
We Unexpectedly Got Married!

“What is this?” Their manager says gesturing to the TV screen in front of them. Kibum clears his throat and risks a nervous glance towards Jonghyun. “You guys did this without the company’s consent?”

“It’s on our own time.” Kibum says, their manager scoffs, pointing back to the TV screen; displayed was a screenshot of Jonghyun kissing Kibums forehead. The two shift uncomfortably in their seats. “Do you know the company’s going to get flack for this?” The manager continues on. Kibum knew, they both knew, but they both didn’t care about what happened to the company or the guy who ran it all. It was about time he got punched for all that he’s done. The manager sighs shoving a hand through his hair and pacing up and down the office. Jonghyun checks his watch and looks up, he locks gazes with Kibum. They were to go shoot episode two later this evening at six. Jonghyun clears his throat and slowly rises up from his seat. “Are we…done here?” He asks placing his gray hat back atop his head. The manager spins around and looks at him in disbelief. “Do you two…really…that way about each other…?” he asks, his eyes flicking between both of them. Kibum rolls his eyes and rises to his feet. “We have a schedule to attend to.” He says not giving the guy a second look. He hurries out of the door and Jonghyun follows after him, he gives the manager a swift bow on his way out. Jonghyun jogs to catch up to Kibum, he clutches his wrist and then slides down until their fingers interlock. “You could have just told him yes.” He says softly. Kibum looks back at Jonghyun and flashes an apologetic smile. “I knew he was going to ask that.” He grits. Jonghyun shakes his head. “You didn’t know, Kibum.”

“But I felt that he was going to ask…is it really that hard to believe that two men love each other…?” He questions and Jonghyuns grip on his hand relaxes. They stand in the SM building, Girls Generations newest song playing above them on a little TV to the left. Kibum shakes his hand out of Jonghyuns and strides ahead. Jonghyun sighs, knowing that when Kibum got like this it was best if he gave him some space—Jonghyun watches as Kibum goes and then the younger stubs his toe on a trash can, Jonghyun cackles—or maybe not. “Kibum!” He calls, rushing up to him and grabbing his wrist, he takes off holding onto Kibum. They burst out of the building doors and cameras blind their vision. “SHINee’s Kim Jonghyun and Key! Can you talk for a moment?”

“We have a few questions!” Reporters. They were everywhere like a swarm of bees. “How long have you two been together?”

“What made you decide to star in this seasons show together?” Jonghyun looks to his left and then to his right. “Damn this is annoying.” He grumbles. Kibum looks to him with a small smile. “We never got this much attention even when we came back with View.” Jonghyun blinks and then laughs. “That’s true.”

“Lets take it as a gift.” Kibum winks and grips Jonghyuns hand leading him through the crowd of reporters.


 Jonghyun felt those butterflies again—as Kibums hand clamped around his—wings would take of in his stomach and ripple through his chest until his cheeks were flushed pink. Kibum glances back over his shoulder and smiles, Jonghyuns heart dances, right in that moment he wanted to pull him back, kiss him and profess all the times he had fallen in love with Kibum. When they first met, when they performed on stage together for the first time, when they cried together, when they laughed when they experimented together. Jonghyun clutches Kibums hand tighter. WGM was his chance to make up all those years, to show Kibum how much he loved him. “Jonghyun! Jonghyun!”

“Key! Kibum! We’d just like an answer!” The reporters follow them all the way to the van, they hurry inside, lock the doors and try to gather their breaths. Jonghyun looks to Kibum and then Kibum looks to him, they stare at each other for a moment and then a smile curls their lips. Kibum is the first to burst, his laughter rocks the van. Jonghyun throws his head back and laughs with him. “We should have come out sooner.” Jonghyun cracks, Kibum shakes his head with laughter. “Hahaha, maybe…” Their laughter dies away and Jonghyuns grip on Kibums hand loosens. The clicking of camera lenses could still be heard and every now and then a reporter would switch between their names, calling Kibum and then for Jonghyun.

“You never believed me though…” Jonghyun says softly. Kibum turns to look at him. “All those times I said I loved you…” Kibum blinks, Jonghyun looks into his eyes and smiles meekly. “How come?” Kibum blinks again and then smiles down at his feet. “It’s not that I didn’t believe you…it’s that I couldn’t.” Jonghyun sits up. “Why?”

“We were rising up as SHINee, people were looking to us for endless perfection, and I couldn’t suddenly accept your feelings and risk…and risk…everything…” Kibum runs a hand through his hair and sighs. “And I was young, I was still figuring somethings out. To your surprise, Jjong, I may not be flawless and perfect as so many believe.” He flashes a weak smile. The silence settles into the car again, Jonghyun stares at Kibum and places a hand to his back, he rubs from his shoulders down to the dip of his spine. “That’s why I fell for you.” Jonghyun says in a whisper. “I wasn’t looking for perfection, I was looking for you Kibum.” Kibum raises his head and looks into Jonghyuns eyes. The older was smiling softly, his hand reaching up to Kibums cheek. “I’m the only one who can see you this closely.” Saying this he leans forward and crashes their foreheads together. “You smell nice…” He comments, Kibums eyes widen with embarrassment and then he’s laughing. Jonghyun’s smile broadens and slowly he tilts his head until his lips are matching with Kibums. “When you laugh like that,” His breath ghosts over Kibums lips. “It makes me want to kiss you.” Kibum doesn’t speak, doesn’t blink as Jonghyun closes his eyes and gently pushes him against the car door. The older opens his eyes for just a moment to judge Kibums reaction. He laughs under his breath and smirks. “I won’t kiss you if you don’t want me to.” He says softly, leaning away. Kibum shakes his head and grips Jonghyuns wrist. “I never said that.” He says strongly, yanking Jonghyun forward and kissing him. Jonghyuns eyes widen, staring at Kibum in shock. Jonghyun wrote a song about kissing Kibum once, he titled it Hallelujah. Jonghyun closes his eyes, letting the warmth of Kibums lips wrap him in a blanket. He places his hands to Kibums cheeks and tilts his head up to deepen the kiss. Kibum seems to have no problem obliging, even placing his hand over Jonghyuns. When Jonghyun hears Kibum give a little whimper he jerks back. “Uhm,” He clears his throat and tugs his shirt down over the zipper on his pants. “We should stop…”

“We’ve gone farther in the past.” Kibum murmurs sitting up straight. Jonghyuns entire face flushes red. “Yeah, but…we’re married now.” He says smugly, despite his fluster. Kibum rolls his eyes and then shoves his ‘husband’ in the chest. “Don’t we have a recording?”

“Yeah,” Jonghyun wills his heart to calm down. “In a few hours.” Kibum nods, sliding out his cellphone.

The cameras were rolling and Kibum and Jonghyun were standing in the doorway of their new home. It was a small place, perfect for an engaged couple. There was a red envelope pinned to the door. Jonghyun rips it off. “You think it’s a mission?” He questions, looking to Kibum. Kibum nods. “Has to be.” Jonghyun rips the envelope and reads the words aloud. “Welcome to your home, make yourself comfortable by unpacking, but you both must be hungry,” They share a look. “The first mission for the day is to make a meal out of the ingredients in the fridge, you both must work together to make a meal that suits both your tastes. Have fun.” Jonghyun reads the words over again and looks up to Kibum with a crooked grin. “This should be fun.” He twists the doorknob and pushes the door open. The lights were , they both walk inside the cameras following after them. Kibum places his suitcase down on the ground and looks around. “It kinda looks like your place, Bummie.” Jonghyun calls over his shoulder, Kibum smiles. “Kind of.” He follows after Jonghyun into the kitchen. The counters were colorful and the fridge was the expensive kind with buttons and temp settings. Kibum looks around and stumbles upon another red envelope. “Another one?” Jonghyun comes up behind him and places a hand to his hip. “Read it.” Kibum nods. “‘As you’re cooking look at the ingredients and point out a quality your fiancée has with the food.’” Kibums cheeks puff out with soft laughter. “What?” Jonghyun steps closer, his arm sliding around Kibums waist, cradling him against his side. “So if I pull out a rutabaga, I have to compare it to one of your physical qualities…?” Jonghyun questions. “And mental.”

“Ah…” He reads the rest over Kibums shoulder. “Learn about each other and have fun while you’re at it!” Jonghyun tosses the words around in his mind and says. “I know everything about you.” The camera zooms in a little closer as Jonghyun leans up towards Kibums ear. Kibum laughs. “Everything?”

“Yeah.” Kibum scoffs, breaking out of Jonghyuns grip. “Let’s start this mission and see.” Jonghyun rolls up his shirt sleeves, cracks his knuckles and slaps Kibum on his . The younger jolts, his eyes wide. “Let’s go!” Jonghyun exclaims as though nothing had happened. Kibum spins around and glares at him; the director was sitting to the side with a satisfied grin. When the episode aired there was many supportive and ‘fangirl’ worthy comments:

JJbaby – OMG Jongkey <3 WGM

Alwaysurs – you guys saw that slap though?

Onceortwice12 – I’m really glad the WGM directing crew has decided to air this type of season, showing that there is more than just the one love. Love is everywhere and it shouldn’t be shunned. Triple thumbs up WGM and JongKey keep being as cute as ever <3 <3

Taemints4evr – woooooooow, amazing, I can’t wait to see them complete the mission >__<

ThisisnotTaemin - *thumbs up* Jonghyun-hyung is getting that ;) highfive to the director though, I never thought that I’d see something like this air in Korea and with two idols :O fair warning though, when Jonghyun gets touchy…he gets reeeeeeeeally touchy.

A lot of fans were skeptical if that was really Taemin who had commented, they’d banter back and forth that he wasn’t much of a netizen and that if he had a Twitter or Insta account it was kept secret. But Kibum and Jonghyun knew that it was the little devil who had wrote the comment. Jonghyun held up to the comment; as they were cooking he’d occasionally brush past Kibum and squeeze his behind. And if he didn’t get the chance to do that he’d poke him in his waist and then ruffle his hair. The directors loved the skinship and asked that they see more of it. Jonghyun had no problem obliging, when he was around Kibum, his love would “naturally seep out.” Kibum on the other hand was more subtle; he’d glance over at Jonghyun and smile softly or he’d help him reach something that was a few inches out of reach. He’d laugh loudly at something the older said and would tease the back of Jonghyuns neck with his fingers. They were able to finish the meal: spaghetti pasta with steamed-garlic chicken. Jonghyun had made the sauce while Kibum did the chicken and cooked the noodles. As they were cooking Kibum compared Jonghyuns short legs to a raw noodle he had broken in half. Jonghyun said the tomatoes reminded him of Kibums heart—solid on the inside, but bursting with a passion once cut into. That wasn’t far from the truth. As they were eating Jonghyun begged Kibum to do the ‘lady and the tramp’ with him. “No.”

“Come on, Kibum.” He twirls his fork into the pasta. “Why are you so cliché?” Kibum asks, Jonghyun beams. “Because a cliché every once in a while isn’t so bad.” Kibum rolls his eyes and twirls his fork in the pasta. “Fine.” It didn’t really go as planned, they ended up clearing their plates before they could get a clean kiss. Annoyed, Kibum rises up from his seat, leans over, grips the front of Jonghyuns shirt and crashes their lips together. “There!” he shouts triumphantly. Jonghyun blinks, his cheeks warming, he touches his lips dazedly and looks to Kibum who was doing a little celebratory dance. It was as if god had shot him with several arrows to the heart and lightning had come down and struck him head on. “I love you.” He blurts rising up and gripping Kibums hips, he pushes their bodies together and says those three words again. Kibum blinks and then laughs. “The cameras.” He hisses, Jonghyun grins. “You weren’t worried about the cameras when you kissed me a moment ago.” He nips the side of Kibums neck, the brunette shudders. “Jonghyun.”

“Hmm.” Jonghyun begins to sway with him, Kibum sighs but he was smiling. “So are we dancing now?”

“Yep.” Jonghyun answers simply, Kibum bends down and rests his head on Jonghyuns shoulder. The director makes a circular gesture with his hands. “Wrap it up.” He mouths, the cameras click off and the producers begin to file out. They give the engaged couple one last glance. “Oh, to be in love.” A PD murmurs.

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Chapter 6: Aww soo cute ❤❤
Chapter 6: This was great ♥ How I wish this was real~
herejusttoread #3
Chapter 6: This should be real .. cause jongkey is freaking real .
Chapter 6: This should be a real concept! Authornim for president!! /(>v<)/
Loved the story! ♡
shawollll #5
Chapter 6: *is a sobbing mess* ㅠ.ㅠ ㅠ.ㅠ ㅠ.ㅠ ㅠ.ㅠ ㅠ.ㅠ
Chapter 6: Chapter 6: I seriously, want WGM to find this story, and make this a real deal! You know how awesome it would be to see those to together like that? Thank you for this!
Chapter 6: Boy I Want a JongKey wgm for real now!!! It's my dream to see them marry!!!
Nice story. Loved it a lot!!
blingkey247 #8
Chapter 6: You wrote all JongKey shippers' dream! Thank you! \(^v^)/