I Want You

Lovers Doll


Friday 25 November 2011


Minho: A humble guy that lived alone in a one bedroom apartment. He never knew that from this day onwards, his life would take a drastic turn.

Minho became quite bored of lying on his bed staring at the ceiling waiting of something to do that could entertain him. He gave up and quickly dressed himself causally and step out of his apartment to meet his friends.

The three friends sat around a table in Starbucks sipping on the cold beverages.

“Oh guys, did you hear?”

“About what?”

“Something I heard from someone saying there’s a doll that came alive when his friend bought it and it tried to out all his blood and kill him!”

Minho who had been sipping on his iced coffee spurted it all over the table causing the other two to grimace at the act. Key automatically grabbed a horde of tissues and began cleaning the table glaring at Minho while doing so.

“Sorry” Minho said sheepishly smiling at Key.

“Any” Key continued “The person gave the doll back to the owner and it’s now up for sale again. They’ve named it the ‘bloody doll’.”

“…Bloody doll? How old are these people? 5?” Minho asked.

“The person isn’t the only one I’ve heard that from. Apparently 6 people have bought the doll and all said the same thing.” Key said nodding at his own statement.

“Really?” Minho asked interested in the topic “I’d like to see this doll.”

“WHAT ARE YOU CRAZY?” Key screeched. The people around the café all turned to look at the person who emitted that sound. Key glared at all of them and the eyes diverted away from him. The boy sitting next to him who had his eyes fixed on his laptop blocking out the outside world even cringed at the noise.

“Look, I can’t have you die Minho! You need to stay alive!”

“Well, I’ve been making clothes for dolls for many years now and don’t even own one.”

“Ohhh, I get where you’re coming from. You want your own dolly to dress up~!”

“Don’t tell me you’re still playing around with dolls. You’re in university Minho. You’ve got to give up.” A voice suddenly piped.

“Key, don’t make it sound so girly. It’s a hard job Onew! It takes time and dedication to make those clothes. I like doing what I do.”

Onew sat down at the table with the three boys and placed his beverage on the table.

“Let the kid do what he wants to do.” Jonghyun said after staying silent for so long but his eyes were still fixed on his laptop.

“Exactly. And even though Key complains, he likes it when I make clothes for his dolls anyway.”

Even though they say stuff like this, I still want a doll for myself. I could become more inspired if I have one. Minho thought to himself.

“So how much is this doll Key?”

“I think about £200.” (About $310) Key said flatly. It’s actually very expensive for a student. But these guys have their parents pay for everything.

“Here’s a picture of it if you want to see it.” Jonghyun searched up on the doll and turned his laptop screen around for the others to see.

“Is this the doll everyone says is ‘evil’? He doesn’t even look creepy. Not creepy at all.”

He’s actually quite… beautiful.

“Minho, I don’t think it’s a good idea to get that doll, there many more out there.”

“No. No. I want this one.” Minho said in a daze.

Minho looked at the laptop screen, mesmerised by the dolls beauty. It was like, love at first sight for Minho.

 All his friends looked at him like he had lost his mind but stayed silent and watched Minho purchase the doll.

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kidkeala #1
I agree 2min over onho for me. Update soon author-nim
Update soon XD
btw,is this going to be kind of like absolute boyfriend?
I'm a fan of onho but...I just don't like the onho in here....
So cUte. I want to read it mOre. Update soOn. By the way, what happened to onew?
Update so soon please...
Aww glad you updated ^^
xxjenjaexx #6
pshh onho haters just hattin<br />
blueisMINE06 #7
I'm seriously hating the OnHo here. -.-<br />
Love the Manga! xD Keep it Up! :]
OMO!he kissed onew!
I loved that manga, but it was a little sad.<br />
Sweet story <3 Hating the OnHo XD