twelve beats


"How's the cheescake?"

The fork in Nari's hand hovered in the air for an instant before she shoved the large chunk of delicious creaminess that was threatening to fall off into her awaiting mouth.

"Rilngurd," Nari managed to answer Jin with a mouth full of food, not that he understood her jumbled words.

He chuckled at how rapidly Nari was chewing, almost resembling a small chipmunk. Pulling back the chair opposite of her, he asked if he could take a seat.

Finally swallowing the cake, Nari gestured towards the chair, welcoming his company. Wiping , she observed Jin who fiddling with a silver ring on his double-jointed fingers. He's nervous, she thought. Why?

"What is it Jin?" Nari stirred her coffee with the small teaspoon. "It's not everyday that the main baker comes out to sit with the customers."

The tips of Jin's mouth twitched into a small smile. "Well you aren't just any customer Nari. You saved Jungkook's life."

"I told you it was nothing Jin. I would have done it for anybody."

Jin nibbled at his bottom lip, leaning his body forward on the table. "Well, we're all very thankful for what you did anyway." His soft eyes flickered up to meet Nari's. "He's...he's going through a rough patch right now Nari-ssi."

Nari nodded slowly, unsure of what to answer. Should she comfort him? Tell her she's sorry? But for what?

"It's really really hard to get any emotion out of him." A small crinkle appeared on Jin's forehead as he thought about Jungkook. "But the funny thing is, everytime we mention you, we get a little bit of something."

Nari raised an eyebrow. "What emotion, may I ask?"


Annoyance? Nari snorted, internally rolling her eyes. Of course he would he annoyed after she saved his sorry . "Uhm, thanks, I guess?"

Jin held up his hands, realizing that Nari might have taken it the wrong way. "No, it's not like that. You managed to annoy him Nari. It was almost like seeing the old Jungkook back."

Old Jungkook? Before Nari could ask what the old Jungkook was like, the bell to the door twinkled, signaling that someone had entered.

"Jinnie oppa!" A small girl bounced up to Jin, immediately crawling into his lap. It seemed as if she did this quite often. Jin chuckled and tousled her pixie-cut, shooting Nari an apologetic glance.

"Why are you here?" Nari averted her eyes from the small girl to the owner of the melodic voice. Her breath hitched as her heart skipped a beat.

"Hello to you too Jungkook."

Jungkook rolled his eyes, ignoring her greeting. He turned to Jin and said, "I'll take charge of the counter today." He moved on to tap the little girls nose. "And you behave okay?"

She nodded, continuing to play with the strings on Jin's sweater. Nari stared at his retreating back, her eyes narrowing in pure disbelief.

She annoyed him? Well, she thought, he's not exactly a ray of sunshine in my life either. It's annoying how rude he is. It's annoying how ungrateful he is. It's annoying how my heart acts around him. It's-

"You see?" Jin's voice broke her mental rant. "He rolled his eyes at you." He was bouncing the little girl on his lap, trying to contain his excitement.

"I don't think that's something to celebrate Jin."

"Please," Jin glanced behind him to make sure Jungkook wasn't listening. "Please come here as much as possible okay? I have a feeling you can change him."

Honestly, the usual Nari would say hell no and get up, but for some reason, Jin's pleading puppy eyes kept her rooted in her seat. She felt an overwhelming curiousity towards the mysterious boy; the boy who made her heart change tempo.

"I...I'll try."

Jin grabbed Nari's hand and squeezed it, thanking her repeatedly. He was still thanking her when he excused himself. He was needed in the kitchen to restock the custard tarts that ran out.

Now, it was just Nari and the little girl staring at each other from across the small two-person table.

Nari wasn't ever around any children, so she couldn't help but feel nervous as the girl continued to stare at her with large doe-like eyes, her small lips pressed shut.

"Uh, hey. I'm Lee Nari." Nari smiled as wide as she could, trying her hardest to not scare the girl. "Who are you?"

"Jungha. Jeon Jungha."

Ah. So she was a Jeon; the sibling of Jeon Jungkook. The two looked quite different, yet their identical doe-like eyes proved that they were undeniably siblings.

"Nice to meet you Jungha." She waited for a smile from the girl. There was none.

"What's that?" Jungha pointed at Nari's thick law textbook.

"Oh this?" Nari pushed away her coffee and cake, making room for the despicable textbook. "This is my school book. I study law."

"Can I see?"

Nari wasn't sure why the small child found a hideous textbook filled with tiny words so interesting, but what did she know about children? "Yeah, of course."

Jungha slipped out of her chair and bounded over to Nari, crawling onto her lap. Nari stiffened, unsure of how to react at this small human that was flipping through her textbook, asking question after question as her finger pointed at random words and pictures.

Jungkook observed the scene from behind the counter. The girl had half of her long raven hair pinned back loosely, exposing her pale neck and shoulders that showed through her oversized sweater. The stark contrast between her milky white skin and dark hair was vivid, almost like the pale moon against the midnight sky.

His mouth curved up ever-so-slightly when Jungha invited herself onto her lap. The way her big eyes rapidly blinked, gaping open in shock as her hands awkwardly held onto Jungha. Cute.

Soon, she had relatively become comfortable enough to start answering Jungha's bombardment of questions. Jungkook watched as she patiently talked to Jungha, conversing with her with the same intelligence that she would with another law student. Often, her dimples would show up on her cheeks as she talked. Cute.

She was weird. She had fainted, sassed him, saved him, all while glaring at him with a fiery sense of attitude. But at the same time, she was intriguing.

And Jungkook couldn't deny the fact that his heart sped up, just the tiniest amount, everytime he saw her.

And to him, that was annoying.

He didn't want to think about anyone else. He didn't want to endanger anyone anymore.

Not like last time.


A/N: A little peek into Jungkook's feelings lol

Went on a college visit and now I'm two days behind on homework but instead, I'm writing this.

Really smart, I know.

Leave comments so I know if this or not.




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Jungkookswifey97 #1
Chapter 15: Update pleaseee
kawaii_anime1004 #2
Chapter 15: Yes I do ship eunji and tae
Chapter 15: The plot feels more than a simple romance, the mysteries of jungkook's past is realy intriguing!
And i realy like the interactions between characters. I hope to see the development of their feeling over the time they'll spend together.
And i see that jin's blonde hair caused ruckus everywhere lol.
Couldn't wait for more updates! :)
juliataex #4
Chapter 15: I love the idea of Taenji as a couple xD there're cute...My ub is V but I started reading your fanfic cause Kookie was wrecking me during Run era XD so I really like both parings
kookssi #5
Chapter 15: aigoooo jungkook with nari
jieun_sg #6
Chapter 13: Eunji with taehyung..
JM_got_yes_jam #7
Chapter 13: Oh why did you have to stop there ? I loved your story and I am exited to know what will happen next.
I'm jimin biased but I think teahyung will be better for eunji they will make a great couple
alfxshn #8
Chapter 13: eunji with jin?¿¿ lololol i dont know xD
xx1melody1xx #9
Chapter 13: So excited for the rest of the story! It's great so far, I love that you kept some elements of the members' personalities that we see in their videos. Also looking forward to how the rest of the plot develops and how NaKook/Jungri are going to end up haha
Chapter 12: ...omg. so jungkook falls first? kkk