unintended saviour

My way home is through you

    They crossed the state line at sunset and drove a few more hours. Hongbin's head hit the passenger window with an audible thunk and he popped his head up with a groan, but no more awake than he was when he nodded off.


    “Hey, I'm using the last of our money, but you need to sleep.” Ken said softly as he opened the passenger door.

    Hongbin slogged behind and followed him up the stairs.

    “What if the lab comes after us?” Hongbin mumbled, sounding very young all of a sudden.

    “I'll protect you.” Ken pulled Hongbin to his chest as they were falling asleep. “I'll always protect you.” He gave into the urge to kiss Hongbin's forehead. The younger man made a tiny hum in his sleep at the show of affection.


    The next day, they left bright and early, eating the food that Taekwoon and Hakyeon gave them. Hongbin thought it was odd how the food still tasted fresh.

    “So. I know you hate doing this, but we're out of money and- ...I don't think we need to rob a gas station this time.” Ken said cheerfully, pulling down a dirt road toward a giant tent.

    “We're gonna work for the circus? Well, you're gonna work for the circus. I don't have any marketable circusy skills. Do you?”

    “Look closer,” he pointed at the sign by the tent.

    “Sacred Heart Fellowship of the Holy Redeemer Revival Church?” Hongbin looked at Ken, “we're gonna go to hell for this.”

    “Go big or go home.” Ken replied calmly. He was obviously thinking up a plan. “Let's go in and have a look. If I think of something, great. If not, we can just leave, ok?”

    Hongbin looked nervous but nodded anyway.

    He walked with Ken to the entrance.

    “We could just grab the collection box and run.” Hongbin suggested.

    “Great idea.”

    They went to throw open the curtains and accidentally punched someone in the face, sending them to the ground.

    “Oh my god are you ok?” Hongbin asked him. It took him a moment to realize that the man in a priest's cassock was trying to run out of the tent with the collection box.

    Ken looked in the tent to see all of the followers in the church sitting and staring at the man on the ground “Why didn't you stop him?” He asked them.

    The group of people stampeded to the exit screaming about a bomb. The man Hongbin had just helped up pushed a button to detonate said bomb.

    Hongbin punched the man into unconsciousness and Ken had enough time to jump in front of the younger man before the explosion could reach him.

The smoke cleared and Hongbin stood, shaking off dust and debris before realising he couldn't see Ken.

    “Ken? Where are you?” There was no answer. The entire crowd was deathly silent,  “You said you'd protect me! I can't keep going without you!”

    “Calm down" Ken shouted from above everyone, “I'm still here.” He said as he floated to the ground like a piece of paper.

    Hongbin stared in shocked silence at the other man much like everyone else.

He landed on one knee and got to his feet, shaking his head to clear it.

    “Are you ok?” Ken asked Hongbin, checking him for injuries.

    “Y-Yeah… you?”

    “Blown ten feet into the air. I think I'm doing pretty good, considering.” Ken grinned.

    “Oh, good. I have no idea what I'd do without you.” Ken blushed at that. Hongbin had no idea how to react so he continued as though what had just happened wasn't out of the ordinary.

    Ken looked down at Hongbin's hands and saw the collection box. He took it from the younger man and looked at it before looking at the haggard looking congregation. He sighed loudly before turning to a tall man in a sheriff's hat.

    “Here.” He said with a serious expression, handing him the box.

    Before he knew what was happening, Ken was swooped off his feet by the joyous survivors and thrown into the air where he floated down significantly faster than the last time.

    “Stop I'm going to be sick!”

    As soon as they put him down, everyone wanted to touch their guardian angel.

    “Look. We have a schedule to stick to. We gotta get going.” Hongbin said, pulling Ken to the car.

    They got in the car and everyone was still chasing them with gleeful expressions.  “Well,” Hongbin started, “that was a bust.”

    “I wouldn't say that.” Ken said, pulling a stack of bills out of his vest.

    “Did you leave any money for them?” Hongbin asked.

    “Most of it.”

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Chapter 13: This is a great story and I'm surprised no one has commented yet! Thanks for sharing ^^