
We Unexpectedly Got Married!

“We should call him back for a season two.” A woman scratches the top of her head and contemplates what the producer had just said. “Should we really?” She questions and the man nods. “The audience loved him and Arisa together, the ratings spiked.” He emphasizes his point by jutting his finger up to the ceiling. The woman nods, an arm crossed under her chest. “Okay,” She gestures to the phone placed beside him. “Call him.”

Kibum yawns, his feet sliding across the light brown carpet, the fibers tickling his toes. He stretches his arms above his head, his shirt rising up just over his navel. It was another morning with no schedule, he could sit back and relax the day away until tomorrow. His brunette hair ruffled atop his head, loose strands dangling in his eyes. He steps into the living room, Comme Des and Garcons rushing to his feet. They claw along his legs and bark loudly calling for his attention. “Aigoo.” He huffs as he bends down to scoop them both up. Their fur brushes along his forearms and he nuzzles his nose into their heads. The sun was shining high up into the sky, each ray gleaming down into his apartment room and gracing him with its warmth. Today was going to be a good day, an exceptional one at that. It was going to be—vrrrr vrrrr vrrrr. His phone vibrates on the table centered at the middle of the living room. Kibum looks back at it with a raised eyebrow. “Who could be calling?” He went through a list in his head and one stuck out—it had to be his manager calling to say that he had a sudden schedule change. Vrrr vrrrrvrrrr, Kibum stares the phone down hoping it’d shut off, this was his day off, but the phone continues to ring. “God damn it.” He drops the dogs to the floor and they land softly onto the carpet. He storms over to his phone swiping it up and answering without looking at the caller ID. “Hello?”


“Kibum, you sound upset. Wrong time to call?” Kibum groans, it was his bandmate, Jonghyun. “It’s always the wrong time when you call.” He grumbles shoving a hand through his hair, Jonghyun chuckles and Kibum smiles just a little bit more. “What do you want anyways?” He questions. “I was just checking in on you…” Kibum pulls a face, he wanted something. “You want something from me don’t you...” There’s silence and Kibum could see it in the back of his mind, Jonghyun pacing up and down in his bedroom, a crooked grin on his face. “You know me so well, Kibum.” The older says sweetly, Kibum rolls his eyes. “Just what is it?”

“I was wondering if you could set me up on WGM.” Kibum opens his fridge, leaning his head in and pulling out a bag of green grapes. “We Got Married?” He repeats, eyebrows raised. “Yeah…” He turns his phone on speaker and sets it on the counter behind him. “You know that decision lands on the director.”

“Yeah…but,” Kibum tears the bag open popping a grape into his mouth. “And I heard they’re doing something new this season.” Kibum states, resting his back against the counter. “Really?”

“Mhmm, something about switching it up.” Kibum was curious about it ever since the TV station had announced it on their Twitter and Instagram accounts. Join WGM for another exciting season full of love and first times! But this season we’ve set out to do something different; your spouse could be standing right beside you. The tag line was definitely intriguing and Kibum pondered about what else they could possibly do. Give the couple a baby to take care of? Hello Baby+WGM= Baby, we got married? The thought was amusing. “Well, it’s not like I’ll be on it thanks to a certain someone.”

“Oh my god, Jonghyun just it up. I’m sure this time around it’ll be your turn to get married.”

“I hope so! I’m expecting them to pair me up with my soulmate.” His voice was practically sparkling. “You’re such a .”

“But didn’t I tell you before?” Kibum raises an eyebrow, pinching another grape free and it between his pinks lips. “That ‘I know because Kibum’s my soulmate.’”

“That was years ago.”

“Only two.”

“We’re both guys…”

“Love has no boundaries.” Jonghyun says swiftly, Kibum sighs. “Stop being a tease and walk Roo or something.” Jonghyun laughs softly and Kibums heart flutters. The brunette’s eyes widen and he wills the feeling to flutter away. “I’ll talk to you later.” Jonghyun says gently before hanging up. The phone beeps in Kibums ear and he kind of keeps it there wondering why those flutters had returned after all those years of denial. They were a popular ship, a favorited pair among the other SHINee members. But the fanservice they once initiated between each other had died away because feelings were beginning to become more obvious. Kibum had slipped up and said it once before: “It’s not friendship, but love.” To this day he still regrets having said that. He stuffs another grape between his lips, his front teeth breaking through the taut flesh, and sweet juice floods his mouth. He closes his eyes and focuses on the tangy-sweet flavor in his mouth. Truthfully he wanted a call from WGM. His season with Ari was fun and truly bright; Kibum could instantly tell that this was her first time experiencing love. A newly born star that has to learn how to sparkle through others. He inhales, his chest puffing out and he holds his breath before slowly letting it out as though he had been smoking on a cigarette of his thoughts. He glances at the clock on his wall and decides that he has more than enough time to walk Comme Des and Garcons before heading out to shop for a little bit. Shopping was fun and time consuming, it was a distraction. Kibum needed it. He wraps the grapes back up placing them inside the fridge and his lips. “Should I conquer the world today?” He thinks aloud with a broad grin and then he laughs loudly at himself. Garcons tilts his head and stares at his master perplexedly. “Appa’s just thinking a little bit.” The dog continues to stare, Kibum bends down to pick him up, but his phone rings again.

The man and woman were sitting in a black van, the woman held a clipboard in between her hands. “Are you calling him?” She asks the TV producer, the man flashes an ‘okay’ sign and winks when Kibum picks up. “Hello…?” The idol sounded uneasy yet curious. “Yes, Kim Kibum-ssi?”

“This is him.” The woman had an excited glint in her eyes as she listens in on the conversation. “Would you be willing to star in another season with the crew of We Got Married?” There’s silence, the van continues to drive on. “Hello?”

“Huh? Yes, sorry, I was thinking it over.” Kibum says faintly. “Don’t worry, there’s no need to rush decisions we’re still looking for your spouse.” Kibum laughs lightly at that. “Another spouse, huh?”

“Yes, Ms. Yagi was amazing, but if we got her again,” The man shrugs as though Kibum could read his body language through the phone. “It’d be another repeat of the first season you two were in together.” The van slows as the light flickers from yellow to red. “Do you want to set a meeting and talk this over in person?” The man asks. “Actually….” The light turns green. “I’ll star in another season.” The van drives off and the woman and producer celebrate with a highfve. “Great, great. So you know how the show works, I’m sure.”

“Yes, I won’t be able to see my partner until the day of the show.” Kibum says as though he were reading off a script. “Excellent!” The producer cheers signaling for the woman to pull out their phonebook for idol numbers. “This year’s theme is: love has no boundaries.” Kibums entire being freezes and his throat clamps up. Hadn’t Jonghyun just said those words? “Glad to be working with you again, Kibum-ssi.”

“Same to you, have a good day.” Kibum hangs up and stares down at his phone. Love has no boundaries…is that the new catchphrase of this year? Kibum holds tightly onto the dog leash as Comme Des and Garcons try to take off.

The woman flips through the phone book and the producer nods, “We want him for this special season premiere.” He pulls out his phone and dials the number beneath the woman’s finger, Jonghyun’s number.

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Chapter 6: Aww soo cute ❤❤
Chapter 6: This was great ♥ How I wish this was real~
herejusttoread #3
Chapter 6: This should be real .. cause jongkey is freaking real .
Chapter 6: This should be a real concept! Authornim for president!! /(>v<)/
Loved the story! ♡
shawollll #5
Chapter 6: *is a sobbing mess* ㅠ.ㅠ ㅠ.ㅠ ㅠ.ㅠ ㅠ.ㅠ ㅠ.ㅠ
Chapter 6: Chapter 6: I seriously, want WGM to find this story, and make this a real deal! You know how awesome it would be to see those to together like that? Thank you for this!
Chapter 6: Boy I Want a JongKey wgm for real now!!! It's my dream to see them marry!!!
Nice story. Loved it a lot!!
blingkey247 #8
Chapter 6: You wrote all JongKey shippers' dream! Thank you! \(^v^)/