Day 1

Be Mine In Fourteen Days

So to those I promised I'll be updating soon, TA-DAH! Finally finished editing the prologue so :') I have decided after looking at all your opinions to post the chapters first before taking my time to edit, but I have already finaihed editing the first chapter since it's so short! For the rest, I will try to edit as soon as I can after I post them up! As I know how it feels like to be kept waiting, I will try to update a new chapter every few days :P Since this is so short, expect another update tomorrow :) I actually didn't know it was this short at first that's why OOOPS .__.|||

P.s. OMG INFINITE IS COMING TO SINGAPORE SOON FOR THE INFINITE EFFECT BUT BECAUSE I WENT FOR SS6 BACK IN MAY MY MUM ISN'T ALLOWING ME TO GO T.T I'm feeling so depressed now because they are going to be so close yet so far omg >.<

P.p.s. Wheee I've hit over 20 subbies for this story! You guys have no idea how thankful I am to all of you <3 And all your lovely comments really make my day :D I wasn't planning to post this till tomorrow but all of you have given me enough motivation to rush finish the editing of the prologue and post this chapter tonight instead ^.^ Thank you once again~ *throws hearts*


Day 1

No, he didn’t have any feelings for the leader. They were close, very close. Of course he loved the leader, but not in the way thousands of Woogyu fans out there were hoping for. Or so he thought. Woohyun always laughed at the idea of him and Sunggyu becoming a couple in real life. When fooling around with the leader about Woogyu, he would however never receive the response he wanted from the leader. Sunggyu would just smile instead of laughing, and ruffle his hair instead of punching him in the stomach. Otherwise, he would just mutter ‘idiot’ instead of giving him his worst look. This disappointed Woohyun every single time because he felt it was no fun.

Sunggyu always liked to complain that Woohyun was clingy. Woohyun would deny it every single time. He reasoned that following wherever the leader went had already become a habit for him because it had already been two years since they became roomates. Not knowing where the leader was always drove him crazy but to Woohyun, it was because they were roommates. Nothing more. Sunggyu would always smile at him and ask “Really?”

Woohyun had been looking forward for the two-month break that their company had promised eagerly. He had been working so hard with the other Infinite members to be deserving of the break. But now that the two-month break was really nearing, for some reason unbeknowngst to even himself, he secretly started to dread it.

Woohyun remembered proudly proclaiming in front of the Infinite members that Sunggyu cannot live without him, but when Sunggyu had instead happily announced that he wouldn't have to see Woohyun for two whole months, it unknowingly brought a scowl to Woohyun's face. Why was the leader so excited at the idea of being away from him? It was obviously a joke the leader made to annoy him, but why dod that make him feel so unhappy?

Someone suddenly hit his head hard, waking him up from his trance. Woohyun cursed under his breath. Owww... that hurts... He looked up and saw Sunggyu staring down at him. Sunggyu hyung's eyes look so beautiful even though they are so small...

“What are you doing here on the floor?” Sunggyu asked.

Woohyun looked away from the leader. “Why must you always do that to me?”

Sunggyu laughed. Even his laugh sounds so angelic... He had been looking for Woohyun since morning and was surprised to find him in the small room in which they kept their many shoes in. “I’ve been looking for you.”

Woohyun climbed on his feet as he rubbed his head. “I was hiding.”

“You were hiding? From who?”

“Not telling you.” Woohyun told the older man while looking rather troubled.

Sunggyu furrowed his eyebrows, utterly confused. His smile disappeared. Woohyun always demanded his attention every time he had a problem and it was unsettling for Sunggyu to know that Woohyun was hiding something from him. He initially thought that it was just him thinking too much about it, and Woohyun wasn't avoiding him throughout the whole day, but Woohyun’s response seemed to prove that he was right. “Are you okay?”


Sunggyu grabbed Woohyun’s hand when the latter was trying to leave the room. “What’s wrong? Driving me crazy isn’t cool. Are you mad at me?”

Woohyun sighed. He made no attempt to free his hand from Sunggyu. He never resisted any physical contact with the leader, instead he craved for more. As a friend, or so he thought.


“Did I do something wrong?” Sunggyu repeated.



“I said I’m not telling you. Which part of it don’t you understand?!” Woohyun hissed through gritted teeth. Why was he so upset with the leader? He had no idea.

Sunggyu released Woohyun’s hand. Instead of chiding Woohyun for being disrespectful, Sunggyu eshot him a look of concern. “You know, you can always talk to me if you have any problems.”

“I don’t have any problem.”

“You do.”

“I don’t!”

Sunggyu shook his head in disbelief. Woohyun was being very stupid to deny the obvious. He couldn’t remember the last time Woohyun looked so depressed. Something was bothering the main vocalist but he just couldn’t figure out what. “Fine, you aren't having any problem. You are just being crazy.”

“No, I am totally fine I am having no problems at all.” Woohyun waited for Sunggyu to grab his hand again but Sunggyu didn’t, instead he merely walked past him and exited the room. Leaving Woohyun cursing.


Status: Editing is finished

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M-lebiram #1
Chapter 7: Please update soon. I'm dying for read this amazing fic ♡♡ Please written-nim
oggifishy #2
Chapter 6: Please update
Chapter 7: New reader here.. And i really really love this story omfg this plot actually been floating in my mind since forever and I'm so glad u spit it out into a very amazing fic..
I love how woohyun always so clingy and overly jealous and gyu who always attracted so many girls bcs heck let's admit gyu has a strong aura and he's so deadly handsome, he's totally man on top lol
Please update please please ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
tanwoonam #4
Please update soon, I really like your story!
ariira #5
Chapter 7: I thought its real!! I'm too scared to scroll down ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
Please update more ^0^
cassie_greg #6
Chapter 7: ouh, im craving for the next chapter ^^
aozora7 #7
Chapter 7: Aaaccckkk this is getting more & more interesting!!!!!
njanys #8
Chapter 7: Ahhaha WooHyun cada ve es mas celoso con SungGyu jejjje
Chapter 7: THis chapter was amazing! Please update soon :)