Would this be called a 2nd date? o.O

Ok, I'm yours to keep

Words in red are Ricky's thought/blue are Ji's


*Big yawn*

"aigoo, that was a comfortable sleep..." Ji said taking a deep sniff in and stretching her arms out. She then looks at the blanket around her.

when did this get here..? hmmM could it be! nahh he's so cold hearted! BLEHg! oh yea..and I do kind of remember Ricky's mom putting something over me...

Then she turns and sees Ricky coming down the stairs with his PJ's on. 

"PWahhahahahhaa!!" Ji starts laughing out loud. Ricky looks at her with a weird face on. What's wrong with her....*gasp* ohh shooot...

Turns out........Ricky was wearing a power ranger PJ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"yaa!! don't look!!" Ricky said trying to cover up. He ran back upstairs. "Haha...aigooo..the all mighty cold hearted Ricky is wearing power ranger PJ's...aigoo!!"


It was awkward between the 2 again. Especially since Ji saw ricky's PJ's. To break the ice, Ricky's mom started eating. 

"Aigoo, why're you two so quiet...the food is good. try some" She said to both of them.

Ji reached for some kimchi with her chopsticks and put the food in . Her eyes widened. "MMMM!! it's so good!" Ji said grabbing for some more.

Ricky was still angry that Ji saw his PJ's. Ji looked at him and smiled and said "it's ok, I wont tell anyone what you wear to sleep! hehe"

Ricky mugged her and grabbed for some bread and stuffed it in his mouth. Ji just gave him the 'nananabooboo' look.


After breakfast Ji and Ricky went back up to his room to do their L-O-V-E project.

"aigoo, we only got a week and a half left before it's due....what to do!!" Ji said leaning her head back while sitting in a chair. Ricky just shrugged his shoulders.

"Ya! you try to think of something, this project is supposed to be coming from BOTH of us, not just me!" Ji said yelling it at Ricky. 

Ricky just covered his ears. "aish, so noisy..like a fly buzzing in someone's ear" he replied back.

Ji rollled her eyes.

*Awkward silence for about 3 minutes*

Ji eyes suddenly widened. "Heyy, I got an idea of how to get the feeling of love or whatever.." she said smiling at Ricky. He looked at her "what is it?"

"WE should go to the park!! like a couple would right? right?" Ji said excitedly 

"ewwww go to the park with you!? never!!!"

"wae?!! do you have a better idea!?? huh? huh?"

Ricky was silent..."aish...fine! let's go then geez!"

--Ji's POV--

kyaaa! going to the park with Ricky...hehe what a smart idea of me to think of...HEHE! and plus, I get to play with Ricky Oppa and swing with him! This is going to be great!! awesome! *sigh* I finally will be able to go to the park with someone...that I...li--

"yaa! ppali! before I change my mind" Ricky yelled to Ji.

"ohh, ok ok wait!" Ji said...she grabbed her cardigan and smiled.

--END of Ji's POV--


--At the park--

"whaaaa~~ we're here...let's go to the swings!" Ji said energetically while grabbing Ricky's hand dragging him.

"ya ya! wait up!" Ricky said trying to go with the speed that Ji is running at.

They were swinging and sliding as if they were little kids again. Ricky was actually smiling and Ji was having fun. They played tag, sprayed each other with water...and then finally they were tired and laid down on the grass, wet.

"so how was it? fun right?" Ji asked while panting from all the running.

Ricky lied and said "aigoo....not really. It ...I didn't even feel anything.."

"aish...liar! you know you enjoyed it!...hehe well it looked like you were having fun! just remember this moment..."

They both looked up at the sky for a while and then turned. They turned into each other at the same time and Ji's eyes widened because she was so close to him again. She quickly turned away.

*cough cough* "my bad, I didn't know that you were going to turn too" Ji said looking up at the sky again.

Ricky retorted "yaa! stop tryin to  get close to me!"

"ya! I'm not...geez!"


Ricky turned away from Ji and cracked a smile......

How was it? SORRY for the LATE LATE LATE LATE LATE LATE LATE LATE update..I had a writers block..XP but hoped you enjoyed this lame chapter! XD

Then again...MIAN-HAE!! T_T

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Random_Me #1
Chapter 6: LOL!!! haha!! finally an update!! Hehe! it has been millions of years since you updated!! =P
Pls Update soon! LOL at Ricky's mom
Please update soon!!! <3 Ricky's mom.
myungji_luv #4
lol, sleeping over, ricky's mom had a brilliant mine, muawhahahaha.
Ricky-ah, you're too annoying sometimes, u will like that kiss from jiyeon...some days, soon or later *evil laughs*
sungmikeyniel #5
i like ur story...updated!!!
myungji_luv #6
omo, ricky's mother is so evil
Ricky, why so cute?
Update soon or i will kill u >_<
Random_Me #7
Awww, a Ji and Ricky moment!!! :D
ChocoRaisin #8
Update soon!!
Hahah thanks..and i realized a mistake i did..i put Eun instead of Ji..so don't get confused ahaha (i've fixed it alrdy though hehe)
Awwww!!! Unusual pairing. I like it!!! Update soon!!!