
Oreos & Duck Shorts & Dimple Kisses

Namjoon and I met at a Jay Park concert in New York. He called me a thirsty when I shoved him out of the way to get closer to Jay Park. I cursed him out and he laughed, then asked me out for a drink after the show, his treat.

I wanted free drinks and I didn’t know the city that well, being from Philadelphia. My friend and I joined him and his friend at a club that only played trap music. While our friends grinded on the dance floor, we sat at a table, drinking and chatting. Namjoon sang me Jay Park’s “All I Wanna Do.” He was a horrible singer, but his delicious smirk while singing, “Girl, I been fantasizing all night. Push your to the side, it’s all right,” won me over. That, and how he kept bumping my shoulder with his singing, “All I wanna do, is kick it with you.” Adorable.


Our first kiss was abrupt, but sweet. One moment Namjoon was singing to me as I laughed, and the next he leaned in and stole a kiss. I immediately squeaked “Oop!” and turned bright red. He laughed at me for blushing, but I denied it again and again.

“You’re cute when you blush.” He said, pressing his thumbs into my dimples.

“I’m not blushing. You’re ing blushing.” I grumbled in embarrassment.

Namjoon leaned in and rubbed our noses together. I could smell the alcohol on his breath.

“Let’s kick it, let’s kick it. A little bit of drinkin’ and a little bit of kissin’.”

He cupped my face in his hands and kissed me slowly this time, tongue tracing the outline of my lower lip.

I could feel myself blushing again, but I returned his kiss and he smiled.


We made out until last call, when both of us found our friends kissing random people. My friend decided to leave with the guy she found, so Namjoon ordered an Uber for me and kissed me goodbye. He slipped his phone number in my back pocket. I called him two days later and we’d been dating ever since.

We were long distance for a while. He kept trying to convince me to move to New York, but I loved Philly and it was cheaper. All my friends were here and my family lived only a three hour drive away. Eventually, he caved and moved to my little neighborhood in Cedar Park. He was two blocks away from me and sometimes we ate brunch together on Sunday mornings. He bought a little dog and named it Rapmon and sometimes the dog and I were friends. Not always, but sometimes.

His friends came to visit a lot and more often than not, I’d find one of them sleeping on the couch or in the shower. Seokjin liked to cook, so I often found him in the kitchen. Jimin had the hots for my friend, so I usually found them kissing in some secluded corner of Namjoon’s two bedroom. Suga, the rapper friend Namjoon hung around with, was my boo. I ing loved when that boy came over. For one thing, he had a gorgeous face, and for another, he could rap and I found that y as hell. Joonie could rap, too, but sometimes he was corny and I got embarrassed for him.



“Jay Park’s comin’ to Philly.” Namjoon announced one afternoon. I looked up with interest.

“No in’ way! When? Also, buy me tickets.”

He snorted. “I’m not buying you tickets.”

I laughed and shook my head. “Boy…that’s how things work around here. I kiss you, so you buy me things.”

He yanked a curl. “You like kissing me.”

“Yeah, but that doesn’t mean I don’t wanna get for it. Also, don’t touch my hair.”

Namjoon puckered his lips at me. “Kiss me. Kiss me and maybe I’ll buy you a ticket.”

I grinned at him. “Damn, boy, you got the illest lips.” I imitated an old man’s Southern accent. “Come over here and gimme a smooch.”

He laughed and kissed me quite a few times.

“Tickets, tickets.” I reminded him. “Buy me tickets.”

“I already did.” Namjoon dimpled at me. “Happy ing birthday.”

“Oh, damn! Boyyy, I love you.”

“Enough to kiss me?”

I grabbed his shirt and pulled him down onto the couch. “Boy, we can do a whole lot more than kissing.”

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haejoseo #1
Chapter 7: This... too adorable. And real. Love it
Faraaah27 #2
Chapter 7: OMG... Thank you for update this fanfic too. I wait for another update. Thank you so much Author-nim
Faraaah27 #3
Chapter 6: Hey, author-nim, can you update this story too, please?
Chapter 6: I'm momentarily shifting to this story since Day by Day hurts me like a bxtch >< haha Namjoon is one of my bias anyway ♥
AndreeaRea #5
Chapter 6: my internal fangirl have no words for this (maybe just scream of feels)
is too adorable, i couldn't ever even imagine this *____*
Deez2016 #6
Chapter 3: Wow, I loved this chapter!!!
Deez2016 #7
Sounds like a cool girl with good taste in shorts and boys
Chapter 1: This is so cute but their dialog honestly made me laugh. They're so ghetto. But this is adorable. Great job.