
Love Angel

Today Is the last day that I will practice dance with Hyomin. I have confessed to her and she accept. We've been in love for 1 month. I hope nothing will happened. I was preparing when suddenly Hyejeong comes into my room. 

Hyejeong: hey whats with the set up?

M: dance practice with Hyomin.

Hyejeong: have fun...

M: thanks to you. 

Hyejeong: actually.....

M: later,later. I gotta run.

I just dash through the door and shut it. I ran to my college dance room. When suddenly shocked, I saw Hyomin and Yonghwa were kissing and dancing. I comes in.

M: Hyomin whats the meaning of this?

Hyomin: ommo oppa!

M: you betrayed me?

Hyomin: no its not what ya think?

M: yeah right. How dare you?

Yonghwa: im faster than you that means I win right? Baby?

Hyomin: oppa!!!

M: okay fine. I dont want to see your face anymore. Have fun Yonghwa and Hyomin. I pray for your fate to be together forever.

I ran out the room and ran all around the college and stops at the basketball court. I was sitting there crying. How dare she betrayed me. That Yonghwa punk. Suddenly I pass out. 


He should know the truth that I know weeks ago. 


Its been weeks since ive been learning and stay here. I love this school and the people too. Actually I think I have fall for someone but that someone likes other girl. I have fall in love with M, I think. I walk through the corridor when suddenly I saw Hyomin and Yonghwa kissing each other. Wait arent Hyomin and M a couple. Then why were they? I overheard their conversation. 

Yonghwa: baby thay was great. Tonight, how about we do the same thing we done once before?

Hyomin: that thing hurts Yonghwa. Plus now im with M.

Yonghwa: screw that geek. You love me right,right?

Hyomin: yeah!

Yonghwa: then lets do it tonight at my house. 

Both of them walk away. Pity M, I should tell him these but I didnt have the heart to tell him these. I went and meet Principle Kang. He was once an angel but he decide to become a human. I went to his room. 

Principle Kang: ahhh little angel. Whats up?

Hyejeong: i have something to ask.

Principle Kang: yeah what is it?

Hyejeong: what is this feeling when we saw someone we fell nervous and cant see him face to face?

Principle Kang: seriously you didnt know?

Hyejeong: yeah!

Principle Kang: it is called love. 

Hyejeong: wait dont tell me?

Principle Kang: yeah you have fall in love with human.

Hyejeong: but...but could that work?

Principle Kang: see on my table there ( while pointing to a picture him with his family ). That is prove that it could happened.

Hyejeong: but my dad will be so mad.

Principle Kang: ofcourse he will but he will understand.

Hyejeong: you know my dad?

Principle Kang: your father didnt tell you?

Hyejeong: tell what?

Principle Kang: long lost uncle?

Hyejeong: youre uncle Kang. Father only brother!!!!

Principle Kang: I still contact with him these days. Especially when he know you are schooling here. 

Hyejeong: i dont know what to do now?

Principle Kang: just make sure your feeling is right or not. 

Flashback End

Thats what Uncle Kang said. I think it is real. Where is M hes its so late. Its nearing 9pm. Eversince morning he didnt went back home. Im so worried. I should go and search for him at college. 


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sonzhang #1
Chapter 2: Nice story you got here.. time to subscribe