
Welcome to the 7 Deadly Sins

Zico was standing in front of you, a cheeky yet devilish smile on his lips. 


He was looking like a giant doll in his outfit, his black coat perfectly lying on his shoulders, the white decoration on it making it look a bit navy style. The big, white ribbon around his neck was fitting perfectly to his white stockings which showed generously because of his very short trousers which were not even touching his knees. A black hat was giving him the perfect finish, covering the colors underneath and even making his hair look normal in their rose blonde tone.


„I need to apologize.“, he said and reached out his hand to you. 


Your reaction left much to be desired as you could only look at his palm, shaking your head.


Zico slowly took his hand back and moved his jar, thinking about what he could say to make you trust him at least a bit. 


„I guess there is no help. But I’ll make you an offer now and it’s up to you if you agree to it or not.“, he started to explain and again gave you that alluring smile you didn’t want to see. 


The shock was deeply felt, you couldn’t trust anybody in this place. Even Jaehyo you had trusted in the end was a maniac who had attempted to murder you. The people working at the 7 Deadly Sins were all insane, there was no exception.


„You might think we’re all insane…“


You hit the Jackpot, Baby.


„…but all in all we have to consider that you’re here with us, so you must be insane yourself. Am I right?“


Of course he was not! You didn’t stay because you wanted to, you had tried to escape often enough!


„So my offer is this: You’re free from this point on. Free to stay or to go. I’ll invite you as a guest at the 7 Deadly Sins, you can enjoy our theme park and all of the shows. Or you can go home immediately…if you find the way out.“


You would. You already found the way out of the puzzling building, you would also find a way back to the road and then return to the civilization where everybody was right in their minds.


„If you stay and enjoy the show, I will see you in the evening and explain to you why you’re here. What do you say?“


The reason why you ended up at the 7 Deadly Sins… no matter how tempting freedom seemed, you wanted to know why the car had brought you to a place like this. You wanted to know why you had been captured inside the worst nightmare ever with the weirdest people imaginable.








The circus director showed you a room in which you could change into more comfortable clothes, offering you an outfit you would enjoy the evening in. It was consisting of black leather shorts, a silver jacket, black fishnet tights and knee - high black boots.


Zico had promised that once you would leave the building, the theme park would be a sea of lights and fun - and he didn’t promise you too much.


The whole park was sparkling in colorful lights, the way plastered with signs on which the triplet 7 was written on or the word ‚Jackpot‘. Loud, happy circus music was booming through the whole establishment, the whole place being extremely crowded.


You passed a lot of buildings where glass walls were separating the visitors from the circus staff who were playing instruments or dancing behind it. Women in revealing clothes in different colors were dancing on the way, the decoration on their outfits glimmering in the lights of the lightbulb installations throughout the park. 


Circus hoops on fire, fire breathers and more were catching your attention. You watched their shows curiously, finding yourself enjoying this place after all that had happened. You even passed by Kyung who was carried away by his two chubby Hawaiian - looking assistants and Taeil who was kicking giant red and white balloons through the park as if he was mistaking himself for some tiger or lion. B-Bomb was delivering an awesome magic show, Jaehyo assisting him, U-Kwon found himself some people to gamble with at a white, long table and P.O was moderating some of the shows, giving amusing comments and looking great in his neat, white suit.


For the first time you didn’t see the guys as dangerous and crazy, you acknowledged them as performers who did their jobs great and enjoyed their life in front of the visitors. 


You actually had fun watching the shows and enjoying the afternoon until it was replaced by twilight and fireworks were letting the day pass in an even more enjoyable way.



The end was close and so was Zico. He was waiting for you in front of a circus tent, again reaching his hand out to you - this time you took it appreciating and followed him inside the empty tent.


There must had been a great party inside before you entered, a lot of trashed equipment was lying around, waiting to be tidied up.


„So, you want to know why you’re here.“, Zico said, wearing a poker face.


„Yes.“, you answered a bit sheepishly, afraid of what would await you as an answer. You weren’t sure if you could take the truth but curiosity won over rationality, hence you had to stay and listen.


„This place is symbolizing the rotten world outside. What you witnessed were seven sins embodied by seven men, each of them being the spawn of their cruel nature.“, the ringmaster explained to you and started walking in circles around you. „What I’m saying is…that we are the 7 Deadly Sins.“


His voice was right behind you, when he said it. You turned around but he was gone.


„I’m Pride“, P.O was suddenly standing next to you. His appearance was so sudden, you flinched back in shock, “which is shown in today’s society by how people are living above their standards, egoistic and self-centered. Charity is unknown to them.“


„I’m Greed.“, again another one of them appeared out of the blue next to you, causing you to wince and turn around to him. It was U-Kwon, „I represent human’s addiction to possess material goods in excess. Sharing is not caring in this case and my desire for more literally makes me walk over dead bodies.“


The next one to appear was Taeil. „I’m Gluttony, I’m standing for overindulgence and overconsumption. I can never be satisfied…that’s why usual food is not enough for me anymore.“


While Taeil was talking, you tried to get where Zico had gone. It couldn’t be that he was gone. You saw him around just a few moments ago!


„I’m Wrath. The desire for revenge and the uncontrollable rage and impatience of human beings is what’s giving me strength. My nature is destructive.“, the blonde knife thrower was appearing in front of you but he wasn’t looking dangerous right now. Kyung was looking…blank. Like any other of them. It seemed as if their personalities were gone.


B-Bomb showed up next, the sudden appearances weren’t as shocking as in the beginning anymore. „I’m Lust, driven by intense and uncontrolled desire. Society is full of uncontrolled ual wants…they’re lacking of self - control. Even to the point that they commit crimes.“


Following and finally closing the circle around you was Jaehyo. „I’m Envy who is the insatiable incarnation of the discontent feeling towards other’s traits, status, abilities, rewards and…possessions. My nature is shaped by jealousy that can’t be stopped even by love or friendship.“


Each of them had introduced themselves to you… but one was missing.


„So who are you?“, you called for Zico and stepped forwards, passing by the other guys who didn’t move an inch from where they had appeared.


„I’m Sloth.“


Zico was standing on a pedestal, looking up at the lights at the ceiling like some mythological god. 


„I’m the one who refuses everything. Even religion and sanity. I’m the one being the most dangerous at this place… because I’m the one who will ask you to stay here and abandon the world you used to know.“


He turned his head towards you, his eyes focusing yours.


„World is a spoiled place, it’s rotting and decaying, humankind fighting themselves, competing themselves, mindlessly self- indulging in the sins we offer.“


Zico stepped down his pedestal and walked straight at you, grabbing your hand and tilting his head to the side.


„Do you want to live in a place created by people like that? Or do you want to stay with us, enjoying life as a never ending playground?“, he asked, his voice wrapping you in a comfortable feeling. „We’re living in a world in which our rules are the ones to follow, your rules.“


You were returning his look, blinking, slowly understanding his words.


„This is my kingdom and I wish you to be my queen in here.“


The ringmaster was waiting for an answer, but so were you.


„I still don’t know why I’m here.“, you reminded him of his promise to tell you why you were taken hostage at this place.


He couldn’t help but start to laugh when you said it.


„Don’t ask why you’re here… rather ask how you got here.“





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Chapter 9: So she's mental since the start? I'm confused huhu Im probably the only dumb one
GREAT STORY THO i hope it was longer :(
Chapter 9: This was great! I got shocked by the ending but somewhere along the ride i thought that might be it!
Loved it :D
average_aqua #4
Chapter 9: it's nice to read this kind of story once in a while
SilentFluffyWolf #5
Chapter 9: Oh my! This ending surprised me. I really love the concept of the story. You should keep writing stories like this:)!
Chapter 9: Psychology is by far my favorite.This is by far the best ever!
I love how you 'ended' it.perfect setting,I was always on edge.
Chapter 8: This chapter was reaalllyy good omgg zico doeee ..
I reread the story as a whole after your latest update...and if this story is going where I think it will, you're a freaking genius!
Please update soon, I can't wait for the revelation!
Chapter 7: Zicozicozicozicozicozicoooo okay enough fangirling, this chapter was fun! I love the characters xD looking forward to the next chapter :)