
Welcome to the 7 Deadly Sins

„Is this how you treat your guests?“


A man in a black suit was standing behind Kyung, having him turn around in an instant when he heard him talking.


It was weird to see a normal person like him around this rotten place. No tattoos, no crazy clothes, no special hair. The man’s appearance was from head to toe completely common. His dark hair was neatly styled, the black suit looking modern but classy. Nothing dyed, no hint of the weirdness that was covering the other circus artists.


„That’s none of your business, B-Bomb…“, Kyung hissed through gritted teeth but B-Bomb’s appearance had its impact on the blonde berserk. He was slowly calming down as if the other’s voice had laid like a collar around Kyung’s neck.


Without the knife thrower’s consent, the man in black stepped towards you, freeing you of the shackles that kept you pinned at the platform.


„I think it is. Zico said we could do whatever we want but he didn’t say we could kill her. This is against the rules, Kyung. Now it’s my turn to take her with me.“


Kyung was obviously against B-Bomb’s plan to take you away, his face deformed to the weirdest grimaces you had ever seen. But not a single sound left his mouth, he kept his anger silent in the shallows of his lungs.


Once the shackles were gone, you felt stitching pain where they had used to be. Your limbs were aching terribly after the numbness was slowly crawling out of them, leaving a tingling feeling wrapped around your bones.


„Follow me, poor dolly. You look terrible…“, B-Bomb’s calming voice was luring you into his invitation to finally flee from the nightmare you had been imprisoned in. 


Yet, you weren’t sure if you could completely trust him or not. He looked normal… but from your experiences you had made in the circus, the longer you stayed, the worse the artists got…






Even though he had led you back into the building which you had managed to escape a few hours ago, you didn’t protest to follow him peacefully. B-Bomb was constantly talking to you. He neither touched you, nor did he command you to do anything. He didn’t even turn around to check if you were still behind him. 


To you any attempt to run away was in vain. The others would soon catch up with you again and then you would be either eaten or stabbed like a pincushion.


„… you’ll need to get some rest and take a warm shower. The others don’t know how to treat a lady correctly. I’m so sorry for all they did to you.“, the man apologized.


„Who are you… why do you help me?“, was all you could bring up after the devastating things you had to gone through. The feeling of Kyung’s ice-cold dagger was stuck in your memory, it was as if the dagger was still next to your throat.


B-Bomb seemed to be a bit surprised by your questions. He slightly looked over his shoulder and slowed down the tempo. The man was handsome. Handsome and friendly. He looked humane. 


„My name is B-Bomb and I’m the magician at this place. Plus, I’m not helping you. I just treat you like a man should treat a woman. Like a man should treat any woman. Correctly.“


A magician? The man was not as usual as you had expected. He was making that normal expression to you, no hint of madness but of all the jobs you had heard about magician sounded the weirdest.


The two of you finally reached the place he had wanted to take you to. 


Behind the door the magician opened for you, there was a very common looking apartment. The wallpaper and floor was looking a bit old- fashioned but in contrast to the crazy wall colors in the floors outside and the weird furniture in the other rooms, you felt homely for the first time.


„The bathroom is to the right. Go and take your time. Come out again whenever you’re ready. I’ll let you have something to eat and drink then.“


His hospitality was top-notch. Talking of eating and drinking, you noticed how dehydrated and starving you were. But first of all you wanted to get rid of the blood-stained, weird circus clothing Kyung had put you in. 


In the bathroom a giant bath tube was welcoming you and since B-Bomb had told you to take as much time as you needed, you couldn’t help but take advantage of his offer and take a warm bath to wash of the thick make-up covering your face and the dried blood on your skin.



You didn’t know how long you took to take the bath, but when you left the bathroom, dressed in a white dress which had been hanging next to the bathroom cabinet, the scent of food was lingering in the air, causing your stomach to rumble in starvation.


The scent decoyed you into the living room where a small table was set up with a single bowl on it and some bread served alongside.


„You’re done?“, B-Bomb asked when he stepped through one of the doors, holding a bottle of water and a glass in his hands. „Sit down and enjoy something to eat. You must be starving.“


How right he was.


You took seat at the spot he directed you to and immediately started eating once your host had also sit down on the only free chair to your opposite. He observed you eating hastily, gulping the whole soup down. The warmth of it filled your empty stomach, you finally realizing how long they had left you without food or water.


In a few minutes you had finished the complete dish and downed half of the bottle of water.


The man was watching you in silence, his face still having the gentle smile resting on it. He wasn’t moving and examined you as if he was a statue that was resembling a handsome male.


As soon as you had finished everything, the statue - like person moved again, speaking weird sentences.


„The rule of changing happiness…I’m batting with life. Taking shortcuts just leads to more loss. Even when you’re eating.“


His gentle smile turned into a bright grin. All of this made no sense to you. But then dizziness was spreading in your body, blurring out the table in front of you and the man who got up from the seat and walked towards you.






When you woke up, you found yourself captured again, your wrists in soft fabric shackles pinned against a paper-like wall behind you. Scanning the surroundings you felt as if someone had put you into a box barbies used to be sold in.


„You’re back again, dolly.“


The magician was standing in front of you, his head slightly leaning to the right while he was looking at you intensely. 


„I dressed you up nicely… I styled your hair… I even put on some make - up… but I’m still not satisfied with the result.“, he mumbled.


Inspecting further you noticed him holding something in his hands. Another dress?


B-Bomb approached you, holding the dress up, checking if it would be more pleasing on you than the fancy dress he had currently dressed you in. 


Blue cotton and white quillings… it looked like some french maid costume.


Your eyebrows puckered, you watched him stepping forwards until he only needed to reach out his hand to touch the pale skin of your legs which was shining under the fringe of your clothing.


„W-Why do you keep me a hostage? I-If you want me to get that dress on…I’ll wear it for you!“, you assured and smiled insecurely at him.


As a captive you always felt bad… why did B-Bomb needed to put you back into shackles when he used to be so gentle before? What was it that drove him to do this?


After meeting Taeil and Kyung, you had that very bad feeling…


„Pssssht…!“, B-Bomb silenced you and gently caressed your cheek. „I don’t want you to run from me, dolly. All I need is for you to let me treat you how a man should treat a woman.“


Wait… was he talking about…


„What do you mean…exactly?“, you asked sheepishly and immediately regretted that you had talked at all in the first place. It had been better watching him struggle which dress you should wear. Talking to him only invited him to pay attention to you instead of the dresses.


His whole body was trembling, his hand growing shaky on your cheek. 


„I admire you, dolly…“


The man placed his hands onto your waist, running down to your thighs where he let his fingers find their way under the dress and touch the edges of your slip.


„I need you, dolly…“


Cotton on cotton, his suit was pressed against your dress when he eradicated any free space between the two of you. His head was heavily leaning against yours, him letting out a shaky exhale.


This was getting serious… seriously dangerous for you.


„I will have you, dolly…!“, B-Bomb told you shamelessly, rolling his hips forwards, leaving you gasping in shock.


Immediately you pulled at the shackles and tried to free yourself, of course failing all the way.


Your weak attempt to escape didn’t upset the magician at all. Yet, he was distancing himself from you again, his clear eyes looking at you as if you were a toy rather than a woman of flesh and blood.


„Don’t refuse…I’ll treat you good.“


His promise didn’t mean anything to you as he was trying to abuse you anyway. He wouldn’t stop. Nobody in here ever stopped.


The guy went on his knees in front of you, giving you a short glimpse before he stripped down your slip.


„NO!“, you blurted out in an instant. „STOP IT! I DON’T WANT THAT!“


You were starting to move fast - paced, attempting to kick him or hurt him in any possible way so he would stop touching you but B-Bomb was adamant. 


His shaky hands were running up the inside of your thighs, hence, you were going crazy for help.




Your screams boomed through the whole apartment and your prayers were finally answered when a door was suddenly opened and a more than shocked Jaehyo was facing B-Bomb inappropriately touching you.


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Chapter 9: So she's mental since the start? I'm confused huhu Im probably the only dumb one
GREAT STORY THO i hope it was longer :(
Chapter 9: This was great! I got shocked by the ending but somewhere along the ride i thought that might be it!
Loved it :D
average_aqua #4
Chapter 9: it's nice to read this kind of story once in a while
SilentFluffyWolf #5
Chapter 9: Oh my! This ending surprised me. I really love the concept of the story. You should keep writing stories like this:)!
Chapter 9: Psychology is by far my favorite.This is by far the best ever!
I love how you 'ended' it.perfect setting,I was always on edge.
Chapter 8: This chapter was reaalllyy good omgg zico doeee ..
I reread the story as a whole after your latest update...and if this story is going where I think it will, you're a freaking genius!
Please update soon, I can't wait for the revelation!
Chapter 7: Zicozicozicozicozicozicoooo okay enough fangirling, this chapter was fun! I love the characters xD looking forward to the next chapter :)