By The Sun

The Next Vow
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Mingyu turns his body and discovers Seungcheol is holding Wonwoo as strong as he cad. He tied Wonwoo’s hand and pulls him just like dragging a sack. Seungcheol doesn’t care about Wonwoo’s bleeding arm and injured feet, he even grabs him right on the swollen left arm. Causing Wonwoo groans and squeaking to the pains.

The oldest throws the human to the ground and blocking his younger brother to get closer. The crowd starts screaming and yelling again, they are angry at something that Mingyu still hasn’t get it. Some of them throwing rocks to the helpless human, and talking trash at him. One or two rocks hit his arm as they intentionally aimed there. Wonwoo tensed, groaning and trying to not screaming, he can’t run, he can’t go anyway.

“Wait stop! Why are you attacking him? And why did you bind him down like this?”

“It’s just because he deserves this.” Seungcheol said while walking to Wonwoo’s behind as Mingyu come closer with his eyebrows nearly meet each other, “Don’t come closer or I’m gonna step this spot really hard.”

He stops his step as soon as he sees Seungcheol’s leg is ready to step on Wonwoo’s left swollen arm whenever he wants to. Mingyu hopes Seungcheol is only kidding around but his eyes say the contrary.

“How do you know human will come tonight?” Mingyu launch the question he really wants to ask.

The oldest laugh, kicks Wonwoo on his side, “I have the strongest smelling here you know, human scents are everywhere. And I already saw some humans at the forest entrance the day before, who else might in the same team as them? It’s only him.” Seungcheol kicks Wonwoo again, now right on his abdomen.

“Mingyu, just eat him already!” Seokmin hits his shoulder. This one wolf is not in his happy mood also, Mingyu understands that Seokmin is in his serious state too.

“Yes! Eat him already!”

“Don’t want to see him again, get rid of human from the city!”

“Come on, Mingyu!”

“I should just barge to their house and eat him to the bones before!”

The crowds start yelling and nagging again. Sending hatred to someone they never knew yet asking for his death.

“Can you guys stop, and let me tell you everything before you judge and jump into conclusion when you don’t know anything? You know nothing about him and now you blame him of everything?!” Mingyu starts to get annoyed by people who play as judgers and shout to them. Everyone stops yelling but it’s because Seungcheol raises his hand asking them to zip their mouth.

“Brother, we don’t need more explanation. Right or wrong, it’s his fault or not, we don’t care.” The oldest pulls Wonwoo and forces him to stand up in his injured feet. He pins Wonwoo right on his neck and pushes right on his jaw to expose his neck wider. Then he puts one finger right on Wonwoo’s neck veins. “you should just bite him here, ends his life, and celebrate your birthday properly by finally eating a human flesh.”

Mingyu stoned while the crowd starts to cheer again. He forgets everything about eat human flesh, his birthday and such, his mind is full of Wonwoo only back then. He doesn’t even thinking to the humans blood that he met before, he just ran along with Jun to find Wonwoo. And now he doesn’t have any other chance to eat other humans. It’s only Wonwoo who’s here, in front of him.

But Mingyu can’t do it now. Wonwoo is unknowingly attached to him so much. Doesn’t know since when, doesn’t know how, and doesn’t know why, Mingyu can’t see Wonwoo as his prey anymore but as someone that so important to him. Even more than his brothers.

Mingyu feels like he wants to know Wonwoo better. After everything Wonwoo told him about being caged, been as an experimental object of his mad brother, hating moon because his brother always left him alone in a full moon night to try that his turn-human-into-wolf success, and hating sun because once again, a crazy project that has worsen his belief to life.

He is now curious with this human. How he feels, how he thinks, and after all of that, he wants to protect him at all cost. His brother is gone, he can has rhe better life from now on. Mingyu wants to show him a better world. He doesn’t want Wonwoo to die with the worst memories he had of this world. He should know that in fact, world is beautiful.

Even it means he will break his promise to Wonwoo, he doesn’t want to do it again. He wants to protect him, showing him another world in day. After everything, his scream on that night, and his careless act to hit his hand with a medium sized rock to break what his brother planted there. Mingyu understands that Wonwoo is actually wants a freedom, he wants someone to help him, not death.

“You can’t right?” Seungcheol asks after his long waits and see his brother in such confused state. “Of course you can’t. He had become someone that really important to your heart right?”

Mingyu raises his head and glares, “No.” he can’t admit it, he can’t tell Seungcheol the truth.

The oldest mocking by letting out a chuckle, “Don’t lie. It’s because you didn’t listen to my words. I told you to not come near human yet but you brought him and baby him.”

“Well, what’s the correlation between it? You only told me that I can’t go near them while you didn’t tell me the reason. How can I understand?” Mingyu raises his voice. He doesn’t care if finally all of them here know the truth and their problems.

“Your human blood-lines can make you have special feeling to humans too! That’s the correlation! And me, as the heir of our family, the king of this city, and based on what our father said in his last breath, to prevent one of us did the same thing as him, falling to a human.” Wonwoo widened his eyes as he hears the ‘king’ word. So they are actually the ruler of this city. That’s why their house is different from the other. He can’t believe that someone who is pinning him down now is actually a king. “and you have human blood, Mingyu, because your mother is a human. You have higher chance to do the same thing as father, that’s why we forbid you.”

Wonwoo takes a look with the corner of his eyes to Mingyu. He is stoned at his place looking down to the ground while his eyebrows are wrinkling and his fists are clenching. Wonwoo bets it is the first time Mingyu know the reason behind everything.

“Then why don’t you tell me earlier?”

“Because I never imagined that a human,” he tighten his arms on Wonwoo’s neck, “ will come to this forest and my stupid brother help him instead of leaving him alone. Tch. As expected of a half-human thing. Kind-hearted is nothing here.”

“That’s your fault to not tell me earlier and kept your distance to me! You two are always together! I’m the heir too, even I’m not the king, even I’m not a pure wolf, but I live here! I want to help this city too! But you never see me, and always treat me like a roach!”

These two brothers start yelling to each other and blurting out everything that they had buried for long time. Jun as usual only looking them from the side, but now he nearly do nothing as he is puzzled too. Seokmin is the one who will pulls Mingyu back whenever he wants to approach his brother with his ready fist.

“Your mother killed my father to bring his blood away! She lied to him saying that she loved him not because he is a wolf but she really loved him. Then she left a baby named you around us after she killed her husband! If it’s not because father asked me to grow you, I won’t!”

“I don’t even know who my mother is, who my father is! Why you blame me on something that I don’t know? Now what should I do when my heart is already attached to him? When my tongue will feel nu

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ladyhouse23 #1
Chapter 7: always a great story as usual. it's just 4 chapter but you can make me experience all emosicional... I love the ending so much
ladyhouse23 #2
At first I thought wonwoo was a vamp because he doesn't like sun but it's more than that. It's full of thrill and I like it. I love it when cheol jun seok and mingyu remembered their past. it's so cute tho the way gyu teased wonwoo. I want a sequel on wonwoos reaction when he remembered his past. hmmmm..really love it author nim..thanks for the story..^^
ajexastxsvt #4
Chapter 7: ITS SO AMAZING!!! Thank you for thissss! This story just tells that love still never fails and is literally destines for meanie! That no matter how the world turns they're still meant for each other! No one will never gonne break their bond! Hahahahahaha! I love meanie! Thank you for this!
d2tao_98 #5
The story is amazing!
The way you built the characters in this story is really good, Seungcheol turned out to be a good brother after all (must admit that I really hate him at first :)) though he's my bias)
I kept on reading the last words of Mingyu said to Wonwoo's dead body with teary eyes T^T Glad that there's a happy ending >.<
You are amazing too, author-nim <3 Keep on writing those Meanie fanfics, thank you for your hardwork <3
meanieeeee #6
Chapter 7: I cried omg this is so cruel ,but I enjoyed the ending so much.thank you your books are so good I am your reader please write more about meanie❤️
Chapter 7: You know what? I cried like seriously. My tears about to flow down okay. Your writing amazed me!! Dx
Wonwoo is so innocent yet he died cus seungcheol accused him for being a betrayal dork. Q~Q

One last time, I really did cry. I'm serious. This could be the best sorrowful story ever!
khasabat #8
Chapter 7: I cry so hard when they force Mingyu for eat Wonwoo heart-
Give them happy ending and sweet momet to be sore each other #squel please
glennrodho #9
Love this !!
Chapter 7: OH MY GODdd this is so gooooooodds