
We Unexpectedly Got Married!

A clock could be heard beeping in the distance, its repetitive rhythm causing a figure on the bed to stir awake. Jonghyun had his arm draped over Kibums shoulders and was snoring loudly. Kibum looks to him, glares and then settles into the olders hold. His eyes begin to close and it’s only when Jonghyuns leg wraps around his waist does he wake all the way up. “Jonghyun,” Kibum hisses his name, the alarm clock was still going off. Kibum hurries to shut it off and the sound fades into a hum. “Jonghyun.” Kibum calls for him again, but Jonghyun doesn’t move, he presses himself harder into Kibums backside and Kibums throat clamps up when he feels something prodding against the lower part of his back. “Jonghyun, it’s time to wake up.” Kibum says, his voice shaking somewhat. But Jonghyun still doesn’t move. A hand snakes up his shirt and he shivers. Jonghyun was playing games now, games that shouldn’t be played while the cameras were rolling. “Jonghyun get up before I kick you off.” Jonghyun smirks, tlting his hand up and kissing the nape of Kibums neck. Kibum squirms in the olders hold. The cameras zoomed in on Jonghyuns leg wrapped around Kibums waist, the directors look to each other and grin. “Jonghyun the camera’s are on.”

“So?” He finally speaks, his voice groggy and rough. Kibum tries again to get out of Jonghyuns grip, but fails. Kibum felt it obviously now and there was no way he could possibly ignore it. “Yah, quit it.”

“Quit what?” Kibum could hear the smirk in Jonghyuns voice. Jonghyun removes his hand from Kibums stomach and rolls off of him. “Fine, I’ll take care of it myself.” Jonghyun wraps a blanket around his waist to hide his . Kibum lets out a breath and his heart begins to beat again. He was nervous and anxious, what if Jonghyun took it further and his mind out and they made out in front of the cameras?! Kibum clamps a hand to his chest and wills himself to calm down. Jonghyuns breath was warm, his body was hot and Kibum could feel his heart beating against his back, maybe he could have turned and kissed him, maybe he could have touched him and d him. Kibum shudders, his eyes snapping to the cameras. His cheeks flush red. The director said that they were filming a more intimate episode showing how Kibum and Jonghyun spent their mornings together. Kibum hated the idea because he couldn’t openly do anything he wanted to with Jonghyun without the camera’s catching them in the act. They’ve never gone all the way before, they’ve only touched and kissed. Kibum slowly rises up placing a hand to his forehead and sighing. He meets eyes with one of the filming staff and his face turns even redder when he notices the knowing smirk on her lips. Jonghyun returns from the bathroom, the blanket still wrapped around his waist. “It’s not working.” He hisses to Kibum. Kibum blinks as if to say ‘what do you want me to do?’ Jonghyun looks around the room, his eyes settling on each and every camera. He beckons Kibum over with a quirk of his finger. “I think you need a shower too, Kibum.” Kibum catches the hint and rolls off of the bed. He trudges to Jonghyun and grips his wrist. Together they disappear into the bathroom, the door clicking shut behind them. The director motions to the filming crew to shut it down. Jonghyun turns the shower on, so the water could drown out any sounds they made.


The WGM crew hurries out of the room to leave the two to themselves. When the episode premiered fans retweeted screenshots of Jonghyun and Kibum in bed together, some blew up Jonghyuns Twitter with promiscuous comments and humorous ones.  They asked to see more of this side of the Jongkey couple; they were becoming quite famous around Korea. Of course there were the negative aspects and the backlash SM was getting for their relationship, but neither cared. Kibum’s grip on Jonghyun wrists tightens as he backs the older against the sink. “Are you going to let me kiss you?” Jonghyun asks softly, Kibum nods and closes his eyes. Jonghyun smiles and leans up. Their lips touch gently before pressing with need. Jonghyun brings his hands to Kibums hips and holds him tightly. The kiss turns rougher when Jonghyun presses himself into Kibum. Kibum lets out a sigh, his eyebrows furrowing, he could feel Jonghyuns arousal pressing into the front of his sweats. “What if we’re heard?” Kibum asks breathlessly. Jonghyun turns the lock on the door. “I don’t think we’ll be.” He assures Kibum before bringing his lips to the youngers neck.

The next episode featured the two preparing for their wedding; Kibum went to visit a few of his friends and even his mother. “I know that this is a show, but son…do you really have feelings for Jonghyun?”

“And if I do?”

“Well, I wouldn’t think anything of it. I thought you two had a certain chemistry since the beginning.” She places a hand to his knee and her eyes twinkle deviously. “Especially on that show with the baby, oh what was it called?”

“Hello baby?” She snaps her fingers and hits his knee. “That’s it!” Kibum laughs and then smiles softly at her. His eyes said it all; thank you mom. She reaches over and hugs him. “I’ll try my hardest and make it to the wedding, but don’t hold your breath for me.”

“Okay.” She cups his cheeks and kisses his forehead. “Aigoo, my son.” Kibum felt like crying, his heart tied like a knot, but it was a good knot, a knot full of happiness. Maybe one day he really would marry Jonghyun.

Jonghyun sits in the living room with his mother and sister, they were looking at him with excited expressions. “So, you finally decided to tell us.” His mother speaks first. “Actually mom, he told me a few weeks ago.” Sodam says with a simple smile. Their mother looks offended as she places a hand to her heart. “Well when were you going to tell me!?”

“Sorry, mom, I was going to tell you…” He scratches the back of his neck. “But it’s not liking we’re really getting married.” His mother scoffs. “Don’t give me that bowl of ddong, I know how you feel about him.” She stares him down. “I can see it in your eyes, Jonghyun.” Jonghyun smiles shyly, his hands resting awkwardly in his lap. “Mom…you said ddong.” Sodam says softly, her cheeks puffing out with silent laughter. Jonghyuns eyes flit to his sister and then to his mother who seemed unfazed. “Mommy said ddong.” Sodam quips, Jonghyun laughs to himself, but quickly swallows it down when he catches his mother’s gaze. “Yah, act your age for once, Sodam.” She snaps at his older sister. She quickly straightens up. “I am.” She says swiping her hair behind her ear. Jonghyun looks between his mother and his sister and beams. “Noona, eomma, I love you.” They look to him as though to say ‘we know that already.’ He laughs loudly and he doesn’t stop laughing until Sodam places a hand to his back and tells him to calm down otherwise he’ll die. So he stops because he didn’t want to die before walking down the aisle with Kibum. “I love him, mom.” Sodam settles on the couch beside him. “I love him so much.”

“Well duh you do.” She deadpans to which Jonghyun chuckles. The director of WGM contacted them to say that they wanted them to invite a few of their celebrity friends and maybe even the rest of the SHINee members. “This isn’t the last episode, but viewers enjoy watching couples get married. They especially enjoy the wedding part, decorations, fashion, food, you know.” So as they were filming the episode before the wedding one, Kibum pulls out his phone and dials Woohyun’s number. “Do you have to call him?” Jonghyun asks with obvious disgust, the cameras zoom in on his face and the bitter expression he wore. “Yes, he’s one of my closest friends.”

“What about that Hyungseop, heysup, whatever guy.”

“Heysup, really?” Kibum asks with a crooked grin. Jonghyun shrugs. “I don’t care, I just saw a lot tweets on Twitter that led to a rumor of you guys dating.” Kibum waves his hand. “We could have, we might have, maybe not.” Jonghyun rolls his eyes and groans. “Fine, I’ll call my exes then.” Kibum shoots him a  glare that could have sent lions running. “Fine, fine I won’t.” Jonghyun sticks to calling Zion. T, his friends from WeFreaky and a few of his Blue Night guests.  “Hello?” Woohyun answers, yawning. “Were you sleeping?”

“Maybe…” Kibum sighs and carries on the conversation asking if he wanted to attend the upcoming wedding. “You’re ‘marrying’ Jonghyun right?” There were obvious air-quotes around the word ‘marrying.’ “Yeah…”

“Wooooow, I can’t believe you guys are actually filming this show.” Kibum shrugs. “Yeah, it’s a step, but it’s one that’s needed in Korea.” Jonghyun nods. “Gays, biuals, transuals, they’re all people too.” Kibum looks to Jonghyun and stares into his eyes as he says. “A famous man I know, once said: Different doesn’t mean wrong.” Kibum’s lips curl up into a cute smile and Jonghyuns heart skips a beat. “Aaah, I understand that much.” Before hanging up Woohyun agreed to attend the wedding, but before Kibum could call his friends from Daegu, Jonghyun lunged forward and kissed his lips. It was a kiss that lingered like the ocean tide, it was a kiss that whisked Kibum away, it was a kiss that neither would be able to forget. Not because it was a kiss that was being captured on camera, not because it was a kiss people everywhere would be able to see. But because it was a kiss that would ignite the beginning of their marriage. A kiss that fizzled like soda, their kiss. 

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Chapter 6: Aww soo cute ❤❤
Chapter 6: This was great ♥ How I wish this was real~
herejusttoread #3
Chapter 6: This should be real .. cause jongkey is freaking real .
Chapter 6: This should be a real concept! Authornim for president!! /(>v<)/
Loved the story! ♡
shawollll #5
Chapter 6: *is a sobbing mess* ㅠ.ㅠ ㅠ.ㅠ ㅠ.ㅠ ㅠ.ㅠ ㅠ.ㅠ
Chapter 6: Chapter 6: I seriously, want WGM to find this story, and make this a real deal! You know how awesome it would be to see those to together like that? Thank you for this!
Chapter 6: Boy I Want a JongKey wgm for real now!!! It's my dream to see them marry!!!
Nice story. Loved it a lot!!
blingkey247 #8
Chapter 6: You wrote all JongKey shippers' dream! Thank you! \(^v^)/