Chapter 3

Beneath The Milky Twilight

Chapter 3


“If you maintain a feeling of compassion, loving kindness, then something automatically opens your inner door.”


Yoojung halted as she didn’t see Doyeon at her house when she entered her home. A small feeling of disappointment bubbled at the bottom of Yoojung’s stomach. She was kind of looking forward to going to the fair with Doyeon. Just kind of.


With a sigh, she decided to make use of her sudden free time, making a night trip to the barn. She fed the horses leisurely, hearing the content snorts and neighs of the large creatures in front of her. Her mind wandered as Haru nuzzled her now-empty hand with her nose. She wondered about her new neighbor and why she didn’t talk.


Yoojung thought she herself was a shy person, but she still spoke to people - Doyeon didn’t. Yoojung leaned against the stall’s door, patting Haru’s mane. Kim Doyeon was quite a mystery, indeed.


At first, it irked Yoojung that Doyeon wouldn’t say a single word to her - she thought it was quite rude. After her initial thought process, Yoojung realized maybe there was a reason behind Doyeon’s silence and that she shouldn’t be so rash to judge the attractive girl.


After hearing a couple crickets, Yoojung began to head back to her house, swatting away the flies that buzzed around her. She entered through the back porch with tired eyes, surprised to see the Kim couple sitting at the dining table along with her parents and Sohye. She realized she must of looked like a mess and her hand went up to fix her hair.


“Hello.” She greeted politely, looking around for Doyeon. She wasn’t there. Mrs. Kim smiled.


“I’m sorry that Doyeon bailed on you, Yoojung.”


Yoojung widened her eyes, shaking her head. “Oh, no. It’s okay, really.” She smiled nervously. Mr. Kim cleared his throat.


“She’s not really the most social girl out there.” He said. Yoojung blinked and listened intently. “I’m sure she was excited to go with you but sometimes she just gets scared.”


It's because you're scared.


Jieqiong’s voice echoed in her mind. Yoojung gulped. “I understand. Tell her that I’m up to show her around some more any time. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ll go clean myself up.”


“Hurry up before the food gets cold, Yoojung.” She heard her mom call out to her before she shut the bathroom door.




Her Sunday passed by lazily as she spent it relaxing with Haru on the trail she usually rode. Jieqiong had ended up getting sick because of Chungha so she was alone that day. When Monday came, Yoojung took her time feeding the horses (as always) and arrived to school late.


Surprisingly, she saw a familiar black-haired girl sitting on the desk besides hers. Her eyes connected with Doyeon’s before looking around for Jieqiong, who was nowhere to be seen.


“You’re late again, Ms. Choi.” Her teacher said with an annoyed tone. Yoojung just bowed and went to her seat.


“Hey, Doyeon.” She greeted quietly. Doyeon just glanced at her and looked away. Class was quiet without Jieqiong there to bother her. The day was going by slower than ever. Doyeon still had not said a single word to her - or to anyone in school in general. Yoojung sat at her usual picnic table alone, the absence of Jieqiong weighing heavily on her heart.


“Get better soon, Jieqiong.” She mumbled to herself. Her eyes wandered across the schoolyard and she noticed Doyeon standing with a few people surrounding her. They all seemed to be talking to her, eager to become the pretty girl’s new friend. Yoojung watched with piqued interest.


She noticed Doyeon's uncomfortable eyes and tense body even from across the yard. Yoojung hesitated, wondering if she should intervene. Doyeon managed to find Yoojung's eyes despite the people in her face. She pushed through the group and hurried to the only person she knew at the school, desperate for some comfort.


Yoojung’s eyebrows were raised as Doyeon sat down across from her, breathing harshly. The girl avoided her eyes, closing them to calm herself down. Yoojung gulped and looked over at the group who was staring at her with envious eyes. They wouldn’t try to come over whilst Yoojung was near. Yoojung was practically an anti-magnet to the people at her school. She turned her attention back to Doyeon who was breathing more calmly now.


“Were they bothering you?” Yoojung asked, leaning down and speaking only slightly above a whisper. Doyeon shook her head, opening her eyes. Her eyes were brighter because of the sun and it took Yoojung aback for a couple of seconds.


She was just so pretty.


“If they try anything, tell me.” Yoojung said. “Err.. Or… notify me. Alert me… Just… Just get my attention.” She added on nervously, remembering that the girl didn’t talk.


Yoojung’s stomach churned as Doyeon’s gaze rose up from the table to meet hers, her lips slightly turned upwards at the girl's stammering. Yoojung went back to eating her lunch, cheeks tainted pink. Doyeon just sat and stared around, swatting bugs away from her face.


At the end of the school day, Yoojung planned to go to Jieqiong’s house to visit her sick friend until she noticed the group of girls surrounding Doyeon’s desk. Yoojung furrowed her eyebrows at the gathering and picked up her bag. She squeezed through a couple of people to get to Doyeon, who was still sat in her chair with her head down, silent.


“Doyeon,” Yoojung called out, gaining the girl’s attention as her head snapped up at the familiar voice. Yoojung smiled even though the girl’s face was rid of any sort of positive emotion - she looked terrified, anxious, even sad, - and held out her hand. “Let’s go.”


The girl’s chair squeaked as it dragged across the floor. Doyeon grabbed her bag and took Yoojung’s hand in her own sweaty ones. The brunette led them out of the classroom. Only when they exited the building was when Doyeon could breathe normally. She was holding tightly onto Yoojung’s hand, nearly cutting off the girl’s circulation. Yoojung glanced at her with worry written clearly in her eyes.


“They were bothering you.” Yoojung said it in a questioning tone, but it was more of a statement. Doyeon just exhaled deeply, eyes trained on her feet. Yoojung’s blood boiled.


“I’ll talk to them for you.” She said. Doyeon looked up suddenly, shaking her head. Yoojung’s eyebrows knitted together. “What?”


Doyeon tightened her grip on Yoojung’s hand and kept shaking her head, a panicked look on her face. Yoojung frowned. “Alright, alright. I won’t.” She said, wondering why Doyeon looked so frightened at the thought. “But if they bother you again, just come to me, okay?”


Something about Yoojung’s words flipped a switch in Doyeon’s brain. She let go of the smaller girl’s hand and gulped down the lump in , nodding weakly. They walked in silence to their homes. Only after Yoojung saw Doyeon enter her house safely did she turn on her heel and begin to walk to Jieqiong’s house.




Jieqiong coughed and Yoojung scowled. The older girl groaned and laid back down on her bed, closing her eyes. “I don’t think I can go to school tomorrow, either.”


Jieqiong.” Yoojung whined even though she knew it was childish. She just didn’t like going to school without Jieqiong. It was lonely.


“Sorry, Yoo.” She let out a weak smile. “Hey, your hot neighbor’s first day was today, wasn’t it? How was it?”


“She…” Yoojung started off. “I don’t know, really.” She murmured. Jieqiong’s eyes were closed but she was still listening to the girl sat on the edge of her bed.


“Do explain.” She mumbled. Yoojung sighed.


“I don’t know. She still hasn’t said a single word to me.”


“Still?” The disbelief was high in Jieqiong’s tone. Yoojung hummed. “Still.” She repeated.


“How’d she get through the school day without-” She paused to cough, “-without talking to anybody?”


Yoojung pouted, thinking about how the teachers all seemed to know about Doyeon’s dislike for talking. “The teachers know.” She concluded. Her thoughts travelled to the group of girls. “The students don’t.”


“What happened?” Jieqiong asked, sensing the annoyance in Yoojung’s voice.


“They were talking to her and Doyeon clearly didn’t like it. Even I could see she was uncomfortable and I wasn’t even near her. They’re clueless, really.” She ranted. Jieqiong spoke up before Yoojung could continue.


“You were spying on her?”


No.” Yoojung denied, slapping Jieqiong’s leg that was under the blanket for the accusation. “I was sitting at lunch and saw she had people around her.”


“Sure.” Jieqiong laughed. “Go on.”


Yoojung rolled her eyes. “And then she just walked towards me and sat down at the table. She seemed pretty shaken up. And then, at the end of the day, the same group was talking to her again. So I got her out of there and we walked home.”


“Choi Yoojung to the rescue.” Jieqiong murmured quietly. Sensing her friend was close to falling asleep, Yoojung rose from the bed.


“I’ll leave you to rest. Get well soon, Jieqiong.” Yoojung said with a small smile, playfully tucking Jieqiong into bed. The older one hummed and got comfier. Yoojung left the house after saying goodbye to Jieqiong’s parents.


Yoojung didn’t bother to go into her house to change her clothes or drop her bag off, she simply headed directly to the barn. She turned her head and caught sight of her neighbor standing on the back porch, staring at her. Yoojung blinked rapidly and stopped walking.


She raised a hand and waved to the tan girl, who just lifted a hand - her own version of a wave, Yoojung assumed. It brought a slight smile to her lips. She cupped her hands around so her voice could travel across the field. “Want to come with?” She yelled out. It was only common courtesy, right?


Yoojung saw Doyeon give a slight shake of her head before turning her head abruptly as if someone had called for her name. The tall girl left without another glance towards Yoojung. Instead of feeling dejection, Yoojung’s lips were still curved upwards. She headed to the stables in a good mood.




“Choi Yoojung, what did I say about going to the stables in your school uniform?” Her mom immediately scolded her once she entered through the backdoor. Yoojung winced at the use of her full name.


“Sorry.” She said. Her mom sighed. “Is it really too much of me to ask you to change before going to the horses?”


“No, it’s not.” Yoojung replied. “I’ll do that tomorrow, promise.”


“Alright.” Her mother said. “Go get cleaned up. Dinner will be done soon.”


Dinner was very uneventful. The Choi family ate with comfortable silence, not needing conversation. It was something Yoojung appreciated about her family members. Even without words, they were close and bonded. Yoojung liked that.


“Try not to stay at the stables too long after school tomorrow, Yoojung.” Mr. Choi said as he cut into his piece of meat. Yoojung looked at him.


“Why not?”


“The Kims are coming over.” Mrs. Choi answered, putting more rice on Yoojung’s plate. Yoojung couldn’t help the smile that grew on her face.






As Yoojung was getting ready to go out to feed the horses, she saw Doyeon through the window, she already on her way to school. The brunette widened her eyes and rushed out the door without much thinking. “Doyeon!” She called out. Said girl her heel, a surprised look on her face. “Want to wait for me? I’m going to go feed the horses and then we can walk together.” She suggested, rising and falling on the ball of her feet in excited nervousness.


Doyeon teetered her weight between her two feet.


“I’ll be quick.” Yoojung raised her eyebrows. Doyeon then nodded and Yoojung took off dashing. She didn’t feed the horses slowly one by one. She tossed the wheat into the pails in front of their stables and gave one pat to Haru’s mane before running back to her house. Doyeon was still where Yoojung had last saw her, hands holding onto her backpack straps.


She was out of breath when she reached Doyeon, taking a couple of moments to recuperate before beginning to walk. They walked in silence, as expected. Yoojung wondered if Doyeon would ever speak to her, but decided not to be pushy. At least Doyeon would give her some form of acknowledgement unlike the way she had treated the girls from yesterday.


When the group of girls popped up in Yoojung’s train of thought, the smaller girl spoke. “They won’t bother you if you stay near me.” She said. Doyeon gazed at Yoojung, a look of confusion swarming in her eyes. Realizing Doyeon had no idea what she was talking about, a warmth grew from Yoojung’s neck to the tips of her ears. “The girls from yesterday.” She clarified.


Doyeon blinked and looked away. Yoojung thought she might’ve nodded, but she wasn’t too sure. Either way, it only took a couple of moments for Yoojung’s face to return to its original color.


The walk to school was calming - as it usually was for Yoojung. They didn’t live too far from the school, but it was far enough for them to actually enjoy a refreshing walk.


It was the earliest Yoojung had been to school since the school year had started, and the year was almost over. When she stepped into the classroom early for once, her classmates began to murmur amongst themselves. Yoojung scoffed and sat down at her desk, Doyeon slipping into the one next to her.


Even her teacher was surprised.


“Nice of you to finally join us on time, Ms. Choi.”


Yoojung smiled politely and nodded but once the teacher turned her back on her to prepare for class, she sneered. Why had she decided to go to school early? Her mind wasn’t working correctly when she had stopped Doyeon from walking by herself. At this time, she probably would have just been leaving her house from feeding the horses.


It was all Doyeon’s fault.




“Don’t you bring lunch?” Yoojung asked the tall girl who was, once again, sat across from her. Doyeon just lifted her shoulders before letting them fall, not showing much expression, her eyes seemingly blank yet so full at the same time. Yoojung hummed and held out one-half of her sandwich. “Want this one? I’m not that hungry.”


Doyeon’s eyes seemed to bore into her, shock and confusion lining the dark brown pupils. Why was this girl being so nice to her? The deference from such a stranger was foreign to her. She felt her shoulders lock and her thighs tighten. She shook her head, mentally hoping that Yoojung would not push it.


The brunette pulled her hand back and bit into the sandwich. “Okay.” She mumbled, not upset at Doyeon’s rejection. Doyeon let out a breath of relief. Yoojung could tell the girl was different - and she wanted to understand her difference. She wanted to get the girl to show her herself instead of her forcing it out of her. She had to be patient and understanding. Yes, that’s what she had to do.




“I’ll see you at dinner.” Yoojung said as Doyeon walked up the path to her house. The girl looked over her shoulder and gave a half-smile as well as a nod. Yoojung grinned and walked into her house, remembering her promise to her mother about not wearing her uniform to the barn. Once she was changed into something comfortable, she rushed down the stairs and did a light jog towards the barn, not taking her time like she usually did.


The horses rustled around as Yoojung neared. She fed all of them before taking Haru out, deciding to not take the usual trail she ran on and just to ride around the field behind her house. From the field, Yoojung could see her house and a couple of her neighbors’ houses, including Doyeon’s. With her hands holding onto Haru’s reins, she slowed the horse down to a walking pace.


Squinting her eyes, she saw a figure standing on Doyeon’s back porch. Yoojung guessed it was Doyeon, and she raised her hand to wave. After a moment of no response, the figure had done the same, half-assed version of a wave that Doyeon had done to Yoojung yesterday. With a giggle, Yoojung confirmed to herself that it was indeed Doyeon. The girl stood there, watching Yoojung ride the white mare with elegance.


Was she being creepy?


The question made Doyeon turn away and walk back inside her house, heart thumping rapidly against her chest.




Yoojung made it back to her house just as the Kim family arrived. Her mother whistled. “You actually came back early.”


Her daughter smiled. “And I changed out of my uniform.” She said, showing off her outfit. Mrs. Choi laughed and waved Yoojung off.


“Go get cleaned up and call your sister down.” She ordered. Yoojung giggled and slipped past the family of three to get to the staircase, not forgetting to greet them. She let her smile linger a little bit longer on Doyeon - as noted by the taller girl, who looked away.


They all sat down at the dinner table and began their conversations. As usual, it was really only the adults who were talking. Sohye, Yoojung, and Doyeon were just listening along.


Yoojung learned that Doyeon had come from New York. She always wanted to go to New York, she always wanted to go to a city.


As most adults would talk to the kids in a conversation, Mrs. Kim spoke up to Yoojung.


“You’re very pretty.” She commented, making Yoojung’s face heat up. “Do you have a boyfriend currently?”


Yoojung bit down her nervousness. “Ah, thank you. And no, I don’t have a boyfriend.”


Mrs. Kim narrowed her eyes. “No boyfriend?”


Sensing the playful accusing tone in her voice, Yoojung giggled and shook her head, ignoring the heavy feeling spreading through her chest. Would they look at her differently if they knew?


Mrs. Choi cut in.


“How about a girlfriend?” She cocked her head with a small smile. Yoojung loved her mother.


She eyed for the Kims’ reactions and noticed that they all seemed interested rather than disgusted. Good.


“Sadly, no.” Yoojung replied with pink cheeks.


The conversation continued on as if nothing happened and Yoojung’s stomach felt light for the rest of dinner.




Every morning, Yoojung would wait on her front steps for Doyeon. The girl would always see her and that’s when Yoojung would take off running to the stables. She never wanted Doyeon to be late because of her so she fed the horses at lightning speed. It became a routine for the two and eventually, Yoojung didn’t have to wait to see Doyeon because Doyeon would automatically wait for her even if she didn’t see Yoojung.




“Sorry, one of the horses refused to eat.” Yoojung panted as they began to walk to school, a bit later than usual. Doyeon didn’t reply, which Yoojung became used to. Yoojung was never one to talk a lot but having one-sided conversations kind of makes you talk a lot. “It’s one of the newer horses, actually.” Yoojung said.


She often just spoke randomly, about anything in her head. Doyeon never replied which was fine with Yoojung. She sort of liked being able to talk without hearing any feedback to interrupt her.


“My mom told me you’re coming over for dinner, again.” She said, looking at the dirt road. “I’m not sure if I’ll make it to dinner. I want to check up on the new horse.” She pouted.


Doyeon still didn’t say anything. Yoojung puffed her cheeks. She glanced at Doyeon.


“You should come down to the stables with me one day.” She suggested. Doyeon’s eyes snapped up to meet with Yoojung’s. “It’s okay if you don’t want to.” She said, knowing how Doyeon struggled in social situations. She wanted Doyeon to be comfortable around her. It was the least she could do for the girl who looked anything but comfortable during school hours.


“Well, you can think about it.” Yoojung smiled as they walked up the path to get to their school. “We walk home together. If you don’t want to go, you can just go to your house. If you do, then come with me.” She said, eyes scanning the girl’s side profile. Doyeon gave a small nod which caused Yoojung’s lips to curve upwards.




“Hey, Jieqiong.” Yoojung said as she peered over Jieqiong’s shoulder, trying to peek at the homework. “Psst, Jieqiong.”


“No, I will not let you copy from me.”


Yoojung slumped into her seat, annoyance riddling her face. “Rude.”


Jieqiong shot her a glare. “Whose fault is it for not paying attention?”


“Yours, actually.” Yoojung narrowed her eyes at the older girl, remembering how Jieqiong constantly bickered with her during lessons. It was no fair that the older girl was naturally good in academics. Before Jieqiong could retaliate, a paper slipped in front of Yoojung. Written at the top in neat, skinny handwriting it said ‘Kim Doyeon’.


Yoojung grinned and didn’t say anything as she began to copy the work from Doyeon.




The three of them walked together for about ten minutes before Jieqiong took the path to her house and Yoojung and Doyeon continued on the road. Yoojung’s heart began to pick up the pace as they neared Doyeon’s house.


Would Doyeon go with her to the stables?


They got closer and closer until…


Doyeon was still walking next to Yoojung even though they had passed her house.


Yoojung’s rapidly beating heart subsided its harsh rate of beating and she smiled contently. They entered Yoojung’s house and Yoojung saw her mother in the kitchen.


“Mom, Doyeon and I are going to the stables.”


Go change, Yoojung.” Her mother ordered. Yoojung sighed and tapped Doyeon’s arm without thinking much of it.


“Let’s go drop off our stuff in my room.” She suggested. Doyeon gulped and followed the girl up the stairs. They entered her bedroom and set down their bags onto Yoojung’s bed.


“Ah, you won’t need to change but I do. Turn around?” Yoojung smiled sheepishly. Doyeon turned and faced the wall silently. Just the sound of Yoojung’s clothes ruffling made her heart palpitate. She could feel her mind starting to race, hands tightening into fists. When Yoojung was done, she walked to the door and waited for Doyeon.


The taller girl exhaled quietly and followed her.


They walked slowly to the stables as Doyeon tried to regain her right mind. Yoojung hummed as they walked through the field.


“Have you ever seen a horse up close, Doyeon?” The brunette asked with genuine curiosity, tilting her head to look at the taller girl. Doyeon shook her head. Yoojung smiled. “There’s a first time for everything.”


Doyeon stood by the entrance of the building, watching as Yoojung naturally began to feed the horses, complimenting them with her sweet voice and giving them pats on their heads. Yoojung noticed the frozen Doyeon and she waved her closer. Doyeon shook her head and stayed where she was, hands gripping onto each other. She never liked being alone with another person.


It was different when they walked to school. It was more lively when they walked to school. Here at the stables, it was just them… and the horses.


Doyeon never let herself get into situations like this.


Why did she agree to this?


Yoojung didn’t push the topic, giving Doyeon space. She rubbed the spot behind Haru’s ear and leaned in to place a small kiss just above her nose. She then turned her attention to the horse at the last stall.


Doyeon let out a small smile when she saw Yoojung stand on her toes to see over the stall door. She was so small.


“Still not eating?” Yoojung mumbled with a pout as the horse laid there. “Maybe you’re just not used to being here…” She said, more to herself than to the actual horse.


Doyeon saw Yoojung disappear into the stall and she waited anxiously for her to reappear. There was a small yelp before she saw Yoojung exit the stall, her left hand holding onto her other hand.


“Little bugger bit me.” She stated, walking closer to Doyeon, who could see the injury. It had broken through the skin, causing blood to seep out, staining the smooth skin beneath it.


“Doyeon, do me a favor?” Yoojung looked up at the taller girl who widened her eyes. Yoojung didn’t look like she was in much pain. “Hide this from my mom? She’d never let me go back out here if she saw this.”


Doyeon blinked repeatedly. Yoojung pouted. “Just - Just stand in front of me when we walk into the house so she won’t see this, please?”


Sensing Yoojung’s desperation, she nodded. Her hand was starting to bleed more and more so Doyeon walked quickly with Yoojung right behind her. They entered the house and got through smoothly, Yoojung’s good hand holding onto the back of Doyeon’s school vest.


They got to the bathroom and Yoojung rinsed off her cut with urgency, washing it with soap. Doyeon closed the door behind her and locked it, eyes filled with worry. Yoojung met her gaze in the mirror, a comforting smile fitting onto her face.


“It’s okay. I’ve gotten worse injuries.” She said. “I got stitched up on my knee a few years ago. One of them kicked me.” She grinned as if it weren’t the most physically painful memory she had.


Doyeon stood awkwardly, watching as Yoojung opened the cabinet to pull out the first aid kit, doing everything with her healthy hand. Too bad Yoojung wasn’t a lefty. She struggled to even open the cabinet.


Doyeon wasn’t sure what had gotten into her, but she took the first aid kit from Yoojung and opened it. Yoojung looked at her in surprise.


“The disinfectant.” Yoojung pointed to the bottle. “Gotta rub it on.”


Doyeon nodded and took that out, opening it. She looked at Yoojung again for further instructions. The smaller girl let out a laugh and reached in to pull out a small swab of paper.


“Pour some of that on there.” Yoojung said. Doyeon did as she was told and held the soaked paper in her grip, staring at the injury on Yoojung’s hand. “If… If you’re not comfortable doing it, I can do it.” Yoojung reached to take the paper but Doyeon pulled back.




The husky voice reverberated in the small bathroom, causing both girls to freeze in their spots.


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Chapter 8: I loved this story. I wish you'd continue it but it's so long ago I don't want to have hope... anyway, if you ever decide to finish it I'll be waiting eagerly for it.
YoodaengStan #2
Chapter 8: i kept reading this story again and again ~ even tho it probably won't be finished, i still love it so much
thank you for this masterpiece author
draggehz #3
Chapter 8: oh my god this is so irresponsible cant help but be upset.
hopefully you find the will to close this story.
if not well there's nothing much i can do except to say that you wrote well.
Chapter 6: I'm proud of doyeon rn it made me happy aww
I miss this story.. :(
Update pleaseeeeeeeeeeee!
If you're busy or something, please tell us so we could understand. :(
YoodaengStan #6
author, you did great! the characters, the plot, the 'mysteries', actually everything fit so well ~ i'm dying to know what happened to doyeon in the past and how yoojung will deal with this love triangle :-)

it's been more than a year since i first read this story and every time read it again, i can't help but wish for an update but at the same time i'm kind of accepting there won't be any ~

you have done so well, author! thank you for writing something so beautiful
Chapter 8: NOOOO IM SO SAD i just read this all in one go and ive recently just discovered dodaeng and there isnt a lot of fics but this fic is such a gem im crying i love this so much!! This is honestly my fave dodaeng fic rn and im just upset bc im not sure if you'll ever update this fic again but just so you know, im always gonna be waiting for you if you ever decide to finish this. This story is such a masterpiece!! I just love how you portrayed doyeon and yoojung in this like with doyeon not being comfortable around ppl but here comes yoojung who has such a kind hearted, benevolent aura who would do anything for doyeon and she's so patient and understanding and they just suit each other so much... they're so perfect im a MESS.

What troubles me is that yoojung said she still loves somi but she has feelings for doyeon aswell omg but you know what they say... if you fall in love with 2 people, choose the 2nd one bc if you were really in love with the first one you wouldn't have fallen for the 2nd person. I MEAN THATS THE SAYING BUT IM JUST DODAENG TRASH SO I WANT THEM TO GET TOGETHER but ahh have i mentioned how much i love this fic, the feels are amazing. You're so talented and you're amazing at writing!! I really hope you come back soon YOU GOTTA FINISH WHAT YOU STARTED AUTHOR NIM hehehe ~~ ♡♡
Dodaengtrash #8
Chapter 8: I love this story so much. Pls comeback author nim, we miss you ㅜㅜ
say_eiram #9
Hi author nimmmm! I am really into this story~~ It makes me want to hug youuuu!!! Please update soon~ Don't abandon this wonderful story of yours~~~
Chapter 8: Hello author-nim please update this fanfic soon... I really appreciate the story and I like the plot.. ^_^