
Oreos & Duck Shorts & Dimple Kisses

“I can’t make out with you when you’re wearing that shirt.”

Namjoon sounded exasperated. I looked down at my shirt. The Notorious B.I.G. looked back at me.

“But I love Biggie.”

“I mean, I love Biggie as much as the next guy, but I can’t kiss you and then break away for air and then the first thing I see is that face.”

I tugged at the hem of my shirt. “I mean, I know he’s not a good looking guy, but still. It’s just a shirt.”

“It’ll never be just a shirt after you told me you had a dream about him.” Namjoon snapped. He pushed me off of his lap and jumped off the couch and staled into the kitchen, hand running through his platinum blonde hair.

“It’s not like I wanted to sleep with him! It was a dream! I have no control over those. Me and Biggie don’t even sleep together in real life.”

He turned to glare at me. “I don’t have dreams about other women.”

“Damn, boy, better not! You better not ing dream about anybody but me!”

“Well, we don’t even sleep together in real life.” Namjoon reminded me, not unkindly.

I raised my eyebrows and crossed my arms over my chest. “Is that a problem?”

“You know it’s not, baby girl. We already discussed it. I know you wanna wait and I’m fine with it. But I’m a little annoyed that you’re having dreams about Biggie Smalls and not me.”

I shot him a strange look. “You want me to have dreams about you?”

He blushed, which I didn’t think was possible for my shameless, freaky boyfriend.

“I mean…it’s preferable to you having dreams about other guys.”

“You’re a freak, you know that?”

Namjoon winked and let a wide smile curve across his face.

“You love me.”

“Yeah, but it doesn’t mean you’re not a freak.”


Namjoon made a dash for the couch and I shrieked, throwing my arms up in front of my face. He jumped on me and tackled me down to the ground. I erupted into giggles as he sighed and kissed down my neck, laughing as he did so.

“Goddamn, you’re ing adorable. That sweet little giggle. Those delicious looking dimples. This beautiful, curly hair. You have great hair. Our babies are gonna have the sickest hair ever. Can we give them little mohawks, too? And dye them platinum blonde?”

I stopped giggling at the mention of babies.

“You wanna have kids with me?”

Namjoon didn’t answer and instead resumed his kisses down my neck.

“You’re, like, so great. You wanna have babies with me. Damn.”

“Right now, I’d like to take off all of your clothes.” Namjoon said, his voice muffled against my skin. “Starting with this shirt.”

“You can take off my shirt.” I offered generously.

Namjoon looked at me with a bright smile. He practically ripped it off of me, only to groan when he discovered a tank top underneath.

“Why are you wearing so many clothes?”

“I like clothes. They’re comfortable. I don’t like being .’

“I like you being .” Namjoon replied with a sly grin.

“Boy, you better back the up. All I’m looking for here is some kisses. Some sweet lovin’.”

“Diane, I can give you some sweet lovin’.”

“You know which kind I mean! The kind with your lips!”

Namjoon puckered up, then ducked down to rest his head in between my thighs. “Yeah, that’s the kind I mean, too.”

“ZAMN, ZADDY.” I shrieked, kicking away from him.


Namjoon sat up and looked at me with interest.

“Did you just call me daddy?”

He crossed his legs and stared at me attentively, looking like a cute little puppy. Probably a erted little puppy as well.

“No. I said ‘Zaddy,’ which is not the same thing.”

“Diane.” Namjoon tilted his head and shook it condescendingly.

“If I said daddy, you would know.”

“Say it.” Namjoon ordered. His fingers s around my ankle and he pulled me closer. “Call me daddy.”

“Hell no.” I refused. “Ya big ert.”

“So what if I am? I wanna hear it. I wanna hear you call me daddy.”

“Mmm, no.” I smirked at him. “I’m gonna go to take a shower.”

I hopped up and ran away from him into the bathroom.

“Let me join!” He shouted after me.

I locked the door behind me with a smile.

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haejoseo #1
Chapter 7: This... too adorable. And real. Love it
Faraaah27 #2
Chapter 7: OMG... Thank you for update this fanfic too. I wait for another update. Thank you so much Author-nim
Faraaah27 #3
Chapter 6: Hey, author-nim, can you update this story too, please?
Chapter 6: I'm momentarily shifting to this story since Day by Day hurts me like a bxtch >< haha Namjoon is one of my bias anyway ♥
AndreeaRea #5
Chapter 6: my internal fangirl have no words for this (maybe just scream of feels)
is too adorable, i couldn't ever even imagine this *____*
Deez2016 #6
Chapter 3: Wow, I loved this chapter!!!
Deez2016 #7
Sounds like a cool girl with good taste in shorts and boys
Chapter 1: This is so cute but their dialog honestly made me laugh. They're so ghetto. But this is adorable. Great job.