new old friends

My way home is through you

 This might be a little confusing

But if you remember a few simple things like

1. They know Hongbin, but Hongbin doesn't know them yet

2. Hongbin, even in real life, is a really cool go with the flow kinda guy.  

E. He's not sure why, but it feels like home.


I'll try to clear up the questions I'd you have any more

Leave em in the comments






    They drove south for two days until they took a nondescript exit that only said LAST.

“There're exits after this. Why does it say last?”

    “It's actually supposed to say L-U-S-T Louisiana University Summit Tech.”

    “More universities…” Hongbin grumbled.

    “No. It's just in a college town.”

    Hongbin stayed quiet and looked out the window. He wasn't an expert in plants in any way, but none of the trees they passed looked like they belonged in the area.

    He must have fallen asleep or zoned out completely because when he opened his eyes, he was in a place with weather completely wrong for the south during summer.

    “Where are we?” Hongbin asked groggily.

    “Almost there. We just got into Summit.” Ken said softly almost like he didn't want to ruin the serene atmosphere.

    “Where's there?”

    “Here.” Ken drove across a stone bridge and up a windy driveway stopping beneath an overhang. Before Hongbin could say anything about never being able to afford a night in this place, a pair of twins opened the doors and chimed “welcome to hilltop hotel.”

    “your home away from- Oh. It's you.” The one by Ken said.

    “Am I expected?” Ken asked.

    “Only always.” The other one said.

    Before Hongbin could grab his overnight bag, a long pale arm reached into the car and grabbed it for him. Hongbin followed the arm up to see that the person who grabbed his bag didn't look like an employee.

    “Hey, Hongbin. We have your usual room set up…” he squinted at Hongbin, who would probably look more confused if he wasn't so tired, before speaking again, “We have a room set up for you and your friend if you would just follow me to the check in desk.” if the atmosphere wasn't awkward before, it was now. He let Hongbin go ahead to the check in desk that was in the middle of a large hexagonal lobby.

    The clerk looked up to greet them and froze. His shock melted away to an almost contagious smile of pure sunshine before he jumped over the desk and threw himself at Hongbin with an excited screech.

    “Kongs Kongs" he sang happily, “We missed you!”

    “Apparently… the guy who grabbed my bag said you had a room for Ken and me?”

    This desk attendant squinted at Hongbin much the same way the previous guy looked at him. Hongbin looked over his shoulder to see if Ken was as uncomfortable, but Ken was talking to the guy who still had his bag as if nothing was wrong.


    “He calls me Ken… something about street fighter.”

    The dark haired man giggled, bowing his face to the floor when he could no longer contain his laughter.


    “Anyway. Let's get you to your room. I'll tell you when the spa is open and we can go get massages. Doesn't that sound lovely?” The clerk, whose nametag said Hakyeon, asked.

    “boy does it ever.” Hongbin replied.

    “Woonie, give me his bag.” Ken walked over with the dark haired man and held out the bag for Hakyeon to take.

    “Ken needs some information. I'll go with him to talk to Chanyeol and we'll be back up in time for dinner.” Hongbin and Hakyeon nodded.


    Hakyeon and Hongbin walked to one of the north wings of the hotel that branched off of the lobby and headed down the left hall.

    Hongbin trailed behind Hakyeon and stared down the hall on the right. It was as brightly lit as the hall on the left but it felt to Hongbin as if it was dark and gloomy. He couldn't tear his eyes from it.

    “Draws you in if you look too long.” Hakyeon said softly. It sounded like he was talking through muffled static.

    “Hmm?” Hongbin sounded a million miles away even to himself.

    “You don't need to go that way, sweetheart.” Hakyeon said, stepping in front of Hongbin before pulling him down the correct hall.

    “What was wrong with that hall?” Hongbin asked, “the pull was almost magnetic.”

    “That just proves how special you are, Kongs. Most people would feel the urge to walk away. Maybe they'd get close and suddenly have to pee or remember they left the iron on. It does the opposite for you.”

    “Why me?”

    “I suspect that may be why you're on this trip.”


    They got to Hongbin's room and Hakyeon said “change into something comfortable, you won't be wearing it for long.” Hongbin took his bag and opened it. Instantly cringing at the smell.

    “Is there a laundry service?”

    “There it's but I wouldn't use it if you like your clothes. Maybe there's something in one of the drawers. Then I'll take you to the laundry room on the way to the spa.”

    “Uh right…” he opened a drawer and there were some nicely folded sweatpants with his initials on one of the legs. The next drawer down had t-shirts his size. “We're you expecting me?” Hongbin asked.

    “Nope. But we always have them set aside for you and J- Ken.”

    Hongbin went to the bathroom and quickly changed into the clean clothes before following Hakyeon out of the room.

    They walked into the laundry room and Hongbin stopped dead in his tracks half way into the room. He had dropped his laundry and stared frozen at the body that was hanging from the piping above the machines.

    “Nith,” Hakyeon sighed in exasperation, “What if one of our paying customers saw you like this?” He had his hands balled up on his hips and he was tapping his foot in irritation.

    “Sorry, Yeonnie. I wasn't expecting anyone to come in while I was taking a nap. You want me to do your laundry, Hongbin?” Hongbin was still staring at the blue faced woman as she loosened the knot around her neck and fell to the floor in a tangled heap.

    Hongbin screamed. Then he corrected himself. “I. I can do it myself!” He shrieked, gathering up his belongings before the mangled, corpse like woman could touch them.

    “Here you go, Kongs.” Hakyeon said, completely unfazed and holding the door to a machine open. Hongbin walked as far away from Nith as he could in the small room and threw his clothes in. Hakyeon tossed a scoop of detergent in and pulled Hongbin out of the room.

    “Goodness, Kongs, it's like you have gravel in your shoulders.” Hakyeon exclaimed as he pulled the younger man to the spa.

    “I just watched as a corpse took herself down from where she killed herself.” Hongbin shrieked, “yeah, I'm gonna be a little tense.”


    Meanwhile, in a sub sub basement, Ken and Taekwoon we're leaning over Chanyeol’s shoulder, looking at the screen

    “So what you thought was a ‘your princess is in another castle’ scenario is more of a ‘you've been tricked into thinking that your princess is in another castle, when he's been in Nevada this whole time’ kinda thing.”

    “So I should just go in there, guns blazing?” Ken asked.

    “You're best at sneaking into places undetected. Try that.” Taekwoon replied.


    In the spa, Hongbin was on his stomach, covered with a towel, there was currently a burly man putting all of his weight into the elbow that was digging into a muscle under his right shoulder blade.

    “Even after soaking in the hot water he's having trouble with the muscles in your back.” Hakyeon groaned when the masseuse made something in his back pop.

    “CORPSE in the laundry room.” Hongbin answered as the man twisted him like a pretzel.

    “Sweetheart, you need to loosen up. After this we're going for drinks at limbo.”

    “Limbo?” Hongbin groaned when something he was sure was vital cracked.

    “I'm sure the boys will understand if we're late.”


    A short while later, Hakyeon had managed to peel the pile of goo that was once Hongbin off of the floor and dragged him across the lobby. There was a large pair of double doors and a velvet rope across them.

    The tough looking bouncer was turning people who weren't dressed correctly away and Hongbin looked down at his comfortable sweats.

    It was then that he realised how high class this hotel was.

    “Ravi Ravi Ravi Ravi.” Hakyeon chanted excitedly.

    “Hyung… is that-”

    “The one and many Hongbin.” Hakyeon grinned at his own joke.

    “Binie! It's been too long.” The tough looking bouncer picked him up and spun him before talking into his earpiece. “You're gonna be super excited to see who's here!” Ravi gestured to the door indicating that they should go in.

    They went in and there was a shrill scream from the bar before Hongbin was barreled over by a blond giant.

    “Hyung! I'll be right back with your drink!”

    Hakyeon picked Hongbin of the floor and they walked to the bar while the bartender shook a bottle of makgeoli before bonking it with his elbow and opening it. He put it in front of Hongbin with a plate of pickled radishes.

    He eyeballed the radishes skeptically as the bartender placed chopsticks in front of him and another bottle in front of Hakyeon.

    “You're questioning Sanghyuk’s taste in garnish.” Hakyeon said before taking a radish and eating it then drinking the milky liquid. “You're gonna love it.”

    Hongbin followed Hakyeon’s lead and before they knew it, the radishes and makgeoli were gone. Replaced by a warm, pleasant buzz.

    “Dinner?” Hakyeon suggested. Hongbin nodded enthusiastically before holding  Hakyeon's shoulder to steady himself.

    “Later Hyogi!” Hongbin waved as he leaned heavily against Hakyeon on the way out.

“Bye bye, Hyung.” Hongbin left the nightclub with a floppy wave and Wonsik grinned, waving back.


    “Where have you guys been?” Ken asked before they went into the hotel's restaurant.

    “Hyung was showing me old me’s… and co... ker… cohink… coincidentally new me's favorite thing to drink. I like here. Can we stay?”

    “Maybe after we complete our mission.” Ken replied with a small smile. He'd never seen Hongbin so relaxed. “Let's get some dinner.”

    “Great idea.” Hongbin grinned.


    The instant the host sat them down, a waiter had shown up with exactly what they wanted. Hongbin looked down at the plate of garlic fries with tears b at the corners of his eyes.

    “This is perfect.” He wibbled before inhaling half the plate.

    “You're gonna make yourself sick, Bin,” Ken patted him on the back.

    “If I get sick,  we'll have to stay here longer.” He grinned mischievously.

    “But we won't, because you're a good person and want to help me.”

    “I might be a good person.” He clapped like a child when the waiter brought a steak. “Or I might want to stay here forever.” He dug into the perfectly cooked meal with a delighted hum.

    “I swear we'll come back once we've finished.” Ken said with an exasperated pout.

    “You promise?” His cheeks pooched out, full of steak and garlic fries. Ken nodded.


    They finished dinner and Hongbin decided he was going to take a shower and sleep. He was excited about the prospect of a real bed and a full night's sleep for the first time in almost a week.


    “Ken…” Hakyeon held him behind.

    “What's up?”

    “You're going to break his heart.” Hakyeon frowned.

    “No way around it.” Ken replied. “I've been told that I can't tell him anything. The best I can do is let him look through the information that I took.”

    “He's not here though, have you tried to tell him?”

     “My teeth grind together and my mouth seals shut. He really doesn't want me to say anything.”

    “Try to keep your distance.”

    “Even though it hurts, I have been.”

    “I understand why you're here, but it still that you had to be.” Ken nodded.

    “I'm going to bed.” Ken said softly.

    Ken opened the door and stepped into the hotel room he was going to share with Hongbin. The younger man had just pulled his shirt off and was working on his pants. He stopped abruptly and tried to cover himself up when the door opened.

    “It's just me.” Ken said softly. The only move he made was to close the door and Hongbin pouted at him. “What's wrong?” Ken asked.

    “You're staring.”

    “Sorry.” He brought his eyes back up to Hongbin’s, “did you take a shower already?”

    “I was getting ready to, but I remembered my stuff was still in the wash-” there was a knock at the door.

    Ken opened it and Taekwoon was standing at the door, silently holding out Hongbin's neatly folded clothes.

    “Don't forget what Hakyeon told you.” Taekwoon said before depositing the clothes in Ken's arms and closing the door.

    He finally understood why Taekwoon said that when he noticed that his cheeks were warming up as he looked at the brunet.

    “Get washed up. Enjoy it. Don't know when we'll be back.” He said, practically throwing the clean clothes into Hongbin's arms.

    As soon as the bathroom door closed behind the brunet, Ken sat heavily on the bed with his hands on his cheeks.

    “No… no no no. Can't. Won't work. This is all wrong. Just gotta get him there, then I can go. Stop it.” He grumbled softly to himself for some time.

    “why are you grabbing your chest so dramatically?” Hongbin asked him.

    “I… no reason.” He ran into the bathroom and slammed the door before he realised that he never grabbed any clean clothes and that might look strange. He walked conspicuously back out of the bathroom and kept his back to the wall, slinking along in an awkward crab walk and keeping an eye on Hongbin as if he was going to attack him.

    When he finally got to his drawer, Hongbin asked him if he was ok, to which he turned quickly and shrieked “I have… a pair of- of fuzzy bunny jammies and- and I'm not afraid to use them!” He shook them at Hongbin menacingly before running back into the bathroom.

    “Good night, Ken.” Hongbin shouted at the bedroom door.

    Ken sat on the bathroom floor with his face in his hands for a moment. When he stood back up, he decided that he would try to act weird enough to keep Hongbin at a distance.

    He quickly showered. Staying in long enough to rinse the shampoo and conditioner out.

    He sometimes wondered what it would be like to be able to stand under the stream of the shower for a long time, before deciding that he had been in the shower for too long and getting out.

    He crawled under the blankets and fell asleep on his side of the bed.


    The next morning Ken woke up when he felt soft lips on his throat. Hongbin murmured a soft ‘Jannie’ against his skin and suddenly the older man was on his feet. His eyes were wide open and he went to put jeans on.

    “Wake up" Ken shrieked. “We gotta eat breakfast and go.” He threw open the curtains before turning his his back to the brunet and pulling his sleeveless shirt on.

    Hongbin threw an arm over his eyes.

    “Too bright.” He grumbled. “What happened?”

    “You shouldn't drink so much. Don't you remember the wild ?” Ken teased.

    “What the ?” Hongbin's head popped off the pillow and he stared at Ken in shock.  “Ugh. I'm sure I didn't drink that much.” He ran his hand over his face, trying to clear the cobwebs from inside of his head.

    “You didn't. Just seeing if you did get drunk enough to forget.”

    “Just enough to be pleasantly drunk. But why does my head hurt?”

    “I hope you're not catching a cold.” He put a palm on Hongbin's forehead. “You would do that in order to stay longer.”

    “I think I just need breakfast and some water.”

    “Ok. Get dressed and pack. I'll get us a table downstairs.” He left quickly.

    By the time Hongbin came downstairs, Hakyeon had taken his bag and put it in the car for him. They both got to the restaurant at the same time and the host showed them to their table where Ken was talking to Taekwoon.

    “Doesn't your staff sleep?” Hongbin asked Taekwoon, noticing that the waiter and host were the same men from last night.

    “Why? They like doing th- ow! Why'd you step on my foot?” Taekwoon whined at Hakyeon.

    “They sleep when they need it.” Hakyeon said sweetly. He propped his chin on the backs of his hands, elbows firmly on the table as he attempted to look sweet and innocent about stomping on Taekwoon's foot.

    After they had a filling breakfast and Taekwoon handed Hongbin a bag full of road snacks, they went on their way.


    “So… did you find out what you needed?”

    “Yeah.” He changed lanes to go around a truck, “my Intel told me that they moved Sigma to Alaska. But my guy in the hotel said they haven’t moved him yet. We still have time to get him before that. He says he's gonna tell me if they do move him.”

    “So the plan is still Nevada?”


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Chapter 13: This is a great story and I'm surprised no one has commented yet! Thanks for sharing ^^