Oh boy.

That ßσy Next Ðøøя [hiatus]

The sunlight hit my face, which made me immediately wake up. I stretched my arms and yawn. But what was unusual this morning, was that I heard weird noises coming from the outside of my window. I hopped off my bed to go check what it was, someone was throwing rocks at my window, "What, my window might break!?" I opened my window and it was Myungsoo standing down there. "What are you doing?" I said, almost giggling.

He smiled. I've always liked that smile, even though he rarely showed it, "I'm just trying to wake you up."

"But why?"

"Have you ate breakfast already?"

"Yah, why are you changing the subject?"

"Just answer."

"No, I haven't. You?"

"Nope, not yet," then he looked at the floor, "would you like to go get some with me?"

I softened, "Are you asking me out?"

"Aish, is that a yes?" He said sighing.

I smirked, "You'll have to see." Then I closed my window.

Myungsoo just stood there, waiting for me.

"I can't say no, it's free food." I laughed.


"So where are we eating at?"

Myungsoo shrugged, "Don't know, where do you want to eat at?"

I thought, then it came to my head, "How about some Dduk Bok Ki and maybe Kimbap too?"

Myungsoo just nodded, then we left to do find a restaurant.

"Aha! Over there!" I shouted, then pulled Myungsoo to the restaurant.


I quickly scanned the menu, I ordered; Kimbap, Kimchi, Ramen, and Dduk Bok Ki.

"Myungsoo, what are you going to order?"

He looked at me, "The same as you."

The waitress wrote down our orders and left.

I rested my cheek on my palm, "Myungsoo, why don't you smile?"

Myungsoo sighed, "Why do you ask so many questions?"

"I was just curious."

"You know, curiosity killed the cat."

I glared at him, "But I'm not a cat."

"Well, I don't like to smile."

"Why not? It's pretty easy." Then I bent over and turned his frown into a smile, "See, not that hard."

Immediately, his smile disappeared.

I frowned, "Fine then. Don't smile, but I'm sure people will think your pmsing or something."

Myungsoo gave me the cold stare. That stare scares me.


The food arrived and it was fresh.

"Hey Myungsoo, I bet you can't eat as much Spicy Dduki Bok Ki as me."

He looked at me, "Okay, say whatever you want to say crybaby."

"It's true, you can't handle spicy as much as me."

"Is that a bet?"

"Bring it bruhh."

Then Myungsoo started to shove Dduki Bok Ki in his mouth, right away his mouth was burning. Even though it was like only 2 pieces.

"Pwahah. You're to gullible." I started laughing.

Myungsoo quickly swallowed the Dduki Bok Ki and fanned his mouth, "Yah, that wasn't fair."

I just kept laughing.

"Well, at least I won the bet."

"What?! No you didn't. It was just a joke."

"But you just said it was a bet and you didn't even eat any. There, I win."

I sighed in defeat, "Fine fine."

Myungsoo smirked, "What do I win?"

"Bwoh? You win nothing, who said anything about a prize?"

"Aight, then you have to be my slave for 2 weeks."

"2 weeks!? Heck no!"

"A month."


"Should I make it a year."


Myungsoo chuckled, "Then it's settled, a month."

I pouted, but I had no way of getting out of it.


"You're a jerk." I mumbled.


"Oh nothing."

"Tell me, or else I'm going to make you do things you wouldn't want to do."

I glared at him, "YOU.ARE.A.JERK."

"I'll take that as a compliment." He said, winking.

'I can't believe I agreed to do this.'


Thanks for reading :D

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:D It's SHO CUTE!!!!!! ^^ love it~
ohh goodluck on your test then~~ i have tests too this week :P
Dayngit, you rock<br />
in fluff and skinship stories :) hwaiting!
so sweet! Please update soon ^^
update ((:
entertaemint #6
They're so sweet ; _ ;<br />
So cute! Lol and miss crybaby =D Update soon ~~
In the foreword, I find the girl cute xD Haha. I'm a new reader (=