I can’t wait to finally meet you, Bommie…

This Long-Distance is Killing Me... {Hiatus}



It has been more than ten months since Tabi and Bom started their online relationship. Tabi thought it was high time they move on to the next level. Not long after getting to know Bom via SMS, chats and phone calls during special occasions, he realized he’s fallen in love. He decided he wants to confess to Bom so he thought of a plan…


*On Yahoo Messenger*


TabiChoi: So Bommie, guess what?

SweetBom0324: What is it, Tabi-ah? ^^~  

TabiChoi: My supervisor granted me a vacation leave…^^

SweetBom0324: Jinjja?! That’s great!!! You’ve been wanting one since like forever!

TabiChoi: I know right? And guess where I’m going for my much-awaited vacation?

TabiChoi: *wriggling eyebrows*

SweetBom0324: Hhmmm… I don’t know… Didn’t you mention you wanted to go skiing in the Alps?

TabiChoi: Well yeah, but there’s some place else I’ve been dying to visit too!

SweetBom0324: And where is that, Tabi-ah? ^^~

TabiChoi: Seoul, South Korea.

SweetBom0324: Cool, Seoul is really…

SweetBom0324: Wait…what?!?! O.o  

TabiChoi: I can’t wait to finally meet you, Bommie…^^

SweetBom0324: OMG! Are you serious?!? You’re coming to Seoul??? ^^~♥

SweetBom0324: How long will you be here??? O.O

TabiChoi: You sound pretty excited, kekeke…^^

TabiChoi: It’s only for two weeks but hey…

TabiChoi: A lot could happen in two weeks, you know!

TabiChoi: *wriggling eyebrows*

SweetBom0324: Stop being naughty, Choi Seung-hyun! ^^p

SweetBom0324: But really…like…

SweetBom0324: OMGOMGOMG!!! I am this excited! ^^~♥

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Please update this story ^3^
Chapter 5: can i ask you something .. mm , maybe it's sound silly but .. i'm so curious what 'SF' stand for .. hee ~
gjie2cute #3
uuuuu~ interesting
AIGOOO~~~ It sounds o interesting~~~ cant wait for the next chapter~
Uuuuwoooo *\(*´▽`*)/* they finally meet in person! Gyaaa I can imagine bommie's reaction! She's too shy sometimes but it's cute Ơ̴̴̴̴̴̴͡.̮Ơ̴̴͡ aigoo author-nim, I beg u to make this happy ending please hehehee
aahh! like it!
aahhh! you are killing me with the short updates! ><
aww this is super cute! I hope it'll be a happy ending ^o^
Tabomxxmim #9
Ahhh i live this please make it a happy ending ^^<br />
gjie2cute #10
Ah the text mesg is so cute just like how bommie will tweet