Thank you

More than enough



So we decided to settle on a Korean restaurant since we are kind of homesick and miss the food. The place was not that far so we decided to walk. The street was still bustling with people. But it felt peaceful. It felt comfortable. As soon as we entered the restaurant, the scent of meat hit us. We sat at the end of the restaurant because he claims that there's lesser people there. He also kept lowering his head. As if his height isn't intimidating enough. We looked through the menu, ordered a few stuff and waited.

This is where the awkward part comes. I just met this man 10 minutes ago and he just saved my life. Now, he is sitting across me and eating dinner. With me. Alone. Sigh... but he helped me so I must be grateful.


" Uh sorry for my manners but I forgot to ask you for your name. My name is Byun Baekhyun. Nice to meet you! "


" Nah it happens, my name is Park Chanyeol.  Call me Chanyeol. Nice to meet you too! "


Oh? His name sounds familiar too. Where have I heard it? Maybe it's just some common name. But he looks familiar too. Is he an old classmate? Or maybe ....


" Earth to Baekhyun? Have I lost you? Haha, you look so lost in thought.... Can I know what you are thinking of? "


Nothing much actually. Hmm, can I ask you why are you here in Hawaii , in the middle of September? " 


" Same goes for you. Uh? Holiday... Gateway.... A trip to keep me sane? How about you? "


Eh? Should I tell him? It doesn't hurt to say since I will probably not meet him ever again after this. I need someone to hear me out too.... Ok, take a deep breath and say it Baekhyun-ah.


" This might sound stupid and fictional but trust me it isn't...... How do I phrase it nicely? On my wedding day, I found out my fiancee was cheating on me for 2 years. He had a family. A wife with 3 kids! I was the household wrecker. I didn't know what to do.... It was an hour before the actual ceremony. I didn't tell anyone....... So I just left. So here I am. Alone. On our supposedly 'honeymoon' trip. Without the 'supposedly' love of my life"



Is he going to laugh? Did he disappear thinking I am some crazy man spouting nonsense? Maybe he will be like those people who I've met a few days ago. Those people who I tried to release my inner feelings but ended being laughed at since they think I'm just depicting a drama. Since my story is so ridiculous, no one would believe me.  Even I, myself think its stupid. But my life is stupid. My whole existence is. I am too ashamed to even look up. What's with this salty taste on my lips? I didn't even realise I was bawling my eyes out.


I am so sorry..... I..."


He didn't leave me. He didn't laughed out loud saying how good I am at joking like how the others do. He sat there. Looking at me with his big eyes googling out. Instead he hold me in his arms and hugged me. This man who I have met an hour ago is embracing me. It felt like an eternity. When was the last time I felt this secure and safe in someone arms? When was the last time someone showed care and love to me? Maybe because I've been a wreck this past few days. Maybe because I longed for someone..... But he made me feel calm. He made me feel at ease.

After my sobbing has quieten down, food came at the right time. We ate in silence. A comfortable one. He kept grilling the meat and kept feeding me. Even that small gesture made me sob a little. How can someone I just met show so much care to me? The man I have dated for 3 years and engaged for 2 years have never done anything like this. Why am I so dumb? Why is love so blind?

The silence alone was comforting. Thank you Park Chanyeol for understanding.




I didn't expect to see so many people here. Why must most of them be koreans??? I shall lead him to the end of the restaurant. The lesser people the better. If this gets out, it would not only put me in trouble. This man beside me will suffer too. 


" Uh sorry for my manners but I forgot to ask you for your name. My name is Byun Baekhyun. Nice to meet you! "


" Nah it happens, my name is Park Chanyeol.  Call me Chanyeol. Nice to meet you too! "


Oh? He is squinting his eyes. His eyebrows are raising.... Did he figure out? Was I too obvious? Distrupt the thoughts. 


" Earth to Baekhyun? Have I lost you? Haha, you look so lost in thought.... Can I know what you are thinking of? "


Nothing much actually. Hmm, can I ask you why are you here in Hawaii , in the middle of September? " 


Hawaii. Not sure why. Maybe because instead of being so cold like in Korea now, it is sunnier and warmer here. Everyone was so suffocating back home. I just needed to get away from everything. I just needed a break and time for myself. Away from negativity. Away from everyone.


" Same goes for you. Uh? Holiday... Gateway.... A trip to keep me sane? How about you? "


He looks like he is contemplating to say something... Why is he looking down? His face is changing too. He looks..... sad. Devastated. Two minutes ago he looked like a puppy who just got a treat. Now he looks like someone who just lost their puppy.


" This might sound stupid and fictional but trust me it isn't...... How do I phrase it nicely? On my wedding day, I found out my fiancee was cheating on me for 2 years. He had a family. A wife with 3 kids! I was the household wrecker. I didn't know what to do.... It was an hour before the actual ceremony. I didn't tell anyone....... So I just left. So here I am. Alone. On our supposedly 'honeymoon' trip. Without the 'supposedly' love of my life"


He is crying. Oh god, I feel terrible. I didn't mean it for him to cry. He is practically telling me his whole life story. What should I do? I am terrible at comforting people. I am so bad at these type of situation... Should I talk to him? Should I stay silent? But that would be rude. Oh god help.


I am so sorry..... I..."


I didn't know what to do. So I did the first thing that came into my mind. I hugged him and his back. Slowly. Pat him on his head. I keep repeating it's okay. I hope its comforting him. He stops sobbing slowly. I guess it worked. He feels small in my embrace. He smells like vanilla and strawberries. So many people are looking and whispering at us but I don't care. This is a first. The first time I didn't care how others look at me. This man in my arms. I just met him an hour ago. Yet, he is telling me everything. He trust me this much yet I wasn't honest to him. Maybe it was because of how others treat me and how I grew up with doubting everyone I ever met... Maybe it was because of how I needed someone to believe in me .... But he made feel at ease. He made me feel things I have never felt before.

Food came and since I'm bad with words I might as well serve him food as much as I can. I kept grilling the meat and gave it to him. At times , he would look at me and smile and give me a piece of meat. At times like that, I felt apprieciative. I just want to hold him and wish that this short moment would last longer. Thank you Byun Baekhyun for trusting me.




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