
Miracle [Editing]
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Feeling the bed dip behind her, Namjoo could feel the smile on her face before she had even opened her eues. Rolling onto her back, she was instantly greeted with Hayoung's gorgeous smile.

"Morning!" Hayoung beamed.

Namjoo just lay there, smiling up at Hayoung as memories from the night before flooded into her mind.


Namjoo couldn't believe it as Hayoung spun her around. As she was set back in her feet, Namjoo felt the world around her continue to spin and suddenly halt as Hayoung's sparkling eyes met her own.

Feeling Hayoung's hands come up to frame her face, Namjoo watched as the tears gathered in Hayoung's eyes.

"You spoke, Namjoo. Actually spoke." Hayoung choked out in a whisper. "I'm so proud of you."

Namjoo felt her hand rise and before she realized what she was doing, she watched her own hand rest on Hayoung's cheeks and her thumb catch the first tear as it fell from Hayoung's eyes. Leaving her hand where it was, Namjoo suddenly noticed how close their faces were.

With barely an inch between them, Namjoo watched Hayoung sway ever so closely and slid her eyes shut at the soft brush of Hayoung's nose against her own. 

Opening her eyes again, Namjoo found Hayoung staring directly back at her, her brown orbs lit up so extraordinary by the low hanging sun. They stared so intently that Namjoo suddenly felt something alight within her. It wasn't like anything she had ever experienced. I was as though somebody had lit a fire pit in the bottom of her stomach and heat rising from it was gathering in her chest, right around her heart.

Whatever it was, Namjoo didn't want it to stop.

Looking carefully back at Hayoung, Namjoo watched as Hayoung's eyes took a softer look, one that made the fire in Namjoo's stomach explode. Frozen in place, Namjoo's eyes never left Hayoung's as Hayoung in further and---

"Attention residents! The dining hall is now open for your evening meal. Please make your way towards the dining hall."

Dropping her hands from Hayoung's face, Namjoo watched the taller girl take a small step back, concern lacing her features. Opening once again, the small brunette found that the words seem to already be there, waiting to come out. 

"Let's go." Namjoo spoke quietly,watching as a brilliant smile spread across Hayoung's face.


Namjoo wasn't entirely sure about what had happened the day before. Was Hayoung really going to kiss her? As the thought crossed her mind, the brunette suddenly realized that she quite liked the idea of it. Feeling her smile spread wider, Namjoo looked back up at Hayoung, still sat on the edge of her bed.

"Good morning."

It was amazing what two small words could do to a person. As the words tumbled out of , Namjoo watched Hayoung's eyes as they seemed to dance in glee. Suddenly feeling herself being pulled into a sitting position, Hayoung threw herself into Namjoo's arm, holding onto her neck tightly.

"You ok there?" Namjoo mumbled quietly into Hayoung's shoulder.

"Yeah." Hayoung retorted. "I'm just so happy and so proud of you, Namjoo."

Namjoo felt Hayoung squeeze her once more before pulling back slightly and hesitantly pressing her lips to her cheek.

Her vision swimming and cheek burning from where Hayoung's lips had been pressed, Namjoo sat staring at Hayoung as she entangled herself and stood. Turning back towards Namjoo, her cheeks flushed, Hayoung looked at her expectantly.

"Well get up then!"


Nurse Tiffany's POV

Since discovering the two women in the same bed, Nurse Tiffany had kept a careful eye on them. It wasn't out of fear that one of the girls would be taken advantage of, a such is often the case in a situation like this but instead, it was to watch the improvement of mainly Namjoo's condition; Something that was visibly improving with each passing day.

Nurse Tiffany was friendly with Dr Lee after having worked with the man for over 12 years. She knew what was appropriate to report to him and what was to be dealt with internally by the nursing staff.

The two girls sharing the same bed was something that Nurse Tiffany had reported straight to Dr Lee following her morning discovery. Like herself, the grey-haired man expressed the same disbelief and excitement as she had along with a promise that he was to be told of any close interaction between the two girls as to be able to keep progress on both of their conditions.

So when Nurse Tiffany happened to, by chance, come across the two girls about 50 feet away from her by the lake, she was absolutely flabbergasted to watch what seems like Namjoo's first words to Hayoung.

Watching as Hayoung spun Namjoo around, both of them holding the other lightly, Nurse Tiffany could feel the tears well up in her eyes. To anyone outside the Treatment Hospital, the two women would completely and utterly infatuated with each other. The look of pure joy radiating from both of their faces was not an expression seen often at this treatment hospital.

Wiping her eyes softly, Nurse Tiffany turned to leave but found she could not take her eyes off of the two girls as their moment of joy suddenly morphed into something extremely personal and loving. Knowing that she was intruding on a moment nobody else was suppose to see, Nurse Tiffany forced her eyes away from the scene and continued down the path towards the Centre with every intention of seeking out Dr Lee to inform him of the scene she had just witnessed.

As she neared the entrance of the common room, Nurse Tiffany heard the loud evening announcement filter through the grounds. Glancing behind her, she saw the two women quickly pull apart, clearly disturbed before heading towards the Centre. Internally cursing at how the two girls had been disrupted, Nurse Tiffany continued in her quest to update Dr Lee, well aware that this particular progress of Namjoo's would most likely be distributed to each of her doctors.


The worst part of Namjoo's day by far was her newly given session which supposedly should help her speak more and relax by Dr Seo other than the group session.

Dr Seo was a specialist that had been recently brought in by the Centre in a bid to improve Namjoo's cond

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thank you for the beautiful, beautiful fic. wish i could’ve read this sooner
This is the first and only story that made cry for real, thanks for this beautiful story, author-nim! TT
this is freaking beautiful and you had me feeling for every character (except Seo, cuz he was just... idefk), even Hayoung's dad...
the writing was simple yet wonderful and the plot flowed super nicely and the character development was so freaking nice and i don't even know how else to explain this story other than it being amazing.
awesome story, author-nim!
also, HaJoo <3
73 streak #4
Chapter 15: Hajoo ♥
Chapter 6: I think I just found the most descriptive work of art! Especially chapter 6.
Nice work there!
gorjessie #6
Chapter 15: Can't believe i just found this like where have i been all this time to missed such a beautiful story :')
Thank you for writing this author-nim!! Such a rollercoaster yet so beautifully written, i love it!
This is such a beautiful Hajoo story! Why hadn't I find this sooner? Written perfectly, often balancing between the happy and sad sides and surprises in between, I almost hated Dr Seo and Mr. Oh for one slight moment haha~ Thank you author-nim for writing this excellent piece of Hajoo fanfic! Certainly one of my favourites and deserves an upvote from me <3
jieqoing #8
Chapter 15: I cried
Chapter 15: "Christen our Bed" nice Hayoung! Really nice. It's a great story tho!!!
midgitcookie03 #10
Chapter 17: Get well soon authornim!!!^-^