
Lovers Doll


 Minho woke up, last nights events slowly playing in his mind. He got ready leaving his house to meet his friends. They were already sitting down at their usual spot in Starbucks.

“Morning keroro. You look… different today.”

“I do? Well, the doll arrived yesterday.”

“Did it? Is it the same as the picture?”

“Way more beautiful. I was actually quite surprised. It sure did live up to its rumour.”

The whole group looked at him blankly. Even Jonghyun who never takes his eyes off his laptop unless it’s something worth listening to.

“Well, he didn’t kill me cause I’m here right now. But he did… move and… grow. He ended up being my size.”

“OMG! My little froggie!! Are you ok? You’re not hurt are you?!” Key scrambled up from his seat fussing over Minho looking for any sort of injury.

“I don’t wanna say this but, I told you so.” Onew said playing around with the straw in his coffee beverage.

“But he’s pretty.” Minho said.

“How can you say that with a straight face!!! It tried to kill you!!!”

“I never sai- ”

“How can you say that with a straight face?! This is all you guys fault you know. I told him not to buy the little piece of evil~ But noooobody wants to listen to stupid old Onew.” Onew now irritated that he was never listened to.

“How is it our fault?” Key screeched! “WE NEVER TOLD HIM TO BUY THE DAMN THING! DON’T MAKE ME STUFF YOU DOWN A TURKEY’S ARSEHOLE JINKI! And you know I can do it!”

“Can you guys you know… calm down. The whole café if looking at us funny” Minho whispered. Onew and Key scanned the room only to be met with the I-am-judging-you look on everyone’s face.

WHAT are you all looking at? Haven’t you seen humans having a spirited conversation before?” Key shouted at them; he and Onew glaring down every single person and they all one by one turned, returning to what they were doing.

The two sat down again brushing of imaginary dust and straightening out their clothes and Minho took a seat next to them.

“I never said he tried to kill me guys. I just said he moves and talks and grows and goes back to doll size.”

“NOWAY! My poor baby~ Are you sure you didn’t hit your head? A doll can’t do that babe.”

Maybe Key’s right. I might be hallucinating.

The four friends got on with work that needed to be handed in the next day. After a few hours, they split up and headed back to their houses. Minho opened his door only to be met with-

“YAH! You’re finally back! How long were you planning to leave poor ol’ me in this place?”

He’s… still here.

The doll was now human sized angrily pouting at Minho for leaving him in the house for what seemed like eternity to him. Minho’s mood darkened seeing the doll. He now knew he was definitely not dreaming.

“It’s ok, you can make it up to me if you give me a warm hug and kiss me like there’s no tomorrow”

Minho just stood there. Staring. His emotion didn’t know how to react.

“Don’t just stand there! Make a move. Hold on one minute! You haven’t followed my one and only condition! How do you expect me to live? DON’T YOU LOVE ME? WHY DON’T YOU LOVE ME!!!!!?”

The doll was so engrossed in his ranted to Minho that he didn’t see the flying fist that was planning to land on his face.

“WTF! Why did you do that?”

“Oh, nothing in particular. Just wanted to make sure I wasn’t dreaming and that all this was… reality. But because I thought it was a dream, maybe it would be fine to punch you” Minho said while rubbing his now aching red fist smirking.

“This is all real. You can’t just go about punching people in the face!” The dolls screeched hand on his cheek.

“But see, you’re not a person.”

“Now I am. Get over it. This is the real world and I’m in it.”

Hmmm, so it seems. Maybe this is my life from now.

The doll realising Minho’s silence thought he had finally accepted the fact that his master is now facing reality.

“At least you realised, idiot” the doll said under his breath fidgeting with his feet hoping Minho didn’t here.

“Be happy I’m even accepting your… dolly-ness. That’s right, you call me master, why are you acting as if you rule my life especially when you look up to me. Now I know why people pass you around like that.”

The now human sized doll looked at his feet chuckling nervously, hurt by Minho’s last comment.

“You’re just like them aren’t you? You welcome me with open arms in the beginning. They showered me love and affection. I was always the centre of their attention. They loved me and wanted to hold onto me. But then, that all changed. All of it disappeared the moment I start moving. They replace their love with hate and their affection with neglect. They start calling me a ‘monster’." The doll’s eyes were still glued to the ground on the verge of exploding with anger. He took a deep breath trying to calm me down.

“Do you see this?” The doll lifted his shirt, a pained but proud smirk played on his face. “This is from one of my old masters that threw a knife at me trying to kill me. Sad isn’t it that they want to kill me. Is me turning human really that terrible?”

Minho’s face stayed still quite shocked at the scar that ran across the doll’s rib cage. But the doll misunderstood the expression and thought that he was really hated.

“Is it really that bad for me to be human? Is it that bad for me to be human when it’s a sign of how my master loves me? Really, it’s not as if I was going to gobble them up or something. I just wanted to thank them and return the love they’d shown me. But all that was thrown in my face.” The doll let go of shirt and let it fall back into place; smirking face replaced with a depressing one.

“All I wanted to do was to be able to say their names. But I never managed to do that. I always turned back into a doll before I could say it.” A small sneer appeared on the doll’s face. “But somehow, you’re different. I mean, I’m still able to move now and talk to you."

Well there isn’t anything I can do to you. Although I… punched you, I fell in love with you at first sight. I really did. But I’m never telling you that.

“Master… hug!” The doll's sudden moodswings and emotion being hurt made him shrink back to doll size.

Minho came back from his thoughts and noticed the doll had shrunk back to its usual size.

When did he get so small?

The doll look up at Minho guiltless aegyo on, face tensed desperately trying to stretch his arms up indicating a much need hug. Minho wasn’t sure about what to do but felt like doing something for his newly found interest. He reached his arms down slight hunching his back and picked up the doll.

Was he ordering me around just to get my attention? He must want my attention more than anything else.

Minho stood back up with the doll securely held in his arms.

“Oo, you finally did something I told you to. Should I do something nice for you? Hmm… I’ll let you name me.”

“Name? Don’t you have a name already?”

“My masters never gave me a name.”

“Ok well, Mushroom. I think Mushroom fits you very well.”

“WHAT?” The doll shrieked in shock. “You bbangku ddongku! How can you possible give me a name like that?” The doll’s face turned a light shade of red due to embarrassment. “Well, you did come up with it so I guess, if you absolutely insist…” Taemin cringed at the name assigned for him.

“I do.” Minho said blankly.

“Yah, you bad person!”  The doll said flailing is arms about.

“I’m just joking. I think I’ll name you Taemin. Taemin suits you very well” Minho said smiling at the doll who was satisfied with his new name.

Minho placed his hand behind Taemin’s head and gentle his hair. Taemin rested his head on Minho’s shoulder; the sudden warmth making him drift off into a much needed sleep.

Minho chuckled at Taemin who had his thumb in his mouth mumbling incoherent words snuggling into Minho’s shoulder flawlessly at being cute unintentionally.

I guess he isn’t strange. He’s really kinda cute when he’s like this. But I’ll never tell him this. Even if it kills me.


A/N: Update~~ It's Not Really Good But I Tried. My Writing Is Starting To Such Cos I Have So Much Going On. Just Finished One Se Of Exams And Have Another Set In A Month And A Bit. So No Christmas Celebrations For Me T_T I hope You Guys Like This Though. After My Stress Is Realieved, I'll Try And Become A Better Writer! ^^ 

THANKS SUBSCRIBERS!!!! You're All My Motivators~~ I'll Do Comment Relies On The Next Chapter Because My Fingers Are Now Numb Loooool, Thank You Commenters Too~ And Silent Readers Too~ ^^

(If You Spotted Mistakes, Prented They Were Never There ;)

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kidkeala #1
I agree 2min over onho for me. Update soon author-nim
Update soon XD
btw,is this going to be kind of like absolute boyfriend?
I'm a fan of onho but...I just don't like the onho in here....
So cUte. I want to read it mOre. Update soOn. By the way, what happened to onew?
Update so soon please...
Aww glad you updated ^^
xxjenjaexx #6
pshh onho haters just hattin<br />
blueisMINE06 #7
I'm seriously hating the OnHo here. -.-<br />
Love the Manga! xD Keep it Up! :]
OMO!he kissed onew!
I loved that manga, but it was a little sad.<br />
Sweet story <3 Hating the OnHo XD