Chapter 5

Falling In Love With The Tutor

It has already been 2 weeks since the first tutoring session between Vernon and Yifan started. As usual, Vernon still keeps his distance from Yifan and trying not to be friendlier with each other. Vernon keeps his promise to his mom to attend the session in hope that it will change Vernon’s performance in his test.

As for Yifan, every time he wanted to make his conversation with Vernon a little bit longer than the usual boring conversation, Vernon was always the one who turn it down. Oh yeah, and one thing that Yifan observed during his two weeks journey of tutoring session with Vernon is that, the kid LOVES to wear shorts. Vernon always wears shorts during the tutor session. Maybe that is the casual wear that he wears at home, but this kind of thing is new to Yifan.

When he said short, literally, IT IS REALLY SHORT. Sometimes it looks like Vernon wasn’t wearing anything at the lower half. This thing really disturbed Yifan at most of the times. He wanted to stay focus at teaching but the way Vernon dressed always disturbed his mind away. With that flawless milky white skin and how Vernon always likes to brush his hair off softly really send Yifan away.

So that day, again, Vernon was wearing an ivory cream shorts that suit perfectly with his skin. Yifan stunned at the beautiful creature in front of him. With that big short sleeves t-shirt, Vernon look like a timid person which is totally opposite of it and Yifan couldn’t help but wanted to hold him in his arm. He then braves himself to ask Vernon a question before they start their lesson.

“Do you always wearing this kind of clothes at home?” Yifan asked.

Vernon shot a confused face (which Yifan find it cute) at him. Vernon looks at his big loose top and slightly gazes at his slightly visible shorts just below his shirt. He then crossed his arm and turned his face up to Yifan.

“Oh my god. First you are stalking me, and then you want to creep me out and now you are judging me by my appearance? Really? How ert could you be?” As expected from Vernon. He loves to make things go difficult.

Yifan let out small chuckles.

“Don’t you think that your clothes are too showy? Like you said, you hate me and yet you are dressing like you are actually comfortable with me. In other terms, you are showing too much of your skin for someone that you called stranger.” Now he is facing Vernon.

“And….. I still don’t get it….? If you want to tell something, make it straightforward.” Still with his stoic face.

Yifan sighed.

“I mean, you are exposing yourself to the danger.”

“What? It’s not like I ‘am a girl who is exposing herself to the danger because of showing too much skin. I ‘am a BOY, remember? Wearing shorts is not a problem.” Vernon rolling his eyes while leaning his back at the study desk.

Yifan find a way to teach that boy a little. Not too much but enough for him to learn the reality.

Yifan then walking straight towards Vernon and his gaze fixed at the latter eyes.

Vernon then senses something is not right. He could see that the way Yifan stared at him is different from usual. Yifan is closing the distance between them making the kid to take a few steps back. As Vernon’ back hit the wall, Yifan then place both of his hand on top of Vernon shoulder, pinning him to the wall, making the latter trapped. They both exchange their gaze. Their faces are just inches away.

“For your information, thing could change. Whether you are a boy or a girl, you couldn’t run away from problem.”

He can sense the tense that running through Vernon’s body. The kid look as he is frighten of what is happening. Maybe he has gone too far of making the kid scared. But hey, who would expect that the bossy Vernon could feel scared of something like that?

Vernon on the other hand looked anyway but Yifan. His face shows how he was startled of the sudden action. He remains silence after that. Yifan somehow felt bad. He doesn’t have any attention of scaring the boy. He then quickly changed the topic.

“As example, if you are wearing this short while making a coffee or any other drinks, the hot water could spill on top of your exposed skin. So it is dangerous!” Yifan pulled his hand away.

“It would be pity isn’t it to have that pretty skin of yours getting scars.”

Vernon still couldn’t digest what was happening just now. He keeps on blinking.

“What? Are you thinking that I’m going to kiss you or something?” Yifan smirked.

Vernon widened his eyes. His face turns red as tomato. “W-What?? No im NOT! It’s j-just… startled me for a second…” His eyes look elsewhere while his finger is playing with the bottom of his shirt.

“I’m sorry? I can’t hear you.”

Vernon huffed.

“N-Nothing!” He faced Yifan while crossing his arms. “Do you want to start our lesson or not?” He quickly walks toward the desk.

“Now, we are going to learn English!” Vernon smirks.

“Ha! English is my number one! I have never disappointed in thay subject! Give me any task and I can handle it like a boss.” He loudly speaks in English.

There is a hint of a proud in his voice. Yes, born in a family that is half American and half Korean is something that should be proud of. What can be wrong? All of his classmate adore his fluentness in English even S.coupe who is born with intelligence couldn’t agree more on the statement.

“So I suppose that you could pass this task then,” Yifan handed the paper to Vernon.


After 30 minutes, Vernon passed the paper to Yifan. With his reaction, Yifan could tell that Vernon is one hundred percent confident that he is going to score this task. Yifan take a sit behind him and take a look at the answers.

As expected from Vernon, he did score well. There may be some minor mistake here and there but overall he did quite a good job in the task given.

“Yes, you are right. You sure can handle the test like a boss. I’m impressed”. Yifan nodded while resting his chin on his palm and shows the paper to Vernon.

“Of course I am! English has always been a part of my life.” He then imitates Yifan’s posture, resting his chin on his palm and face Yifan. “What do you know about English? Wait. I even doubt whether you can even speak in English, poor you.” He smirks at Yifan after throwing his sarcasm at him as he thought that Yifan wouldn’t understand a thing.

Well, He is wrong.

In fact, Yifan himself is also mixed blood.

Yifan give Vernon his smile and move his face closer to Vernon. “For your information, we are the same. Mixed blood. My friends back then at the Canada call me Kris. It's my English name.” He then rests his chin back like the previous position.

His words and action once again made Vernon speechless. It was fun to teased Vernon. His emotions show it all. Vernon really has no idea that his tutor could speak fluently in English. His mom sure knows how to increase his score well. He is quite embarrassed of what is happening. He has been teased lots by his tutor and he just wouldn’t let he anymore. But somehow lately he did blush a lot whenever Yifan lean his face closer to him. He just doesn’t know why.

Hello? Is Vernon there?” Yifan waves his hand in front of Vernon’s face.

“What-Whatever! Just give me another task,” He quickly looks away, hiding his red face.


After awhile, Vernon is given a short break. Since it was Saturday, they got to spend their lesson longer than they usually do. Yifan decided to give him a break for awhile. It’s not good to force a person brain to work without some rest.

Vernon decides to take a short nap. He put both of his arms on the table and rests his forehead on it. He let out the soft snoring, enough to confirm Yifan that he is now fallen deep into sleep.

Yifan stares deeply at his face. Judging every inch of Vernon’s beauty features. He was supposed to be a tutor to a bad boy so that his life would change. But who knows that after awhile of being his private tutor, Yifan’s life who was change. Some feelings are developing into him. He doesn’t have any clue about it. He feels an urge to protect the boy.

Somehow, his body starting to move itself without having any permission from Yifan, He softly brushed off Vernon bang, and slowly gives a soft peck on his forehead. Realizing what he has done, he quickly covers his mouth.

What am I thinking?

 He quickly packed his stuff and left Vernon in the room. He decides to end the lesson at that moment.


After stopped by at the nearest food stall to have a drink, Yifan drives to home. The previous action keeps playing on his mind. He couldn’t believe he did that to Vernon. He is still a boy! What is going on with his mind? He keeps throwing those questions to himself. He then quickly shut his car’s door and enters his house.

He throws his bag on the sofa and slammed himself beside it. He keeps rubbing his face and ruffles his hair with his hand. He stays silent and suddenly slides his hand down making his finger brush his lips. He still couldn’t believe he just kiss Vernon, although it’s not a kiss on the lips, but it was still a kiss. His memories then flash back. Vernon sweet smells and his skin is so soft. Yifan still don’t understand how can he be a bad boy in his school. His face looks like an innocent boy.

He let out a soft chuckle. Yifan stands up to grab water at the kitchen when suddenly his phone is ringing. He look at his phone and tilt his face to the left with a hint of confusing. Vernon’s mom is calling him.


Vernon wakes up realizing that it was already night and he still in the study room. He brushes his eyes. He doesn’t see Yifan everywhere. Could it be that he already went home when he is sleeping? But he doesn’t remember hearing his tutor ending the lesson before his sleep. He stands up and stretching before went out from the room.

The moment he’s about to go to the kitchen to grab a water, he bumped with his mom.

“Oh, there you are. Where have you been? After Mr.Yifan went home, I couldn’t see you everywhere.” She then lifted her son’s face. She could see a sleepy sign from his eyes.

“I bet you are sleeping?” Vernon blinks for a few times and nodded. “Wash your face and drinks some water. Oh yes, after you finish, go to living room. We have something important to talk.” Mrs Chwe then walks away to the living room.


After finishing with the errands, Vernon then walks to the living room. There he saw his mom and his father. They seem so excited with their conversation. Vernon greets his parent and sits on the couch beside his father.

“What is it that you want to talk with me about?” Vernon leans on his father’s shoulder.

“Do you still remember about our big project before?” Mrs Chwe asked her son. Vernon nodded.

“Well, it looks like our clients have taken interest into it. So we got a deal!” Both of his parents looks excited and Vernon still couldn’t digest what is it so important that he also need to involve in it. But still, he also feels happy about the news. He knows that his parents have put so many efforts to reach into this state.

“I am so proud of you, mom, and dad. I know that you could reach into this far” He then tighter his hug.

Mrs Chwe looks at her husband, as if she has other things to say but somehow it feels heavy to blurt it out. There is a hint of nervousness in her eyes. Both of his parents keep exchanging their gaze. Vernon realizes that, so he asked.

“What is it? Are there any other things that I should know?” Mrs Chwe rounded her eyes to her husband. Mr Chwe nodded. He then pats Vernon’s head softly.

“Son, I have something really important that I need to tell you.” He looks deeply into Vernon’s eyes. “About this project, I and your mom have agreed to quicken the progression and so does our clients. This Monday we are going to leave to China for a month…”

“WHAT??” Vernon widens his eyes. “Why is it so soon??? And one more thing, FOR A MONTH?? REALLY?? Who will be taking care of me for a month??” His parents have always been out for works recently. Usually Vernon will call S.Coupe to accompany him, but he couldn’t just let him stay for a month! He may be a bad boy at his school, skipping some of his classes and went clubbing until late at night but he never apart from his parents for this long.

Mr and Mrs Chwe realize the sudden changes of Vernon’s emotion. They somehow feel guilty to continue the conversation.

“Don’t worry son, we have found a suitable person to take care of you while we’re not here. We surely can trust that person to take in charge of you for a month.” Mr Chwe lifts his gaze from Vernon to his wife.

“Yes, we have thought about this deeply, and….” She looks at her husband and touch his son cheek softly, “We have agreed with Mr.Yifan that he will taking care of you.”

Vernon releases the hug immediately from his father and widens his eyes. Stunned with what his mom said, he gasped.



“Yes, Mrs Chwe? IS there anything that I could help you?” Yifan asked Mrs Chwe. He seems worried, what is it that Mrs Chwe wants to talk about at this kind of hour?

“I am really sorry for disturbing you at the moment. You see, I have a favor to ask you. If only you wouldn’t mind.” Yifan feels a little bit curious now. He tells Mrs Chwe to proceed.

“Well, my husband just receives the new request from his clients to precede the project earlier than we expected.” Yifan hummed from the other side of the line.

“So, we will fly to China this Monday for about a month. We still didn’t talk about this to Vernon yet. We have never left him alone at house especially for a month. His aunt has been away now for work and there is no one that we could count on to take care of him,” Yifan nodded.

“Do you want me to find Vernon a caretaker for a month? I sure know some of trusted people about it.” He could hear Mrs Chwe chuckled from the other side of the line.

“Thank you for your suggestion but actually no. If it is ok for you, we would like to ask you to be our caretaker. We know that this is not what we agreed on before. But, it would be a great opportunity for you. We also want you to continue the lesson and of course, we would double the payment.”

He widens his eyes. Yifan couldn’t progress the words fully to his brain. He thought about it twice. He knows that the boy would hate this decision and not only that; he would also hate him for the rest of his life. He probably would really believe that Yifan is actually a real stalker or maybe a e that secretly got a hold on him. Yifan shakes his head about the thought.

But on the other hand, Yifan did feel a little something in his heart that blooming. After the kiss incident, he just couldn’t forget the boy’s beautiful face. It would be really fun to tease the boy. His expression just priceless and Yifan loves it. It was cute. He also got an extra payment apart from that.

“Hello, Mr.Yifan? Are you still there?” Yifan startled.

He takes a deep breath,

“Sure, I would love to. When can I start?”


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thank you so much for writing this story!! u have bring out my secret ship and make it reality!!! i really love them n this ship and i really love you!! i hope you can continue on this fic and i wish you all the best!! fighting!!
Chapter 15: It's so cute. Please, I really want to know what happens next. They are so perfect
Chapter 15: It's so cute. Please, I really want to know what happens next. They are so perfect
akiko-4i #4
Chapter 12: Vernon so cute and dumb, why he can't say it he love our y Kris *^O^*
Please author -nim update soon