Chapter 2

Falling In Love With The Tutor

Vernon rounded his eyes as he is quite shock about the news. He look at his mom with annoyed face and quickly went upstairs, shut his door with a loud bang. His mom feels guilty about her son's behavior towards the new tutor.


"Would you please excuse me for a second?" Vernon mom smiles to the tutor. Wu Yifan then agrees. She then quickly rush to his son's room. She went in and close the door.


"That was so not nice of you doing that to your tutor! I don't teach you to be so stubborn??" She grabs Vernon hand making the latter startled a lil bit and facing her. "Look at me when i am talking to you."


"What? You doing all of this things without telling me first? I am not ready with this tutoring stuff and one more thing, i am so not agree with it. Fullstop." Vernon snap his arm back.


"You don't like it? Okay, fine! You got it, but mind to tell me the result that you got today? How was it? Did you pass it with flying colors?" Vernon suddenly snap back to reality that he seems to forgot the result that he just received today. He failed. He don't know what to reply to his mother. His words got him trapped. "What? Let me guess, you failed again, didn't you? That is why so suddenly you become so quiet." His mom chuckles.


"Where do you know about the result?" Vernon asked.


"I am your mother, Vernon. I care about you of course i know what is happening to you at school every day. Don't you think your father will be mad at you?". His mother was right. His dad has always be the one who support the family. Although his dad was already famous of being in top three successful businessman in Korean, he still want to see his only son to become a successful man like him. That thought shut Vernon off. Maybe her mother is right.


"Now, what i want you to do is, go downstairs, apologize to Mr. Wu Yifan and this time, greets him properly,okay?" Her eyes contains lots of meaning. She grab Vernon's shoulder and patting it. Vernon could only stares at her back. He put down his bag and head towards the door.


Mr.Wu Yifan who is sitting alone suddenly startled when his name is being called. He turn his back only to see Vernon raise his palm.


"Hello, Mr. Wu Yifan, nice to meet you. I hope we can give our best and cooperation together." Yifan realize that Vernon did not look at his face. Maybe this is his first time of getting a private tutor so it makes him a little bit uncomfortable, plus, his mom already told Yifan what kind of a boy Vernon is. Yifan probably understand what he is feeling right now. He smile and accept the handshake.


"i suppose we have a deal then, don't we?" Vernon's mom come out of nowhere. She leans beside him. "So, from now on, you are not going anywhere after school. Mr. Wu Yifan..."


"Umm. Yifan is fine." Yifan suddenly cut in. Making she chuckles but not to Vernon, he keeps on staring somewhere else while making his usual-annoyed-face.


"..Right, Yifan will come to our home at 2:30 and the tutor will start slightly after that, you got it?" She looks at Vernon as Vernon replies back. "But mom, you know how busy i am after school. I always have something important to do. Can't we start a little late? At evening? Not at night because that is the time where i need to rest. OR MAYBEEE ONLY FOR WEEKEND. But sometimes i always hangout with my friends on Sunday, sooo..." He stop after looking at his mom giving him her best death glare and he could hear Yifan chuckled. Don't want to shame himself in front of a person that has troubling his life, he agreed with his mom. His mom give out a relieves sigh.


"Now, don't you mind to join us for some tea break?" While his mom is facing Yifan, Vernon at the back, not sounding too loud, but enough for Yifan to catch what he is whispering to him by his mouth movement, "WELCOME.TO.HELL." Satisfied with what he is saying, Vernon gave him his handsome smirk and walks toward his room.


Yifan who is not-so-surprised with his action, just smiling to his mom and talking to his mind, "Well, he is handsome for a guy in his age," He then follows Vernon's mom to the kitchen. Suddenly she stops at the hallway, "Please take care of him, he is so stubborn. I put my trust on you, can i?" she gives her hope to Yifan. Yifan stares deeps in her eyes, "Yes. I will. Don't worry." he gave her his gummy smile.






"I.AM.NOT.GEEEZ.S.COUPE.HOW.MANY.TIME.DO.I.HAVE.TO.REPEAT.THE.SAME.THING.ALL.OVER.AGAIN??" That night, Vernon tells everything to his friend. S.coupe still couldn't believe that his mom would take a drastic moves straight away.


"Wow, but seriously, your mom sure is no kidding, anywaayy i am quite glad that you have finally had your own private tutor! That's mean Mr.Oh Sehun is mine and mine alone!"


"Eeeww, you are disgusting plus, i wonder if he even know who you are." . S.coupe groans at the other line.


"Haha! Anyway, i really don't like him."




"You know who! That Chinese guy, ughh, i can't stand to be alone being tutor by him like every single day! He looks like a guy who can simply pissed me off and know how to make me mad. He laugh he dare to ing laugh at me when my mom shut me up. Who the hevk does he think he is?" Vernon expressed everything out. He know a moment he look at that Chinese guy's face, he could sense something that isn't right.


"So, what does he look like? Too ugly to be a private tutor for you?". S.coupe chuckles.


"Well...." Vernon just about to reply to S.coupe his mom is calling him.


"Shoot. My mom called me, talk to you later!" Vernon left S.coupe hanging. He fix his hair a lil bit and tidying his shirt and calmly went downstairs. There he saw his mom and his dad sitting beside each other while facing the tv.


"Here, come and sit with us, dad has something important to tell you!" He can sense an excited feeling through his mom's voice. He know that this is going to be a great news. He sit beside his father.


"You know about the project that i have been handling right now?" His dad asked him and he just nodded. "Well, it seems like our clients have their approval for us and tomorrow they will come and we will have a meeting together. If this project is a success then i will get myself promoted." His dad looks really happy with it and of course there is nothing more important than a happy family. Vernon hugs his dad. "I know they will love it dad! It was your project after all." He hugged tighter. "I am really proud of you dad! I always does."


"i am going to accompany your dad tomorrow and we will back at midnight,maybe? So make sure that after you got back from school, don't go anywhere. Just go straight back home, okay? Don't let Mr. Yifan waiting for you." His mom reminds him again.


"Oh, my son finally got a tutor?That was quite impressive. Good to know that you are changing,son." He pat Vernon's head. Once again Vernon faking his smile toward his family. There is nothing such a thing such as going along with your tutor in his dictionary of life. He is thinking of another agenda for tomorrow. His mom won't be here to watch him, so skipping the first day is not a bad idea, right? His smile become more wide.




"Bye mom! I'am going to school now!" He fetch his house keys and stuffed some breads into his mouth.


"Come home early! Mr Yifan could not enter the house if you were not in the house!" Vernon smirks as he tied his shoes laces. "Got it mom!". Outside, there is S.coupe who already waiting for him. As usual they walk together to school.


"You must be excited for today tutoring. You are smiling and it almost reaching your ears." S.coupe , but it was true since he went out from the gate of his house his smile just gotten wider and wider


"I am thinking of skipping it" Vernon answer made his friend shocked. He rounded his eyes to Vernon.


"Are you serious?"


"Why not? My mom won't be here until midnight. So no one is here to watch me, and one more thing..." Vernon shows S.coupe the keys, "...without these keys, that Chinese guy couldn't enter my house anyway," He then smirk. S.coupe shows his impress face to his friend. "So i guess we will hangout at the same place again after school?"


"Of course!".




"Just look at that bootiful booty," S.coupe whispers to Vernon as he is sitting behind him. Vernon rolls his eyes. Every time they have classes with Mr. Oh Sehun, Vernon always has to bear himself listening to all of S.coupe's ert thought. In S.coupe's eyes, Mr. Oh Sehun is like an innocent fallen angle that teach at their school but for Vernon, he don't think that his teacher is a person who like to be pinned off, but he is more into the one who to pin people into the wall. Oh well who knows?


The bell rang for the last period. "Okay students, that's it for today. Don't forget to do your homework and make sure to have some improvement for your upcoming test!". As the students were packing their stuffs, he locked his eyes toward the two students at the corner.


"Vernon, S.coupe, would you mind to help me bringing all of these papers to my room?". Vernon and S.coupe look at each other and of course S.coupe think that this might be the best chance for him to know more about his teacher. His heart is blooming when he heard his teacher calls his name. "Or if you have something else to do after school, you can go home." Vernon and S.coupe quickly rush to their teacher and quickly grabs those papers. "Nop. We have nothing to do anyway," They give their teacher a nervous laugh.




"Alright, i think that's it. Thank you boys," The teacher smiles to them. "Are you guys heading home after this?"


"Well, not really. Vernon and his sweet teeth are planning to go to the cafe. I don't like sweets though." S.coupe keeps his coolness try to look more attractive and manly.


Vernon chuckles with his friend sudden attitude. "Seriously sir, that cafe sells the most delicious ice cream i have ever taste! Maybe you should go and taste it too sometimes. Not far away from here though. Just around the corner.". Sehun smiles to him. "Yeah, maybe next time. I like sweets too by the way." Vernon gave S.coupe his smirk.


"Ummm... For a second thought, i think i do like sweets sometimes." S.coupe still stick with his coolness.


"Well, see you tomorrow sir, have a nice day." Vernon and S.coupe bow to their teacher.


"You too, be careful on your way home.".With that they leave the room.




Its already pass 2:30 and Yifan is already at the front gate. While looking at his watch. He mumbles himself, "Where is this kid?" . Yifan know that his parents are out for an important meeting so he don't want to disturb them. Somehow he is regretting the fact that he forgot to ask Vernon for his phone number. "Great. Without him, i can't enter the house and that's also mean i can't start the tutoring session." He is not a person who is easily get angry and suddenly the reality snap back at him. " Wait. Did he planning to skip today's session?". He take out his car key and drove to Vernon's school hoping that he will found him there.




As he arrived, he could see that the school ended its session long ago. There is not much students at that hour. He could not see Vernon everywhere. He want to ask around but not much people to ask when suddenly a voice coming from behind him.


"Kris? Kris Wu?" The voice startled him. "Kris Wu, is that you?". Yifan turned his head and saw a familiar face that he has not seen for a quite long time.


"Sehun? SEHUN? FOR REAL?" His face is blooming after looking at Sehun. He gave him a hugee hug.


"Oh god. I CAN'T BELIEVE WE WILL MEET AGAIN! What are you doing here? I thought you already left to China to persuade your family business?" Sehun gave his fist bump to Kris.


"Well, it turns out that i got a small things that i need to take care of here and it turns out that i need to stay at Korea for another one year!"


"So what are you doing for a moment.?"


"Oh yeah, i was thinking of doing a part time job as a private tutor cause i got nothing to do anyway..." Then he remember back the real reason why he is here. " Actually, i was looking for a students who was studying here. I believe his name is Vernon something. He got a foreigner look on his face, do you happen to know someone who is like that?"


Sehun knows that person. Like realllly knows who that person is. "If i am not mistaken, he is one of my students.". Kris gave him an amuse look. "Ummm, ok. What a coincidence... Anyway do you happen to know where he is now? I'am his private tutor but the first day seems like a disaster to me." Sehun patted his friend back, "Haha, dont be all gloomy Kris and yeah, what a coincidence again, i know where they are now." Kris turned his face to look at Sehun. "Wow." Sehun laugh.




Vernon and S.coupe sit at the corner of the shop. The sit has always been their favorite spot since the beginning. Vernon choose the famous chocolate ice-cream and for S.coupe, he just grab a chocolate bubble ice tea.


"What if that Chinese guy report to your mom?". S.coupe's question make Vernon wonder for a moment. "Nop. I don't think he will dare to do that." S.coupe just nodded. "Don't spoil my mood now, S.coupe. I don't want to think about that Chinese guy anymore. UGHH." He just about to scoop the ice-cream to his mouth then suddenly, a voice that is quite familiar to him coming from the back, making both of them shocked.

"Mind if i join you?"


a drawing i made for this fanfic :D

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thank you so much for writing this story!! u have bring out my secret ship and make it reality!!! i really love them n this ship and i really love you!! i hope you can continue on this fic and i wish you all the best!! fighting!!
Chapter 15: It's so cute. Please, I really want to know what happens next. They are so perfect
Chapter 15: It's so cute. Please, I really want to know what happens next. They are so perfect
akiko-4i #4
Chapter 12: Vernon so cute and dumb, why he can't say it he love our y Kris *^O^*
Please author -nim update soon