~Chapter three~ Recollection

ice cream girl 아이스크림 소녀

"Er. . . Mi Hye is it okay if you share rooms with one of them? I had no time to help you look for an apartment, and this dorm has only. . .3 big rooms excluding the storeroom and the study area." I shook my head, confused. What?? So I was supposed to share rooms with a guy I had jus met 3 hours ago? Okay yes they were cute with each other and everything but. . . Jinyoung has some kinda prince disease he's too cocky I don't like that, baro is just talks a tad too much, CNU is just plain weird I don't trust him, gongchan is too. . .pedo? He scares me with his failed aegyo. Sandeul. . .he seems very tense around me for some reason. But I don't like that it means he's got something to hide. 


I felt a sudden weight around my waist and at my back. Gasp! What?? I could feel the heat creeping up my face as gongchan settled his chin on my shoulders. "Don't worry manager hyung we'll take good care of our dongsaeng!" OMONA! Please don't let my face be red please don't let my face be red. . ."Someone is blushing~~~" I whipped around only to see Sandeul fiddling with the pillows acting innocent. "awww. . .don't worry Baro oppa will protect you Kay?" something yanked me away from gongchan and I was caught in a tight embrace. Omona!!!!! Someone help me it's 1000degrees here!!! "YAH. I ONLY JUS MET YOU ALL DON'T GET ALL TOUCHY FEELY" (insert look of recognition in Sandeul's eyes here)

  "you know what? I should just go, leave you to bond? Yah b1a4 don't forget your schedule!" Mr Inso left the house hurriedly. *more like go to have some drinks with the other managers* the 5 looked meaningfully at each other. I frowned at his irresponsibleness. Leaving me here alone like that?! GRRR



"oops. Somebody's angry~ you'll get wrinkles!" AISHH I flung a pillow at CNU and something erupted. . . "PILLOWFIGHTTT" and they engulfed me in Loads of soft squishy soft toys and pillows NOT FAIR 5 AGAINST ONE!! Ah. . .when was the last time I actually had some fun kid time? Right. Before the orphanage. MUHHH. WHO TOUCHED MY SORE SPOT. "Mi Hye you never told us you were ticklish!!" Sandeul squealed like a kid whose mom had bought him a soft toy. Uh oh, I didn't like the evil glances they were exchanging, nah uh. Don't come near me, don't DON'T! "kyaa!!" I screamed when they advanced on me and started  tickling me VERY vigorously I swear I'm gonna KILL THEM!!!


They brought me to the Karaoke nearby because Jinyoung insisted it was the perfect "ice-breaker" for us. I only went because he said he'll treat me ice cream. I was quiet most of the day after that and mostly just sat at the corner of the sofa wishing that there's a underground hip hop club, where I shone the brightest. My thoughts wandered to Sandeul suddenly when I caught him staring at me SUPER curiously. What's wrong with that guy? I glared back at him, never removing my gaze from his face.  

/stare/ *stares back even more*

Oh my god that guy has the milkiest skin ever his jawline and nose is like so perfect I wonder what he feels like? Oh gawd now I'm turning into a e I meant to say what his hug feels like WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU, BRAIN!! Ahhh. . .he looks soft and cute and. . .not at all tough but I get really strong vibes from this guy :o They had no plastic surgery right? Nope I don't think so gosh he's so perfect I wonder. . . . . .does he have abs? SHUT UP BRAIN I DON'T WANNA KNOW IF HE HAS ABS!!


Mentally arguing with my darned brain who seemed to have taken an interest in Sandeul's body suddenly, I broke away from his gaze, feeling myself grow tomato red and started unpacking my things in the room with only one occupant. I don't know who that is though.  After a very awkward dinner (food bought by Mr Inso earlier)-->Baro and CNU stuffing their face, Gongchan and Jinyoung talking ALOT to each other bout god knows what. Sandeul was. . .quiet.


I retired to the room I had unpacked my stuff in and slumped down onto my bed. All was quiet until- "WHERE IS KKOMING? HYUNG I. WILL. KILL. YOU." I was momentarily stunned seeing the normally tranquil Sandeul barge into my the room with a murderous expression, searching frantically for something. 


*THUDHUDTHUDTHUD* what's this. . .deja vu feeling? Why do I feel this has happened before? Not necessarily Kkoming but he was also searching for something then. . .do I know him? I reached out and grabbed his arm. "Stop. You." I stared at those mesmerizing eyes of his "Do I know you somewhere?" 

-1 second-

-2 second-

-3 second-

-4 second-

I CAN'T BELIEVE IT HE IGNORED ME AND SLIPPED AWAY GAH. Strange. . . . . That's how he used to slip away. Exact same way, same timing, same tension he gives off. The guy that beat up L.Joe oppa for being rude to HIS gang member. The guy that was so frantic searching for something with a face that scared me. I don't really remember his face though. It's all hazy. His name was. . .Jung. . . Heon. Or something. Nah. I shook my head. His name is S-A-N-D-E-U-L. Not Jung something. I cleared my head of all Sandeul like thoughts and blasted 2ne1 songs in my ear. Did I mention they have the AWESOME-EST RAPPING AND SWAG EVER?  


That night, i got a call from CNU. "HELLO? MI HYE? OH MY GOSH I'M SO SORRY FOR LEAVING YOU ALONE AT HOME Sandeul must have scared you!!" I could almost imagine his scared face in front of me. "you called just for this?! YOU CRAZY? I WAS ALMOST ASLEEP!!!" my already angered temper flared up but soon died down. "how'd you know bout it anyway?!" he pondered over this for a while. " I took Kkoming out without telling him. He had not left the dorms yet. You were left at home. And when we picked him up to go to our schedule he looked guilty so I just put two and two together. . . Anyways don't worry bout it he just takes his responsibility REALLY SERIOUSLY." and from there he rattled on and on and on.  and ON  angry About how his 'yesung hyung' had been too busy on schedules and had entrusted his pet to Sandeul for a week until his busy schedule finishes. Like I care. I don't even know what the hell is a super WHAT? Junior. Yea that's it. Super junior. 


"Yah! Shin Dong Woo! We're going soon! Get ready!!!" i heard Mr Inso faintly in the background. WHAT? Omo. I sat up immediately and shrieked into the phone "BWOH YOUR REAL NAME IS NOT CNU? You ALL have fake names?!" And he launched into another long explanation bout who in b1a4 had stage names and why and blah blah blah. That was when I lost my patience and hung up on him. I threw my phone onto the chair and slumped down on my bed. Every second was so long to me. My eyelids started drooping and suddenly I was back in the past. 



"That'll teach you middle school KIDS to mess with us." this horridly familiar guy smirked and spat on the ground where Changjo oppa was writhing in pain. He turned to me, the only girl around, grabbed my chin and growled "Name's Lee Jung Hwan. I'll be coming for you next. Don't you forget it."  ~End~


*NOO* i gasped and my eyelids fluttered open. It was morning, the sun was shining. And in front of me, stood the one and only Lee Jung Hwan.

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Chapter 8: are you going to update?
Poopie!! Update!! Ppali!!! Kamsahamnida... *Walks off*
YUSH I FEEL SPECIAL!! i will try to remind you again sometime? >__< yea
so you gonna update anytime soon..
vinhui_ #5