A Rewritten Romance


                                   "Looks like there's still many things for you to learn about me."


The morning sunrays shone down on the hills and trees, and there was a gentle cooling breeze in the air. The leaves were swaying to the wind and birds were by the waterfall. Earlier this morning, Ji Ae and Kai had left the resort to go to a nearby Nature Reserve for their project. It was truly an oasis of tranquillity and natural wonders. She admired the beautiful greenery and inhaled the grassy scent that wafted through the air. Mother Nature was truly at it’s best.



“Are you still taking notes? You look too busy to do it.”



Ji Ae turned around to face Kai. Sometimes she wondered if he had actually come here before her, he didn’t even look awed by the beauty of this place! They were walking around looking for some ideas, and she was the one who was supposed to record down notes as he talked.



Smiling, Kai grabbed the notepad out of her hands and walked infront of her, “Today, just look and enjoy. I’ll do the notetaking.”



Her eyes fixed on the man as he trekked forward, pausing at times to scribble notes. She had to admit, she found herself stopping to take quick glances at him sometimes, checking to see if he needed help or whatsoever. Seeing this side of him did made her heart flutter a little. Just a little. It reminded her of the old times when Kai was studying and he would have this handsome concentrated gaze.



She saw Kai stopped suddenly near a stream before turning to look at her, “Remember how we used to catch fishes together? And the loser makes a meal for the winner?”



Of course she remembered. Ji Ae remained clueless to his excitement and she stared at him with curious eyes the minute he started folding his pants up, “What are you doing?”



“Let’s do it again.”



“What?! No!” Ji Ae scoffed lightly, “That’s childish!”



“Are you afraid of losing?” Kai raised a brow at her with a smirk, “The Ji Ae I know never says no to competing.” He knew that this question would definitely make her do it. Ji Ae was competitive, afterall. Just like in the past, whenever they played card or board games, she would surely show him her competitive side, winning him in all rounds. And Kai had always been proud to call her his girl.






And just like that, both of them entered the stream and started the competition. Thankfully there were no other people around, if not the two of them would have already been mistaken for 18 year olds.



“Stop standing next to me, Kim Jongin! Look. All the fishes are going away!” Ji Ae snapped at him.



Kai tried to contain his laughter seeing this competitive side of her again, and he started joking, “Are you saying I’m a fish repeller? But I’m sure the fishes want me too. They can’t resist this handsome-”



“You and your damn ego.” Ji Ae muttered as she rolled her eyes, moving to another spot, “I’m going to win you at this rate. Guess who’s going to make me dinner?”



“Well I don’t think so.” Kai gave her a smirk the moment he managed to catch a handful of them, causing Ji Ae’s jaw to drop. How did he do it so fast!



After a good half an hour spent at the stream competing, Kai emerged as the winner, meaning that Ji Ae would have to make him a meal one of these days. The thought of it had already got him beaming from ear to ear. The duo is now sitting on a log taking their rest before continuing with their journey.



“Just for this trip, can you be nicer to me?”






Clearing his throat, Kai adverted his gaze and looked towards the ground, “There’s just the two of us for this trip. And I really want you to enjoy your time here, Ji Ae. So could you not be mad at me? Talk to me nicely?”



“You must be kidding..”



“What I mean is! If you can speak to Lay in a nice tone, why can’t you do the same to me?” Kai finally admitted, looking at her with a small pout. She looked at him, and saw that his eyes were desperate. These eyes were the exact ones he would always show whenever he was jealous, and she had to try to contain her laughter.



“The relationship Yixing and I have is completely different. Of course I can’t do the same.”



Kai raised his brow and eyed her closely, “Why not? He’s a man, and I’m a man too. You should be speaking to all men in the same tone. Why does he deserve special treatment huh?”



“And why do you deserve to know?” She ignored his curious stare, “You’re being unreasonable here, Jongin.”



Kai sulked at her before his face brightened up again and he flashed her his signature smirk, “But then again, I’m sure I got much more special treatment as compared to Lay. When we used to date, I already got to see all sides of you that other men don’t. Your hugs, your kisses, and your-“



“Stop bringing up the past!” Ji Ae’s cheeks reddened immediately. How shameless can he get! “You’re so annoying.”



“Aww babe, you know I felt like the luckiest man in the world when you used to date me right?”



“No I don’t.”



“Why do you always avoid my eyes whenever you talk to me?”



This man! He was really going all out to make her embarrassed and flustered, huh? Keep it in, Park Ji Ae, keep it cool! Grabbing the water bottle away from Kai’s hands immediately without thinking, she turned away from him and drank, with Kai smirking at her.






“We just had an indirect kiss.” He winked, “That’s a good start.”



“This is Leila, our number one horse.” They are now at the horse stables after he kept insisting on the both of them climbing up the hill slightly abit more. In the past, he knew that she has always wanted to try riding horses but has never gotten a chance to. Today, he was going to make it happen.



Turning to look at Kai, Ji Ae said, “Jongin, we really don’t have to. Besides, we’re still busy and-“



“You used to tell me how much you wanted to try riding horses. So we’ll ride it today. It looks as cool as me, right?” Kai flashed her a smile, striking a pose next to the tall horse.



Ji Ae couldn’t help but let out a small chuckle as she rolled her eyes at the narcissistic man, “Kim Jongin..”



“Come on.” He held onto her shoulders and guided her near the horse.



“Hey Leila,” Ji Ae smiled, soothing the horses's back delicately, “Can I ride you? Please don’t shake me off, okay?”



“Silly, she won’t.” Kai laughed before taking her hand in his, “Let’s go!”



The duo got onto the horse and started to move around the fields. Kai couldn’t feel more than happier right then. Talk about skin ship, he really had Leila the horse to thank for. This was the closest he had gotten next to Park Ji Ae so far, and he was more than contented already. Thanks to this horse ride, he was able to hold onto her hands for the very first time since forever.



“It’s really pretty here!” Ji Ae grinned, letting her eyes scan across the wide fields. She’s finally able to feel relaxed for once, without having any burdens or worries to think of. She hardly got to enjoy because of work and all, but now that she could, she was really feeling much better. Ji Ae didn't know how to describe this feeling she was feeling then. It was a gush of excitement rushing through her bones as they ventured closer into the woods, but something about having Kai next to her here made her feel a little more contented. Not that she was willing to admit to it, anyway. 



“Is it? I can take you here more often if you want, you know.” Kai had a huge smile plastered on his face.



“And why would you? We’re just here for 5 more days.” She retorted stubbornly, though Kai couldn’t see the small smile she had on her face upon hearing his words.



“Seriously? You’re that eager to leave?” He looked at her frowning, shocked to hear that she was counting down to the number of days they have left together. It was really freaking hard to make her enjoy her time around him.



“It’s because of you.” She chided back, eyes remaining focused on the view infront, "I never thought I would be on a trip with my ex."



"Really? Well, now you are. And I'm going to make sure you enjoy it."



Before Ji Ae could argue back, Kai placed his fingers on her lips to shush her, “Let’s not quarrel, Leila does not like that. Why not you be nice to me just for today?” Kai leaned closer to her, trying to rest his head on her shoulders before she gave him a light shove, “Hold on tighter to me if you’re scared, okay? Leila can run wild at any point of time.”



“Don’t you dare.” She hissed at him with a glare, pressing her lips together, “And since when have you started communicating with horses?”



“Looks like there’s still many things for you to learn about me, Park Ji Ae.”


a/n; thank you for all of your lovely comments guys!! :") do keep them coming in! 

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have a wonderful day ahead!


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suho225 #1
Chapter 18: please update i need more pf kai
Chapter 18: Yessss, I definitely know why Jongin. so keep fighting for her!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 18: Yessss, I definitely know why Jongin. so keep fighting for her!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 16: aaaaw this chapter is fluffy. See!!!! Ji Ae is.sloewly opening up to him and I was glad that she talks nicer to jongin now.
Chapter 15: Slowly, Jongin would get her heart once again. She starts to break her wall.
Chapter 14: Learning about each other again. uh that sounds wrong?? you . lol
Chapter 13: I swear, even in the real life jealous jongin does look cute. kkkkkkk
Chapter 12: good luck Jongin for winning Ji Ae's heart. You need to work harder to get that. muahahaha
Chapter 11: hopefully they woyld reconcile soon and make everything clear.
Chapter 10: Sad sad sad Ji Ae, she was just dont wanna be hurt again. It's difficult decision to give the second chance eventho she still loves him.