First Sign Of Trouble

Tumbling Into Wonderland

By the time Hoseok woke up the next morning, and gathered his wits, he realised he was late. He only had ten minutes to change into his uniform and run out of the house.

It looked like breakfast was out of the question and he'd have to wait until lunch to eat. His stomach growled in protest but he just sighed in response and hauled himself out of bed.

He brushed his teeth caveman style and dressing was a whole other issue. In his haste, the white button up was buttoned in the wrong order, a tie was stuffed in his pocket and odd socks covered his feet.

Just as he ran out of the empty house, the school bus had parked on his road. Breathing a sigh of relief, Hoseok entered the stuffy bus and saw his friends sitting at the back.

"Just in time Hoseok, you're one lucky guy," Namjoon commented after the former of the two sat next to him.

"I know right. The house was empty but no one bothered to wake me up, really feeling the love," Hoseok shook his head sadly.

"Love isn't categorised by small favours but by internal feelings of happiness, joy and protection. They do love you Hoseok," Namjoon quoted, finishing with a rock patronising look at his friend causing the brunet to punch him jokingly on the shoulder.

Although he hadn't known him for long, Hoseok already respected Namjoon - a lot. The other student had a leadership air about him from the way he spoke to the way he carried himself. Even though he was ranked number one in the entire school, it want something that he spoke about to anyone.

Some people liked to shove their intellect down other's throats in an attempt to show off but his new friend wasn't like that; which automatically made people flock to him like flies.

However, once in a while he'd say something so profound, it would make Hoseok ponder deeply about his words for hours.

Just as he put one foot into the school building he felt a nagging at the back of his mind, telling him that there was something he was forgetting. The dancer scratched his head, confused.

He kept walking, ignoring the feeling until he reached the entrance of the classroom. Noticing that Yoongi wasn't in his seat, he smiled to himself and sat down.

Taehyung turned around and looked at him, "Hyung, please tell me you bought in your maths homework," and Hoseok's eyes widened and his mouth was wide open from shock.

He was dead! Today was his last chance and he'd completely forgotten, again. Not to mention that doing it now was out of the question since he didn't even have the sheets on him. Face palming miserably, the eighteen year old groaned loudly causing Taehyung to look at him sympathetically.

"I would give you mine to copy but I gave it in ages ago. Just avoid him," the orange haired boy advised.

"How? We have lesson today," Hoseok asked, confused. Where would he go?

"Just skip it, I'll cover for you or something," the younger offered, "The roof is usually empty if you can't find somewhere.

"Smart idea, beats getting chewed out. Never took you for a rule breaker though Taehyung. Do this often?" Hoseok grinned at Taehyung's laugh. 

"No, of course not, I'm a good boy," the younger insisted, saluting Hoseok like a soldier and stomping one foot on the ground.

"Alright, I'll hang out at on roof until the next lesson," Hoseok decided thoughtfully.

"Good idea, I'll tell him you were vomiting in the toilet," Taehyung flashed his rectangular smile and they parted ways.

The weather was nice and the roof was empty, again. He breathed a sigh of relief. He saw Yoongi leaning on the rails but this time, he was silent. The other boy was wearing a plain black hoodie over his school uniform which definitely wasn't allowed. A sudden wave of annoyance went through him, why is he everywhere I go? It isn't fair, he thought. 

Hoseok decided to ignore him and whipped out his newest manga series, knowing he had to kill time. The brown haired boy began to fully enter the animated world before he was snapped out of it.

"You know," a raspy, amused voice began conversationally, "this is the second time. You are aware that this roof is mine?"

The elder was coming closer, a cigarette dangling between his thin fingers. It looked like he was in a good mood but Hoseok hated smoking, with a passion. His uncle had passed away from lung cancer when he was a child which made him vow to never pick up the stick of death.

"I don't see your name on it," he responded childishly causing the raven to chuckle, "You are aware that smoking kills right?" he asked mockingly, purposefully copying the other's  words.

Yoongi's eyes narrowed dangerously, "Of course it doesn't, in fact it cures illnesses and saves endangered animals," sarcasm was sweeping out of his every word, "mind your own business,"

"Whatever, if you want to die painfully early on, go on," Hoseok rolled his eyes. Clearly the other teenager had no concern for his health.

Yoongi bought the cigarette to his mouth and took another long drag before replying, "People die everyday, every minute even. Whether or not I live like a bored saint or do whatever the hell I want, I'm still gonna end up in a pit somewhere," he smirked at Hoseok before continuing, "-so stop being so uptight and live a little, princess," he blew smoke directly into Hoseok's face causing shivers to run down his spine.

Feeling slightly offended because he'd never been called uptight in his entire life, the brown haired boy glared and turned his head to the side.

"Living safely doesn't necessarily mean I'm uptight, so get lost," not wanting to be around him, Hoseok picked up his book and decided to find somewhere else to hide from his teacher.

Unbothered by the other's anger, Yoongi shrugged and went back to what he was doing before.

Unfortunately, Hoseok forgot just how close his maths classroom was to the bottom of the stairs. Caught up in his own thoughts, he almost bumped into Mr Lee who was looking down at him with an unimpressed face.

"Your homework is long overdue Hoseok and you just missed the last deadline. Not attending my lesson changes nothing. Detention," he announced sternly, before brushing past him.

He sighed frustrated, when did his life get so complicated? He hadn't even been attending the school for long and was about to sit his first detention.

"Great," he muttered to himself, following the teacher and sitting himself next to an apologetic looking Taehyung. The younger gave him wide puppy eyes, "I'm so sorry hyung, I'm a really bad liar so he didn't believe me at all. It's all my fault," the orange haired boy wailed loudly, slamming his head in the desk causing the students around them to turn around.

"Don't worry about it, he was going to catch me eventually, I don't know why I even tried," Hoseok sighed disappointed.

"Hoseok, Taehyung, stay behind after the lesson," their teacher demanded before continuing his lesson. Both of them shared worried glances - what did he want?

A few minutes later and Hoseok's mind was filled with different formula's and explanations, none of which he actually understood. From the expressions of everyone else, he was alone in his pain.

At the end of the lesson (torture session) the two of them stayed behind to hear what the teacher wanted to say to them.

"Alright, I'll keep this short. Hoseok you're failing, I gave you one more chance to get out of tutoring and you blew it,"

Normally, he might have protested but he was starting to accept just how bad he was at maths so he just nodded weakly in response.

"But sir, I don't understand what this has to do with Taehyung," he commented, glancing at the other student who was staring at the teacher with a dazed look on his face.

"You're looking at your new tutor," he announced, smiling at the equally dumbfounded expressions they both wore in response.

"Bu-" Hoseok interjected.

"No buts Hoseok, Taehyung is the perfect option. Unless you want to stay behind with me every lesson," Mr Lee threatened, causing Hoseok to gulp and shake his head quickly.

"Excellent, now make a timetable for when you're both free and meet up then. Understood?" He asked, not really caring about the answer, "Good, now get out," the maths teacher ordered, going back to typing his computer.

"So, I'm free whenever. I literally do nothing with my life," Hoseok stated, picking up his bag and carrying it on one shoulder.

"Same here, just come over to mine after school okay," Taehyung beamed before skipping towards his next class, humming a tune along the way.
Hoseok was glad that the younger always dealt with things with a relaxed ease that prevented anyone from feeling awkward around him.

He headed to Art and while Taehyung's next class was Music. The Art classroom was a mess when he entered. The whole class was standing at the entrance, frozen.

There were bits of paint flying everywhere and there were two people at the centre of all that havoc. Seokjin and Namjoon.

The latter of the two was on defense while Seokjin hurled anything within arms reach at his opponent. Just like the walls and tables, their uniforms were ruined. Namjoon looked a little worse for wear, mirroring the appearance of someone who'd just gotten annihilated at paintballing.

Seokjin was breathing heavily and was now supporting a triumphant grin, not noticing the small crowd that was watching the fight.

Unfortunately for the both of them, their art teacher, a usually cheerful young woman came in at that very moment. Her eyes widened at the stage of her classroom and also the two sheepish looking students standing in the middle.

She frowned, "What is the meaning of all of this?" Her voice raised in pitch with every word.

"The classroom's a mess, your clothes are ruined. How dare you,"

"I-..He started it. It's not my fault, I was trying to protect myself," Namjoon protested innocently.

Seokjin whipped around and glared angrily, pointing a finger at his rival, "You sprayed paint all over the painting that took me a month to complete. Because of your stupidity, my hardwork and grade for this assignment is completely gone,"

Namjoon's eyes flashed with something that looked like guilt but it was gone as soon as it came, making Hoseok question whether or not he'd imagined it.

"For God's sake, it was an accident. An accident," Namjoon repeated bitterly, "Sue me for ruining that hideous painting, was it meant to be a self portrait? The project was to paint what inspires you and you drew yourself?" He asked incredulously.

"So what, am I not allowed to inspire myself? Waking up with this face is inspiring enough trust me, but then again - you wouldn't know," Seokjin smirked proudly at Namjoon who was spluttering in shock.

"I don't even know why your arrogance still shocks me, to be honest," he admitted, surprising everyone by laughing slightly, remembering Seokjin's tendency to brag even at a young age.

"My father told me that a man should know his strengths and weaknesses like the back of his hand," the brown haired president declared confidently causing Namjoon to shake his head.

At this point the poor Ms Kwon who had been watching them silently, spoke up, "It's nice seeing you speaking to each other like civil humans but I have good news for the two of you," she began sarcastically, waiting for them to both look at her before continuing, "Detention! For the next month and cleaning duty for the rest of the year,"

Namjoon and Seokjin gasped, horrified at the extreme punishment.

"What do you mean for the rest of the year?! It's October. If my father finds out, I won't have a home to go to," Seokjin protested and Namjoon joined in, "That's not fair, I don't want to deal with him for the rest of school life,"

"You should have thought of that before messing up my classroom. Everyone, find a place not covered in paint and sit down please," she ordered, continuing her lesson and ignoring the two sulking teens on opposite sides of the room.

As soon as a grumbling Namjoon sat beside Hoseok, he grinned and decided to torture the poor boy further, "So should I start calling you Maidjoon instead? Hey, if the boot fits right?" He started almost broke down when the black haired student gave him a frosty glare.

"Don't even start," Namjoon threatened dangerously, eyes still narrowed.

Besides that 'small' mishap that still graffitied the walls, the lesson went pretty smoothly. Before Hoseok realised, time flew and it was home time for everyone else, aka detention time for him.

Hoseok and Namjoon entered the dirty detention room that was supervised by their lazy form tutor. Some of the seats in the small room were already occupied.

Surprise surprise, Min Yoongi was sat near the window half asleep. Seokjin was elegantly sitting at the front with his books in front of him and spine stiffly upright, reading with a frown marring his face.

Jeon Jungkook, Hoseok noticed, was also there. The sixteen year old was sat with another black haired boy with cute puffy eyes and an elfish grin. They looked like they were engaged in an deep conversation. Hoseok cheerfully walked over to them, hearing just what they were taking about after getting close.

"No, how can you put the milk in the bowl before putting your cereal in? That's just psychotic!" Jungkook exclaimed. Jimin laughed at the younger student's dramatic reaction before responding.

"Then I'll know how much cereal to put in, "

"But when you do put the cereal in, it just hovers at the top which is gross,"

Jimin opened his mouth to counteract but Hoseok intervened.

"Are you guys really having this argument?" He asked with an amused smile on his face, "You're both wrong by the way. Obviously you grab a handful of cereal, shove it in your mouth and drown it with a few gulps of milk. You'll never go wrong," he burst out laughing at their equally shocked faces before moving on.

"Hey Jungkook, haven't seen you around these past few weeks. Now you're in detention, become a bit of a rebel have we?" He teased, causing Jungkook to roll his eyes. The two had become closer after Hoseok's first day.

He liked the shy yet sassy teenager, he was quite mature for his age. It was unfortunate that their schedules clashed so much that they barely saw each other.

"Yeah totally. I came to school wearing only a bag and tried to set the school on fire. It's such a shame I didn't get away with it too," his sarcastic drawl made both Hoseok and Jimin chuckle.

"And I missed it? Damn, you should have called me. We could have gotten away with it together," Hoseok continued the joke before looking at Jimin curiously.

"I don't think we've met before. Jung Hoseok, I'm still quite new," Hoseok flashed him a smile that could make the sun jealous.

"Hoseok, this is Park Jimin. He's a year older than me but we're really good friends," Jungkook introduced and Hoseok swore he wasn't imagining the light pink blush that suddenly dusted his cheeks.

"What usually happens during detention then?" Hoseok queried, so far everyone was happily doing their own thing which defeated the purpose of the 'punishment'.

"Listen up, I'm sure some of you already know that my detentions are pretty unorthodox. So, I'm gonna give you a chance to get out of here," the teacher announced.

By now he had the attention of all the occupants in the room, who were either looking at him with avid fascination or lazy curiosity.

"There are six of you here right now so there will be three pairs that I will choose," which caused everyone to groan collectively, not looking forward to how they would be separated out.

"Now, as a music teacher you have to come up with a short piece that impresses me. It can be about whatever you want and if you can't sing, rap it. As long as it's good, I don't care," at this, Hoseok and Namjoon high fived each other and cheered loudly.

Jimin and Jungkook merely looked at each other and smiled. Seokjin muttered complaints under his breath and Yoongi raised an eyebrow at the oddness of the challenge.

"Don't look too happy, I not planning to make this fun at all. Jungkook you're with Seokjin, Namjoon and Jimin and lastly, Yoongi and Hoseok," he split them up, away from their friends, in a way that he knew no one would really enjoy.

Hoseok rolled his eyes, he had expected this turn of events ever since he told them that this wouldn't be fun. They all shuffled to where they needed to be and the entire room became completely silent.

Neither of them had worked with their new partner before so no one was comfortable. Seokjin and Namjoon began introducing themselves to the other two and metaphorically 'broke the ice'.

Hoseok looked over at Yoongi who wasn't paying him any attention confidently. After their talk in the morning, he had come to realise that the black haired teenager wasn't entirely bad, just rough around the edges.

And Hoseok could deal with that. After all, no one had the same personality. It was our differences that made us interesting and he was planning to stick around to see just who the real Min Yoongi was, behind the hardened layers.


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Saucyginger101 #1
Saucyginger101 #2
Saucyginger101 #3
Is on these fanfics, I'm so proud
laylipark #4
Chapter 8: taesobi is the cutest ever, I love them so much T.T and namjin was very very very adorable, filrting everywhere in public, I can't help but melted ow ow, waiting for movie night! great, please give Hoseok dancemates and he will impressed taegi from his dance, I love both yoonseok and vhope, fighting
love_EXOfany #5
Chapter 8: Can't wait for the next chapter. It's gonna be so much fun. Tae squealing over vampires, Hobi laughing his off and yoongi questioning his life choices.
inkane #6
Chapter 7: this is toooo cuteuuuu
love_EXOfany #7
Chapter 7: What a cool chapter. I really enjoyed it. I always have to laugh at Namjoon's and Jin's fights. They're so childish and adorable. And Hobia and Yoongi are friends yay. I can't wait for the next chapter <3