, take a picture with me and Nazuna..'

Nazuna had pass me the camera she was holding. Somehow there was an eerie vibes from her. Or was it just me? After their shot, Nazuna had ran over to my seat and taken the camera from my hand and took a picture of us as well without any help from a third party. Surprisingly, it turn out well. I guess she is used to take pictures by herself.

After lunch, Hikaru and I continue painting the hallway walls. When we heard Nazuna's scream. 


A/N: Hi. Author des. Do comment and let me know what you think ne? I'll try post again in a few days. Right now I'm plotting chapter 6. Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu ^^

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Ah curious what happened update soon!!!
no__im_asian #2
Thank you and Yoroshiku onegaishimasu
no__im_asian #4
kaze27 #5
It's off to a good start ! Update soon !! :D
i wonder who isss the boy...hnn