A Smooth Partnership

Tumbling Into Wonderland



"So...can you sing?" Hoseok asked curiously, tapping his fingers on the table and looking over at Yoongi who was leaning back on his chair in a relaxed manner.

The elder of the two snorted and let out a an amused smile at the idea. The smile was small and fleeting but it was the first one Hoseok had ever seen on the other's face. He had been beginning to question whether or not it was mechanically possible.

"Trust me, I wouldn't even wish that on my greatest enemy. No, we'll rap," he admitted before deciding firmly, glancing at him.

Hoseok laughed at the self deprecating jibe and chimed in, "I'm probably worse. What should we rap about? Getting out of detention? Life problems?" He proposed.

"Nah, that's too cheesy. How about we each write about our dialects. Since mine is obviously better, it should be pretty difficult for you," he leaned back on his chair with a smirk that Hoseok wanted to rip off his face.

"No mine's better. Open your ears and listen without being biased and you'll agree too,"

"I think it sounds so out of place here. If I'm being honest you sound like a--"

"Don't you dare finish that sentence, you rude--"

"Or you'll do what?"

Hoseok got a face full of unblemished, smooth skin and a smug raised eyebrow as Yoongi leaned in. He could feel his blood pressure rising. Looking at the clock, time couldn't be going any slower.

Why on earth did he think that we could work together? At least in the morning we don't even have to communicate.

"You two, I'm not keeping you here to flirt. I'm expecting lyrical genius, understand?" He called out at them, making them realise that everyone else was watching their brief argument. Looking far too amused for Yoongi's liking Hoseok realised when his partner broke his gaze and turned towards the others.

"Keep staring at me and I'll carve your eyes out one by one, just wait," he threatened with a calm voice, causing the other groups to turn away rapidly as if they had just been burned.

"Alright, you write your own rap about Gyeongsangdo and I'll write mine about Joella and we'll see what we've written and practice together before performing," Hoseok proposed and from Yoongi's short nod, he could tell that the elder approved of the idea and looked vaguely excited.

Hoseok couldn't believe this but about a month of knowing Yoongi and seeing him everyday, he was able to decipher his blunt and stiff manner of communication. He didn't know whether to be proud of himself or frustrated at the grumpy boy's inability to conform to the normal.

A nod from Yoongi usually meant, "Great, let's do this!' and a small smile was the equivalent to anyone else's laughter or grin. It was disconcerting and Hoseok called it 'emotional constipation'. He figured his partner was born with it and his heart went out to his parents.

Imagine dealing with him every day. Oh the horror! Just thinking about made him recoil a little.

The next twenty minutes were spent in complete silence as they both scribbled furiously, not looking up once.

Coming up with lyrics on the spot was harder than he imagined. He looked over what he'd just written with a scrunched up face.

Adding a few more words wasn't difficult, making it flow was what . But since he occasionally practices rapping at home, this wasn't new to him.

Hoseok had a rough idea of what kind of flow he wanted but he didn't know what Yoongi would think of his work.

Reading the lyrics he'd just written about his hometown in his head, he nodded in satisfaction.

"Hey, Yoongi. I'm done. It's not really long but it's all I could come up with in such a short space of time," he scratched the back of his neck, slightly embarrassed that he would have to show everyone his work. Fingers crossed that he didn't get laughed at.

The older boy's eyebrows tightened and he looked over at him with a flat, displeased expression, "Yoongi? Am I your friend? No." and if they weren't in detention, Hoseok was sure he'd be supporting a black eye. Thank God for small mercies then.

But he could feel himself bristle under the comment. After all the progress he thought they'd made, now they were back to square one. He could see why everyone steered clear away from him in class and in the hallways.

How the hell were they supposed to work together or even function when the black haired boy was always so aggressive and rude? Not one to get angry easily, Hoseok was surprised when his eyebrow began twitching as he glared down at the other boy. Yoongi was this close to making him flip.

"Excuse me your majesty, but clearly I missed the memo that highlighted how special you are compared to everyone else that's here," his words were sarcastic and cutting, "And if only your friends are allowed to say your name then I guess it means that no one does. I can't imagine anyone wanting to ever willingly put up with you," he sneered, feeling mean but not really caring.

Although he was almost always a laid back, happy person - he'd never been a pushover and never would be. Under no circumstances would he let Min Yoongi walk all over him. He treated people how they treated him so none of this was his fault. So why did he feel guilty? 

For a second, he swore he saw something akin to hurt flash in Yoongi's eyes but it was gone before he could double check.

" off," he growled menacingly and to Hoseok's shock, he stormed out of the detention room, slamming the door behind him. He thought he'd get punched but he was surprised that the other boy actually left detention.

There was no point in that, he'd just get handed another one. This was angriest he'd ever seen though and Hoseok couldn't help but wonder what triggered him.

After hearing the crack, their supervisor ran to catch up to him but he doubted it would be successful.

Unable to subdue his curiosity, he leaned over to the plain piece of paper that he'd left behind and read what it said.

Hello misters,
my hometown is Daegu
So today, I’ll rap in satoori
Let’s play,
not caring about
the other boys and girls

When it comes to Kyeongsangdo,
the successors of Silla’s Hwarang
keep growing.
When it comes to satoori,
Gyeongsangdo is the best
It’s tasty and sounds good,
perfect for our sentiment.

Is that the guy? Do you know this phrase?
Gyeongsangdo is bad? Who says!
What are you saying? Gyeongsangdo is all
about sharing, why don’t you come here and
see for yourself?

Forget it! I’m a Daegu guy so I don’t say things twice.
Yes, yes, Gyeongsangdo is the best,
I’ll just give it to you,
we’re not strangers.

Hoseok's eyes widened. The lyrics sounded so passionate that it was almost weird to imagine them coming from the bad mannered boy.

He looked back at his own work and began to make a few adjustments, making his lyrics a reply of some sorts. He reread the new and improved rap with satisfaction and it was at that moment when Yoongi entered the classroom again looking livid, with a smug looking Mr Kim.

The raven sat back down next to Hoseok with a thud and a scowl that indicated that he was in no way pleased to be back. Hoseok coughed to ease the tension before asking a question.

"Shouldn't we practice before we perform it? I mean what if we big time?"

His argument was logical and he didn't want them to be humiliated when they got to the front. Especially since right now, all the other groups were in the middle of practicing. Clearly his partner didn't seem to understand the word however since he ignored him.

Oh well, if Yoongi wasn't going to be cooperative then so be it. Chasing after people and being overly emotional was not Hoseok's style.

He practiced his lines in his head and made sure they were practically memorised. Yoongi still didn't know that Hoseok had peeked at his work and he couldn't wait to see the look on his face.

He wondered how similar their styles were and if the older boy was as good at rapping as Hoseok was hoping he was. A small evil part of him kinda wished the brooding raven at it so he could laugh about it for weeks (take that Min Yoongi!).

It would serve him right for all the times the older boy acted rude and condescending.

But honestly, Hoseok was a bit bored. Although he had made a few friends, none of them would probably understand just how much he enjoyed it, whether it was listening or performing.

Rapping was the brown haired boy's hobby and he prayed that he found find someone here that shared it. It seemed unlikely but, who knows?

After giving them plenty of time, Mr Kim finally announced for them to stop.

"Alright kids, let's see what you've got,"

He called out Namjoon and Jimin to go first. They both looked nervous, especially Jimin who looked like he was about to throw up but they both shuffled to the front.

As soon as the first verse was over, Hoseok was floored. Namjoon wasn't even a human when he was rapping,  he became a monster. The power behind his words and simultaneously the meaning of the lyrics, the hope and suffering were so deep that he couldn't believe he created something so meaningful in such a small amount of time.

He couldn't believe that this was his friend Namjoon, it was almost as if his spirit was replaced and Hoseok couldn't believe that he'd never known just how talented his friend was.

Jimin took over in the singing parts of the what they'd composed and the younger boy's voice was like honey. It was sweet, smooth and his high notes made everyone in the room's eyes widen.
By the time that they were done, Hoseok was cheering so loudly that they both bowed, embarrassed and sat back down.

"Wow...that was phenomenal!" Mr Kim exclaimed, still gaping from the shock, "I didn't expect talent at all and you two have it in leaps and bounds," he smiled joyously at the two who were avoiding eye contact with everyone.

"Next, Seokjin and Jungkook."

They were considerable less nervous and only sung. Their vocals however, we're strong and effortless.

Seokjin had a sweet sounding voice and a disarming smile while he sang, almost as if he were truly caught in the moment and enjoying the performance.

Jungkook could probably go solo if he wanted to and actually make it, the kid's talent was wasting away here. He wondered what kind of future the boy wanted to pursue.

"Jungkookie!" Jimin ran over to the other boy, who was trying to move out of his way, and glomped him.

"I didn't know you could sing that well!" Jimin praised, pinching Jungkook's blushing cheeks with a proud grin.

"Argh hyung, stop it," he moaned, embarrassed. Rubbing his now sore cheeks and sitting back down.

Hoseok gulped, it appeared everyone in the room was talented one way or another. He had nothing to offer, instead he just paled in comparison. This made him even more reluctant to go on but he had no choice.

"That was amazing as well. Wow! I had no idea that you guys would put this much effort into this detention and I'm glad you did, this is some of the best work I've seen coming from students," he praised them, causing a few to smile and blush at his kind words.

"Now there's only one group left, I hope they don't disappoint. Last but not least, Yoongi and Hoseok."

And Hoseok rushed to the front of the room where everyone was staring anxiously. Yoongi followed a few seconds later, his confident stroll was the opposite of the brunet's jittering hands.

Dancing in front of people, he could do any day but rapping? He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, and it partially worked. What did he have to lose? Nothing. If everyone else could do it, so could he.

They both bought their lyrics with them as they didn't have time to fully memorise them. But he'd memorised most of it and at this point, the paper was just for security reasons.

Hoseok leaned into Yoongi and whispered, "you start okay? And we'll take it on verse each," he offered the other boy a reassuring smile and he swore that he saw the silent boy's lip slightly twitch. Progress.

Min Yoongi was one tough nut and even though he managed to get on Hoseok's nerves sometimes, he promised that he would kill him with kindness. With his naturally bubbly personality it shouldn't be too hard.

Then it began.

Hoseok wasn't ready, not for this anyway.

The lyrics were one thing but that voice. That deep growling voice that managed to sound gruff but velvety at the same time. It was almost sinful and he couldn't bring himself to look away.

They were in a dingy classroom but he made it sound like it was a performance. Now that was rapping, he almost didn't want to start his own verse but continued off from where the raven left of.

The transition was smooth and confident, almost as if they'd rehearsed it.

He was so focused on his own rap that he didn't notice Yoongi's eyes widening and a look of unhidden respect take over his features.

By the time they ended, they were half panting and everyone in the room stood up to clap, cheering for them.

"Hey man, that was great!" Namjoon exclaimed, patting him on the back, "er...you as well Yoongi," he said as an afterthought, not sure how it would be taken but the boy just nodded and looked away.

"Again, the amount of talent in one room is staggering. This is definitely not what I expected when I arranged this but I hope you guys got to see just what you can produce when you put a little hard work into it," he trailed off, not wanting to be the teacher that just lectures.

"Namjoon and Seokjin, you two seriously need to get over yourselves and grow up," he laughed when he saw them begin to splutter in outrage, "whatever you have going on, just keep it between you you please. No one cares,"

Hoseok couldn't help himself, he burst out laughing and Jimin started giggling. He knew he'd be the recipient of his friend's glare but he didn't care, this was priceless.

"Yoongi. This is your last year, you need to finally open up and make some friends because the life you're currently living is sad," the frosty look Yoongi gave him could freeze oceans.

Hoseok laughed even harder, clenching his stomach. What was this? Roast your students day? If so, he was enjoying this too much. Yoongi's head whipped towards him and now he was the focus of the death glare.

"Hoseok!" Mr Kim called out sternly, getting his attention. "You need to start taking your future seriously or you're going to end up as a bum on the streets. Running away from teachers and falling asleep in lesson are what children do. Are you a child?"

By now, all traces of a smile were wiped from his face. It was his turn to get scolded and man, it didn't feel good. The guilt settled on him like heavy rocks.

"No sir," he answered sincerely. He looked around and that better not be a smirk on Min Yoongi's face or he isn't coming out of here alive!

"Jungkook and Jimin, I know that this is the first time and if I see you two in here again you won't like it. The same goes for all of you. Next time the six of you are in here together, I'm going to have you doing so many laps in the field, you're gonna wish you never came out of your mothers that day," he threatened and they gulped, wondering when he'd become so scary, "now scram!"

They all got up to leave, relieved that the torture was over (hopefully forever, Hoseok was damned if he was ever setting foot back in that place again).

Jungkook and Jimin were the first to leave, saying goodbye to Hoseok. Just as they were about to exit, Seokjin turned to Namjoon.

"Don't think this changes anything!" he narrowed his eyes, "I still hate your guts."

Namjoon responded rapidly with a nonchalant, "right back at you loser," and they parted ways just like that.

"..you were really good. I didn't know you were into rapping, not many people are," Yoongi started and Hoseok was shocked by the words that were coming out of his mouth.

"You were great too, you should think about going professional!" Hoseok complimented with an enthusiastic smile. He was serious, Yoongi was just that talented. He didn't expect the older boy to cough and look down.

"I do a little underground stuff," he waved it off after a few seconds. "you know...I've been thinking and he's right.." Hoseok was confused. Right about what?

"I do need to make friends and you're....you're not too bad. A bit over excited and hyper but you're alright, unlike most people I've met. I'm sorry for flipping earlier. It won't happen again" he looked physically uncomfortable and maybe that's because this was the most he's ever spoken to him, in his life.

But Hoseok was still a little confused. He looked sincere but did that mean he deserved a chance? His behaviour was still quite sporadic at times though.

"So you wanna like....start over?" He asked incredulously, unable to believe this. But Yoongi just nodded and stretched a hand out.

"Yoongi," he introduced himself with a gummy smile that left Hoseok slightly dazed as he shook the warm hand back. The fact that Yoongi was taking this seriously and actually looked like a normal eighteen year old is what prompted him to agree to all of this. Perhaps a new beginning is what they both need.

"H-hoseok," he was still flustered, was this actually happening? But he gave him a wide smile on return.

"So..I've got this underground rap thing coming up and I was wondering if you wanted to go? You know, as my first friend," he offered politely, as if waiting for rejection and Hoseok wondered if that was why Yoongi was so closed off.

He must have had no experience with things like friendship and he felt a protective urge in him rise. The other boy wouldn't know what hit him.

"Sure," he answered and if he saw the older boy breathe a sigh of relief, he didn't comment.

"So we're friends now?" He asked cheekily, knowing the answer, "I thought friendship was a mutual decision. I have rights too you know!" He gasped in mock outrage but Yoongi just rolled his eyes and walked out of the door.

"Shut up."

Wow, clearly some things don't change. Even if other's do.

But Hoseok only laughed in reply, getting used to Yoongi's perpetual grumpiness was now the first thing on his list. But it seemed like he was already getting there. He was realising that a lot of what Yoongi said wasn't meant to be taken offensively but instead brushed off.

If he was poetic (which he most certainly wasn't) he would compare him to a cat. An animal that had claws and liked to use them, only they didn't have the potential to do much damage.

He chuckled and Yoongi looked at him curiously.

"Hey now, that's not a nice thing to say to your only friend," he emphasised the last word before ducking last minute to avoid the other boy's fist.

Today had been a good day, in fact he couldn't wait for tomorrow. After all, he'd just found a new past time - annoying Yoongi.





Argghhhh I've taken so much longer than I originally intended to so I'm sorry guys TT_TT 

I promise to be more faithful lol!! Especially since the plot is finally going where I want it to! Yayy 

I focused a lot on suga/jhope because there really isn't enough yoonseok in the world which is sad but you know what's sadder? The absence of tae in this chapter, it's a shame he didn't join them for detention but alas, he's too good for this world haha. 

Namjin still kill me, I don't think those two are ever gonna grow up lmao and my jikook is going strong! Fetus Jungkook is adorable lool 


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Saucyginger101 #1
Saucyginger101 #2
Saucyginger101 #3
Is on these fanfics, I'm so proud
laylipark #4
Chapter 8: taesobi is the cutest ever, I love them so much T.T and namjin was very very very adorable, filrting everywhere in public, I can't help but melted ow ow, waiting for movie night! great, please give Hoseok dancemates and he will impressed taegi from his dance, I love both yoonseok and vhope, fighting
love_EXOfany #5
Chapter 8: Can't wait for the next chapter. It's gonna be so much fun. Tae squealing over vampires, Hobi laughing his off and yoongi questioning his life choices.
inkane #6
Chapter 7: this is toooo cuteuuuu
love_EXOfany #7
Chapter 7: What a cool chapter. I really enjoyed it. I always have to laugh at Namjoon's and Jin's fights. They're so childish and adorable. And Hobia and Yoongi are friends yay. I can't wait for the next chapter <3