Day one of my miserable Job

That ßσy Next Ðøøя [hiatus]

"Move that table over there." Myungsoo said, pointing to that corner.

I looked at him, then back at the table.

"Erm, that table probably weighs more than me!"

He glared at me, "So?"

"So! I could get hurt."

"Well, you have to do it."

I took a deep breathe and walked towards the table. 'Okay, let's see. How do I move this to that corner. Push it?'

I started to push the table, but it didn't work.

"Missy, you aren't supposed to push it. You're supposed to carry it."

I crossed my arms, "Then why don't you do it?"

"Because, why do I have to do it. When I have a slave to do it for me." He then smirked.

"You gotta be kidding me." I said to myself.

"Nope, I'm not."

I turned around, "I wasn't talking to you weirdo."


I fell straight onto Myungsoo's couch, "Finally! It's in that corner like you wanted it to be."

Myungsoo looked at the table, "Nahh, put it back."


"You heard me, I didn't stutter."

I sighed, "I just wasted 10 minutes of my life." Then I walked back to the table.

After all of that moving and moving back, I finally got it where he wanted it to be. I swear, he could be a big jerk sometimes. Man, that word jerk is the definition of Myungsoo.

"Hey, Could you massage my back?" The jerk asked.

"No, you have two perfectly fine hands."

Myungsoo pouted.

I stared at him weirdly, "What the heck is that face?"

"What? My pouty face? You like it huh?"

I tried to hold in my laughter, argh, I can't even, "Pwhaha! That was probably the most disturbing face ever!"

Myungsoo glared, "Disturbing? You know, it hurts. In here," Then he pointed to his heart.

"You have a heart? I never knew. Since you've been so mean to me!" I yelled. Yeah, my anger is on the edge right now. He can't just boss me around just because he won a bet. He only ate 2 freaking pieces of Dduki Bok Ki. Who wins for eating 2 pieces?

I walked out his door, but he held me back, "What?!"

"You aren't seriously leaving me right?"

"Just watch me."

Right before I could walk out his front door, he pulled me into a hug. Gosh, it was like the hug of death.

"Let go of me! You're going to kill me!"

"I just wanted to spend more time with you."

"Pshh, yeah. That's probably the most worst lie I've ever heard. Especially coming from you."

Myungsoo scoffed, "I was just trying to be nice."

"Nice? Then why don't you be nice by letting me not be your slave."

"How about no."

I pouted, "Please."

"Oh missy, you're not going to 'baby' your way out."

I tried the puppy dog eyes on him, "Please Myungsoo Oppaa."

Myungsoo blushed and turned around, "N-no."

I smirked, then I turned him around and kissed him right on his lips. Zingerrr.

Myungsoo was shocked and he froze.

"Aha, it worked. Bye bye Mr. Weirdo!" Then I skipped out of his house.

"Works every time."

I was sitting on my couch watching Mnet. Then, of course, a knock had to ruin my fan girling moment.

"I'm coming!" I shouted on my way to the door.

It was Myungsoo. Haha, 20 minutes had to calm him down.

"What do you want now? Just so that you know, I quit."

He chuckled, "Why'd you kiss me?"

"Because you wouldn't shut up."

"But why?"

"I already said the reason and I have a show to watch, so could you speed it up?"

Myungsoo just stood there staring at me. Awkward.

"Erm, Myungsoo, why are you staring at me?"

"Why, am I not allowed to stare at you?"

"It's just that, it feels weird."

"Why? We're friends right?"

"But friends can't be staring at each other like that."

Myungsoo fake coughed, "Well. Sorry for making you my slave."

One thing I noticed about our friendship. We always fight and then one of us apologizes.

"Yeah, you better be sorry. My ankle hurts now." I said, looking at my ankle.

Myungsoo looks at my ankle too, but in a more concerned way, "Will you be okay?"

"Yeah, I'll be fine. Why do you car-" Out of the blue, he decides to carry me bridal style.

"I'll take you to the hospital though, just to make sure."

"No, no you don't have to! I could walk perfectly fine!" I whined.

Myungsoo just kept walking.


"Thanks Doctor, I'll take perfect care of her." He said to the Doctor.

"You better, if she puts too much pressure on her ankle, it could swell up."

I looked at the Doctor in disgust, 'Thank god, no needles.'

"Will my ankle heal though?"

"Yes, as long as you rest well and no walking for a week."

I pouted, well there goes one week of just being a lazyashh all day.

"Myungsoo, you don't have to carry me back. I can walk, don't always believe a Doctor." I shake my head.

He just chuckles, "You're too cute."



I scoffed, "Nothing my ashh. Did you just call me cute?"





"Eunmi, you know what I mean."

"Okay. I'm sure you said Yes."



We finally arrived to my house.

"See! I missed Mnet's Countdown." I pouted.

"So? At least we know that your ankle will be okay."

I nodded in agreement, "You could leave now." I said coldly.

Myungsoo poked my ankle, "OWWW. DON'T TOUCH IT!" I yelled in pain.

"See, your ankle still hurts. So I'm staying to take care of you. Since it was my fault for making you move that heavy table."

I softened, "You'd do that for me?"

"Well yeah. I'd be a jerk if I didn't."

I smiled, then kissed his cheek. "Thanks."

Myungsoo looked away, "Y-yeah. No problem."

´¯`•.•●•۰• ••.•´¯`•.••

Thanks for reading \(⊙▂⊙)/ ♥

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:D It's SHO CUTE!!!!!! ^^ love it~
ohh goodluck on your test then~~ i have tests too this week :P
Dayngit, you rock<br />
in fluff and skinship stories :) hwaiting!
so sweet! Please update soon ^^
update ((:
entertaemint #6
They're so sweet ; _ ;<br />
So cute! Lol and miss crybaby =D Update soon ~~
In the foreword, I find the girl cute xD Haha. I'm a new reader (=