
Welcome to the 7 Deadly Sins

Jaehyo was looking at B-Bomb and you with a dropped open mouth, his eyebrows slowly puckering before he took pity and moved towards you with determination, pulling the man on his knees away from you. B-Bomb seemed to be frozen, he could only look at the edge of your dress, motionless.


The tailor got you off the weird paper box, the magician had captured you in, and gently wrapped his fingers around your wrist, waiting until you pulled up your slip again and followed him outside of the trap you had been beckoned into.


„You should stay away from B-Bomb. It’s not the first time that he enticed our guests.“, your savior warned you and dragged you through the halls that for the first time looked less menacing than a normal looking room which could host even worse things than the circle patterns on the floor.


„I’m not planning to go back to him.“, you assured Jaehyo. He threw a slight glance over his shoulder as if he was checking that you meant what you said. „Why did you come to B-Bomb’s place anyway?“, you wanted to know. 


Like a godsend Jaehyo had entered the room when it was high time to stop the ert. You just couldn’t explain Jaehyo’s almost perfect timing.


„Zico sent me because he told me to get you back into your room. He wants you to take some rest because there will be actual shows tomorrow you have to take part in.“, Jaehyo answered and frowned, seemingly finding it weird that you needed to ask about it.


You would have asked where Zico knew from where exactly you had been taken to but mentioning another show you would take part in was catching your attention first. The last show someone had wanted you to star in was Kyung’s horrible attends to scalp you.


„Show?! Which show?! But not Kyung’s show again, right?!“, you panicked scandalized.


As an answer you got the tailor chuckling.


„No, Kyung is forbidden to get close to you again.“, Jaehyo informed you. „B-Bomb reported him to Zico and Kyung immediately got scolded for his wrongdoing.“


Giving him an approving nod, you felt a bit more secure by hearing that the person most dangerous to you until now wouldn’t approach you another time.


„Who is that Zico? You are all talking about him as if he was some big guy…“


The tailor chuckled, copying your nod from before. „He is. He’s the ringmaster.“


Ahhh…that explained a lot. But for a ringmaster he didn’t look like you would have expected. Well…maybe you would change your opinion the next time you met him.


Jaehyo brought you back to the room in red. 


„Rest well, I’ll pick you up tomorrow so you can wash off all of the make- up and get dressed before the show.“


He was putting you to bed and disappeared behind the door, leaving with the clicking of the door locking. The sound was music to your ears, ensuring you that you were sound and safe in the room, no one else trying to hold you hostage again.






As promised Jaehyo picked you up the next morning, leading you to a bathroom where you could wash your face and use the toilet before you had to follow him through the establishment.


On your way you passed something that looked like a pretty come down canteen where he let you grab something to eat and drink and then head outside.


„Where are we going?“, you asked him, covering your eyes with your hand because the blazing sun was blinding you once you left the building.


It must have been around midday, the sky being clearer than you had seen it before. Yet, there was still fog coating the roller coaster, merry - go - round and the Ferris wheel nearby.


„We’re there.“, he suddenly said and stopped, you almost bumping into him. 


„We’re there?“, you repeated his words and looked around. 


In the middle of the amusement rides, a chair was waiting for you. It was standing between two ramps which were about 5 meters away.


„Take a seat.“


From the corner of your eyes you saw a tall, slender person walking towards the chair. The person was wearing a white shirt and a black apron, carrying two scissors. You couldn’t tell if it was a woman or a man because even though the person had the figure of a male, long black hair was preventing seeing the person’s face.


„That’s how we meet again.“, the person greeted you once you had reached the chair. The voice revealed that the person was a man.


„Who…who are you?“, you asked insecure about the weird words. 


The hairdresser flicked away the hair in his face and immediately you recognized the gambler.




U-Kwon was smiling playfully and directed you to take seat. After you followed his instruction, he covered you with a cutting cape.


„But how…? I thought you’re a gambler. I thought that’s your job here!“


„How can gambler be an actual profession?“, he asked and made you feel dumbfounded. He was right… how wrong could you have been…


In the fog that surrounded the square like a dividing wall, you noticed shadows getting closer. The outlines of people were gathering a bit further away.


„The show can begin.“, U-Kwon whispered and brushed with his hands through your hairs. „Don’t scream or move, otherwise I might cut your ear…or nose… or something else.“


Scream? As you could see U-Kwon would cut your hair… that was pretty much it, right?


You knew you were wrong again when you saw Jaehyo getting closer, holding that freaking flag in his hands, you had already seen when the guys had tried to catch you after your failed attempt to escape. He was followed by two guys on motorcycles. So…that was the reason why there were two ramps…


„I trust in you.“, you had to tell U-Kwon to assure yourself with it that nothing bad would happen.


„With just confidence and trust the game is over, my lady. What you need to do is praying.“


The hairdresser laughed in amusement and when the engines of the motorcycles started roaring, he fell into trance, beginning to cut your hair like a drunk dancer.






Surviving the weird stunt show, plus getting a pretty nice haircut, raised your hopes and fun level in the circus. The fear of getting into another show was gone and you were even happily anticipating the next one.


Jaehyo was following you like a shadow, making sure nobody would harm you. It was nice to have him around, he made your stay comfortable.


„What’s up next?“, you wanted to know, already being on your way to the next stop. A stage with about 200 audience seats.


„A magic show.“


In the glimpse of an eye all your serenity was gone and you froze, panic crawling up your whole body.


Magic show. Magic show.. this meant…


„Jaehyo… are there more than one magician at the 7 Deadly Sins?“, you wanted to know.


„No.“, he answered short - spoken. By the way he was reacting, you knew that he was quiet because he knew that the person you would have to work with was no other than B-Bomb.


„Do I have to attend?“, you asked with a hoarse voice.




Great. You had to face the one who had tried to you not even 24 hours ago. Someone should explain the reasoning behind it, please.


The tailor led you onto the stage where a pink room divider was standing in the middle of. Clothes were hanging at the edges of it, seeming to be outfits you needed to try on.


„Will you stay with me until the show begins?“, you asked Jaehyo sheepishly, seeing a hint of a smile making the corner of his lips curl up.


„Sure.“, he said and dragged you behind the room divider. „We need to dress you. Please take your clothes off.“


You did as he said, even though you felt a bet nervous getting undressed in front of him. Nonetheless Jaehyo didn’t seem to be too impressed, he was a tailor after all who had to dress more people than just you.


„Try this one.“, he said and handed you a white shirt and a black blazer. Once you had it one, he was eying the result, rubbing his chin and pursing his lips. „I need to change a bit, it’s too big. Wait a second, I need to get my sewing kit.“


You wanted to stop him because you didn’t want to be left all alone but he was gone the moment you had tried to open your mouth. 


And of course, as usual the worst possible happened next.


Heavy breathing was sounding behind you and when you turned around you saw B-Bomb leaning against the wall, looking at you like a lion would focus on his pray. 


„Dolly…“, his lips voiced out your nickname lasciviously. 


„…J-JAEHYO!“, you called for the tailor and attempted to run but the magician had caught you too quickly, grabbing your wrist and pulling you in.


B-Bomb wrapped his arms around your body, pressing you against him and forcing his lips onto yours. His kiss was greedy, swallowing all of you and suffocating your squeals for help.


You thought you would soon black out because there was no air you could breathe in, there was only the magician that forced himself violently at you, but you were suddenly torn out of his arms, the dusty air of the circus almost feeling fresh in your lungs.


„STOP IT!“, Jaehyo shouted, pointing with his scissor at his colleague. „Don’t come closer or I’ll stab you to death!“


B-Bomb held his hands up, signalizing that he wouldn’t go any further but the tailor didn’t trust him at all, wrapping his fingers around yours and dragging you along, out of the room. 


Jaehyo was walking extremely quickly, taking you through one hallway after another until the two of you reached a room that looked like a big dressing room. It was Jaehyo’s sewing room he had taken you to, finally letting go of your hand, breathing unsteadily in exhaustion.


„He kissed you…“, he mumbled in terror.


„I know…!“, you agreed, your voice sounding whiny. 


„He kissed you…“, Jaehyo repeated and slowly approached you. „He kissed you…“


With rounded eyes you looked up at the tailor who was reciting the sentence like a mantra, every time getting a bit louder.


„J-Jaehyo…w-what’s wrong with you?“, you asked, being scared of your reference person for the first time.


„He kissed you…“, he said again and then at last looked up, straight into your eyes, stopping his recitation. 


„…but he can’t. You’re mine.“




Jaehyo’s hands darted towards your throat, grabbing and then squeezing it roughly. 




His hands were hurting your throat so much, you wanted to scream but only a weak caw escaped your lips.


Your eyesight started to blur when a heavy metal baton hit Jaehyo at the back of his head and he slipped off you, slumping down on the ground.


„Tze, tze, tze…all my employees are lacking manners.“


Looking up at the person who had spared you from death, you couldn’t believe who your savior was.







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Chapter 9: So she's mental since the start? I'm confused huhu Im probably the only dumb one
GREAT STORY THO i hope it was longer :(
Chapter 9: This was great! I got shocked by the ending but somewhere along the ride i thought that might be it!
Loved it :D
average_aqua #4
Chapter 9: it's nice to read this kind of story once in a while
SilentFluffyWolf #5
Chapter 9: Oh my! This ending surprised me. I really love the concept of the story. You should keep writing stories like this:)!
Chapter 9: Psychology is by far my favorite.This is by far the best ever!
I love how you 'ended' it.perfect setting,I was always on edge.
Chapter 8: This chapter was reaalllyy good omgg zico doeee ..
I reread the story as a whole after your latest update...and if this story is going where I think it will, you're a freaking genius!
Please update soon, I can't wait for the revelation!
Chapter 7: Zicozicozicozicozicozicoooo okay enough fangirling, this chapter was fun! I love the characters xD looking forward to the next chapter :)