
Welcome to the 7 Deadly Sins

When you opened your eyes again, your whole body was moving. It was either your body or your surroundings and to be honest you didn’t know what would be worse. You just knew that you were slowly but for sure getting motion - sick from the continual turns.


Blinking to get a clear sight of the still sleep soaked eyes, you step by step figured where you had been taken to.


You were still outside but the ground was covered with sand and the things standing around revealed that you had remained at the circus ground. There were giant balls rolling around, wooden boxes and decoration that made it look as if this part was some pirate adventure playground. Night must have come as the fog had started to crawl over the whole amusement park and spread like thick walls. Still, the night sky was enlightened by the massive floodlights of the 7 Deadly Sins. It was difficult to see through the fog walls mixed with the lights of the park as they were blocking any chance to see what exactly was around the place where you had been captured.


The worst you noticed the last. Someone had pinned you at a giant, wooden wheel and turning your head to the right and the left you saw two chubby women in Hawaiian dresses spinning the wheel. They were looking amused by their doing, smiling delightfully at you but none of them dared to say a single word even after noticing that you had come back to your senses.


The spinning wheel caused you a sudden nausea that weighed heavily on your stomach.


„W-Where am I?!“, you panicked and tried to free your arms from the wheel just to realize they were sticking at it like super - glued. Your hands were wrapped around two wooden sticks and loosening the grip around them let you feel something sticky in your palms. Perplexed you looked at them, seeing the red, glutinous substance spread on your skin. 


Was that…blood?


A short yelp escaped your lips and you looked down at yourself, checking if there was more of the substance. 


Yes, it was.


Under your body, the whole wheel was full of splattered blood. Was that yours? Or worse, was that someone else’s blood? With all the might you could bring up, you tried to move and get off the damn wheel but your body was just jerking stupidly around without any success coming off the weird installation.


The second shock haunted you, when you noticed that someone had changed you into different clothes. 


Your dress was gone and replaced by some black, waist -high shorts, a black pantyhose and red and white stockings that matched the new top with an american flag style on it.




In front of you a blonde guy was glancing back at you, his face looking extremely young and cheerful. He was smiling encouragingly, even a bit playful. The boy was dressed in black, his pants reminding you more of a knee - length skirt.  Thick pearls were gracing his neck and another row of little, shining pearls tangling to his wrist. He was carrying an umbrella with him which you could identify as the turning circle umbrella that you had looked at before the hypnosis had taken you out of the world of waking people. In the end you seemed to have found the culprit of your latest kidnapping.


„You hit the jackpot, baby!“ The umbrella guy declared joyful and stepped towards the wheel the two ladies were still turning from right to left, your head seesawing with each movement. His moves almost reminded you of dancing steps, but you weren’t too sure as the turns from one side to another were blurring your sight with giddiness.


„My name is Kyung and you’re the star of my show! I’m one of the main events at the 7 Deadly Sins! I’m the knife thrower!“


His arms were raised into the air, a row of perfect looking teeth shining in the brightest smile you had seen amongst the circus staff.


With flickering eyes you stared at him in silence. Did he just say he was a knife thrower and that you were the star at his show?


Your mouth dropped when the thought that the blood you were pinned at was probably from former stars of his shows slowly spread in your head. Being a knife thrower didn’t mean that he was a good one! And if you were right and he was bad, the next one who would bleed to death like a pig for slaughter was you!


Kyung walked to one of the boxes on which a collection of knives was waiting for him. He placed the umbrella next to the box and grabbed one of the knives before he walked past the wheel with it, your eyes following him in extreme strain and stress.


He would throw that knife at you every moment.


„I hope I won’t kill you now… that would mean that my star for the actual show couldn’t attend.“


This was practice? You were about to die for a stupid practice?! Thinking of it, there was no audience around. If that was good or bad news would show in a few minutes…


„But don’t worry, my dear. People might call me incapable but I will prove them wrong. I’m still young and once I age, I bet my wallet will become very flexible with all the fame I gain!“


Kyung seemed overly confident about his job and pulled the first knife out of the scabbard. He started to focus on your head and left you in blank fear. 


Don’t! Don’t! Don’t! Your thoughts were flashing over each other.


You pinched your eyes together to not see when the dagger would come at you. Yet, Kyung was torturing you by counting down.


„Three… two… one…“


„STOP! WAIT! I’M NOT READY FOR THAT!“, you screamed but the sound of the metal hitting the wood just a few inches next to your head forced an outcry out of your lungs, followed by fearful silence. You slowly turned your head, facing the knife that could have killed you. It was still vibrating, an ice cold shudder forcing your body to copy the trembling of it.


„Nice shot!“, one of the women who were turning the wheel applauded but Kyung’s happiness was gone the moment the knife was stuck in the wood.


„Shut up…!“, he hissed at her and approached you to get his knife back. „That was a bad swing…I should have hit this spot…!“


He pulled the knife out of the wood to slam it back into it exactly next to your head. Your whole body was frozen when you felt the cold metal touching your skin. Even your throat felt dried out completely, when death was so near to you, that you could feel it directly on your skin.


„Shaking hands with those who ignored me instead of getting revenge… my , Zico, what the heck do you advise me to…“, the blonde boy was rather talking to himself than to any of you. Kyung looked extremely angered, his gentle and even to some point naive looking face had changed into someone who was eaten away by hatred and wrath. How could a cute looking guy change into a monstrous lunatic?


The knife again pulled out of the wood, he threw it at the ground and scowled at you with intense hostility. 


„They should all be careful…my necktie and wristwatch can become a collar and handcuffs at any time…“, he mumbled and then directed his words at the women.


„Bring me my whip!“


Whip?! What?! NO!!!


What did he all of a sudden wanted with a whip?


Wasn’t the knife throwing enough for now? Why did he need a whip?!


You were pretty sure that even though his knife had missed you, the whip wouldn’t. And being whipped to death would be probably more painful then being poniarded by one of his flying daggers.


„WAIT!“, you screamed tearful. 


This was a nightmare! The guys one after another became worse and worse. After meeting the cannibal Taeil, you didn’t expect someone who wanted to cause you more pain than him. Taeil had wanted to eat you but Kyung only wanted to abuse you to release his anger.


„WHY DO YOU DO THIS?!“, you cried, hot tears covering your whole face. „WHY DO YOU NEED TO HURT ME?!“


This wasn’t all, you wanted to scream your heart out to stop him but the whip arrived too quickly and when he whipped at the ground and the angst - inducing blow was so loud, it even drowned your voice, you stopped and faced the cruel fate he was holding in his hands.


„Why I do this?…because I can.“


Kyung was already hauling off to blow the first strike at you when there was someone who suddenly stopped him.


„Is this how you treat your guests?“



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Chapter 9: So she's mental since the start? I'm confused huhu Im probably the only dumb one
GREAT STORY THO i hope it was longer :(
Chapter 9: This was great! I got shocked by the ending but somewhere along the ride i thought that might be it!
Loved it :D
average_aqua #4
Chapter 9: it's nice to read this kind of story once in a while
SilentFluffyWolf #5
Chapter 9: Oh my! This ending surprised me. I really love the concept of the story. You should keep writing stories like this:)!
Chapter 9: Psychology is by far my favorite.This is by far the best ever!
I love how you 'ended' it.perfect setting,I was always on edge.
Chapter 8: This chapter was reaalllyy good omgg zico doeee ..
I reread the story as a whole after your latest update...and if this story is going where I think it will, you're a freaking genius!
Please update soon, I can't wait for the revelation!
Chapter 7: Zicozicozicozicozicozicoooo okay enough fangirling, this chapter was fun! I love the characters xD looking forward to the next chapter :)