Pumpkin date

Support group : Crush Anonymous

I recommended you to listen to The Paper Kites's song - Bloom in this chapter. If you didn't have it, stream it , download it. It doesn't need hundreds of mucles. I guaranteed.



Some expert said that human live consists of four crucial stages. Number 1 : Childhood, the innocent yet important part of our life. Especially the age below six, it's not about diapers,milk at night or your thumb but that's about how you form your characteristic that will emerge in the future. 


Number 2 : Adolescence , yes where you're crying or freak out when you got your first period, having difficulty to shave your hair , because beard was not in back then. The time of satisfying your curiosity is more important than making your calculus homework. The time where you decided being emo while bouncing your head at the corner of highschool, or being a charismatic joke showing off your athletic ability or maybe when you decided to do school appropriately and mistaken as being nerd. The time when trying drugs , , and other delinquencies were excusable. Because hey ! You only live once and a teenager ! Curiosity didn't kill you.


Number 3 : Adulthood, This the time when you start to feel and understand of life work. You're laughing your when you remember how dumb you were as a teenager. Going out in some fancy gatherings , charity , or just going on college, having job get married and have kids, what Darwinian called evolution. You didn't remember you ever want to be a kpop idol or wanting to marry one of them . Because apparently , life has show you that something worth for your struggle is reality.


Number 4 : The last is old time, when you grew so much grey hairs or even lose hairs, wrinkled start to form all over your body. All day long sitting on a chair watching your grandchildren losing their faces in their keep advancing technology gadgets. While you're mushy and keep talking about your past to your grandchildren. You told them of your first broke up on facebook, first story with dog filter on snapchat . It seems like yesterday, when it's already decades ago. The old time was a time when you find your wisdom, you never go to church or other religious sect but you start to interest in one. Then you have your own opinion about the meaning of life. Whether it's good , bad, sad or plain. But one thing you have to remember....



You're going to be the most SWAG granny in the future ! Because man, with all those selfies, vlog , gizmos and the thing about out for harambe was going to be a good story for the future young generation. Just becareful not to tell the embarrassing one.


It's a little bit out of topic indeed, but from the four things above, the most important is the part between adolescence and adulthood, Young adulthood . When you're confuse and curious, because believe it or not . Some of us in that time were dealing with some psychological disorder. Like Depression, Borderline , Anxiety. When you doubt your own self , and too much self-loathing . Especially if it's something to do about your crush. You like them but it seems they never notice you, you want to tell how you feel but you cowardice. You lose your self, you don't know who are you. You have to introduce your self again to your self . And the last thing come to your mind is ....you want to run away and give up on life.


Yoona gulped , her eyes stare sternly at the rope hanging from above the ceiling . It swayed to left and right rapidly. She took a chair , climbing into it then grip the rope tightly with her hands.


Eunhyuk ,like usual entering Yoona's room without bothering to knock. "Yooonaaaaa i brought nail pol,- Yoona !". He screamed in shock , covering his open mouth. And in fast, he ran to his friend's side , hugging her legs trying to stop whatever Yoona will do with the rope. " Yoona ! I know you desperate because you can't get your crush ! But this is not the way honey, this is not how humanity have to deal with life. You do counselling ! Don't lose hopeeeeee !"




"What the are you talking about ?!". Yoona asked in confuse looking down at her friend.


Eunhyuk look up." You're going to get suicide right ? Because you can't tell your feeling to Yuri ?"


Yoona laughed. "You're mistaken weirdo ! I'm just going to put my halloween pumpkin lamp !". She laughed again." Though your idea, a little bit tempting. But no, i still want to see Yuri's beautiful face everyday."


"Aww kekeke..Sorry, i didn't see that pumpkin coming."

Yoona turned from the chair and landed her on the bed. "Though, i admit i'm a little bit desperate and really want to go away from the reality. I think i should flea to Puerto Rico, tanning my skin and change my name to be Concheta Lopez.."


Eunhyuk's jaw dropped, looking at Yoona from head to toe. "Are you out of your mind ? You're Asian ! And even Puerto rican goes migrated to New York one by one nowadays !"


"Burrito ! Burrito !"

"That's Mexican honey, anyway don't get down with your self. I know something precious eventually will be blossom between you and Yuri in the future..". He motivated.


" I hope so , Thank you Eunnie..".Yoona smiled turning her face to the guy, and that time she just notice the bunny ears on Eunhyuk's head. "What the you're wearing dude ?"


Eunhyuk rolled his smoky eyes. "This is my halloween custom duh .."

"Didn't you have to wear something more frightening ?". Eunhyuk sighed , some people always judge something from the color and shape . That's why there's thing called misogynist and racist. 


The guy touched his bunny ears and Holy ! That's moving ! " Now Does this bunny ears look frightening for you ?"


Yoona squinted her eyes , What's the difference ? It's just moving. It doesn't have something to do with frightening or not."Whatver float your boat..".Yoona murmured turning around to look at her phone. She unlocked the screen scrolling to every messages she got. While Eunhyuk still playing with his moving bunny ears.


Yoona's eyes shot wide open when one particular person sent her a message. It was the hot senior, her crush for a year KY ! . "Kyaaa !!". She squealed in joy earning Eunhyuk's attention. The guy peek at his friend's phone but then immediately got shove. " Creeeeeepppp !"


The guy scowled."Stingy..".But it doesn't make him less happy to know Yoona got a progress with her crush. The doe-eyed open the message, it was read 'Hi Yoona, Do you have a free time tomorrow? ;) '


"Woahhh !!". Yoona can't believe it , Does this mean Yuri going to ask her for a date ? .Well, maybe Yuri didn't mention about it. But still having to spend time with Yuri is a big opportunity to be close with her crush. Whether it's date or a usual hanging out.


Yoona immediately typed back." Yes..Why ? ;)".An emoticon always colored the text. She sent it and wait impatiently for the reply. In this suspense, even Eunhyuk's bunny ears look interesting now. She felt her phone vibrated and smile again knowing it from her crush.


'Well, i kind of having place i want to visit but i want someone accompany me'.Poor soul, Yoona murmured. Of course , Yoona wouldn't think to twice to join. She start to type back again.


"Okay , but may i know where's the place you want to visit ?"


"Oh puhlease Yoong..". Eunhyuk mocked Yoona's trying to be polite act . " This is not a silver screen era, Why don't you just sending birds to each other instead of text ?"


"Shut upppp..". The doe-eyed look exciter again , when she got the next reply. She really curious about where Yuri will taking her ? Is it a cinema ? Or a carnival with ferris wheel or even better , a hotel ?!.


She opened the message , and her expression drop 180 degrees. 'My uncle have a farm at the village , and going to harvest some pumpkins. I want to try it , so are you in ?'

" Hahahahaha..".Eunhyuk laughed his off while Yoona's jaw dropped."Are you going to be a cowgirl or something ? Hahaha...".Yoona ignored her friend's laugh and mock tone. Maybe the thing Yuri's asked is not what she expected but still going out with just the two of them didn't make her lose the excitement. Let's forget about Puerto rico and Concheta Lopez, when she have what she called a Pumpkin date waiting.


'Count me in ;)'


"Good luck with your Pumpkin date Yoona~~~". And once again the bunny ears moved.




One thing Yoona have the difficulty to choose is what kind of outfit she have to wear. Looking at her wardrobe is quite bored , there's a lot of it but she doesn't know what to pick. She hates this feeling ,  everything look good indeed  but nothing can make her satisfied. Shopping for another clothes wasn't an option , since her so called Pumpkin date would be an hour away. 


She sighed , okay her eyes roamed on the upper wear. Flannels, t-shirts, sweatshirt why she just realized how androgynous her outfits were. She goes with her favourite black and white flannel shirt, she knows this is not the best to wear considering she have a date with the best person in the world. But sometime simplicity always led to perfection. She took a pair of jeans , then stare at her self in the mirror brushing her hair . She smiled to her self, within a minute she ready for her date.


They decided to meet at the park near their campus first before going to Yuri's uncle's farm. Yoona tried fastening the speed of her board, she start to regret why didn't she rode a bus or taxi. She doesn't want to be late on their first ever proper date. 


But it doesn't make the excitement less even a bit. Yoona even have a difficulty to confirming her own self. She goes on and on about...


Me and Yuri having a Pumpkin date .

Me and Yuri having a pumpkin date ?

Me and Yuri having a pumpkin date !

A pumpkin date Yuri and me .

A pumpkin date Yuri and me ?

A pumpkin date Yuri and me !


It's a little bit distracting her for her anxiety, and without she realized she already arrive at the park. Yoona lift her board then gulp in nervous as she saw Yuri's gorgeous figure leaning on the car. How embarrassing, Yuri look so hot and handsome with her bomber jacket and jeans. While Yoona looked so plain and dull, perfection all over Yuri while Imperfection haunting the young Im.


There is no turning back to change her clothes though, this is what she have been waiting for. The doe-eyed approached the brown haired girl. Ah did Yuri dyed her hair ? Yoona doesn't fond of someone making an artificial color with their hair. But when it's come to Yuri, she guessed that she've been wrong this whole time. How could something artificial can be so damn perfect and right if it's come from Yuri . Yoona giggled internally, clearly when it's come to your crush everything look perfect.


"Ehh Hi Yuri..unnie.". The doe-eyed greeted smiling nervously then scratch the back of her neck when Yuri's eyes and her made contact. Yuri smiled back looking up and down to her crush, Jesus ing christ Yoona looked so cute and beautiful in her simple clothes. The struggle of asking Yoona out first now seems worth it, no it's not worth. It's beyond her expectation !


" Hi..".Yuri greeted back , they're pausing for a minute "How are you ?". She decided to have some light conversation.

" I'm fine , You ?"

"Fine too..". They're pausing again, looking at each other with awkward yet happy toothy grin. Being in here together , make them forget about the whole pumpkin date. Who care about pumpkin ? If you have someone who Pumpking your heart beside you. But seriously , are they going to be like this for the whole day. Of course not, they need another activity beside staring at each other." So...Are you ready ?".Yoona nodded "Well let's go.."


The two of them start to enter the car, it's not quite fancy, but it still count as cool for the college girl like Yuri. Yoona put her skateboard at the back seat. "You really like skateboarding didn't you ?". She looked up with smile as the question rose from Yuri.


" Yes, i think it's not my hobby anymore. It's already become my identity.".With all the nicknames about SkaterYoong, Yoona glider,Doe-eyed board and so on it's understandable. Yuri a little bit have a pang of jealousy with the skateboard, it's been with Yoona everyday, the whole time on her feet.


At the other side, Yoona hoped that she didn't sounded like a freak for Yuri. Sure she really like skateboard, but she loves Yuri. Sure the skateboard on her feet everyday, but Yuri on her heart every seconds and beat. Sure skateboard is her identity, but her self is just for the girl beside her. It sounded corny indeed , but when you falling for someone there's nothing can hold you back.


Yuri start the engine of her car then drove it. The car was screamed Really Yuri , indeed. It smell good,just like Yuri. It's comfortable just like Yuri. Even if she have to live in here for a year, she would willing to do that. As long as it something related to her crush.


Now , she again goes on and on about confirming her own self. Her and Yuri in the same car. Her and Yuri in the same car ? . Her and Yuri in the same car !. In the same car , Her and Yuri. In the same car Her and Yuri ?. In the same car, Her and Yuri !. Too good to be true, too hard to believe. But happens.

"Since the drive about two hours long , Do you want to buy some snacks first ?". Yuri offered, Yoona thought about it . Well , she kinda hungry too though. Her inner shiksin screaming, but she have to put self-control . She doesn't want to let Yuri know about her eating habit, probably it will be a minus point .
" Fine by me..".Soon the two of them pull over on a nearby 7/11 store. Their jaw feel tired because keep smiling , they just can't stop it. Now they even shopping snacks together , they can't wait other good things to come. Yuri took a couple of snickers and juice while Yoona still having a difficulty to choose what to buy. She have to hold the urge to buy so many foods. 
"Pick whatever you want , It's on me..". Yuri treated.
" Really ?".Yoona looked happy. "But unnie , it's ok. I don't want to burden you..". Now she wanted to pay for Yoona's food, How nice. The doe-eyed even more and more admiring the other girl.
" Nahhh, It's on me. Don't worry, pick whatever you want. Since i'm the one who take you in this da,-trip ! I have to be the one who pay for you..".Yuri insisted almost slipping her words.
"Okay..". Yoona sighed but then smile." Thank you unnie.."
"Yeah, and please just call me Yuri. We just different about five months anyway.."
Something caught Yoona's attention."How do you know we just have five months difference ?"
Yuri cringed , mentally cursing at her self. "I was ...stumbling on your student card when you just attend the university.". Totally Lied, she knew it from Yoona's facebook profile, the one she stalked everyday. So there's no thing called stumbling here.
" ohhh...".Yoona nodded, discreetly smile. It was about a year ago, and Yuri still remember about that. How cute.
They continued to pick for the snacks, again Yoona chanted her self to get self-control . Don't get tempted by every snack products her eyes lay onto. But why that super big bag chip begging to pick, the chocolate need attention, candies would be good, yogurt seems healthy, cookies , a box of milk and in the end Yoona took everything landed on her eyes.
"Are you done ?". Yuri turned to her crush and unconsciously drop her snickers to the floor. She stood frozen with awkward smile and twitch eye . Yoona's snacks were clearly more than her's . It's even covered a little bit of her cute face.
" Is it ...Is it too much ?".Yoona hesitated , she really forgot about her self-control. When it's about food she tended to grab everything without thinking about the price.
"No..It's okay.". Yuri laughed awkwardly. " Let's take it to the cashier.".As Yoona walked to the counter , Yuri took a last glance to her wallet in nervous. She hopes her money would be enough for the bunch of foods. But she didn't mind it though, even if she have to rob a bank for Yoona. She'll do it,as long as Yoona would be in the jail with her.
After paying for the snacks , they continue the trip to the village. Yuri can't hold her self from giggling internally as she heard the crunch sounds everytime Yoona munch her snacks. This skinny girl sure have a big appetite. Figured. "Yuri , Why don't you eat yours ?". Now she's in the first name basis , it feels good to .
" It's ok , Just later . I'm still driving though.".Actually she felt hungry, but she couldn't risk the safety of driving by eating.
"I have an idea..". Yoona took the chip then held it to Yuri's mouth." Here..".Now Yoona even feed her,How happy Yuri by it. Yoona even held the orange juice box so Yuri can drink it without turning her attention from driving.
"Thanks..". Yoona smiled showing Yuri that it's fine. She stare at the straw that earlier have Yuri's lips on it. She unconsciously drive her lips onto it, Woahhh the orange juice even taste better than usual.
The two hours drive has been ran out , and soon they arrived at the farm. It's all look so green, the fresh air of the village come after Yoona and Yuri stepping out from the car. " Ehh , Yoona. I want to tell you that my uncle has a difficulty of hearing. So you have to speak louder to him..".Yuri told.
Yoona nodded cutely."Okay..".Soon the two of them walked side by side to the direction of uncle Kwon's house. Their hands briefly brush altogether, sending jolt and make them giggle internally. 
Clearly , Yoona can heard the sounds of the animals. There was meehh from sheeps, mooo from cow, oink from the pig, woof from the dog. And she can also see some crops to be harvest. As a gal from da town, Yoona never  be in the farm before. So it's quite exciting and she hope she doesn't make a fool of her self in front of Yuri and the uncle.
"Uncle !". Yuri shouted to the man who's sleeping on the wood chair , leaning his head to the back side with his hat covering his face. " Uncle !!!".Yuri called louder, the most difficult thing is waking up a deaf person from the sleep. Yuri saw a pebble on the ground, she took it and throw it to her uncle."Uncleeeee !!".Yoona have to hold her self from laughter.
"What's that ? What's that ?". Uncle Travis Kwon , awoke from his slumber abruptly upon feeling something hard threw at his thigh. He then realized, there was two girls standing behind the white wood fence, one of them waving her hands at him. He automatically took his riffle and aim it at them." Who are ya ?! What y'all doin' in my farm ?!".He asked in alert.
The two girls widen their eyes in shock, Yuri held her waving hands in the air freezing. She sure this man is her uncle Travis. "Uncle, This is me , Yuri. Your niece !". She reminded him.
Of course he didn't hear Yuri's information."Y'all must be the folks from the town ? I told ya, i ain't fixin' to sell my farm for every bucks ya've !"
"Geezzz uncle..". Yuri start to frustrated." This is me your niece Yuriiiiii. I came here to visit you !".Uncle Travis still look sternly at Yuri then he suddenly blurt into laugh.
"Hahhaa.., I'm just messin' round with ya. Of course i remembee ya Yuwree. This ol' man still got into ya eh ? Hahaha..". He stepped forward to approach the two girls. 
Yuri sighed." Uncle , I thought you really going to shoot me..".She more afraid of Yoona's safety though. But instead of frightened Yoona busy giggling to her self in amuse.
Travis put his hands on his hip, cowboy like indeed."Dang Yuwree, ya look purtee. Seems the fancy of the town turn my duck into a swan..".Yuri rolled her eyes, but hugging her uncle warmly."Who's this even more purtee gal ?".He turned to Yoona.
"Hello uncle, I'm Yoona..". She bowed introducing her self.
" What ??".Travis didn't hear a bit what Yoona said.
"Yoona..My name is Yoona..". She said louder and clearer . Moving her lips exaggeratedly, which make Yuri snickered.
" Oh Howdy  , Dona. I'm Travis, Yuwree's uncle.". Dona ? Yoona cringed, with Travis's mistaken idea about her name. He's deaf , he's deaf , she have to be patient. Yuri going to correct it , but she got cut off."So Yuwree, Is she your galfriend ?".He asked playfully.
Yuri and Yoona blushed, they glad Travis thought about them like that. But it sad the truth is not what they want."No uncle, she's not my girlfriend . Yoona is my friend..".Yuri explained.
"What ? So ya've'en datin er' for a year now ? Good. I know ya've a good taste for a gal..". Yuri wondered if she can stab his uncle's ears with the stick laying beneath her. Saying something correct is useless forTravis. " 're , 're y'all. Yuwree, Dona..".He opened the thigh length fence , letting the two girls to come. As Yoona cringed again by that name.
"Sorry about that..". Yuri grinned apologetically.
" Nah, It's fine. You're uncle quite funny though, he's asian but have Texan accent.".Yoona giggled.
Yuri chuckled."I also don't know why about that..".The two of them follow the uncle to the barn. Now, not just can hear but Yoona also can see the sheeps , cows , chickens etc. They're all look so cute for Yoona, she got surprised when a little pink piggy wearing flower printed shirt approach her.
"Awww..". Yoona looked at the pig then lift it." It's so cuteeeee..".Yuri think so , then start rubbing the pig.
"Ow , That's Bacon. My pet.". Travis told.Yoona cringed again, Bacon ? Clearly this man didn't have a good ability about giving name. This pig shouldn't be  named Bacon since it's a pet not food. Poor Bacon, she can imagined the pig got mock by it's friends. For having that name, 'Bacon , Do you know why your name is Bacon ? Because you're going to be Bacon ! Hahha'. She can imagined the other pig bullied him. Poor soul." Now Yuwreee , Ya said on the text ya want to harvest some pumpkins ehh ?"
"Yes uncle , That's why i'm here.". Yuri answeree greedily.
" Don't be ridiculous, Ya said ya want to harvest pumpkins. Now, Why ya want to shoot deer !"
Yuri closed her eyes in annoyed, this is one of the time where she badly need a megaphone. She stare at her uncle sternly about to burst, but she stopped when Yoona turning at her. She cannot make her self-image look bad in front of her crush."Whatever float your boat uncle."
"Hahaha..That's aigt' !".Travis patted Yuri's shoulder strongly." Let's just harvest the pumpkins.".Soon they followed the uncle to the garden side . Yoona opened in stunned, the place quite wide. Maybe eight hundreds acres, with different crops. Like corns , carrots, pumpkins and so on. "Y'all real lucky to come 'ere in this time of year . Cause i'm fixin' to compete in Annual Busan County Harvest Fair Championship.". He told excitedly.
Yuri ans Yoona look at each other in confuse." What's that ?"
There was a pause."Y'all must be don' know what that's aight ?".Well that's why they asked."That's a competition where all the farme 're , took their harvest and showin' it off to the folks. I'm fixin' to join the pumpkin competition ! The Bigger ya got your pumpkin, the bigger chance of ya to win the thousands bucks !. Last year i was lost by Herbert the ert, the man as friendly as fire ants. This year, i ain't gixin' to lose from him, i found my lucky card already.".They finally arrived at the pumpkins garden. It's all lool bigger than other pumpkins that Yuri and Yoona ever saw. 
"Wow, it looks like a pumpkin paradise..". Yoona admired, lifting one oh it's quite heavy too.
" Yes indeed ..".Yuri chuckled.
"Now , Now. Dona put that back. I'm goin' to show y'all , the soon to be winner pumpkin of the year.". He walked to the small warehouse behind the garden. Travis smirked cockily as he opened the wooden door." Ta ta ! This is the real pumpkin !".Yoona and Yuri widen their eyes in disbelief, the pumpkins back there at the garden quite bigger than usual, but this one is even bigger than their bodies combine."Dang ! I know it's amazin' aight ? Pumpy goin' to win the championship.".Yoona cringed again, Pumpy name better for something cute not giant like pumpkin !
Yuri stare in amazed , then rub the giant pumpkin. She wouldn't ask how her uncle could plant something . Since it will be useless to even talk to him, let's just believe it's because magic. Yuri knock on the pumpkin, if it's a real one or not. She then put her cheek on it, to check of it's having heart beat or not. At the other side Yoona giggled watching Yuri's antics. She pull out her phone to snap the cute picture of Yuri hugging a giant pumpkin.
"Hey , You took my picture right ?". Yuri accused, she didn't look bother instead she smile amusedly.
" Hmm nooo..".Yoona lied placing the phone behind her back.
"I know you did , delete it now.". Yuri tried to reach for the phone, but damn Yoona quick to dodge.
Yoona giggled." I told you, i didn't..".Uncle Travis shook his head while smiling. Then decided to leave the two love birds by their own.
"Alright , If you don't want to delete it then..". Yuri reached for own phone." I might as well take your picture too !"
"Nooooo...". Yoona covered her face immediately.
" You cheat , i want to take your picture too.".Well, she got a lot of it in her phone already. But something direct like this , is rare and she wants to capture it. She raise her phone closer to Yoona's face, but it's difficult since Yoona still playing hard with this. She got her body closer to put more struggle, soon they realized how tiny the gap between them . The position was just like Yuri hugging Yoona , they stare at each other admiring one's own feature. Yuri looks so beautiful, Yoona looks so beautiful. They praised one another internally.
Soon their little encounter was interrupted by the voice of horse. "Is that horse ?". Yoona asked while her cheeks still blushing.
" Yes , You want to see it ?".Yoona nodded."I'll show you to Vivian..".The tanned girl grabbed Yoona's hands pulling her to the horse cage. Yoona felt the electricity by the skin contacts.Yuri's hands are so warm, even if it's in a cold winter Yoona can survive by just having that hands wrap around her. "This is Vivian..". She introduced Yoona to the black horse." Hi Viv, Long time no see..".She rubbed the horse's head tenderly, the horse burped back seeming to say she's glad to see Yuri too. Yoona tried to put her hands on Vivian too, but the horse step back. 
"Is she didn't like me ?". Yoona put a sad pout.
" No , she just shy to a new people.".Yuri caught an apple on the ground then pick it."Here, feed her.."
Yoona took the apple, slowly and a little bit scared direct the apple to the horse's mouth. She waited in anticipation, the horse start to it then eventually bite the apple. Yoona's face lit up in cheer, then slowly she got to rub her hands on Vivian's head. "So i just need an apple to win your heart ehh ?". If only it's the same with Yuri's heart, but an apple surely not worth even a bit for it. Yuri's heart more precious than an apple or a mine of gold. The thing Yoona can do to have it , is by struggling.
" You want ro ride it ?"
"Can i ?"
"Of course .". Yuri extended her hand for Yoona to take it. The doe-eyed girl did, then climb the horse by the help of her crush." You're such a good girl..".The compliment was of course for Vivian, because for her Yoona are beyond a good word.
"Woahhhh..So tall.". Yoona said in cheerful, this is the very first time she's on a horse back. She's so excited indeed , the feeling was more than riding a ferrari. She didn't even realize that Yuri already took her phone then capture Yoona's picture by it. She have a wide smile on the candid pic. Someone's real essence was defined when they didn't artificially act on something. And Yuri lucky enough to have caught this. Yoona look like an angel for Yuri. Is her true self an angel ? Even if she's not one , Yuri will always say yes to the idea.
The two of them start to ride the horse around the farm, well it's precisely Yoona . Since Yuri the one who walked on the ground holding the leash to direct Vivian and guard Yoona.They passed the cows, chickens ,pigs and gardens. Making a light conversation while sometimes Yoona squeal when Vivian shuddered and Yuri can't help her self fr laughing by the cute reaction." Are you tired ?".Yoona asked staring downward at Yuri.
"No..". Actually , Yuri's feet hurting so much for walking this long. Of course Yoona can see through the lie.
" Let's just stop..".Yoona climbed out from the horse with Yuri's help. They caught a pack of hay , then sit side by side on it. They remained silent here, enjoying the company of one another. Hearing the natural sounds of animals and their eyes gazing to the wide land and some trees.
Sometime they can't understand how everything work between them. One time they can be away from each other , the other time they felt awkward, and now they're sitting side by side. It doesn't take a genius to acknowledge the spark between them. But why they still remained dishonest with their feeling . Maybe they're shy, maybe they wait one of them to make the first move. But if they stubbornly grip those thoughts. Nothing will ever happen between them.
"Thank you so much for taking me here.."
"You're welcome . Thankyou too , for willing to come here."
Sometimes it's not about Hi or Hello. Sometimes it's not about Yes or no. But sometimes to make people honest of their feeling they need a brick on their head for a blow.
To be continued
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Jeti48 #1
Chapter 7: This is good .... Why u don't comeback ???
Chapter 7: thanks for your update author-nim and this story is awesome and funny hehhehe ( thumbs up ) I will wait for your update author-nim :)
nelly515 #3
Chapter 6: Why you want end it T.T
You add new character (i like RV)
If you want end it at least make them be couple
Chapter 6: I want you to continue but if you want tk end it, at least get one couple together? Please hehe thanks
justnobody #5
Chapter 6: at least make the couple together before u end this :)
justnobody #6
Chapter 6: this is so funny!!!! hahahahahaha, thanks for update, don't rush to end it.... just don't give up :)
zeebulb #7
Chapter 5: Oh ma gosshhhhhhh, you just gain aa new subscriber, gurl/boy/apache helicopter. I'm LOLing all ba ma self whike waiting im hospital

Hope you updating this fic!!
Chapter 5: Jajajajaja pobre seohyun
Chapter 5: We want more!!!! Thank you for this amazing story :D i wanted to see jeti fight...but anyway xD see you soon ! ;D
Chapter 5: Oh God this is so Hilarious XD My eyes were so watery after reading this and my stomach and throat hurts from all the laughing XD Good Job Author-nim XD