


    Jessica had just walked out of the office for the third consecutive day. Her appeal to the commander to stop Taeyeon and friends from interfering with her case had failed. Instead, the commander insisted that Taeyeon didn’t have the ability to pull anything of that sort and her friends were busy with other missions. The commander did take Yoona off the case, in which Jessica was thankful for. 

    She spent the next week trailing Taeyeon, in hopes that she will be led right to the werwolves. What Jessica wasn’t aware of was the amount of time Taeyeon spends inside her room. Other than the missions she is given, Taeyeon doesn’t leave her room and Jessica has not been able to figure out why. Taeyeon is clearly the leader as everyone reports back to her concerning their missions and miscellaneous news. They often talk in hushed tones in the cafeteria or meet in Taeyeon’s room. Unfortunately, Jessica, has been unable to get close enough to listen into their conversation, only catching on to a few keywords.

    Seohyun has, surprisingly, been a remarkable asset for Jessica as an intelligence gatherer but also as a loyal teammate. She had been following Yuri around as the latter teach her about everything the organization does. Since Jessica is her captain and only friend, she reports back to her captain as she recalls events throughout her day. Donghae was also employed to keep an ear out for anything that he might hear in his bar. Both avenues, ultimately, leading nowhere.

    Still, Jessica relentlessly followed Taeyeon’s every move as best as she could. Knowing Taeyeon was in her room so Jessica decided to sit in the apartment lobby. There was a chance that Taeyeon would be able to sneak through a window but Jessica figured if she hasn’t the past week she wouldn’t now. Plus, the apartment lobby allowed her to observe the others as they walked in and out of HQ.

    As if on queue, Taeyeon came out of the elevator with her combat gear on. She wore a black long sleeve under a bulletproof vest and dark cargo pants tucked into her combat boots. Her choice of clothing contrasted with her light hair tied into a ponytail. Elbow and knee pads covered her joints over the clothes she wore. She walked out the apartment building where she met up with Sunny and drove off in a car. Jessica followed the two in her motorcycle.            Jessica saw the commotion ahead of the street and assumed that was their destination. She took a right into an alley where she watched from afar. The two of them pulled up and flashed their badges at the commanding officer in charge. He let the two of them in without any trouble. They ducked under the police tape that surrounded the hospital. News stations had vans placed around the hospital trying to interview patients and staff that were in the hospital. They were reporting a virus epidemic that led to a quarantine situation. Staff and patients were evacuated to the first floor of the hospital where they were checked for infection. Those who could leave, left, while others stayed on the first floor to continue treatment.

    This, of course, was just a lie the organization spun to keep the citizens unaware of the more serious problem at hand. Jessica, as a veteran agent of the organization, was more than aware. She called her trusted rookie to send a live feed of the security cameras to her cellphone so she could monitor the situation from afar.

    “Okay got it!” said Seohyun, proud of herself. “That didn’t take as long as I thought it would.”

    “Thanks,” Jessica said, preoccupied with swiping through the different feeds.

    She eventually found Hyoyeon and Yoona in a room on the second floor. Yoona stood on a stool, trying to break the ceiling while Hyoyeon kept a look out, enforcing the door. Switching to a camera just outside of the room, Jessica saw a dozen zombies trying to walk through the wall separating them from the two living individuals. 

    “Are those zombies?” asked Seohyun.

    Jessica was concerned at the number of monsters crawling around the hospital floor, she had almost forgotten Seohyun was still on the line.

    “Yes and by the looks of it, a few vampires as well,” Jessica replied, eyebrows creased in concentration as she saw brief moments of sharp, red eyes from the shadows.

    “Where did they come from?”

    “Not sure, but it only takes one and for a crowded building like a hospital its no wonder they managed to infect so many,” said Jessica, furiously scanning through the different cameras to determine the whereabouts of the agents versus the monsters.

    “But, if infected, the vampire virus would heal the individual from their illness. Someone would have to kill the individual for it to take over the body,”

    “Isn’t that the question of the day? But first, we need to deal with this situation.” 

    “If I recall correctly, zombies come from the same virus strain as vampires. The only difference lies in the processing of the virus when the infected individual dies. For a zombie, the virus eats away at the body whereas, in a more compatible body, it enhances its capabilities, becoming a vampire. Either way, all it takes is a bit of sunlight to get rid of all of them,” Seohyun reasoned out from her newfound knowledge of mythical and abnormal creatures.

    “It’s not that simple. If they open the windows in the middle of the day, one picture is all it takes to expose everything to the world. And with all these cameras around…”

    Jessica turned off the security feed when she was confidant of the severity of the situation. She shuffled from her spot in the alley and moved closer to the police line to get a better look at what was going on. All she had to do was flash her badge and the officers were ordered to move aside. She pulled a small pistol from inside her jacket and walked into the hospital. On the other line, Seohyun was nagging Jessica for how vulnerable her wardrobe would leave her. In response, Jessica disconnected the line.


    Jessica, unable to trust the agents before her, followed through protocol and secured the first floor, ensuring the occupants that required continued use of hospital facilities would be safe from the situation a floor above them. After she was satisfied with the condition, she stationed two police officers at the elevator and the staircases leading to the second floor. She, then, took the stairs two at a time before reaching the second floor where Taeyeon, Sunny, Hyoyeon, and Yoona were finishing off the remaining zombies. Beyond them was the room Hyoyeon and Yoona were in previously. Light emerged from the room where a spotlight the size of a soccer ball could be seen. Dust also piled the room, making the room look hazy in the process. 

    Smart, Jessica thought to herself. Since there were no cameras capturing footage from above, it was a clever way to draw sunlight without catching the attention of the crowd surrounding the hospital.

    Yoona threw a zombie into the room, where it disintegrated into a pile of dust upon contact with the sunlight. Hyoyeon was able to catch the bite of a vampire on her metal bat, denting the aluminum but keeping Hyoyeon safe. With superior strength, the vampire pushed Hyoyeon against a wall where she struggled to keep its fangs away from her. Her struggle was cut short as weight lifted from the bat. She looked over to see Sunny holding her hands out, grasping the vampire without touching it. Without delay, Sunny summoned enough of her unique skills to push the vampire into the sunlit room. 

    While Sunny was busy dealing with the vampire, another one managed to creep behind her. Jessica, with her gun in her hand, took a quick shot, hitting the vampire behind it’s shoulder. The vampire turned towards Jessica barring its teeth at her. Taeyeon managed to take a good swing at the vampire with the same bat everyone but Sunny was using as weapons. The vampire cowered into the darkness after Taeyeon’s unprecedented attack.

    “You better get out of here!” Taeyeon yelled at Jessica.

    “Like hell I am,” Jessica responded, moving towards the center of the room where everyone stood with their backs facing each other in a circle.

    Taeyeon didn’t bother continuing the argument, they had more pressing matters at hand. A vampire remained in the room and they needed to be alert if they were to respond to it’s quick movements. She looked over to Yoona, who nodded in understanding. Once Jessica was settled into their defensive circle, Taeyeon and Yoona quickly grabbed her, dragging her in to the sunlit room before she could react.

    “You’re not prepared to fight a vampire,” said Taeyeon, using her eyes to motion towards Jessica’s wardrobe.

    “Let go of me,” Jessica said as she struggled in their hold. Their strength surprised Jessica for a shorty like Taeyeon and someone as skinny as Yoona.

    “No can do,” Yoona said playfully.

    As they were holding Jessica hostage, Hyoyeon and Sunny had shifted into a back-to-back position as they gradually rotated together, keeping an eye out on the vampire. The vampire, after stalking its prey, eventually chose to attack the both of them from the side. Hyoyeon, who reacted faster than Sunny, landed a heavy blow on the vampire. As it fell to the floor, Sunny moved her hands towards the vampire, collapsing her fingers into a fist before it could get away. 

    “Got it?” asked Hyoyeon, straightening herself.

    Sunny simply nodded, trying not to lose her grip on the vampire who she could feel struggle against her.

    “Coming at you, Taeyeon,” Hyoyeon called out.

    Sunny heaved as she threw her arms in the direction of the room. Although physically holding nothing in her hands, her face distorted as if she was carrying a sack of rice. Taeyeon took the hint and threw Jessica in a corner so she was out of the way. Holding her weapon in a batting position, she waited as the vampire was thrown through the door. She swung her bat downwards, colliding the bat with the back of the vampire. It landed with a loud thud right in the centre of the sunlight. Yoona moved to help Taeyeon hold the vampire in place as the sun ate away at it’s flesh.

    Taeyeon clasped her hands together and said, “done! Let’s get out of here!”

    Jessica quickly pulled herself into a standing positon.

    “Not yet,” she said as she walked over to Sunny, pointing her gun at the unsuspecting agent.

    “What the f---- are you doing!” exclaimed Hyoyeon as she moved between Jessica and Sunny.

    “Get out of my way,” Jessica said, cocking her pistol.

    “Step away from her, Jessica,” Taeyeon warned rom behind. “You’ll have a lot of people to deal with if you do anything to Sunny.”

    Throughout the transaction, Sunny stood unfazed. Ever since her interaction with Jessica in the briefing room, she expected a similar response. Whatever Jessica’s problem was, it had effected her judgement. All Jessica wanted was to get rid of every ‘monster’ she would come across.

    “She was just using magic! She’s a danger to everyone. She needs to be contained before anything bad happens,” said Jessica, trying to reason out her actions to the people around her. “Move out of the way, so I can deal with her!”

    “You’re a f----ing lunatic!” Hyoyeon yelled at the gun wielder. “Just cause she’s a magic user doesn’t mean she’s like the f----ing vampire we just dealt with. There’s a clear difference between a blood- creature and someone who can think outside their basic instincts. Yeah, you know what? Magic is f----ing dangerous and people use it for f----ed up things. But you know what else? We call those people evil f----ing lunatics! Just cause the f----ing organization says to catch them, we don’t have to do a f----ing thing! You know why? Because we are also capable of thought!” Hyoyeon grabbed the gun out of the hand of a dumbfounded Jessica. 

    “F----ing idiot!” she added before walking away, cursing as she went.


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I apologize for the lack of Yuri in the Yuri chapter. Story just didn't work out the way I initially intended.


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Chapter 11: The upvote is worth it :)
musiarc #2
y?You know, looking at the plot, I cannot help but get the impression that Taeyeon's team think Jessica is a monster.. I wonder how will you tie up the story though.. Since it left with Yuri's POV. Although I understand why Jessica act like that, from the background that you provide.
It's a good story.. Keep up the work and I am waiting for your next update.. Hwaiting.. ;)