Part Of The Truth

Welcome To Fleire


Heechul POV


A gorgeous lady came to our table. King Siwon immediately gets up and greeted her.


“Welcome honey. We were waiting for you”


“What do you meant by well-behave king before? Does this kid here is a king before? Who are you?”I asked.


“What do you meant by calling me kid!”Kyuhyun seems to be pissed off but I just ignore him.


“I’m Kibum. The Queen of Fleire. I’m also a researcher. Main one actually. And for your information, all of you have become a king or emperor before. The souls of yours belong to our ancestor. I’m the one who is responsible putting you all in Earth instead of your own country. You are born by vampires on Earth. All of you ended up in orphanage right? I hope this is enough for now. I’ll explain other later. Now it’s time to eat” She grinned. 


What the hell? I’m a vampire? I, Kim Heechul, the most beautiful and perfect and unique person on Earth, is a vampire? Hell no.


“Heechul, stop screaming! You are hurting my ears!” Donghae suddenly yelled.


Eh, when did I scream?


“Hae, when did Heechul sceam? He doesn’t do anything.” Eunhyuk asked.




“Seems your power is awaken” Queen Kibum stated


What power?




Doors is opened, reveling a lion. I could hear Ryeowook screaming behind me. 


“What’s wrong, Shindong?” King Siwon asked.


“Human attacks our village by the side of country. They burned the village to ashes. I think you should be informed by this.” The lion start talking.


How even a lion can talk? And a village is burned in into ashes? This is too much. Even for my genius brain.


My world start spinning then I could not remember anything else.


Hankyung POV


I was totally shocked when that lion get through the door. But not as much as when Siwon TALKED to the lion.  I was totally shocked. Suddenly I saw Heechul started to collapse. I immediately run to her and hold her before she falls on the floor.


“HEECHUL!” someone is screaming.


I hold her and bring her to a nearby cushion.


King Siwon call one of the waiter


She brings her hand to Heechul and some strange blue light came out from her hand and surrounding Heechul.


“She’s healing Heechul” King Siwon says.


The waiter who seems tired after a few minutes finally stop. She says to King Siwon “Your Majesty, Princess Heechul is just shocked. She should be fine after a few hour of rest.”


“Okay, you may go now. Now I need to go check on the village”


“Honey, I want to come” suddenly Queen Kibum say.


“I want to follow too. It’s too bored here” Leeteuk suddenly say.


“Yeah, me too.” Donghae and Eunhyuk say at the same time. They both looking at the each other faces.


“I think I want to come with you all” say Sungmin


“I want to follow that bunny” Kyuhyun suddenly exclaim.


“What bunny?”


“The pink girl that looks like a bunny, Sungmin of course” and I swear I saw Sungmin blushing.


“I want to stay here to take care of Heechul.” I decided.


“Me too. I want to cook something to make Heechul feels better.” Ryeowook say.


King Siwon give his order “Okay, Leeteuk, Sungmin, Kyuhyun, Eunhyuk and Donghae can come with us, right Kibum? Kangin, you are responsible for those who come with us to the village. Yesung, you take care of Heechul along with Hankyung and Ryeowook. Shindong, prepare our horse”


Shindong aka the lion bowed and say “Yes Your Majesty. Your order will be carried out right now. Your horse will be ready in a few minutes. Please wait in front of the palace.”


*inside Heechul’s room half an hour latter


“The soup is ready!” Ryeowook exclaim. She make some soup that she say will make Heechul feel better.


Yesung ordered to me “Hankyung, wake Heechul. She needs to eat something.”


When try to I wake Heechul, her beautiful eye open slowly.


“Where am I?” she asked.


“We are in your room. Now drink this soup”


Heechul closed her eye and drink the soup slowly and suddenly pink light come out of her body. I started to get panic.


“Yesung, what is happening here?” I yelled. Heechul open her eye and seems shocked when she saw pink light coming out of her body.


“What is happening to me? Am I going to die? I don’t want to die yet. I haven’t married. There is no way the most beautiful person is going to die without getting married. Please help me I don’t want to die yet.” Heechul is completely freaking out. She is crying her eye out.


Yesung tried to calm her “Heechul, relax. You are not going to die. The pink light that coming out of your body indicates that your body is healed using some potion. But none of those who can create and cook potion is alive. They are already extinct. Ryeowook, you can cook potion?”


Ryeowook is still crying from the time Heechul freak out. She thought her dishes kill Heechul.”I don’t know. I just love to cook.”


“Yesung, guess we need to asked Queen Kibum about this. She must know something.” say Yesung.


“Who is actually Queen Kibum? How she can charge Kyuhyun’s PSP when there is even no electricity here? And how she know about our past?” I’m getting curious with all mystery around here.


Yesung started to explain “Queen Kibum as you know is the queen and the palace researcher or as know on Earth, scientist. She is responsible on keeping our ancestor soul. All his time, this world is a peaceful place. 20 years ago, a war happens. It kills most of the people in this world. “ Yesung stop for a while and then continue.


“Now that when she decides she will bring some of our greatest king and emperor and some of the best fighter souls come to life again. She hopes that all the soul that came alive will help King Siwon arrange this world back to peace as before the wars.” Yesung stopped and drink some water.


“She sent five best emperors and three best kings to the Earth where the soul will be given birth and lead a life away from this world that is still in chaos. While two of the best fighter is born here so that the fighter can learn everything and help the kings and emperors when they come back to this world”


I asked “I guess you can tell us who is the kings, emperors and fighters right?”


“The kings are you, Kyuhyun and Eunhyuk. The emperors are Heechul, Leeteuk, Ryeowook, Sungmin and Donghae. The fighters are me and Yesung.” Yesung answered.


I was a king?


“I think I want to sleep now. This is too much for a day. All of you get out. Thanks for taking care of me. Ryeowook, your soup is delicious. Thanks.” Heechul spoke and all of us get out from her room.


“Hankyung, Ryeowook, you should get some rest too. I’ll wake you when dinner is ready. Don’t worry about those that go to the village. They will come back tomorrow. Have a good rest” Yesung say and then he went to his room.


Ryeowook and I also went to our room to get some rest.


*At the village


Kangin POV


We all arrive here 45 minutes before. King Siwon and Queen Kibum went around the village to check their people. Leeteuk, Sungmin, Eunhyuk, Donghae and Kyuhyun are not allowed to follow then because it is dangerous.  Leeteuk, Sungmin and Donghae are chatting happily while Eunhyuk is sleeping and Kyuhyun seems trying to switch-on his PSP.


I observed them. Sungmin really looks like a bunny like Kyuhyun say. Kyuhyun looks like a playful but clever person. Eunhyuk and Donghae look childish. They fit for each other. While Leeteuk, she looks like an angel who has descended to our world. She is so beautiful. When she is laughing, she produces some unique sound. The sounds are like music to me.


“Kangin, Kangin, Kangin.”


I come back from my daydream and found that the angel is calling me.




“Donghae, Sungmin and I want to looks around here. Can we go?” Leeteuk asked.


“Yeah” I allowed them.


I asked some of the soldier to prepare some horse. I also order three soldier to follow them in case something happen.


When they are leaving, I saw Leeteuk smile at me. I smile at him back.


I must not fall in love with a member of TheChosen.


I remind myself.


I went to the recovery tent to look at the injured person. One of them caught my attention. I went to the person that caught my attention. He is not injured. It is an old man.


“You must beware. TheChosen will need you and your friend’s help in order to restore the peace in this world. You must never betray them.”


“How do you know about TheChosen? And how do you know about me?”


“You will know it yourself.” He smile and then went out of the tent. I try to chase him but when I go out I meet with an angered bunny and a crying fishy.


“What happen?” I asked.


Sungmin answered” Someone attack us and take Leeteuk.”




Sorry for the late chapter.

I'm really sorry.

I don't know what to write.

I just get the idea a few hour age and now i'm writing at 4.20 a.m

please forgive me.


now for my new subscriber time





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elf_shawol_sayA_sone #1
Continue!! Dont delete. Pleaase pleaaase we will wait!!
Eunhae123689 #2
Chapter 6: Continue I love this fic so i'll be patient ^_^
Chapter 6: hi new reader .... please continue this story ... i will wait for you to update ....

Chapter 6: I will wait so please don't delete this story!
don't delete it, i'll wait patiently :D
Continue!!!! please don't delete it
Love-rocks #7
Don't delete...I just read your story..I don't want you to delete it...
Min_Chan_lover6612 #8
In-completion #9
Continue!!!!!! Never delete!!!!!