
We Unexpectedly Got Married!

Jonghyun isn’t expecting a call from the producers of We Got Married and he sure as hell isn’t expecting for them to want him to appear on the show. “Wait, wait…so you want me on this season?” he asks sitting up on his bed and Roo’s head. “Yes, we want you.” The man spoke into the phone with a smile. “You’ll be perfect for this season!” Jonghyun’s eyes widen and he has to clamp a hand over his mouth to keep from squealing. I’m going to tell Kibum and he’s going to flip. “We plan to start filming next week.”

“So you’ve already chosen my…” Jonghyun hesitates before saying the word. “Spouse?”

“Yes, we have.” His heart was doing backflips now. Who is she? Is she someone I’m close to? Is she from a popular girl group or maybe she’s an actress. Thinking these thoughts a goofy grin spreads across his lips. “Wow…” he exhales shoving a hand through his silver hair. “Thank you.” The producer hums softly into the phone. “We thank you for agreeing to it.” Jonghyun chuckles, thanking the producer one last time before hanging up. “Roo-ah!” he coos. “Appa’s going to be getting married soon.” He says kissing the top of the dogs head, a giggle or two escaping him. He felt like he was meeting Kibum all over again—the flutters and nerves—he thought that they had gone away, but anything that made him happy, the flutters would reappear. He jumps off of his bed and does a quick (embarrassing) dance in his room. He’d have to call and tell the other members, but first he’d have to tell his sister because she knew how much he wanted this. So without much thought he dials her number and the second she answers he asks about her day and then he goes off telling her about what just happened. “Are you serious?!” She exclaims, Jonghyun was standing up, nodding smugly. “Yeah, they called a few moments ago.”

“Oh my god, congratulations!”

“Haha, thank you.” He smiles to himself, heaving a happy sigh. “Sooo~ who’s the lucky girl?” Jonghyun shrugs, his hands slapping against his hips. “I have no idea, you know how this show works.” Sodam laughs lightly. “I couldn’t help but ask.” They continue to talk; Jonghyun steps out onto his front lawn and stretches his hands above his head. The sun was shining and the sky was a beautiful blue—clear and breathtaking—a symbol maybe? Jonghyun loved those types of things. An everyday symbol of joy, a light, a fluffy cloud or glowing moon. Everything meant something. He ends the call with Sodam saying that he’d meet with her later. He stares at his phone clutching it in his hands. He wanted to tell Kibum—the words were going to spill out of him and splatter onto the concrete below his feet. “They want me to appear on the show.” He’d tell Kibum and they’d celebrate over wine and whatever Kibum fixed up that night. He came over to Kibums house without much notice or any notice at all. “Just be expecting me.” He’d say and Kibum always would. Jonghyun shifts his weight to his left foot and squints into the sunlight. Sometimes it feels as though we’re married…Jonghyun never voiced such thoughts. He kept them to himself as though those words were the most precious and most dangerous gift he could ever give to Kibum.

Kibum sits in the leather chair leaning back in it, waiting patiently to meet with the director. The glass doors to his right open and a man with dark hair and sunglasses struts into the room. “Kibum-ssi!” The man greets and Kibum jumps up from his seat and immediately bows. The man chuckles. “No need for such formalities,” He takes a seat at the head of the table. “This’ll be our second time working together.” Kibum smiles nervously, sinking back into his chair. Today he was here to discuss how the episodes would progress, what would be different from last season compared to this one. The director went over several aspects, all of which Kibum nodded to. He could work his musical schedule around this. “We’ll start filming this weekend?” Kibum nods. “That’s perfect.” He says rising up with the director. “Uhm…” Kibum starts slowly, a hand resting on the back of his name. “Can’t you…give me a hint to who…my wife will be?” The director blinks and then laughs, lines appearing around his lips. “Aren’t you adorable.” He says walking up to Kibum and placing a hand to his shoulder. “This season is all about surprises, Kibum-ssi.” If it wasn’t for his glasses Kibum could have sworn that the man winked. As he’s saying his farewells to the rest of the crew his phone vibrates in his pocket with a text from Minho: I hear you’re getting hitched again…do you really enjoy marriage that much? Kibum cracks a smile. Marriage was just a label for the relationship between two people. Marriage? A singular word that generalizes what is between lovers. A contract some called it, a certificate to hell. Kibum laughed at those—these artificial marriages arranged by WGM gave him a look-see into what real marriage could be like. But it’s fake, not real—sure feelings between the cast can develop—this season Kibum wishes to be able to fall in love with his wife. He wants to feel butterflies for her, he wants to open his eyes and see stars when he stares into her eyes. He wants her to make him feel what he feels when he sees Jonghyun. When he hears his voice, when their hands touch, when they get so close that Kibum can feel Jonghyuns breath against his neck. Kibum stares wide eyed. “.” He cusses because he was doing it again, drifting off into his feelings. Feelings that were supposed to be swept away in the past.

His phone lights up with another message, this time from Jonghyun: guess wht? Kibum stares at the words and decides it’d be best to reply if he didn’t want his phone spammed with emojis. K: What?

J: Just guess. Kibum contemplates for a moment before typing back. K: You’ve found a better dog than Roo?

J: *gasp* I’m offended, Kibum

Kibum chuckles. J: but that’s not it

K: just tell me. A few seconds pass before Jonghyun replies. J: WGM called me a few days ago. Kibums eyes widen. Was he also going to be starring in the show? Kibum’s heart twinges. K: do you know who the unlucky girl is?

J: unlucky? Pfffft :’D but I don’t know. Kibum hesitates, should I tell him that I’ll be on the show? K: I’ll also be on the show…. Kibum stares at his phone and when Jonghyun doesn’t reply for a minute he decides to walk outside. The sky is dotted with cotton balls making it appear as though it’s an ocean dancing with swans. Kibum stares up and lets his breath out slowly. When his phone rings he pulls it out casually expecting it to be Jonghyun. “Yes?”

“You’re also appearing again this season?” Jonghyun sounded incredulous. “Yeah, they love me.”

“No .” Jonghyun snaps, Kibum laughs aloud, his voice shattering the city-silence. “So…two SHINee members together in one season?”

“Yeeeep, media loves pairing us up with unsuspecting actresses and girl group stars.” Jonghyun laughs. “I’m surprised they didn’t pair us up together.” The words slip from his lips mixing in with his laugher as though it were a joke, but they both knew that it wasn’t. “All hail the ship—killing fangirls left and right.” Kibum adds trying to make light of the awkward circumstances they just put themselves in. “We’re guys, there’s no way that could work.” Kibum wanted to say, but he knew Jonghyun would only reply with a careless “so?” They end the call moments later. Kibum looks to his feet and in a long string of air before hissing it out between his teeth.

Of course that weekend neither were expecting to see each other: Kibum was sitting in his chair, positioned away from the café doorway. The directors had told him that his soon-to-be-wife would be coming shortly. “Don’t look back, they’ve planned a surprise for you.” So Kibum obeyed his orders and waited. The cameras were rolling, filming everything that played out. Kibum sips his iced-coffee until there’s none left. He was actually quite nervous. He shakes his wrists hoping to shake out the rest of his nerves. The café doors creak open and he resists turning around. The strumming of a guitar string floats into his ears. He his head to the side. The guitar sounded antique like a piece of artwork worked on day and night never to be revealed to anyone else but the painter. And then the voice; soft—no, not soft—mesmerizing. The rustling of leaves, the sweet aroma of coffee and Darjeeling tea. The epitome of sensuality and charm--this voice. Kibum stops swaying, he freezes, his neck going cold. Because this voice was all too familiar. As familiar as backstage practices, late night rehearsals and duets that were never performed. This voice—Kibum turns around—belonged to Jonghyun.

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Chapter 6: Aww soo cute ❤❤
Chapter 6: This was great ♥ How I wish this was real~
herejusttoread #3
Chapter 6: This should be real .. cause jongkey is freaking real .
Chapter 6: This should be a real concept! Authornim for president!! /(>v<)/
Loved the story! ♡
shawollll #5
Chapter 6: *is a sobbing mess* ㅠ.ㅠ ㅠ.ㅠ ㅠ.ㅠ ㅠ.ㅠ ㅠ.ㅠ
Chapter 6: Chapter 6: I seriously, want WGM to find this story, and make this a real deal! You know how awesome it would be to see those to together like that? Thank you for this!
Chapter 6: Boy I Want a JongKey wgm for real now!!! It's my dream to see them marry!!!
Nice story. Loved it a lot!!
blingkey247 #8
Chapter 6: You wrote all JongKey shippers' dream! Thank you! \(^v^)/