She Was

Boku No Hime

Dinner at Arioka's was quite interesting. Mr and Mrs Arioka told me stories about how my parents met. It seems that they were all from the same high school what more they were form the same class. Mrs Arioka and mom were best of friends while dad and Mr Arioka were the class comedy duo. They really have this tight bond between them.  I was silently laughing at their jokes when I realised that  Arioka-san was eating dinner while having his mobile phone on his lap. It seems that he was texting someone. Out of the sudden, I realised that my head started to pound heavily. My grip loosen and the chopsticks fall on the floor. Next thing i remember was pitch black. 

That's weird. I have never felt this strange before? Did I over worked today? I think not. It's just unpacking stuff. 


Is that Mum? It's her voice right? It must be a bad dream. 

"Mum...Mummy..It was a bad dream right?"

"Oh dear, she must have gotten confused. Nazuna, it's me, Mrs Arioka.."

Wait. She's not Mummy? Who is Mrs Arioka? 

I slowly opened my eyes to see two pair of eyes looking back at me. It was Mr and Mrs Arioka looking worried. 

"Ehh.. What happened?"

I asked,

"We're not sure. You suddenly out. Are you okay?"

They looked so worried.  I hate it when people look at me that way. It makes me feel like I did something really wrong.  I wanted to sit up but Mrs Arioka insist me to lie down until I feel completely better. For what it seems like eons I lied down on the sofa looking at the ceiling above. When Mr and Mrs Arioka was gone to the nearby drug store, I immediately sit up. For a minute there, I felt my blood ran down from my head. I nearly fell down from my seat when Arioka-san was able to catch me in the nick of time. It was quite embarrassing for someone whom you do not know to have done that.

"Daijoubu ka?"


He asked me if I was okay. I said yes. After which was just an awkward silence. Before I wanted to space out, I realised that Ariokai-san was looking at my bracelet. I showed the bracelet on my wrist to his direction and pointed at it.


Is it right? I think so I wished my brother was here. He is like a walking translator to me. But too bad, he decided to become a premenant resident there in Singapore. I looked at Arioka-san. He look as if he wanted to asked me something but it seems that something was holding him back. 

"Ano.. Wh..Where di..did you get th..that? It's kire.. I mean.."

I looked at Nazuna's bracelet and I asked myself, did I say that right? Kaa-san told me that Nazuna could not speak Japanese well so most of the time my conversation with her would be in English. But what Kaa-san did not know that my English is as good as a 3 year old American.  I wanted to ask Nazuna where she had gotten that. To me it seems awfully familiar in a sense. I could not have remember where I have seen it but I know that the bracelet Nazuna has makes me feel tingly inside.

He asked me an impossible question. He asked me where did I get that. How was I supposed to know? This bracelet has been with long enough for  me to remember. I could not remember when, where, how, why and definitely who gave it to me. I wish I could remember but I could not. I want to remember but I just can't.

"Nazuna-chan, are you feeling better? We brought you some medication. Here, let me help you.  Anata~ get me a glass of water for her."


Mr and Mrs Arioka seems to care a lot for me. I am not saying that my parents did not take proper care of me. No. It is just that I do not know them and they do not know me and yet they took care of me like I am their child.

"A..Ano.. Gomenasai.. I ruin dinner..."

"No.. It's okay Nazuna, anyway, we're almost done with dinner. I'm glad all of us are fast eater.. hahaha"

Mr Arioka passed Mrs Arioka a glass of water. She said thanks then she looked at me. With that gentle eyes, she took my hand and placed two pills and handed the glass of water with the other hand. I knew what i have to do. That is to eat it. Oh God, if you are listening to me, save me. I hate pill medication. I wanted to tell them that I do not want to take them but that would be disappointing them. I closed my eyes, popped it in my mouth and swallowed it with the help of that glass of water. 

That was my first time i have taken any pill medication. Right after that i feel warm and comfortable. Wait, I heard children laughing. How was that so? Everyone in Arioka's household are more or less adults. How was it possible? I probably had a long day and that I am starting to over excrete myself.  Can I just go home now?  I want to go home now!!

"Mrs Arioka, I feel better now. Can I go home and rest?"

"Are you sure? Very well, I can't force you to stay. Maybe next time you should stay over. Daiki will you home Na?"


"Ikara.. Just go!"

All the way home was complete silence. I think it's because of our communication problem. Could not help it though. I love English too much to understand other language and Arioka-san? I myself do not know. When we reached my house, I bowed and say my thanks.



And he walked away. 

I am very much tempted to asked about that bracelet of hers. Each time i look at it makes me feel tingly inside. And i want to know why. Has it got to do with the past? Kaa-san said that she was my playmate. I wonder if that has got to do with this? Daiki, you know what? When you get back home, first thing you will do is find that pink and blue album Kaa-san had said. Maybe that will solve some of your doubts. I hasten my pace and soon enough I reached home.

I went to my room and looked frantically everywhere for that album. Downstairs, I heard Kaa-san and Tou-san laughing. I wonder what was it about? I went downstairs and true enough Kaa-san and Tou-san was holding onto an album and on the table was the pink album. Kaa-san!!! I wanted to shout. I knew that she went into my room and took that albums. No wonder i could not find it. They were probably laughing at the picture taken. I took the pink album and open it. There I saw two chibi-tachi playing with water. Wait! That was taken at our backyard. 

"That's me!"

Of course, I know that chubby cheeks anywhere what more that orange trunks. It was in the summer and Kaa-san and Tou-san bought a small wadding pool for us to play with. Hold on, that girl, could it be Nazuna? She looked so different. Wait! She's Nazuna?

"Kaa-san, this girl.. Is she Nazuna?'

"She is! Can't you remember her? That day when she left for Singapore you promise that you will not forget her. What happened now? Hmm..."

If she is then.. I turned to the other pages of the album, I saw it. My memories became clearer. The picture that was taken from back then, was clear enough to tell me that she was my first love. 

All this years, I kept waiting, through the seasons I waited, I waited by the bench that we sat the day before she parted. There, I confessed to her. Even though I was still immature back then, I still love her. I want her with me. She understands me well. She accepts me for who I am. She was there to support me when times in school back then was difficult. I love her. That day, before we parted, for the last time, we were seated under that lamp post, on the bench I confessed to her. I told her that I love her. I told her that I want to be with her forever. But I did not want her to be with me because of me. I would not want her to sacrifice her happiness for me. I would not want to rush her as well. That was when I told her that i will wait patiently for her answer when she comes back. But I guess, some where through the years I lost hope and that part of me was buried deep inside of me.

Gomen ne Nazuna. Hontou ni gomen ne. I was afraid that you might find someone better there in Singapore. Nazuna will you give me another chance for me to love you again? This time I will not lose hope again. I promise. Kaa-san and Tou-san was still laughing as they were looking through the blue album  when Kaa-san suddenly asked, 

"I just remembered, Daiki, did you managed to give Nazuna the bracelet that you had saved for?"

The bracelet! No wonder it was so familiar. That was my farewell gift to her. After all these years she still has it? Now, I know that I have disappoint her. Nazuna, onegai.. mou ichido.. let me love you once more.. 

I Love You Nazuna..




This is the latest chapter do let me know what you think of it. Constructive criticism is welcome. Tomorrow is my Passing Out Ceremony.. Haha just telling.. Anyways, 


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Ah curious what happened update soon!!!
no__im_asian #2
Thank you and Yoroshiku onegaishimasu
no__im_asian #4
kaze27 #5
It's off to a good start ! Update soon !! :D
i wonder who isss the boy...hnn