Wake up!

The truth behind.

Running down the stairs towards the basement parking, I was looking for that particular white van. And to my surprise, almost all cars there were white and a number of them are vans. "What a way of describing my ride" I said to myself. Walking along the rows and rows of cars, I followed what my common sense told me, look for the van with the driver in it. Better yet, if the head lights were on, then it'd be much easier. 

"You are very slow." The driver told me. 

I spent 10 minutes trying to find the van, which is similar to the others. If it weren't for the bond paper on the windshield that says, "Let's Fly B1A4", I wouldn't have figured it out. My tongue already hurts with apologizing to him but still, he was super pissed with me. Maybe I should just give him a cake next time... Finally, my mouth really got tired of saying sorry so I fell silent, sat at the back and made sure that he wouldn't get a glimpse of me through the rear view mirror. Or maybe I'm the one who doesn't want to see myself in the mirror. I know I look hideous today, not that I look beautiful at most days.

A few turns and then we're off of the highway. We're now driving along a residential street with beautiful houses and modern buildings. It was very convenient to live here, especially for young independent boys. If I were to choose, I'd love to reside in a place like this. 

"Here we are. Please be back with the monsters after an hour." Mr. Pissed Off Driver told me. 

Since I was in a submissive mood with him, I went out of the van as fast I could and opened the glass door in front of me. What appeared right before my eyes were stairs. There was no elevator nearby. Only levels and levels of stairs. How can that be? This is a newly built building, it has to have an elevator... Oh I see, Mr. Devil Driver purposely led me to this door. Ok, no more cake for him. 

Good thing the boys' dorm is located on the third floor, not exactly high but still, it was an exercise for a short girl like me. And good thing I wore my Chucks because if I decided to dress myself up and wore heels, my feet would've cursed me by now. Hmm... now where is room 3H? 

I rang the doorbell although I already knew the combination for their electronic lock, I wouldn't want to enter without permission. But Manager In Ro said that I have every right to enter the dorm because I am authorized to. What to do... What to do? I rang the doorbell five times more, still no answer. 

Desperate times call for desperate measures. I entered the combination and let myself inside the room.

As expected, it was modern as hell! Buttons and buttons for just about everything! Oh, what I'd do just to have this sort of house for myself... I sighed. 

I walked around, searching for their rooms. One door was open, there was one double-deck inside and on the top bunk, there's somebody. I don't know who it was, and I don't think I care, all I need to do is to get them up and ready. I climbed on the top bunk, balancing myself on the slim stairs. 

"Good morning" I pushed his shoulder. 

"What?" He asked, his voice ragged from sleep.

"You need to wake up and get ready for training." 

"Ok, 5 more minutes." He said, covering his face with a bear.

I looked at my watch, we don't have much time.. 

"No, you need to wake up now and get ready or else Manager In Ro..." I wasn't even finished yet when he suddenly rose and scratched his eyes furiously. 

"Ok ok.. I am awake now. Who are you?" He asked, and I realized that it was Jung Hwan or most commonly known as Sandeul.

"I'm Ah Ra, new employee. Now please, get ready." I climbed down and looked for the other boys. 

Their room was across that of Sandeul's and all four of them were there. Wow... This will be hard. 3 minutes have been wasted ringing the doorbell and another 3 minutes for waking up Sandeul. How are they going to be ready in less than 40 minutes? My mind started to race... There must be a way to wake them all up at the same time.



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yaaaahhh! that pic of jinyoung is amazing! LOL<br />
update soon!
i WOnder watxx gonna happen nxt ^^<br />
waitin 4 ur NXt update!!~<br />
KEKEKE<br />
LOL<br />
WAKIN B1A4 is not EASY!!~<br />
UPDATE SOON!!~<br />
update soon! lovin it already :D
sashazulkarnain #7
update~ love it! please read mine, if you have time :)
LOL<br />
HIHI<br />