I Think I Know Her From Some Where

Boku No Hime

" I can't believe I spent a whole day cleaning this whole house by myself! Anyway, it's been years since I last step into this house. It feel so weird to be talking to myself. But no matter. This whole house is mine. "

Above the some what loud music of 'till i forget about you by Big Time Rush, I heard a frog orchestra comming from my stomach. I knew that I have to get something to eat but it is an hour away from my dinner invitation.

 Hi! My name is Nazuna.

I was born in Japan, lived my childhood life here in Japan but ten years ago, my family have to move to Singapore due to my parent's working condition. It was not a total lost. Singapore have a very good education system and it is sunny there in Singapore. Even though I had a chance to complete my University education in Singapore, i have always wanted to go back to my home country and complete my education there. With that set, I had gotten on a plane and flew back where I was originally from, Japan.

Few hours ago...

As I was walking on the pathway, I realised that everything had look so different. I could barely recognised the neighbourhood. I even had trouble finding my own house with all the Hiragana and Katakana sign messing with my head. Luckily I was able to contact a help line. 


"Nazuna.. When you're lost, call this number.."

"Mum.. Isn't this a Japanese residence number? You know how bad my Japanese are? I can't even introduce myself correctly."

"Don't worry dear, she can speak, read, write and understand English well."

End of FlashBack

*Dialling numbers...

"Umm.. Hello.. My name is Nazuna. And my mother..."

"Nazuna-chan! It's been awhile! How are you?"

"Ma'am, I'm lost currently. I'm not sure how to go back to my house."

And so, through the telephone, my 'godmother' was able to direct me to my house.

"Nazuna-chan, later on please come to my place for dinner okay? Your mother wants me to see you have a proper dinner on your first night in Japan."

"Un.. Yes Ma'am, I'll be there. Thank you."

The time now is about five in the evening. The frog orchestra was getting louder. I really wanted to do something about it but what can I do?  I walked up to my room to get my blue wallet and walk out of the house to visit the nearby family mart. I should  get some basic supplies such as bread rolls, rice crackers for breakfast and evening snacks while I'm at it. Toilet supply such as soap, shampoo, toothpaste and toothbrush and so on. 

I was walking down on of the aisle when I noticed that there was a packet of rice crackers left. It's been a while since I have eaten rice crackers. I hasten my pace and reach out to the rice cracker to find out that there was an arm that is also reaching out to the rice cracker.

"S-sorry.. I.. I mean.. Gomenasai~"

I wondered if I had said it right.


He said. 

"Ko-kore.. Wa-watashi.. Ano.."

 Lost for words, I did not know what to say. But what I hope is that the stranger was able to read my gestures. I wanted him to have the rice crackers instead.

"Iie.. Boku wa daijoubu des.."

I had no idea what he meant but I just bowed and thanked him.


"That braclet.. The braclet that the girl was wearing.. I've seen that before.. But where?"

Little did Nazuna and that man know that they were bounded by fate.


Hi! Hi! This is my first time writing fanfic for HSJ < i do write fanfic for anime though (: > 

Anyway, do leave comment on what i can improve on.

Thank you! (:

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Ah curious what happened update soon!!!
no__im_asian #2
Thank you and Yoroshiku onegaishimasu
no__im_asian #4
kaze27 #5
It's off to a good start ! Update soon !! :D
i wonder who isss the boy...hnn