No one want to know

Support group : Crush Anonymous

From : Support group Sooyoung


Miss Seohyun~~ What are you doing right now ??~ Can i come to your place ? I'll bring umbrella chocolate stick for you ~~


Seohyun groaned in annoy while furiously typing the reply for Sooyoung's message. It's so strange and ridiculous, because after she caught Seohyun brought so many umbrella chocolate sticks to the class last time. This gangly girl keep bugging her by sending her message every freaking time, not really though but quite often.


Seohyun shook her head while putting her phone back to her pocket. She held the door knob of her support group class, another day of her good job she cannot fathom about why she always got nervous everytime she begin the journey of being people's bin of problems. Maybe because she cannot predict what people will blurt at her or maybe because her patients was quite....unique and troublesome.


"Welcome back again everyone~~".The therapist beamed to her patients taking a seat that already provide for her.

"Welcome Miss Seo~~".Seohyun have to hold her self from rolling her eyes for the usual Hyoyeon's flirty tone.


The therapist traveled her eyes to her patients, hmm they all a little bit look ..pissed except Hyoyeon of course. The worst one was Yoona, her hair in a mess like a lion forgot to groom, her eyes look like panda's and gloomy expression was all over her face.Seohyun cleared gaining their attention, this is not gonna good. She prayed to her self, this is not gonna good just like what happened before.


"So..Welcome back to...Support group : Crush anonymous...still with me SeoHyun. We're here , share about our crush problem and in a hope for a relief and solution.".She threw her friendly smile."And thank you so much for ..".She hesitated a bit."Hyoyeon ..for bringing us pizza today."


"No need to BRAG about it Seo..haha , it's all fine..".Yet she said it in a tone like she was bringing two trucks of diamonds.

"Well ehh..".Seohyun continued."Let's start today's session shall we ?. There was a quote ' Love is needing someone. Love is putting up with someone's bad qualities because they somehow complete you.'..".She closed her book with a smile."So..What's your new experience with your crush ?..Sunny you may start."


The petite girl who's busy with her phone look up.", Just pass me please.."

"Are you texting with your crush again ?".Seohyun asked.

",it''s...yes it's her..".Sunny gave up with a sigh following by a gasp from the others.

"You need to stop, She doesn't interest in you !".Hyoyeon pointed.
"I'm just saving her life, her hair was burn right now.."
Tiffany scoffed."How could you save her life from here ?"
"By telling her to dive her head to the pool or other watery thing ! I'm saving my crush's life today, give me a credit ..".She said in annoyance, there was a silent for a while before one by one people clap their hands at her.
Yoona muttered."Guess your crush having more time to text you than saving her own life.."
"Ok..I'll start my story.".Sunny put her phone back before starting her story."The day before yesterday, we and my crush, hanging out at starbuck, we order our coffee and gave our names to the barista. But when i have my latte, i frown because the barista wrong writing my name, it was 'Shania instead of Sunny'."
"It remind me about something.".Hyoyeon chuckled."I never got a starbuck cup without 'heart' and 'kiss' emoji beside my name..keke...The barista was so cute sometime."
"Here she goes~"
"I hope the barista also put a poop emoji on it."
"That's gross.."
"Anyway !".Sunny continued her story again."We were taking our table, chatting and gossiping about people, you know how girls. I..tried again , to show her that i HAVE a crush on her. I occasionally brush my hands to her, even sometime i intentionally whisper to her ears directly. I checked on her expression but , there is no hint of her flushing or getting tempted.".She sighed.
"I'm sorry to hear that, it's hard to accept the truth if our crush didn't like us back..".Seohyun said emphatically.
"No, you're mistaken there..".Sunny argued.
"You mean ?"
"I'm not saying she didn't like me back .."
"But you said she didn't flushed or tempted !"
"Yes, but she's the kind of person who smart to hide her feeling.."
"So she also has a crush on you ?"
"I didn't said that.."
"But you said,-.".The migraine came back to Seohyun's said."You said, she's,-"
"You see here, we are best friend so if she hates me , how could she stand with me (a person who sometime trying to her own elbow) this whole time. If she didn't like me.."
"So, she just liking you as best friend ?"
"Not really.."
"Then she DID like you romantically ?"
"I didn't said that !"
"But you said."
"Listen here, the answer is the same like before. 'She smarts to hide her feeling'.."
"So you don't know how her feeling to you ?"
Sunny chuckle."You mistaken again , i didn't said that !"
"But but,- argh !".Seohyun groaned she have to stop this before she collapsed from her chair."Just next please !".Everyone flinched snapping from the interesting debate in the class.
Tiffany take the cue, clearing ."Hey still Tiffany.!"
"Hey Tiffany ! / Hi / hey ~~"
"This is about that MEDUSA girl again, yes the one with so much serpents on her head, but this MEDUSA was someone who have so many wicked schemes in her mind..."
"Why you called her that ?"Yoona asked.
"Oh come on ! Why not !. You can make an awful nickname for everyone,especially your enemy or your math teacher ".
Hyoyeon smile."I called my math teacher a y lizard because (smile) know.".No one want to know clearly.
"What dafak ?! You have a with your math teacher ?!".But Yoona have to be the one to elaborate it.
"She always sending flirty wink at me and always inviting me to stay at her room. I'm just trying to be obedient, but in a y way~~"
"ANYWAY !".Tiffany clapped her hands to stop them."So.. I was just arrived at my campus, walk out from my cooper, then the first thing/ person i saw was that MEDUSA !. I laughed because she got one black eye on her LOL.".She spell the letter instead of doing a real laugh."I admit that was from MY doing for banging my bag (there is a stone in it) to her eye, but i didn't feel guilt at all she deserved that LOL !"
Now everyone start to think that Tiffany is a psychopath that lurks in every corner of the bedroom, waiting in the dark watching with smirk as the heroine making out. That's too clear.
"Hey This is Hyoyeon !"
Everyone sighed but greet back anyway."Hey Hyoyeonnnn.."
"Continuing the story of my math teacherrrr..".There was a faint curse from Sunny."So let's just say her name was Miss Nicole (though her name was really nicole). It was in highschool when i first met her, she's beautiful, friendly, smart..which is why she's become a teacher by the way. And man ! You have to look at her ! Everytime she wore those pencil skirt kekeke can't put my eyes off her !"
"Wait , You're checking out your teacher ?!".Seohyun scoffed.
"She just so y,you'll do the same.."
"I wouldn't !".Seohyun vehemently declared then add something in her mind.'i will trying to be discreet'.."Anyway..Yoona , your turn..".She cringed realizing how awful Yoona's look by now.
The doe-eyed girl nodded brushing the strands of hair from her messy and oily hair that maybe a week didn't wash. Her eyes have bag that have bag that have bag. She just so different from her previous appearance. What could happen to this beauty ?
"Eww..That bad ? LOL ".Tiffany cringed.
Yoona sighed. " can see how i am now. I'm in a big DISASTER ! Not only i fail to confess but also there something else.".Everyone's waiting."Me and my crush was in the skate park, she asked me to teach her that. Which of course ! I accept..i didn't want to lose an opportunity to be with her or to know her more ! And maybeee i can get a chance to confess. My friend, Eunhyuk once told me..if you want to confess to a girl, you have to make a poem, which make me confuse because he knew so much about girls more than me , considering that he's gay ! Anyway , i did what he told though..i made a poem for my crush..Although i'm not good with rhyme and other things about poem. But for her , I'll do everything !".Yoona drew a wrinkled chocolate-stained paper that got burn on the corner , from her pocket. "My poem was like this..".She cleared .
Your eyes that shine into mine ..
Like a gold of the pirate's treasure , only brighter..
I wish , i was the pirate...
So i can take you to the shore, and goes to my door..
Then i can have you, hug you, kiss you, have joy with..everytime
Yoona got a clap from the others but she didn't smile."But, there's a revised version of my poem. My friend said , this is not specific so..i give it another shot..".She flipped the paper.
Your eyes that shine into mine ..when we met in the campus, hallway,park, and cafeteria also Mrs.Dunham's office.
Like a gold of the pirate's treasure , only brighter..than my new desk lamp, my phone screen and brighter than Grandma Dong's new gold tooth who sell gun in the black market
I wish , i was the pirate...or maybe the gold digger, or the gold seller, or someone who can find gold, like a successful miner and have gold teeth like grandma Dong, only the better gold
So i can take you to the shore, and goes to my door..and goes to my bed room, then take off your clothes, throwing it everywhere and (blush) you know..
Then i can have you, hug you, kiss you, have joy with..everytime, in 8 am, 10 am, 12 pm, 4.32 pm , 6 pm, 10 pm watching the re-run of your favourite talk show that hosted by the richest lesbian nowadays,at Sunday morning when everyone goes jogging, but we're cuddling and make the mini-you and mini-me.
Yoona folded back the paper with a smile, everyone was clearly dumbfounded.
"That was so specific !".Sunny pointed.
"And absurd !LOL"
"Not just me who has a dirty mind ! Someone got it worse.."
"Excuse me but, which one do you choose ? Version one or the ..revised ?"
"Version one of course..".Everyone sighed in relief, Tiffany made a cross with her fingers."It's because ,my friend said , my crush don't like pirate and she doesn't want to have a baby first before we finish our college..also of having the gold teeth.."
It's not only a migraine, but a head-ache Seohyun also got."Miss Sunny..yours now.".Wrong move Seohyun.
"Last weekend , we decided to spend our time by swimming in my pool, she wore a black two-piece Victoria's secret bikini that really contrast with her pale skin. " 
"I dated three Victoria's secret model, never work out really well..though they trying to get back to me kekekeke.."
" you.. !"
"Oh just shut up Hyo !"
"You all just jealous !"
Sunny continued. "Which i can't stop from stealing a secret glance to admiring it, but then there is something bothering me, there is something i forgot...Then it strike into me that........"
"She also stare admiring your body ? or you forgot to wear your own bikini ?".Hyoyeon asked.
"'s more than that ! I forgot that.............. I CAN'T SWIM !".There is gasps."That was horrible , she didn't know that i can't swim, but i didn't want her to know i hide it, act tough and Woman up ! I decided to do self-taught , and in a nutshell,it's easier to learn to swim if you got kick to the pool, right ? .So..when my crush told me to jump, i jump ! I know i can do it ! In my mind i can do a butterfly style, frog style, freestyle, even just floating on the water. But SADLY it just in my mind ! whereas in the reality ..i drowned my self, squirming and moving rapidly in the water.. I thought i'm going to die !"
"Then..why you're even here right now ?".Hyoyeon asked.
"Are you expecting me to die ?!"
"No ! It just in your mind, in reality i asked 'What's next ?'.."
"Oh..ok..".Sadly Sunny believed it."The next thing i remember was , i was at the side of the pool, laying on the floor, with my crush beside me..And guess what ? Her lips was on mine ! I know she just doing her CPR but still , i finally able to taste that lips. I delay the time to open my eyes , enjoying her lips (Sunny pouts her lips),but when i heard she sobbed ..i immediately open my eyes ! I don't want to hear her crying or sad. I then wrap her on my arms, patting her head, telling her that i'm ok, and that i wouldn't die not so soon before i confess my feeling to someone. She suddenly look up with an unreadable expression on her face, but i saw a little hint of hurt from her eyes.."
"Well, maybe she thought you're talking about somebody she's jealous..and maybe have the same feeling as you.".Seohyun guessed.
"You're mistaken agaiinnnn.."
"But you said , she felt hurt .."
"Yes, but by the thought of losing me to death..She has a soft heart."
"So..she didn't jealous ?"
"I didn't said thatttt.."
"Look here ! Like i said she has a soft heart, she could even cry a river when she saw a lion in the zoo, she thought Lion also have the right to walk out to find a barber having those slick back style than being like 70's rockstar all the time !"
"So she's animal lover ?"
"I'm not saying that.."
"But you said ,  she cried everytime she saw an animal without its freedom.."
Sunny chuckled ."Not freedom or lover,she just like that ..she has a soft heart just that.."
"How soft ?"
"Really soft , she even could cry when she saw an ad about dog food , she said someone in advertising and marketing was exploiting them. Which is sometime annoy me.."
"So..You're think she's annoying ?"
"You're mistaken againnnn..i'm not saying that.."
"But you don't like when she's crying over sentimental thing.."
"I didn't said , i don't like it.."
"But you're annoyed ?"
"Annoy and like is different, If you like someone ,it doesn't matter if they're annoy you . If someone annoying, obviously you wouldn't like them.."
"So you like her ! But she annoyed you over sentimental thing ?!"
Sunny sighed."Look here ! It's not sentimental, though i know she's not an animal lover she just care to them . Like i said before, She has a soft heart !"
If she can Seohyun really want to pull her head , and kick it somewhere to a more peaceful place. Like Bora Bora or something.
"Guess my turn again LOL !".Tiffany smile forming the crescent on her eyes."There's a little bit suspicion when the medusa didn't mad or march onto me . I shrugged it off, maybe she realize that she've been defeated , I then walked my heels to my first class , flashing my smiles to everybody , then i took my seat absentmindedly when suddenly , a sound that usually coming from your came, making all the people in class thought it was me ! and goes LOL, LMAO,ROTFL.. I checked my seat then i realize ...there was a Whoopeee cushion on it ! Instantaneously i know who is the culprit behind this prank, I'm not goes LOL again, i'm goes STFU ITYTH FEE ! Which mean , Shut The Up I'll Throw You To Hell, Forever Eternity Ever...
"Then i goes to meet her , who is giggling that time, anxiously ! I threw the whoopeee cushion to her face. Strangely , she didn't mad to me back, she just keep putting that annoying smirk and said 'Have a nice day TiFARTny !'..and i goes like, OMG HDSCM B AANN .."
"Which mean  ?".Yoona asked.
"Oh my god ! How dare she called me by an awful nickname ! "
"You also called her Medusa ..."
"But Medusa not really exist ! Just a fairytale to scare an infant to get bed early ! "
Seohyun sighed."Well, i'm so sorry for will get over soon. But you have to differentiate between real life conversation and texting.."
"YOLO ! LOL !".Tiffany giggled while Seohyun rolled her eyes.
"As a teacher's pet..".Hyoyeon continued."In the most intimate term (blush)...i also got a nick name kekek ..a dominant spanker..That's what she called me..".No one really want to react for this.
"Oh my ! You have a spank with your own teacher ?! ".But Yoona always have to be the one with exception.
"You have to look at her's a spankable (smile)..but in a y way.."
"Miss Yoona ! Your turn !".Though the conversation was quite interesting but Seohyun have to stop it before it turns into something else.
"So after i wrote the poem, i planned to read it in front of her when i confess. My friend help me about that, he came out with a bright idea of having a slumber party with my crush and her friend.."
"You have a slumber party with a dude ?!".Tiffany gasped.
"He's a gay , i saw his 'thing' could even mistaken it as a .."
"I feel bad for your friend.."Sunny said emphatically
"I have a slumber party before..".Hyoyeon interrupted. "It never turn out into a real one...especially with my math teacher..kkekeke."
"Oh please shut up !"
"I am sick of you..STFU !"
"Wow..You have a slumber party with your teacher ?".Yoona look so curious but when Seohyun clear she continued her story."Anyway..My crush and her friend agree to have a slumber party. That night, my crush's friend have a good idea about doing that cliché thing, Truth or Dare. I took a bottle then we gather around it, my friend then spin the bottle then landed into my crush's friend. She chose truth,He asked about 'What her dirty little secret ?'. My crush's friend answered that, 'she ever dated a star before..'.."
"What ?!".Sunny chuckled.
"L....O.....L ?"
"That's my relationship goal..".Hyoyeon nodded.
"And then come the second turn, my crush's friend spin the bottle then how lucky i am , it's landed on me. There's just remind Dare, i waited in anticipation because i have a bad feeling about this . Then, she dare me ! To kiss and make out with my crush in front of them..".GASPPPPP."Honestly , i am glad to have a chance to kiss her, more over make out but i'm still nervous and afraid , how if she doesn't like it ? . Whatever, i woman up..i held her head on my hands and just straightly crash her lips , kissing her roughly and tenderly, There and Then ! "GASPPPP."After that , the air become awkward between us..we decided to sleep but I couldn't sleep, so ..i walked to the balcony to catch the fresh air , suddenly my crush joined me ..i think she also couldn't sleep that time. We have a mild conversation for awhile, and then i remember about my poem.. i gulped , collecting my courage...I WILL confess my feeling to her that time."GASPPPP."I took the paper of my poem from my pocket, i'm going to read it in front of her..but suddenly i got surprised.."
"She kissed you again ?".Seohyun guessed.
"It's worse ! ".Yoona sighed."The paper was not my poem paper ! It's my mother's groceries shopping list !".GASPPPP."How could i confess my feeling while saying :Asparagus, garlic, Onion, and brand new toilet paper ?"
"Sometime we need to improvise..".Seohyun suggested.
"Or throw our self away from the balcony..".Hyoyeon smirked sarcastically
"Is there a brand new toilet paper ? I want one..".Sunny said.
"LOL, LMAO..keke..".Suddenly the door of the class opened with someone enter the place.
"Miss Jessica ?!".Seohyun frowned ."Why are you here ? You supposed to be here in Sunday.."
"Oh shoot, i thought this is my schedule . Whatever..".Jessica shrugged about to turn around but someone familiar caught her eyes. "YOU !".She pointed her finger. 
"YOU !".Tiffany also pointed her finger .
"You're the one who make my eye like this !!
"You're the one who put a whoopee cushion on my seat and called me TiFARTny !"
"You deserve to be called by that !"
"You also deserve to get that blow.."
*Boxing bell audio*
The two girls marched into each other, and likewise the fight can't be stop from happening."Arghhhh.." ."Arghhhhh.."
"Miss Jessica ! Miss Tiffany ! Please stop and get back on your chairs !".Seohyun tried to stop them but to no avail, the girl still fighting. Not a 'girly' fighting style but a wrestler fighting style . Seohyun asked for the others help but they're busy with their business.
"Someone have a charger here ? Think my crush texting me..I can feel it.".Sunny asked.
"Asparagus...Asparagus, your smell like asparagus ? No no..your eyes ..your eyes like garlic ? Arghh..not too..".While Yoona trying to improvise to make a poem with the shopping list.
Hyoyeon sighed. "You all pathetic, think i should be the one who said a closing quote.".She opened Seohyun's notebook, who's the owner busy pulling the fighting girls. "However trouble, desperate and lonely you are...there's always someone who willing to listen your story, and that time you have to realize..You're not alone , someone care for you and love you. And that time you also have to do the same thing..".Hyoyeon closed the book with a soft smile.
"Want to know the story about me and my math teacher this last weekend (Smile)..we're doing you know..."
Absolutely one want to know.
Hope no one annoy you..LOL
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Jeti48 #1
Chapter 7: This is good .... Why u don't comeback ???
Chapter 7: thanks for your update author-nim and this story is awesome and funny hehhehe ( thumbs up ) I will wait for your update author-nim :)
nelly515 #3
Chapter 6: Why you want end it T.T
You add new character (i like RV)
If you want end it at least make them be couple
Chapter 6: I want you to continue but if you want tk end it, at least get one couple together? Please hehe thanks
justnobody #5
Chapter 6: at least make the couple together before u end this :)
justnobody #6
Chapter 6: this is so funny!!!! hahahahahaha, thanks for update, don't rush to end it.... just don't give up :)
zeebulb #7
Chapter 5: Oh ma gosshhhhhhh, you just gain aa new subscriber, gurl/boy/apache helicopter. I'm LOLing all ba ma self whike waiting im hospital

Hope you updating this fic!!
Chapter 5: Jajajajaja pobre seohyun
Chapter 5: We want more!!!! Thank you for this amazing story :D i wanted to see jeti fight...but anyway xD see you soon ! ;D
Chapter 5: Oh God this is so Hilarious XD My eyes were so watery after reading this and my stomach and throat hurts from all the laughing XD Good Job Author-nim XD