


    “Jessica,” the commander started. “Do you remember the words the organization was built upon?”

    Jessica and the commander were walking through the docks as part of their patrol area. The sun could be seen setting over the river.

    “Something about land entitlement,” Jessica offered, not being serious about the conversation. Her mind was preoccupied with thoughts on whether or not she should trust the commander.

    “ ‘Whoever’s is the soil, it is theirs all the way to Heaven and all the way to the depth’s below,’ ” the commander recited. “We’re here to protect our city from abnormals, but more importantly, we’re here to survive as human beings against these monsters. This land that our city was built upon is ours, not theirs. They have no right to be here so we have to do what we can to ensure the survival of the human race.”

    “But, if you would just listen to me, you would know the werewolves haven’t harmed anyone,” Jessica replied, annoyed at the nonsense the commander was giving her.

    “Yet! There’s no telling what they could do. You know that better than anyone else.”

    Jessica thought about what the commander said. There was truth in his words. But when she thinks of Yuri, the most optimistic person she’s ever met, where was the monster? When she considers the words Hyoyeon yelled at her, where was the monster in Sunny, who fought against the vampires? If there was anything that Jessica was 100% sure was a monster, it was the creature in the abandoned town.

    “Did you read my report from the abandoned town?” She asked the commander.

    “Why do you ask?” The commander replied.

    “Why didn’t you order for a follow-up? Why wasn’t there an investigation? It was something we never faced before,” Jesica continued questioning, looking over at the commander for answers.

    The commander was caught off guard.

    “Why are you only asking now?” he asked.

    “I only just thought about.”

    “Is there anything wrong, Jessica? Do you need another psychiatric leave?”

    “No, there is nothing wrong and I definitely don’t want to go through that torture again,” Jessica said, irritated. “Why won’t you answer my question?”

    “Jessica, tell me what’s wrong.”

    “There’s nothing wrong!” Jessica yelled at him. “Just answer the goddamn question!”

    “Jessica, calm down,” said the commander, trying not to break composure. “I know you’re angry at what happened with your team, but now isn’t the time.”

    “Then when! When we’re not trying to murder innocent werewolves!”


    “You know what! There is something wrong. There’s something wrong about this whole task force. Shotguns? We’re suppose to use tranquilizers. When did we start killing?”

    The commander didn’t reply. He stood in front of Jessica with a solemn face. 

    “Your father is going to be disappointed.”

    And that was the last thing Jessica heard before the commander used the of his shotgun to knock her out cold.


    “Jessica? Jessica!”

    Jessica awoke to a throbbing migraine. When her vision cleared, she noticed she was still at the docks and it was still dark out.


    “Oh gosh! I’m so glad I found you before anything happened.”

    “What happened?” Jessica said as Tiffany helped her sit up.

    “Are you okay?” said Tiffany, checking Jessica’s head for wounds.

    “Where’s the commander?”

    Before Tiffany could answer, a growl could be heard throughout the docks.

    “What’s going on?” Jessica asked more urgently this time.

    “Things got a bit messy.”

    “Tiffany, I need you to tell me what’s going on.”

    “I need to get you somewhere safe.”

    “I’m fine.”

    Jessica tried to stand up only to stumble into Tiffany’s arms as a wave of pain shot through her head. She let out a grown as she clutched her head.

    “You’re not fine.”

    “I am fine. Just give me a second.”

    “We don’t really have much time, Jessica.”

    As if on queue, the commander came flying from behind the shipping containers behind Jessica and Tiffany. He crashed against the floor, rolling until he came to a stop. Just as he was getting up, a werewolf jumped from behind the containers and onto the commander. The werewolf was twice the size of a normal wolf, including thicker limbs and sharper fangs. Jessica was shocked as she saw the commander wrestle the werewolf on the floor, keeping it’s fangs away from his body. Tiffany cursed, swinging her tranquilizer rifle from behind her back and aimed it at the werewolf.

    “Yuri!” Tiffany called out before hitting her target.

    Yuri, the werewolf, turned towards the two girls and snarled in their direction, preparing for a charge. All it took was two leaps for it to reach the girls, but her actions were stopped in mid-air as an invisible force knocked her from the side. Jessica looked over to find Yoona, Sunny, and Taeyeon coming out from behind the shipping containers. As Taeyeon aimed to take a shot at Yuri, another growl could be heard further away.

    “How many werewolves are there?” Jessica asked, watching the commander as he struggled to get up.

    “Last time I checked, three, including Yuri. But I think Hyoyeon and Sooyoung managed to track down one,” Tiffany answered.

    Taeyeon took her shot, hitting Yuri on her shoulders. Yuri began to stumble at the tranquilizer solution running through her body. Noticing Yuri’s weakened state, the commander looked for the hunting rifle he dropped when he was thrown. Jessica noticed what he was trying to do and ran after him.

    “Wait!” Tiffany called out to Jessica, running after her.

    Tiffany and Jessica’s sudden movements caught the attention of the werewolf, who was still on her feet. Yuri started after the two, but was held back by Sunny. Larger and stronger in wolf form, Yuri made it difficult for Sunny to keep her still. Taeyeon quickly landed another shot on Yuri’s neck before Sunny released the werewolf. Sweat formed on Sunny’s forehead as her energy drained from her. Yuri took a few steps before collapsing on to the ground.

    The commander had picked up his rifle and headed towards the vulnerable werewolf. However, Jessica was able to reach him, grabbing the barrel of the rifle and pushing it away from its target. She then moved to punch the commander in the stomach, only to find her fingers crumble under solid rock. When she looked up from her hand, she could she the commander smirking at her.

    “Do you think they put me in charge because I look good in a suit?” he jeered.

    “What the hell!” Jessica yelled in pain.

    Before the commander could deal with Jessica, Tiffany tackled Jessica to the ground, pushing her out of danger. However, her action also gave the commander an open shot at a barely conscious Yuri. The commander took his aim and fired. 

    In that split second a few things occurred. Yuri growled in pain as the commander hit her abdomens. Sunny quickly rushed over to help with the wound. The commander could also be heard crying in pain as he dropped to his knee. Yoona had opened fire on the commander, hitting him in the back of his shoulder. Taeyeon had also taken a shot with her tranquilizer gun, hitting him square in his left cheek. 

    In the next second that followed, Jessica grabbed the commander’s rifle from his weakened grip and turned it against its owner. Holding the rifle steady with all intentions of shooting him, Jessica clearly thought through the situation for the first time this month as everyone around her came to a standstill. They kill monsters; vampires, zombies, the creature in the abandoned town. Beings that are so removed from life that they don’t belong in our world. Then, what about the commander? He ordered for the death sentence of a pack of werewolves, including one of his own agents. He remained alive and standing after a shot to his back and a tranquilizer dart. He is capable of taking a werewolf one-on-one. What was he? And what would it make her if she shot him right there and then?

    “Is Yuri alright?” Taeyeon asked, breaking the silence.

    “She should be fine,” replied Sunny, kneeling beside the wolf twice her size. “I managed to keep the bleeding to a minimal. As long as she doesn’t lose any more blood she’ll be fine. But it’s going to hurt like a b---- when she’s back in her human form.”

    “Are you going to take the shot?” Yoona asked Jessica as she walked up to them.

    “I should,” replied Jessica, keeping her eyes on her target.

    “But you won’t,” said Tiffany. “Otherwise you would have already shot him.”

    “Why is it so hard? He’s the bad guy isn’t he? He’s the one who tried to kill Yuri.”

    “You weren’t so different a couple of weeks ago.”

    “Tiffany is right, Jessica,” Taeyeon joined the conversation. “You were technically the bad guy. If it wasn’t for Yuri, Sooyoung would have probably left you in that apartment. If it wasn’t for Yuri, I wouldn’t have told you where the werewolves would be and things would be a lot messier. For whatever reason, Yuri wanted to believe you had your own reasons for acting the way you did. She believed there was still good in you.”

    The sun started to rise as Taeyeon talked. With the sun breaking out, Taeyeon could see Jessica’s expression relax. She took her tranquilizer gun and shot the commander twice for good measure. The man collapsed to the ground as his body went limp. Yoona walked over to help Sunny with Yuri’s body as the werewolf reverted back to her human form. 

    “There’s a good chance that he is the monster we hope he is and it’ll make it that much easier to kill him, but we can’t be sure. We’ve all had our moments.”


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I apologize for the lack of Yuri in the Yuri chapter. Story just didn't work out the way I initially intended.


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Chapter 11: The upvote is worth it :)
musiarc #2
y?You know, looking at the plot, I cannot help but get the impression that Taeyeon's team think Jessica is a monster.. I wonder how will you tie up the story though.. Since it left with Yuri's POV. Although I understand why Jessica act like that, from the background that you provide.
It's a good story.. Keep up the work and I am waiting for your next update.. Hwaiting.. ;)