It's Her!

Boku No Hime

"That bracelet.. The bracelet that the girl was wearing.. I've seen that before.. But where?"

Little did Nazuna and that man know that they were bounded by fate.


When I got back to my house, I realized that it was nearly time for dinner at my 'godmothers' house. It was such a waste of not able to eat the rice crackers as soon as I had bought it. After I took another shower, God only knows how many time I took showers today, I had trouble picking out a suitable outfit when I realized that almost all was not yet ironed. I managed to pull out an informal dress to wear and put on some accessories on my wrist and a matching earring. That blue lace dress was the most decent thing that I have that was ironed. The rest was mostly dry fits and shorts. I knew it was inappropriate to wear dry fit and shorts to a dinner invitation. With hair properly tied up, I make sure that the electrical   appliances were turned off and made my way to her house. 

She said that it was only ten house down the road. But now the question was is it on the left side of the road or was it the right side of the road? I wanted to call her but it seems that she was able to read my SOS signal and came to the rescue. She invited me in with a warm welcome. Even though her house is bigger than mine, her house seemed so warm and hospitable than mine. Could not help it though. It is still in the midst of cleaning up and so on. I took off my shoes and followed her to the living room. I did not expect for that person whom I met back at the family mart would be my 'godmothers'' son.

"Etoo.. Nazuna desu.. Yoroshiku Onegai Shimasu.."

A nod of acknowledgement or a faint smile would be nice. I feel like an idiot talking to the wall. 


She's the one that Kaa-san invited for dinner? Is this supposed to be a bad thing? Wait! This might be a good chance to ask her about that bracelet of hers. Is she wearing it right now? Did she said something just now? I'm sure she did. But what? I'll go ask Kaa-san later. Why not now? I'll pretend to help her with dinner setting then I'll just randomly ask her.

"Kaa-san, do you need help with dinner setting?"

"What do you want this time?"

How does Kaa-san knows about this?

"I want you to go entertain our guest. If not, you will not have dessert tonight."

"But..but.. I don't even know her.."

"What!? Don't give me that excuse! She's your play mate when you were young remember?"

"Really? I didn't know.."

"Go look at the pink and blue album."

Okay, what should I do now? Say hi to her then find that album or find that album and forget about her? I'll go greet her then I'll go find that album Kaa-san was talking about. I'll go do that.

"Namae wa Arioka Daiki desu. Yoroshiku onegai shimasu."


HI!! author des~

Do let me know what you think about this chapter (: 

I'll make an effort to release a chapter every Monday.. 

Yoroshiku Onegai Shimasu~

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Ah curious what happened update soon!!!
no__im_asian #2
Thank you and Yoroshiku onegaishimasu
no__im_asian #4
kaze27 #5
It's off to a good start ! Update soon !! :D
i wonder who isss the boy...hnn