
Welcome to the 7 Deadly Sins

„Well, well… then welcome to the 7 Deadly Sins!“


The strange person sitting on the table suddenly jumped up, the lamp which was hanging from the ceiling swinging dangerously around and almost hitting your head. At least you weren’t blinded anymore and were able to finally catch a glimpse of the alleged kidnapper.


It was a guy with silver hair, multiple colored streaks in it, the colors already fading. He wore black jeans with masses of silver chains on it, a matching black top, two silver, thick necklaces and a hot pink Kimono coat with golden patterns embroidered on it. The huge cross hanging on his right ear was tangling just as wildly as the lamp before.


„W-who are you?! Why a-am I here?!“, you blurted out, grabbing the little bits of courage you had left and only to defend yourself in this position.


The kidnapper went back into a hunkering position, grabbing the lamp to direct it straight into your face again. You felt like being in a police questioning and this guy was looking intimidating to a very  alarming extent.


„Human greed is endless…and they repeat the same mistakes over and over again. If you live leniently and try for success, you won’t make it halfway.“, the guy started his explanation but to you his words sounded more like confused gibberish of a crackpot. „You tossed the dice of destiny when you entered our cursed playground and now you can’t allow yourself to make even a single mistake.“ The maniac moved his upper body forwards towards you, so his face was only a few inches away from yours. He was looking intensely at you with his light blue, greenish eyes.  „Life outside is about getting rich or dying…do you understand me?“


He jumped off the table and moved next to you, laying one of his arms around your shoulders. Your whole body started trembling in fear when he touched you and you realized that this was not a dream but actual reality.


„Let’s survive and go…otherwise nobody, nobody, nobody knows.“, he sang into your ear and got you up from your chair before he walked you around the table and straight to the door at the end of the weird room.


What did he mean with all of what he had said?! Survive? You had to survive? Did he plan to kill you?! 


„N-No, no! This is a misunderstanding! P-Please, I…-!“, you tried to talk to him but he wasn’t even listening. His eyes were directed at the door in front, his lips forming a bright but evil grin while he was pushing you forwards.


When you reached the door and he touched the doorknob you felt like your life would end every moment and when he opened it and pushed you, you were thrown into a sea of red…


The red was everywhere. It was on the floor, on the walls and even the furniture was mainly red. 


With a loud creak the door behind you was closed and after turning around you figured that the maniac had left you alone. He had locked you into a red room…but you didn’t know why. 


„Hey!“, you called for him and hammered against the door. 


No reaction. 


With a sigh you turned around to check the room. There was a window but it was none to be opened. It was a stained glass window which even prevented you from looking outside. Next to the windows there were several antlers and padded birds decorating the walls and setting the only colorful accents next to the black ornaments on them. In the middle of the room there was a red sofa and a red armchair, in the corner of the room there was an old piano and next to the door a big, golden mirror.


Frustrated about the current situation you sat down on the sofa and screamed. You screamed your heart out, while tears of fear and desperation were running down your face. 


What the hell was wrong with this place and how on earth did you end up here?! What did that crazy guy want of you and how would you get out again?!






You didn’t know if you had slept through the night or not but you must have slept pretty bad because when you woke up you felt heavy fatigue stuck in your bones. 


You were slowly blinking when you clapped eyes on another guy’s face in front of yours. He wasn’t even noticing that you were awake while scanning your body with an intense glance, seeming deep in his thoughts.


The guy was pretty. He had a handsome, flower boyish face, only his hair and tuxedo was looking weird. His hair had the color of a rather blueish rain cloud and his tuxedo had the pattern of a chess board on it.


„Oh…! You’re awake!“, he greeted you with a gentle smile when he noticed your eyes being opened. The guy tried to touch your shoulder but you immediately flinched back. „…you don’t need to be afraid of me…! My name is Jaehyo and I’m the 7 Deadly Sins’ tailor!“


Jaehyo got up and held his hand out to you to help you up from the sofa but you shook your head and got up by yourself. 


„Why am I here?! What are you going to do to me?!“, you rushed and grabbed Jaehyo’s arms to shake him furiously.


„Hey! Calm down!“, he stopped you by snatching your arms and holding you still, „I don’t know what Zico told you…or how he told you but this is our home and working place. Since you came here it means you’ll have to work here, too. That’s why I’m here. I have to take your measures to design an outfit for you.“


Work? What kind of work? The crazy guy, whose name apparently was Zico, had told you about surviving something. How dangerous must the work have been so he had to tell you to survive?


„What kind of work do I have to do?“, you wanted to know and caused Jaehyo to frown.


„I’m not sure…“, he answered. „It’s all about gaining money. It doesn’t matter how you gain it, you just have to gain some…otherwise Zico will take care of it.“


And with taking care of it did Jaehyo mean Zico would kill you?


„T-Take…care of it?“


Jaehyo simply smiled over it. „Follow me.“, he told you without further explanation and left the room through the door Zico had thrown you through to lock you up. You quickly followed Jaehyo, scared that the door might be locked again and you would stay in the room until Zico would show up again.


Zico was the last you wanted to meet.


The tailor led you through several rooms and floors, all painted in the weirdest colors and patterns on it. The whole building looked like the inside of a mental ill person’s head. In one of the rooms there was a big, old stage on which a couple of musicians and dancers were practicing. Nobody had explained to you what this place actually was. This was a theme park, wasn’t it? But the wooden, rotten stage looked more likely like the object of a circus or theater. 


The artists on the stage all stopped as Jaehyo and you entered and not only their eyes but also their heads were following every of your movements when you passed the room. It made you more than uncomfortable to be watched like this and you were even scared to cross glances with just a single one of them.


When Jaehyo finally stopped, you found yourself standing in a bright room in which not only the walls and the floor but also the ceiling had the same pattern as the tailor’s suit. In front of a row of mirrors, each of them surrounded by white light bulbs, another man in a white tuxedo was standing on a pedestal. Until now, his hair was the weirdest.


The purple hair on his head didn’t look just unnatural…it looked plastic. As if it was no real hair.


„What are you doing here again, P.O? I told you I need the room today!“, Jeahyo complained when he saw the purple guy.


„It’s my right to be here. I needed to check my outfit.“, P.O answered without looking away from his own reflection in the mirror. He was fixing his already perfectly styled hair and made sure the purple eye make - up was still alright. 


To you he seemed like the weirdest snob ever. Everything on him screamed extravagant and expensive. From his golden glasses, the expensive looking watch on his wrist to the brand new leather shoes his arrogance was shining to the highest operational standard.


You were a bit amazed by his looks, he was about to sparkle as pale and white he was. If there hadn’t been the black thing in his hand he was taking out of his pockets.


It was black, it was big and it was moving. It was… a bug. 


„Come, get on this one!“, Jaehyo told you and pointed at another pedestal that was on the opposite of the room. You stepped on it and could watch P.O in the mirror in front of you while Jaehyo was properly taking measures.


P.O didn’t just carried a bug with him as some kind of pet. He was eating it. He was eating a freaking stag beetle! And he even looked as if he was enjoying it!


When you witnessed the perfect looking guy eating a bug, you couldn’t help but gag on it. It was too disgusting not to.


„What…?“, the guy asked, immediately noticing that you were reacting on him. He stepped down his pedestal and slowly moved towards you. „Do you have something against my well - being food?“


Well - being food? Really?


Provocatively P.O took another bug out of his pockets. This time a millipede…and he bit off its head first.


Your eyes widened and you gulped, suppressing to gag another time.


„You’re judging me…“, he said and grinned contemptuously, „I fabulously got ready to go…opened my eyes and now my life is a dream. Yours is not. And it will never be. Just wait until Zico is turning you into a marionette.“


His words didn’t make any sense to you, just as Zico’s strange statements had seemed more like a riddle than anything else. Why did the guys in this place talk in the strangest manner possible?


P.O finished the rest of the bug, his chewing making cracking sounds which disgusted you all the more. 


„Jaehyo, Zico told me to get her to U - Kwon once you’re done. He wants her to be his wager.“



One moment…wager?


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Chapter 9: So she's mental since the start? I'm confused huhu Im probably the only dumb one
GREAT STORY THO i hope it was longer :(
Chapter 9: This was great! I got shocked by the ending but somewhere along the ride i thought that might be it!
Loved it :D
average_aqua #4
Chapter 9: it's nice to read this kind of story once in a while
SilentFluffyWolf #5
Chapter 9: Oh my! This ending surprised me. I really love the concept of the story. You should keep writing stories like this:)!
Chapter 9: Psychology is by far my favorite.This is by far the best ever!
I love how you 'ended' it.perfect setting,I was always on edge.
Chapter 8: This chapter was reaalllyy good omgg zico doeee ..
I reread the story as a whole after your latest update...and if this story is going where I think it will, you're a freaking genius!
Please update soon, I can't wait for the revelation!
Chapter 7: Zicozicozicozicozicozicoooo okay enough fangirling, this chapter was fun! I love the characters xD looking forward to the next chapter :)