Chapter Ten




Taehyung grunted as he watched his online avatar explode into a million pieces. No matter how many times he smashed his fists against the keyboard, his fate was inevitable. He’d lost against Jimin again.

“Dude, when are you going to give up?” He heard Jimin snicker through his headset.

“Never!” Taehyung replied firmly. “Park Jimin, consider this your last victory!”

He restarted the match and waited for Jimin to join in but the latter just laughed again.

“I’ve already beaten you five times in a row, Tae. I’m bored.”

“Should we play a different game? There’s a new surfing one I’m sure I can beat you at.”

“A surfing game? Are you serious?”

“Yeah. Why not?”

He could hear Jimin holding back another laugh. “You’re so lame. Why don’t we call it a night? I’ve gotta get up early tomorrow morning.”

Taehyung sighed like a neglected puppy. “Fine,” he said, adjusting his headset. “Why are you getting up so early on a Sunday anyways?”

“I’m meeting up with Hyesoon.”

“Ooooh!” Taehyung sang. “Get in there, man!”

Jimin was face palming on the other end of the line. “I sometimes wonder if you’re secretly on drugs, Taehyung. I seriously do.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Never mind. And no, Hyesoon and I are just meeting up so we can figure out a way to break into the security room.”

“Oh, right,” Taehyung said. “You guys need some help?”

“From you? No, thanks, Tae. We want this to actually work,” he mumbled.

Taehyung gasped. “Why are you acting like I’ll mess it up or something?”

“Because you probably will.”

“No way. You guys need me,” he said, placing a hand on his chest.

“Taehyung, I’m serious. Just stay out of it.”

“But I wanna help,” he whined.

Jimin sighed. “Nope.”


“Not happening.”


“I said, no.”

“Please, please, please, please, pl – “


Taehyung jolted. “Woah, overboard much, Jimin.”

“Do you wanna help or not?”

“Well, duh.”

Jimin groaned. “Okay. Meet us at the café near school at one. And try to keep it on the down low.”

“Yeeees,” Taehyung cheered, jumping up from his seat and almost falling over a stray cord in the process.

Jimin was rolling his eyes. “Okay, now I really gotta go. See you tomorrow, Tae.”


The line went dead and Taehyung quickly switched off his computer, jumping into bed with excitement. His dreams were full of action-packed car chases, high-tech spy gear and fancy suits. When the next day finally arrived and Taehyung was sitting across from Hyesoon and Jimin in a stuffy café, he realized that his dreams were very far from reality.

“Why are you dressed like that, Taehyung?” Jimin asked, turning his head away in embarrassment.

Taehyung’s eyes widened and he looked down at his outfit. He’d fetched out his best suit, complete with a bow tie and shoes polished to perfection. He thought he looked smart, y and sophisticated, but apparently not.

“What’s wrong with what I’m wearing?”

“You look like a douche. No offence.” Jimin sighed. “What’s in the bag?”

“First of all.” Taehyung’s back straightened and he held a finger up. “This is my special investigation suit. If I’m going to play the part, I have to look the part.”

Jimin rolled his eyes while Hyesoon laughed quietly.

“Second of all, I brought my laptop along just in case.”

He lifted his laptop out of the black leather briefcase and set it on the table. 

“Okay, first of all,” Jimin imitated. “This is not a movie. We’re just planning a simple break-in, not some big Hollywood invasion, so next time try to dress a little more inconspicuous. Second of all, good thinking man. We could do with some of your know-how.”

“Wait, how is Taehyung’s laptop going to help us get into the security room?” Hyesoon asked.

“As much as Taehyung might at video games, he’s an expert when it comes to software and databases and all that crap. I didn’t want to admit it before but he might be the key for us getting in there. Literally.”

“Oh,” Hyesoon hummed curiously. “So you can try to figure out the code?”

“I’ll do my best. Just give me as much information as you have on the room and I’ll see what I can do.”

Taehyung opened his laptop and began tapping away at the keyboard. Even though it wasn’t exactly the cinematic experience he was hoping for, it felt good doing something this rebellious. He would have never expected to be sitting there, amongst clouds of coffee and murmured conversations, with Hyesoon and Jimin of all people trying to break into the school’s security room. It was almost a dream come true so he was excited about that at least.

He looked up, a smile spread across his face and a glint in his eyes. “Where should we start?”




Jungkook entered school on Monday morning, passing the black iron gates, a few teachers and the hallways that led to his first class. On the way there his coach, Mr. Jung caught up with him, reminding him of basketball practice that day after school. Jungkook felt like things were going okay for once in a long time. His attendance was fine, basketball season was finally starting and he still had his closest friends. Even things with Jaera seemed to be smoothing out. Nothing could bring him down, not even his history teacher who forced everybody to write an essay on one of their textbook chapters.

He was sitting in his second class, completely immersed in taking notes when his teacher suddenly called his name. She was standing by the door with a slight grin on her face.

“You’ve got a visitor,” she said, waving him over.

He was confused, of course, but he slowly slid out of his seat and walked over to her. He didn’t know what he was expecting. Half of him was wondering if all his nightmares were finally going to come true and he’d see Jin on the other side of the door, while the other half was hoping for any other possibility.

“Holy crap,” he muttered when he reached the entrance. “Yoongi hyung!”

The said boy smiled, revealing his bright pink gums and opened his arms for a hug. “Jungkookie...”

Jungkook embraced him for a while then stood back, beaming in disbelief. “What did you do to your hair?”

Yoongi ruffled his lime green locks and sighed. “I lost a bet with Namjoon.”

“Namjoon?! Is he here too?”

“Nah, it’s just me. I finally got a day off college and I wanted to see you guys. Where are the other little s?”

“They’re probably in class, too. Should we go get them?” He looked back at his teacher, who nodded approvingly. Being the most popular boys in school sure had its perks.

Yoongi sent her a heart-warming smile and gestured at Jungkook. “C’mon, let’s go.”

They began making their way to Jimin and Taehyung’s classes, updating each other on their lives. Yoongi couldn’t believe Jungkook was living with Jaera, and Jungkook was stunned when Yoongi told him about his close call with the police just weeks before. When the group was finally complete, the four of them slipped out of the main school grounds and headed to the dance studio.

“You guys actually got the key?” Yoongi stood bewildered, gazing around the room he’d once frequented every day.

“Jimin got it last week,” Taehyung said. “We’ve been coming here ever since.”

“And nobody’s caught you guys?”

“Nope,” Jimin stated proudly. “When Mr. Kim banned everybody from coming here, he also had all the surveillance cameras removed. Nobody knows about this place, except us.”

Jungkook’s lips twisted. “Well... I wouldn’t say nobody...”

“What do you mean?” Jimin asked.

“I didn’t tell you guys before, but I was here on Saturday. And Jaera kinda followed me.”

“Dude!” Jimin groaned. “We have to keep this on the down low. I told you already, Mr. Kim’s got his eyes on us. If this gets out, we’re done.”

“I know. It’s not my fault. I was stressed out and it’s not like I told her to follow me.”

“Do you think she’ll tell anyone?” Taehyung asked.

“I don’t think so...”

“Wait a minute,” Yoongi chimed in. “I’m lost here. So Jaera, the girl who has been your sworn enemy since, like, birth followed you to this forbidden dance studio, and that’s a problem because Mr. Kim is keeping an eye on you guys... I leave for half a year and come back to this. What the hell is going on?”

“Oh man, that’s just the beginning,” Jimin said, shaking his head.

“I don’t think my mind’s ready for this so early in the morning,” Yoongi said. “Can we please get a quick dance in first before you three explain it all.”

“Hell yeah!” the three cheered.

Jungkook watched in delight as his friends gathered together, practicing one of their all-time favorite songs. It was as close to the old days as he could get. Their smiles radiated through the room as music pulsed beneath their feet. Jungkook only wished the day could last forever, but it wasn’t long before they were worn out from dancing. Collapsing onto the floor, Jimin finally filled Yoongi in on their current situation.

“I think I understand now,” Yoongi said when Jimin was done. “But what are you guys going to do? You still have to find a way to get into the security room – “

“I’m working on that,” Taehyung commented.

“And Jungkook still has to find a way to become friends with Jaera before Mr. Kim goes all psycho on you all. Plus, basketball season’s starting now.”

“I know,” Jungkook muttered. “It’s stressing me out enough already without everybody else pointing out how difficult this is.”

“Look, man.” Yoongi sent Jungkook a consoling look. “I know you. You’re a fighter, literally. So one way or another, you’ll get through it. But there’s something else I wanted to tell you guys. I don’t know if now is exactly the best time, but – “

“Just tell us,” Jimin assured.

“Okay. On my way here, I stopped at the gas station, picked up a few things. Then when I was getting back in my car, I happened to look at my rear view mirror and I saw... I saw Jin.”

“Jin? As in Kim Seokjin?” Jimin exclaimed.

“The one and only.”

“Which gas station?”

Yoongi sighed. “The one a few blocks from here.”

Jungkook’s blood ran cold.

“He’s back,” Yoongi said in a low voice. “I don’t know how or why he’s here, but he’s back.”

And just like that, Jungkook’s mood shifted. The air was thick and hot around him.

Jimin frowned. “Do you think he... I mean, there has to be a reason why he’d come back to this place. Do you think he’s here for us?”

The boys immediately looked at Jungkook, sharing the same expression.

Yoongi shook his head. “I have no clue. But, whatever it is, keep an eye out.”

“That could explain why Mr. Kim’s been acting so dodgy lately, though.”

“Well, not really,” Taehyung added. “Maybe he’s just here for a quick visit. Like Yoongi, maybe he got a day off and wanted to visit his dad...”

Jungkook suddenly stood up, shooting towards the door.

“Jungkook, wait!” Jimin demanded, but it was no use. The younger boy was already out, leaving the rest of them to sit in disbelief.

“I hope you’re right, Taehyung,” Jimin spoke. “For Jungkook’s sake, I hope you’re right.”




Jaera and Hyesoon walked to their lockers after the final bell rang, discussing their recent Media project. They had to choose a few films to write an essay on, highlighting one main theme, so they were listing a few movies they could possibly watch. It would be like a study session that doubled as a sleepover, which was one of the reasons Jaera loved the subject so much.

“What about The Godfather? That has quite a few good scenes in it we could write about,” Hyesoon suggested.

“Mmm, that sounds good. Then we could watch a few other gangster films, link them together.”

“For sure.” Hyesoon opened her locker, threw her books in and shut it, leaning against the door. “So when should we do it? You free today? I could pop home and download them and then meet you at yours.”

“Crap... I’ve got work today.”

“Oh my God! Your first day,” she exclaimed. “Are you excited?”

Jaera grinned. “A little. I don’t really know what I’m going to have to do, but it’s music, so c’mon, it’s going to be pretty amazing.”

“Yeah. How about tomorrow?”

Jaera nodded. “That should be fine. I’ll check my roster with Chanyeol and let you know.”

“Okay. I better get going now, then. Promised my mom I’d help her with dinner...” She groaned.

Jaera laughed. “Alright, good luck with that.”

Hyesoon pulled Jaera in for a quick hug. “I’ll text you.”

“Okay, bye.”

The two parted ways and Jaera headed straight to the records store. There was an unusual spring in her step as she walked. She hummed a tune to herself, admiring everything around her on the way. Even though it was the same old buildings and trees she passed every day, it all seemed brighter when she was in a good mood.

A small bell tinkled when she strolled through the doors of Sooman Records. Chanyeol, as always, greeted her with a giant smile.

“Jaera! Right on time,” he said, glancing at his watch. “Come with me. I’ll get you a name badge and then you can start on your first tasks.”

Jaera obediently followed him to the back room, setting her stuff down. After pinning her shiny name badge on, Chanyeol showed her the area she was assigned to. All she had to do was sort the CDs into alphabetical order, make a few fancy price tags, fill in the new shipments and generally keep everything neat and tidy. With music playing in the background and a relatively peaceful atmosphere, her mood was better than ever.

Chanyeol was right, she thought to herself. This is a pretty sweet job.


On the other hand, Jungkook was struggling at his first basketball practice. They had already been through a couple of drills with their coach, the same ones they did every year; they were practically engrained in the back of Jungkook’s mind now, but for some reason, today his game was off.

He sighed and ran a hand through his damp hair. The coach’s whistle blew and the team lined up.

“Good work everybody,” Mr. Jung said. “Now get into two teams and we’ll have a little game.”

They all followed his instruction, falling into two even groups. Jungkook wasn’t even focusing so he aimlessly wandered over to one of the groups and grabbed the basketball. They all took their positions, Jungkook twisted the ball between his hands and waited for the coach’s whistle.

As soon as the game started, the ball was snatched out of his hands by the opposing team. He tried to retrieve it but it’s like everybody was suddenly moving too fast for him. It was all a blur of red and black. His teammates noticed at times, pushing him forward and giving him an encouraging pat on the back but it was no use. He just couldn’t control his thoughts. Even in the middle of the game, all he could think about was the fact that Jin was actually back in town. It was like a dangerous race. He was trying to escape his past, but the further he ran, the closer it got. He could see it so clearly now; everything he’d done catching up to him.

Before he could react, the basketball suddenly came flying towards his face, colliding with his cheek. He wasn’t hurt but it took him by surprise.

“Come on, man!” one of his teammates shouted. “What are you doing?”

Jungkook dazedly looked around. Everyone was staring at him like he’d gone crazy. The coach called his name, waving him over to the sidelines.

“What’s wrong?” he asked.

Jungkook avoided his gaze. “Nothing, sir. I’m just a bit tired.”

“Well, you better wake up, son,” Mr. Jung growled. “This is only our first practice and so far I haven’t seen anything good come out of you. It’s like you’ve suddenly forgotten how to play.”

“I haven’t,” Jungkook protested. “I’ll try my best from now on.”

“You’ve gotta do better than your best. You’re our star player. If you start messing up, what’s going to happen to the rest of the team? We’re all counting on you to bring us to the championships.”

Well, maybe everybody should just stop counting on me.

“You got that, Jungkook?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Good. Now go home and get some rest. I expect you in top shape at tomorrow’s practice.”

Jungkook stood, stunned. He’d never been sent home from a practice in his whole three years of playing.

“Go on!” Mr. Jung snapped. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Jungkook nodded slowly and made his way to the locker room. Everything was still hazy, his thoughts were too clouded. Mindlessly, he grabbed his bag and began to walk home. The air was getting chillier, brushing against his face, but he was numb to it. Even people he walked past weren’t really there in his mind. He was like a zombie, stuck in his thoughts, his feet carrying him home only by memory of the journey he took every day.


Jaera tore open another box of brand new CDs. Their covers glinted in the fluorescent light and she grinned with joy. Carefully, she lifted a generous pile out and carried them to their respective shelves. After emptying all the CDs into their correct place, she stood back with pride, admiring her work. She’d spent a good half hour making new labels for the shelves so customers could find things easier and now that she had finished her last box, she didn’t know what to do with herself. Maybe I should find Chanyeol and ask him what to do next.

She wandered around, her attention occasionally getting caught by some of the items on sale, but she couldn’t see the cheerful giant anywhere. Even the cashier hadn’t seen him in a while. She shrugged and decided to rearrange the front displays instead. A local band was having a concert nearby in a few weeks so she thought it was a good idea to put a few of their CDs and posters around the window where everybody could see. She didn’t even know if she was allowed to be messing around in that area, but she didn’t see anything wrong with it.

A few minutes later, she was smoothing out one of the posters that wouldn’t stick properly when she saw a familiar face across the road.

He’s leaving school a little late...

She let the poster fall to the ground and ran outside the store, stopping just at the edge of the curb.

“Jungkook!” she called out.

He didn’t respond, even when she waved her arms about like a lunatic.

“Jungkook! Yo! Loser! Idiot! Yah!”

Frustrated, she gave up and dropped her arms by her sides, watching him as he walked. He looked strange. Like a blind person who was just waiting to get hit by a car or walk into a pole. She looked back at the store, contemplating for a bit. I’m sure it’ll be alright if I have a five minute break, she decided. Keeping an eye on him, she sprinted across the street to catch up to Jungkook, calling out his name.

“Hey!” she yelled, punching his shoulder when she’d reached him.

He just kept walking and she huffed. Man, maybe I should start taking midday jogs.

She tried to keep up. “Hello?” she said, but he didn’t even acknowledge her.

“What the hell... Jungkook?”

He stopped. His eyes were still focused on the pavement, his face as emotionless as a rock. She started to worry.

“Hey...” she said in a softer tone. “What... Are you okay?”

A sign of recognition seemed to flicker across his face and he finally looked at her. She saw pain in his eyes and it scared her more than usual. Jungkook blinked a few times until he realized who he was staring at.



He opened his mouth to speak but then closed it. He had lost track of where he was and he was confused.

“Are you okay?” she asked again.

“I... I don’t know.”

She frowned, taking in the sight of him. Tentatively, she took a step closer and held him by his shoulders, eyeing him closely. She had never done that before and it didn’t go unnoticed by him because he leaned back a little in surprise.

“Are you high?”

He suddenly snapped out of his confused state and shook himself out of her grip. “What? No, I’m fine. What are you doing here?”

Well, that was a quick transformation.

“I’m working across the street,” she said, pointing to the records store.

He rolled his eyes, disinterested. “Then why don’t you go back? You don’t have to walk me home.”

“Wha – I wasn’t going to. I just – “

“You just nothing,” he snapped. “Why are you still standing here? Go.”

She was speechless.

“Whatever.” He turned to leave.

“Wait! Jungkook?”

She tried to reach out for him but he was already storming away. She watched his back and stamped a foot on the ground in anger. In much the same way as Jungkook, she marched back to work, raging thoughts wrestling in her mind.


That jerk. He hasn’t changed at all.






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Y'all I got a new laptop finally, so I can start writing my story again T-T over a year later fmllll


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july-pupetta #1
Chapter 23: i found your story just yesterday and i love it, it's one of my favorite :D. i had fun so much fun reading jungkook and jaera hate love relationship XD. i liked how they became friends, i love their interactions they are so cuteeeeee.
and of course love vmin and hyesoo , the friendship of the five is beautiful <3
i'm looking forward to your next update :):D
Chapter 24: Unexpected visit eh? Jungkook, you're a softie now! Look at him being all excited to see her again and didn't care about anything else but to see her, so cute!
Chapter 23: Hyesoon!! Oh no they're in trouble
Pontaxx #4
Chapter 3: Okay if i was jaera i would seriously kill jungkook this is beyond my limits
Mrs_Sacak #5
Chapter 22: I JUST GOT BACK ONLINED AFTER A LONG HIATUS. I somehow got a lot to read(newly updated other ffs) BUT I WAS LOOKING FOR THIS FIC(tbh, i ditch the others cough.) This fic really got me engaged, I just love see Jungkook's & Jaera's progress every chapter. Its so heartwarming and I cld relate in it btw HAHAHAHA. Anyway, I'm lookin forward to the next update, (gotta chill down my curiousity, & dont torture me like this. Y uSTOP AT CLIFFHANGERS OMT CRY
angz16 #6
Chapter 22: He heard it OMG! That was so sweet! Taehyun you little sly kid!! I loved it so much. This fanfic is soo good and I believe it deserves much more attention! To be honest with you, this is one of the first BTS fanfics I've ever read (despite being a fan since 'I need you' came out) and that makes me feel like such a crappy fan xD I actually read more EXO fanfics but since I love BTS so freaking much AND Jungkook is my bias, I wanted to give it a shot. I was not dissapointed at all! You're such a great writter, keep it up! :D
Chapter 22: The hell! This is soooo cute! Hahahahaha. Kookie caught Jaera's confession.

Why do I feel that it was Mr. Kim's plan about the girl, Sunmi, that kissed kookie. And is she the girl in his nightmares? Also, why do I have the feeling that Mr. Kwang has some hidden agenda?
I winder who was stalking Jaera? And the man behind the incident?

But love kookie and jaera's moment! And also Jimin and hyesoon's! Hahahaha.
CupOfTaeWith2Suga #8
Chapter 21: Plz update soon!!
Hello! I recently recommended your story here:
Please comment or pm me if you would like for it to be taken down. Thank you c:
annurANN #10
Ouh thnx author for this chap..plizz continue asap..cant wait !!!!!