Chapter two


Recrudescene chapter two

Bored.That was what luhan was as well as the others.It was now 1400 hours and they havent even had breakfast.They were in their fourth meeting for today and it wont be the last.Xiumin was right , nobles flocked in wanting an explanation on what truly occured and the guards plan to fix it.

They had all gotten bored of answering the same questions over and over again.Sehun had already left rudely during the last meetings in hopes to save his sanity.Chanyeol wished he had done the same.

With lay gone deaths have increased in numbers but luhan needed him there.If the distress signal was indeed the queen only lay could get her to come.Lay was calm and had an effect on people that caused them to like him.His only worry was kai.

“Meeting ajourned.Allow the guards to discuss private matters.”kyungsoo shook hands with the nobles and allowed citizens to bow before shutting them out.

“We need to hold a public announcement soon.”kyungsoo requested.kyungsoo was becoming Agitated, with even more members of the guard gone there was a bigger risk of a threat.

“ Ive already discussed that.If we have a public announcement, we need lay.The public has the biggest sympathy for him.”luhan was tired of having to repeat himself.

“ so, we just wait until the people began rioting in the streets.”

“I honestly don’t know.This is my first time in command and the first time in centuries that we’ve had an attack on jubai.”The guards knew that the attack has been putting alot of stress on luhan but, they needed to attack now.

“Sehun, Baekhyun and I will go patrol the districts and see just how upset the people are.we’ll take a squadron as well.”kyungsoo and baekhyun rushed out of the room to find Sehun.

“ what would he do, right now?”luhan asked racking his fingers through his hair.

Chanyeol blew out some breath, hesitating.

“ He would act now.”

“ Then i want you and Kyungsoo up at Dawn tomorrow giving speeches.Best prepare.”


“ Females on oritha dress so weird.”lay said starting at the short skirt he held in his hands.

Xiumin just shrugged his shoulders and continued digging through her piles of school work at her desk.Kai didn't even give a subtle glance towards lay and continued focusing on what he believed was so fascinating out side the window.

“Kai, you come here all the they always dress this weird?”

“yes. Now focus on the task at hand.” kai said crossing his hands.He saw the school girls walking home from school.Their navy blue uniforms were a clear sign.

“Found any information?”kai asked.

“No, its Certainly a female so, thats a good start.she may be the one.”xuimin said rumagging through her drawers.

“ we will take her just in case.”xiumin started loading up things a d folding them into luggage.

“ Her name is Aurelie.”lay said holding up a sheet of paper.kai checked his watch frantically tapping on it , search outside the window.

“How much longer.”kai wasn't really asking it was more of a statement.

“ We just need about 15 to 20 more-”

“ we dont have that much time, xuimin.”kai hissed

“ well, just remember its best if-” But kai was already gone only gushes of wind left flowing through the window.”- stay together.”xuimin sighed and signal for lay to keep packing.


“ My key, My key, Where is my key.” i was frantically search through my book bag for my keys.How could my keys just dissappear?It was already freezing and the snow that was falling in my hair wasn’t helping at all.

“Do you need help?” I quickly turned around to see the most gorgeous man ive ever layed eyes on.

His brown and pink hair was slicked back but still a bit messy.His body was built but lean.He had on a pair of jeand and a black t- shirt with vans.He had the most intense eyes and the smirk he wore only enhanced his features.

“Do you need help?”he asked again he was a bit puzzled.I had completely forgot about his question.

“uhm.No.Im just searching for my key, it's in here somewhere.” I said turning back around to hide my embarrassment.


“You mean this key?” There and behold was my gold key in his hand.” I picked it up from the ground over there.I saw you and you looked abit panicked so i instanly thought it was yours.”he smiled reaching out to hand me the key.

“Thanks.” i said.i instantly regretted it because it came out a bit rude.

“Sorry, if it seems a bit weird.Me and my friends were just strolling through.”he shrugged.

“well, uhm...Bye.” i said stuffing the key into the lock before rushing into the house shutting the door and locking it.Boys were never interested in me so excuse me if im a bit on edge.Boys were never kind let alone the hot ones. my dizzyness was back, was gone all day, why is it back.The voices haven't talked so much today.Thats weird.





where was he?He couldn't go that far on his own.He’s disabled.o searched through the living room and the kitchen.where could he be?i jogged upstairs to his room in hopes to find him.There he was lying in his bed.

“Dad.”i shook but he wouldnt wake up.i was becoming worried.


“its only temporary.”a calm voice spoke.his grip on my waist and neck were tight.” As well as this.”

I could feel my soul leaving my body.

There they were.Two of the most gorgoeus men she had ever seen.she carfully hid behind the trunk of a near by tree in the shadows.Their hair was pulled back into ponytails.They were strong,their legs were long and powerful.Their arms each held a weapon of destruction as they fought to the best of their abilities.

One was obviously the teacher and was just humouring the other.The other tried his hardest and still did not suceed but he had determination.These were the kinds of men she would court.

“ Too slow achil.” he laughed as the clash of swords sparked.they danced around the pillars of their training area before quickly running into the fields getting tired of tripping over old stones.

“But if your too fast, you lose concentration.” achil laughed aiming yet again to be blocked by lucife’s shield.lucifed quickly took advantage and tripped achil.

“ yes , but then you die.”he said getting his breathing right.achil slowly took off his armour and racked his hands through his hair.

“ How many more times are you going to secretly watch us maiden?”lucife called into the trees.The only response he got was the wail of the trees from the strong winds.

“ i know your there, kora.” he repeated before sighing and removing his armour as well.

“ she is shy, let her come out when she feels it is right.”achil suggested loosing the straps of his shoes.

“ Yes, but I would like to see her face.” He said taking a sip of his water splashing the rest of the contents on his skin.The hot sun was scorching. The heat waves could be seen and they still had more training to do.

Kore hid her face between the bark of the tree.She did not wish to come out into the light.Her white dress was simple and the golden crown that laced her hair were not the best but her beauty made up for it.She quickly raced back into the forest.

“well, when kro gets here we’ll start again.” achil said firing a bow towards the woods only to have it eaten by the branches that crushed it in half before dropping it into the soil where it disappeared like quick sand.

“ yah, you’ll never get to see her face until she comes out.” he snickered.

“ do be so hasty , she might be your future queen.” lucife smirked.

“ or yours.” achil shoved him.

” come on kro wont be that angry that we skipped hus pratice plus the banquets tonight.” He said jogging off.

“ or yours...” he secretly whispered to himself as he stared at the forest.the forest was so enchanting and beautiful.

The vines were so intrict and almost gold.The tree were as tall as the skies and were endless.The bushes were filled with sweet berries no one had ever tasted.But the forest was sickening and held no signs of life other than kore.It loved kore.

The future queen didnt always live within the forest.she used to live in the castle with all the guards.As children they played games and laughed.But kore became attached to the forest and never wanted to leave when she should have.Now the forest will never let her go until she’s ripened. no one has yet to have seen the beauty at her new age and live. he took a couple steps closer until he could get as close as he could.

“Kora!” Only the sounds of wind through the leaves could be heard.

“ i know you can hear me kora.I will come back tonight during the banquet. No one will see us.” his voice echoed through the trees.But no response.he looked down at his feet before jogging off in the direction achil had left.soon achil would come looking for him.

That night the wind was still within the trees.The forest never made noise.At night the forest was dark, gloomy , and terrifying.lucife waited and waited.His hair was out slicked down behind his head .His dark look suited him well.he looked regal and classy.his hands shook from nervousness as he held the tiny book in his hands.little did he know that the girl of his dreams was waiting right behind the trees watching silently.

she had done up her hair even though she knew she would never have the chance to come out of the dangerous forest.she closed her eyes and clutched her hands to her heart.

lucife sighed and slowly crouched down and left the box down on the ground.he looked at the forest again before turning around and departing.

he didnt even make it half way across the field before he felt a strong gush of wind behind him.He turned around and looked but the box was gone. He shyly smiled to himself before leaving away back to the banquet.


“ Good morning, to the prized citizens of Jubai.We would like tointroduce our status to those who do not recognize us.

I am Lord chanyeol guard of fire and king of the 3rd dynasty father to penilope and gynase.

This here is Kyungsoo guard of the earth and king of the 6th dynasty father of flinn.

Now that we have introduced ourselves it is not best to move on to more pressing matters.”chanyeol quickly glance at kyungsoo for help.of course, kyungsoo was going to leave the speech up to chanyeol as he was a more influential speaker.

. “ Most of you are curious about the most recent terrorist attack on bristal market bay.Our limited information only comes to one conclusion.That indeed it was a shadow walker that was the cause of the terrorist attack.” whispers began forming around the crowd.

“ But do not worry all is well.The shadowwalker is inprisoned and all is safe.A generous amount of money will be given to the families that had to suffer the lose of a loved one.This will not happen again.Thank you, for you time.”chanyeol wrapped up his scroll before preparing to head of stage.

“ so is it true that the shadows are rising up will darkness prevail!”A man shouted in the crowd.He was going to start an uproar and chanyeol was not going to waste energy dispersing one.

“ the city is is good hands.we have reigned for centuries and have kept you safe.The strongest of warriors are guarding the city at this very moment , there is no need to panic.Panic only leads to chaos.” chanyeol said before leading the warriors back to the castle.kyungsoo nodded and called in to baekhyun he is on his way back. 《《《《《《《《《《《《《《《《《《《《《《《《》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》

“ Did you bring the fire wood?”baekhyun asked.

“No” sehun said sharpening his blade.He made no sudden movement that suggested he would get fire wood.

“Well, that's your cue to get up and get it.” Baekhyun spat.

“Just because kyungsoo’s not here doesnt mean you get to show your .Im here to scoot not collect fire wood.” sehun tended to his knife when baekhyun snickered and got up.

“ im going to get fire wood.”

“bye.” sehun retorted quite coldly.

“ you know maybe if you lost the attitude you would be bumped up in rank.” baekhyun hissed.Sehun looked at baekhyun with a glare that could melt ice.

“ Didnt you say you were collecting fire wood, so why dont i see any wood.”he hissed back before placing hid attention back on his blade.

the night was cold and quiet except for the screeching of birds.the sand was graining and made the desert night even was pitch black in the night and sehun could barely see without his lantern.

“ where the hell is baekhyun?’ he should of done it himself.

“ He controls light can't he just make some for use.”He spat. the night got darker and it had at least been an hour since baekhyun went searching for the firewood.the night was silent and still ; too still.

thats when he felt it.The sand was moving in patterns.He knew only one creature that could cause sand to move like that.That when he saw it the birds flying away from the trees on the edge of the desert.he heard the cracks of trees as it stomped down them.The light that shun down through the trees.The shriek it made caused his ear drumbs to bleed.the blood pouring out of his ears.The sound vibrated through the sand.

“ Sehun,RUN!” baekhyun screamed.He was running towards the camp sight and he wasnt carrying fire wood.It was already too late.sehun took over in a dash but it was hard to run when you were kicking up sand.he tumbled down the hills towards the plains.

There he saw it.Its tails sprung up from the grown like long vines whipping into attack.This creature was dangerous and was why few lived in the desert.Its vine like tails digging intothe sand searching for prey and wraps it long limbs around its waist and trapps it in its mouth until its ready to eat.The good thing was its lack of sight and that it needed light in order to find its was attracted to either his lantern or something told him baekhyun was using light.

“ Baekhyun turn the light off it attracts it.” sehun yelled crashing his lantern on the hard sand forming glass crystals.The beast shriek was going to stike again.

“Turn it off.”Sehun yelled the sand vbegan lifting up until it was almost like he was swimming in it.the vine like tails straightened up like claws diving underneath the sand and tugging sehun ans baekhyun out of the wrapped around like rope and lavitated them in the air.sehun grabbed his sword to cut at the limls but it could only cut so deep as the limbs were think and strong.

The clouds began to cover the night stars and moons before wind began to form around them.The wind blew baekhyuns hair all which a ways.The wind was so strong it began to slice the beast.It shreiked out and the ring in sehun’s became worse.Finally sehuns powerful winds slayed the beast. Sehun and baekhyun fell into the sand and baekhyun coughed up sand from his mouth.

“You idoit, did you hear me say to turn it off.” sehun dusted the sand out of his clothes.

“ No, my ear were full of blood from the inhuman shrieking.”baekhyun couldnt believe sehun was blaming it on him

“ Now ill be picking sand out my for days.” he said grabbing his sword.

“ Hey idoits.” they heard on the ear pieces.” stop arguing and get your asses back to head quarters.luhans going to hold a meeting.” kyungsoo clicked off.

Sehun was so irritated he shot random gunshots into the night.

“ control your temper.” Baekhyun warned.

“ im so sick off this.” sehun pushed his gun back in his hulster and started walking south.

“Hey , where are you going? Headquarters is west.luhan wants a report.” baekhyun shouted at the figure that was slowly disappearing.

“ I dont take orders from luhan.” sehun shouted back until his figure disappeared into the night.

“He leaves me here to walk back by my self.”baekhyun kicked some sand. “Your gonna get suspended!” he yelled knowing sehun can't hear him.

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