You look cute

More than enough


[Korean] “ Aish, this ahjusshi seriously needs to stop… ”


[English] “ Hey don’t be shy, let’s have fun. Come look at me cutie ”


[Broken English] “ No touche. Pleaseu no touche me ”


I tried avoiding eye contact and push him away but he didn’t even budge. This will be a long night.


[English] “ Look at you being all feisty...Two can play a game ”


The next thing I knew he was on the floor, on his knees, looking ever so ready to kill someone. But there was another man. Unlike the man on the floor, he is way taller and skinnier. He was beside me but I can’t see him since it’s so dark in the club. He grabbed my hand and pushed through the crowd quickly towards the exit. Towards more light so I could see him. The first thing I noticed was how large and pointy his ears were. Like a cute elf.


[Korean] “ Are you alright? Are you hurt anywhere? ”


Well damn his voice gave me goosebumps. It sounds so low. Sounds so familiar. Sounds like home.


“ Yes and no…. Wait are you speaking korean to me? Finally someone who I can understand "


“ Well yeah, I’m korean. Haha it’s the first time I’ve seen a korean here too. You look like you were struggling back there and I couldn’t be just watching …. ”


He looks familiar. But I can't put my finger on it...


“ Uh yeah that man keeps trying to hit on me even though I kept refusing… Thank you though. For helping me..How about this, I treat you to a meal? It’s my way of showing how grateful I am. ”


Oh look he is smiling. He has a dimple. He looks cute. Wait what?


“ Sure, I would love to. Plus, having someone to hangout will be fun ”



Crap, now what? Good job. Hitting someone in PUBLIC in a CLUB in a FOREIGN COUNTRY is certainly NOT a good way to end of your holiday.I shall make a run for this. Not forgetting this petite man too. After running quite a distance and catching my breath, I finally saw his face. The first thing I saw was a small mole at the corner of his mouth. Cute.


“ Are you alright? Are you hurt anywhere? ”


“ Yes and no…. Wait are you speaking korean to me? Finally someone who I can understand ”


Oh? He doesn't recognise me? That's a first. Good then. It is better this way too. 


“ Well yeah, I’m korean. Haha it’s the first time I’ve seen a korean here too. You look like you were struggling back there and I couldn’t be just watching …. ”


“ Uh yeah that man keeps trying to hit on me even though I kept refusing… Thank you though. For helping me..How about this, I treat you to a meal? It’s my way of showing how grateful I am. ”


Wow, he really doesn't know me. Well it doesn't hurt to meet new people. Plus I need company. Being alone here and he looks cute looking at me like this....


“ Sure, I would love to. Plus, having someone to hangout will be fun ”

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