
Oreos & Duck Shorts & Dimple Kisses

“Joonie, baby, I’m home!” Jimin sailed in through the front door of Namjoon’s apartment with my friend Jane right behind him.

 “You don’t live here!” Namjoon cried, throwing his arm around my shoulders. “I live here! Diane lives here!”

“I don’t live here.” I pointed out.

“Oh, you didn’t ask her yet?” Jimin sat down on the couch next to us and pulled Jane into his lap. They started kissing and Namjoon and I both made a face and turned away.

“Were you gonna ask me to live with you?” I whispered in his ear.

“No, I was gonna ask Jimin to move in with me.” He laughed. “I wanted to ask if it was okay with you.”

“Yeah, sure. It’s your apartment, baby. He’s always here, anyway.” I snuggled closer to him in an effort to scooch away from the kissing couple next to me.

“I don’t know why he and Jane don’t just move in together.”

“I live with Jane, you know.” I reminded him.

“You could live with me, baby girl.” Namjoon twirled one of my curls around his finger.

“No, she can’t.” Jane broke away from Jimin’s mouth long enough to disagree with Namjoon. “I’m not living with Jimin. We literally just started dating.”

“We could do it.” Jimin curled his fingers in her hair and pulled her closer. “We could live together.”

“Uh, no. We can’t. Diane, you’re never leaving me. We’re going to live together forever.” Jane rubbed her nose against Jimin’s and I gagged internally.

“I disagree. One day, Diane and I are gonna live together in a cute little apartment and we’re gonna make a lot of babies and maybe get a house or some .” Namjoon pulled me into his lap and poked my cheek. “You’re blushing, baby girl.”

“I’m ing not.” I disagreed quietly, burrowing my face into the collar of my shirt. I was a hundred percent sure that I looked terrible like this; probably had like seven chins and a stupid smile on my face, but I couldn’t help it. I was ing pleased and embarrassed at the same time.

Namjoon laughed and tickled under my chin. I shrieked, but he kept tickling me until Jimin and Jane sighed and relocated to the guest room.


He threw me onto the couch and climbed on top, grinning down at me with that thick-lipped and deep-dimpled smile I loved so well.

“Ha. Finally got rid of him.” He leaned his forehead on mine and smiled down into my eyes. I stared back up at him, feeling the flush rise up my neck as I wondered how I convinced such an excellent guy to love me.

“Why you wanna ask him to move in?” I reached up and ran my fingers through his hair, suddenly feeling possessive. I wanted to touch him all over, leave some hickeys on his neck so people could see he was taken.

“He may as well pay rent if he’s gonna stay here all the damn time.” Namjoon’s lips gently pressed against mine. He tasted like ginger candy and clove cigarettes. Damn hipster boy.

“It’s a nice day out. You wanna go shopping or something?”

He groaned and dropped his head down into my neck. “I don’t wanna leave this apartment. I just wanna make out with you.”

“That’s all we ever do.”

“Are you complaining?” Namjoon teased.

“Hell no, I’m not ing complaining! I just wanna see if you wanted to do something else for a change.””


“Let’s make out for a while and then let’s go to the zoo.”

“It’s hot out.” He whined, his breath tickling my neck.

“We can go to some old bookstores or something.”

“You don’t wanna kiss me?” Namjoon on my neck, the sensation sending shivers down my spine.

“I wanna kiss you.”

“Let’s just spend the day kissing. Take breaks for snuggling and watching Bob’s Burgers. Then, I’ll make you some cheeseburgers and we’ll eat them on the balcony and drink something nice. What do ya think? Sound fun?”

“Damn boy, sounds perfect.”

“Good.” He slid his hand under my shirt, resting it on my hip, then sweetly kissed me. “No more complaints, then?”

I pulled him back down for another kiss in response.

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haejoseo #1
Chapter 7: This... too adorable. And real. Love it
Faraaah27 #2
Chapter 7: OMG... Thank you for update this fanfic too. I wait for another update. Thank you so much Author-nim
Faraaah27 #3
Chapter 6: Hey, author-nim, can you update this story too, please?
Chapter 6: I'm momentarily shifting to this story since Day by Day hurts me like a bxtch >< haha Namjoon is one of my bias anyway ♥
AndreeaRea #5
Chapter 6: my internal fangirl have no words for this (maybe just scream of feels)
is too adorable, i couldn't ever even imagine this *____*
Deez2016 #6
Chapter 3: Wow, I loved this chapter!!!
Deez2016 #7
Sounds like a cool girl with good taste in shorts and boys
Chapter 1: This is so cute but their dialog honestly made me laugh. They're so ghetto. But this is adorable. Great job.